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Alright so I've made it to Agate City... (The circus at least), and I doubt I can leave right now but I really need to get a good water type soon.

So whenever I get far enough into the plot some more and am able to leave the circus, what water types are good and available to me right now?

I already have a Feebas in mind (for Milotic) but I can't get one until Celestine Mountain.


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Actually, check out the pinned breeding guide in this section, there's a link to E12 in there. With that, you can leave the circus as soon as you beat the first gym in the circus. Now, for Water-types:

Kingler, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Clawitzer, Empoleon and Relicanth are the ones that...do anything worth a team slot, while Feraligatr, Empoleon and Gorebyss are the best Water types in the game IMO. Sets:

-Sheer Force, Agility, Waterfall, Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break/Knock Off for Kingler (Archen>Corphish>Krabby for RS and KO in E12, Kricketune/Karrablast/Ninjask/Dwebble>Skorupi>Krabby for XS and KO in E12, Corphish>Archen>Anorith>Krabby for all RS and XS or all three in E12)

-Adaptability, Knock Off, Waterfall/Crabhammer, Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet/Rock Slide(E12)/X-Scissor(E12)/Brick Break. Aqua Jet is pointless if you aren't using SD, chains for RS and XS are the same as for Krabby.

-Water Veil, Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail.

-Mega Launcher, Water Pulse/Scald(E12), Ice Beam(E12)/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Sludge Wave for Clawitzer, the chain for Ice Beam and Scald is in the guide.

-Rock Head/Sturdy, Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake(E12), Zen Headbutt/Yawn for Relicanth (Whiscash for Zen Headbutt and EQ, Wooper or Whiscash for EQ).

-Any Ability, Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Hidden Power Grass/Electric, Shell Smash for Gorebyss. Psychic is also an option for a 3rd attack if you're too lazy to get the right Hidden Power, but HP Grass/Electric works much better. You can also go with Baton Pass.

-Torrent, Agility, Surf/Scald(E12)/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot for Empoleon. Chain in the guide.

-Sheer Force, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance for Feraligatr.

There's also the mystery egg from the police in the Jasper Ward, which can give you, for Water types, Tentacruel, Starmie and Azumarill. For those:

-Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Natural Cure, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Power Gem, Icy Wind/Minimize.

-Huge Power, Belly Drum/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Bounce/Superpower/Brick Break/Body Slam.

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