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Kingdom Hearts


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So, seeing as this is the general gaming forum, I want to start a topic about one of my favorite game series: Kingdom Hearts. Who else loves it? Why? Which games have you played? Favorite character? Just have fun and discuss.

As for an answer to my own questions:

Character: By far Roxas is my favorite. Bad-ass and tragic. For the most part it is his story that makes me like him. Someone who wasn't meant to exist that slowly discovers what it is like to have a heart even when he doesn't have one. His friends torn from him, the people who took him in betrayed him, and in the end he was to be forgotten.

Game: By my first answer you might be able to tell that 358/2 Days was my favorite game. Great story with a closer look into the backstory of my favorite character. And Xion. :'(

Edited by Froiky
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I started back with KH1 on ps2 after my friend told me about it. Haven't stopped playing since. The gameplay is great, and the music is phenomenal. The series is also home to some of my favorite (and sadly, least favorite) boss fights. Lingering Will is probably my favorite at the moment since I recently beat him on proud mode, and I can say for sure that he's one of if not the hardest ones I've done. As for favorite characters, I really like the Organization members, minus a few (Looking at you, Vexen.) and I'm hoping at least some of them get more development in 3.

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Kingdom Hearts is definitely my favourite series no contest. I got my first game when I around 11 and fell in love instantly.

How I found it: My first game was Chain of Memories since at the time we couldn't afford a full PS2 game. I knew I wanted a KH game because I saw one of my friends playing it and the mystery of it all was entrancing, especially since I was so into fantasy when I was little. It was a lot of fun but I was utterly confused as to what was going on but I think the promise of a story to experience in both the future and past just made me that much more into it.

Favourite game: BBS. So facking good. Stories, fights, music, characters, everything. Aqua is the best Keyblader imo easy. However, I also can't say I love it over 358/2 days. That game was just an emotional rollercoaster. It still hurts my heart to hear Vector to the Heavens and Xion's theme.

Favourite character: Massive tie between Axel and Roxas. I can't decide. However, I am keenly against Akuroku. Roxas x Xion OTP.

Favourite fight: Sweet lord on a biscuit I can't even begin to decide. All of the KH2FM Data battles are godlike and I have so much fun playing them. Hnnnrrgg... If I had to choose, I'd say the Roxas Data battle and if not, Lingering Will v.s Terranort. Just.. When Lingering Will stands up and Rage Awakened begins to play, I can't even begin to describe the feeling it brings me.

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I've played every single game in the franchise (Except for X) and I am a huge fan of the series. My favorite character has to be either Aqua, or Sora. Sora is ditzy and kind of a goofball at times, but I love that guy.

Edit: I guess I should add more

Favorite: Probably BBS

Least Favorite: CoM (Love the story, hate the gameplay)

Favorite fight: Roxas Data battle. Sooooooo exciting to do.

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I've played everything but DDD and KH1 (i should probably play DDD now that i have a 3ds)

Favorite character is definitely roxas \o/

andd favorite game is BBS, everything about the game was amazing and it's final boss fight is probably my favorite in the KH games i've played so far

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The music, the music, the music, the music, and the music. That's the biggest reason to play a KH game, sure the games are fun but hot diggity damn is Yoko Shimomura an amazing composer. Battle system is simple, but hack and slashes are almost always enjoyable stress reliefs. When it comes to my favorite of the series, it'd hands down be BBS because of the 100% waifu material that is Aqua.

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Kingdom Hearts is probably one of my favorite series as well. The unique mix between an action game and an RPG is something that has always appealed to me. That and the inclusion of Disney worlds is something that's really nostalgic to me, since I watched those movies a ton as as kid. To date I've played every game in the series, and Birth by Sleep is my favorite. 2 is a very close second though.

To the favorite character question, there are a few that I like. Zexion is really cool if only because he consistently has some of my favorite fights in the games. I've always liked Riku for being a guy who uses magic you would normally associate with a bad guy, but as a good guy. And I've always been a fan of Donald as a kid. I've also always been a fan of magic runs in any game really, so when I found out that he played the role of a mage as well, he quickly became one of my favorite KH characters.

