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Rapidash or Flareon


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I want to add one of these physicals to the team but I'm unsure as to which one would do better. Rapidash has the speed and movepool you can swim in while Flareon has sooooo much power and Special defense is a nice plus since a fire team doesn't offer too much of that. I think also Flareon looks cooler but that's just me. Thoughts?

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Rapidash is the superior choice. While both have access to physical fire moves (including Flare Blitz) and the ability Flash Fire, Rapidash has significantly higher speed. The attack difference can be mitigated with a positive nature and/or EV training. Additionally, Rapidash has access to Bounce and Megahorn through the move relearner.

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Both pokemon actually get flare blitz as their best physical fire move - flareon learns it at lv. 45 and rapidash at lv. 49, so not too huge of a difference (unless you plan on using flare blitz against kiki or something :P) And if you want to avoid recoil, the second best physical fire move would be fire fang for flareon, which outranks rapidash's flame wheel by a lil' bit.

Rapidash is probably the more well-rounded of the two (and is probably the superior choice if you're just pitting them against each other), but neither of them are gonna be taking many hits anyway (especially with flare blitz's recoil), so personally I don't feel like it means much. i think it really comes down to your playing style and which you think you'll have more fun using ^^; or you could decide purely on aesthetics, since they're similar enough in terms of use anyway :P

Overall I'd say, if you've ever used one of them before, go with the one that's new to you or seems like more fun.

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I'd say Flareon. It gets Guts and Flare Blitz, a very great combo. It can put Strength (Or Double Edge from Eevee) to use, and if we ever get it, Iron Tail and Superpower. Rapidash has a great movepool, but Flareon has much more sheer power. They both get Flash Fire, which is always phenomenal ability.

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I'd say Flareon. It gets Guts and Flare Blitz, a very great combo. It can put Strength (Or Double Edge from Eevee) to use, and if we ever get it, Iron Tail and Superpower. Rapidash has a great movepool, but Flareon has much more sheer power. They both get Flash Fire, which is always phenomenal ability.

All valid. But I really doubt we'll be getting a Superpower tutor any time soon (we do have Iron Tail, but let's be real here, it's Iron Tail). And Flareon does have boatloads of power, but it's HP, Defense and Speed are just terrible, so it'll never get to show it's power (unless this is a MonoFire and TrickRoom team). Granted, neither of these two can take a hit, but with it's Speed and pretty good Attack, it has hopes of killing an enemy or two before it gets taken down. And dat movepool. On top of it's level-up moves, it can get Drill Run form a tutor to have a somewhat solid answer to Rock types and it can have Wild Charge bred onto it for Water types.

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While Rapidash has far more speed, Flareon is better stat-wise in just about everything. The only thing Rapidash has over Flareon is a slightly better moveset, but I think most people would still go with Flareon.

I was surprised to notice that, actually.

Rapidash has the same HP as Flareon, 10 Base Defense over Flareon (Which makes no difference, they'll die to an EQ anyway), less Attack, Sp. Attack and Sp. Def. Rapidash does have the upper hand on movepool and Speed.

So, on this case, instead of picking one for you, I'd say you can go with what you prefer. You'll be able to find a use for both.

And even if Rapidash has the better movepool, do remember that you have a team of six, not one pokémon~

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