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That Anime Feel When...


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So there are a lot of topics like this, whether it be in the Nightclub or Trainer's Journal, and after realizing that not everyone would understand my anime feels, I felt this thread was necessary.

So, ever had something occur in an anime that you want to rant about? Something that makes you so sad you want to watch the dub to be exposed to less emotion? Or perhaps so overjoyed that you hug your dakimakura in a state of bliss? Feel free to leave these thoughts or random events in an anime here.

Keep in mind, there will be potential spoilers up ahead. Please be cautious about what you read. Anyway, I'll start us off.

Tfw the video will no longer load the second Mika and Yu see each other on the battlefield.

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That feel when the last episode of the Mother's Rosario arc in SAO. THE FEELS! I cried very unmanly tears as I watched that. And I have no regrets about it. That scene was very well-written and well-acted in my opinion.

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tfw u can't decide who best girl is


That feel when the last episode of the Mother's Rosario arc in SAO. THE FEELS! I cried very unmanly tears as I watched that. And I have no regrets about it. That scene was very well-written and well-acted in my opinion.

i actually laughed, i could never take that entire arc seriously

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Really? What about it threw you off?

it didn't throw me off, I just didn't care from the beginning. the writing was so amateur and simple the entire time, especially when it came to the characters' stories, making everything predictable until the end. I was just sitting there to see if the author ever tried to do something different or that I didn't expect but nope, reason why I laughed. like if you want an actual good, heartwarming and sad story, just go watch nagi-asu or clannad afterstory. hell, even shinsekai yori's first half had me feeling more for the characters more than anything, because it's not predictable but actually shocking and sad. also, not trying to shit on sao II as a whole because I at least liked the first arc to some extent. imo though, the season should've ended right there and they should've made mothers rosario a movie, for the more hardcore sao fans.

speaking of shinsekai yori though, TFW EP 17 ;________;

Edited by Gore
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Personally, while there were some predictable factors, I highly doubt that you predicted everything and that absolutely nothing was a surprise. I find it hard to believe that (Spoilers incoming)

when you were introduced to a mysterious character who challenges everybody, you could infer that she was an AIDS patient who was going to die soon. Surely, that reveal, or at least the hints of that reveal had to be a surprise, which is kind of the point of that arc. Also, I doubt that based on her skill alone, you could have immediately surmised that she must have been living in virtual reality for years, surviving only off of a machine. Granted, the reveal that she was a girl and not some manly knight was obvious, as they spoiled that in the opening. Her impending death was also obvious, but that didn't make it any worse of a scene for me. The voice acting by Zekken/Yuki's VA was exceptional for that scene, and really conveyed the emotion. Her death wasn't supposed to be a surprise; they were hinting at it for the entire arc. It doesn't have to be shocking to be sad. (Just look at FF7: Crisis Core. Everybody knew how it was going to end, yet it is still counted among the saddest of scenes in video games.) SAO is generally a pretty straightforward anime, but that arc was very well-written in my opinion.

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Personally, while there were some predictable factors, I highly doubt that you predicted everything and that absolutely nothing was a surprise. I find it hard to believe that (Spoilers incoming)

when you were introduced to a mysterious character who challenges everybody, you could infer that she was an AIDS patient who was going to die soon. Surely, that reveal, or at least the hints of that reveal had to be a surprise, which is kind of the point of that arc. Also, I doubt that based on her skill alone, you could have immediately surmised that she must have been living in virtual reality for years, surviving only off of a machine. Granted, the reveal that she was a girl and not some manly knight was obvious, as they spoiled that in the opening. Her impending death was also obvious, but that didn't make it any worse of a scene for me. The voice acting by Zekken/Yuki's VA was exceptional for that scene, and really conveyed the emotion. Her death wasn't supposed to be a surprise; they were hinting at it for the entire arc. It doesn't have to be shocking to be sad. (Just look at FF7: Crisis Core. Everybody knew how it was going to end, yet it is still counted among the saddest of scenes in video games.) SAO is generally a pretty straightforward anime, but that arc was very well-written in my opinion.

Flux has a point in that Predictable =/= Bad. It's actually a very common practice to set flags for character deaths for observant viewers so that you keep watching just t find out exactly how right you were. If you didn't catch the flags, it's all the more of a surprise. Simple as

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Personally, while there were some predictable factors, I highly doubt that you predicted everything and that absolutely nothing was a surprise. I find it hard to believe that (Spoilers incoming)

when you were introduced to a mysterious character who challenges everybody, you could infer that she was an AIDS patient who was going to die soon. Surely, that reveal, or at least the hints of that reveal had to be a surprise, which is kind of the point of that arc. Also, I doubt that based on her skill alone, you could have immediately surmised that she must have been living in virtual reality for years, surviving only off of a machine. Granted, the reveal that she was a girl and not some manly knight was obvious, as they spoiled that in the opening. Her impending death was also obvious, but that didn't make it any worse of a scene for me. The voice acting by Zekken/Yuki's VA was exceptional for that scene, and really conveyed the emotion. Her death wasn't supposed to be a surprise; they were hinting at it for the entire arc. It doesn't have to be shocking to be sad. (Just look at FF7: Crisis Core. Everybody knew how it was going to end, yet it is still counted among the saddest of scenes in video games.) SAO is generally a pretty straightforward anime, but that arc was very well-written in my opinion.

when they revealed her condition (which as i mentioned was so simple it probably took the writer less than 5 minutes to come up with), i was watching it like "well, k then". it is not shocking, surprising, special or sad in any way. if you think that's sad you need to watch actually sad anime that will have you feeling for the characters from beginning to end.

on the first season, the writer gave us blunt cliche characters and a typical setting that would give mmorpg fanboys a boner just from watching it. on this arc, he once again, using his knowledge (or lack of) on drama/romance stories with tragic endings (such as clannad), gave us a completely blunt and predictable story that relies on plot convenience to move forward. it was just forced melodrama without any purpose. that's not good writing lol, the only good thing about that arc was the production, as per usual. in fact, here's something close to what planning this arc was like:

writer: now i want a cute tragic/dramatic story.

writer: hm, maybe ill give asuna a bigger focus since ive been relying on jesus kirito for the past arcs to move forward with the story.

writer: sounds nice... now i need characters to befriend asuna, die and make everyone sad :[:[.

writer: their stories...? fuck it lol, ill just give them some disease like cancer that will have everyone crying and praising my show.

writer: they will also all be very cute and innocent bc i cba to actually write deep personalities.

if you think planning that took any time or effort, watch shinsekai yori or even hunter x hunter (2011), if you prefer a shounen. you will know how planning and writing a story can actually be really hard and produce amazing results.

if you wish to, please continue this conversation via pm so that this thread doesnt go too off-topic.

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TFW you only really watch like 13 to 26 episode series tops so you don't really know the pain of filler arcs and don't understand any of the tfws in here about them cause yea.... XD.

EDIT: also TFW you are watching a series based on something else and because a sibling of yours isn't patient he gone to find the Light Novel ((he actually prefers it I'm just being a salty butt.)), and keeps nearly spoiling the current entire arc for you. ((Rokka if one must know lol.))

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Welcome to my world man.... this is every series I get into ever where the character I like decides to kick the bucket... ((though in that case I'm pretty sure there's more to it lol.))

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I see someone has read the prologue of RnY Volume 2. That's kinda the moment I put down the book and decided I'd come back to it later.

On another note,

That feel when Friday cannot come sooner…followed by the eventual feel that


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