Edited by TheGamedawg
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  On 9/11/2015 at 6:11 AM, Wes said:

The music, the music, the music, the music, and the music. That's the biggest reason to play a KH game, sure the games are fun but hot diggity damn is Yoko Shimomura an amazing composer. Battle system is simple, but hack and slashes are almost always enjoyable stress reliefs. When it comes to my favorite of the series, it'd hands down be BBS because of the 100% waifu material that is Aqua.

All of this. Except maybe the waifu part.

On a young 8 year old Dobby this game probably had very good moral influences lol.

Fave Game: KH1. BBS is cool but the story suffers from too much of the recycled worlds for me. It hurts to play the proud modes for it now because it's sooo tedious playing each of the world for the umpteenth time. KH1 though also has nostalgia goggles. I could play that game through again and again and again.

Fave Character: Xion I wanna give her a hug QQ

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Kingdom Hearts is hands down one of my favorite game series. The gameplay, music, and story are just so appealing to me.

Favorite Game: KH 2- I love almost everything in this one. The only thing I don't like here, is what they did to Atlantica.

Favorite Character: Roxas- Playing through Days made him my favorite character of the series. All that stuff he went through there was tragic. ;_;

Favorite Keyblade: Fenrir

Least Favorite Game: Chain of Memories- I don't like the whole card shtick >>

Favorite Boss Battle: Final Vanitas battle in Ven's Story- Compared to other final battles in BBS, this one was the most climactic one to me. I just loved seeing the fight take place at the Dive to the Heart, and watching the platform get shattered near the end of the fight. Also liked the music having touches of sora's, roxas', and ven's theme.

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I'm sure I would love it (I've recently found out how well made Square's games are, as I'm pretty sure they wiped up KH) but unfortunately, I've never been able to play one. My system choices are... Limited... So I had to resort to watching playthroughs a few years back to get some of the experience. From what I've seen, KH does have some fantastic boss battles, a great soundtrack, and most of the other praises people give it, which is why I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Kingdom Hearts Three won't be an exclusive.

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  • 8 months later...

I am a huge fan of this series. I have played every single one in the franchise. My favourite would be 358/2 days it was the first game I played of KH. From playing all the games it just makes u think what are they doing next. My favourite character is Roxas. Not for his awesome design, or his dual wielding badassness, but for his story. A person/nobody that was created from a desire to save someone. His entire time he was notified that he was nothing, was not meant to exist, a shell of his former self. This was a sad tale to learn, especially if u played 358/2 days as ur first game. Then it gets connected to KH2. His memories were erased so he didn't remember anything about the organization or his resolve to be himself/his own person. Because he didn't remember he was angry to be called nothing, none existing. All he wanted was a heart, to be his own person, but it was not meant to happen. For he needed to join back to his old self in order to awaken Sora.

favourite keyblade: Oathkeeper/Oblivion

what im looking most forward too in KH3 is finding out the remaining members of the true organization 13, and knowing how their going to bring roxas back and make him his own person.

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I played all of them - except KH:DDD & KH:BBS ... although i seen the walkthrough - feels like watching a movie. >x<

As of late, I've being thinking about Organization Xlll in-depthly ( not the True Organization Xlll )

But I've though of a ... "Fan-Made Verses" match-up between them & another well-known team of adversaries. Likewise, I think Luxord is my favorite character - not bad of a comic relief :D

Edited by Arkhi
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358 was the first KH game I ever played, and it is my favorite game of all time. The whole lead to the climax was just tragic. Also, they did a fantastic job on the opening cutscene where they synced the Organization members to beat/tempo changes. I'm also proud to have 100% this game after 3 years because of tricky challenge missions like the Antlion

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A yes... Kingdom Hearts. That one series with every entry scattered to the four corners of the Earth (eg. consoles)

I've played the series since playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and have played every game in the series besides Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance.

I can't really say I have a best character... They're all so interesting... But I'll go with Namine and Aqua I suppose.


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Aqua, because she's one of the only girls that can do stuff... that isn't evil.

Namine is just another damsel in distress at the end of the day, and no one even remembers Xion. Still holding out on Kairi getting that buff to hero status in 3...

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