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Feel like showing off a bit


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So i recently finished a shiny run of reborn and i wanted to show off my team a bit! i trained many pokemon but the point of this challenge was to use only shinies that i manage to catch through out the game (softresetsoftresetsoftreset)

but anyways my team after beating Ceil was these adorable pokemons~


Fernace and Armaldo being the star players

At the moment, im just training and hunting for more shinies cause im a collector

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So since you're doing a shiny-only run and all, so do you want any team advice or not? Either way, I'd say ditch Meowstic.

Well i just finished Ep.15... and Tia has been very useful actually with its move diversity and high Sp.A but thats me. I have 2 other boxes of shinies on standby to be trained

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Actually, Meowstic only has 83 base Sp.Atk, which is really not that good. It can't even compare to other Psychic types like Reuniclus (only in speed, but Reuniclus gets Trick Room, which lets it outspeed anything it wants). What I'm asking is "are you willing to try get a shiny of a specific Pokemon or not?". If not, but oyu do want advice, list the other shinies you have.

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Actually, Meowstic only has 83 base Sp.Atk, which is really not that good. It can't even compare to other Psychic types like Reuniclus (only in speed, but Reuniclus gets Trick Room, which lets it outspeed anything it wants). What I'm asking is "are you willing to try get a shiny of a specific Pokemon or not?". If not, but oyu do want advice, list the other shinies you have.

She's been doing a good job where she needs to... I use Meowstic a lot though that may just be personal preference. It depends on the pokemon, i mostly just went for getting shinies of every type possible so i can have a lot of verity in this run. Advice isn't needed though i appreciate you offering!

a few of the shinies i got recently are fennikin, beldum, absol, huntail, litwick...

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I cannot imagine the hassle a shiny beldum caused you. That thing was already a tough capture, trying to only capture only a shiny version might have actually caused insanity. Thats really a cool team though, which starter did you get shiny though?

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