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Heat rotom


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Hello Rotom lovers, likers or haters. I see having Volt switch is pretty useful on it but since Reborn hates tms I have no idea how to get it onto the awesome oven pokemon naturally. Tips?

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Unfortunately, since Rotom has no gender, it can only breed with Ditto. Meaning, you cannot go back to Episode 12 or earlier to breed over TMs. You're pretty much stuck with whatever it can learn atm.

But to say what a moveset you could use for Rotom-H, you could try Discharge, Overheat, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball.

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Well, Rotom is genderless, so no tm breeding. Also we don't currently get Volt Switch, so way onto it naturally now. Discharge is a great move btw. It has a 30% to paraylze. Keep that in mind.

Mhm and there are quite a bit of Double Battles. Pair Rotom up with a Ground Type and EQ / Discharge spam for days...

And yes, there is no way to get a Volt Switch Rotom at the moment.

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Discharge is an awesome move its just overheat destroys its decent Spatk so volt switch can pull him back while doing decent damage. But yeah I figured that wasn't going to happen so I'll run a different set.

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Yeah that's probably smart. I just wanted the smogon setup since it looked appealing.

While on the subject of my fire team. Anyone know of a fire type that can naturally learn a grass type move since solarbeam will never be a tm.

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Yeah that's probably smart. I just wanted the smogon setup since it looked appealing.

While on the subject of my fire team. Anyone know of a fire type that can naturally learn a grass type move since solarbeam will never be a tm.

Ninetalea and Chandelure can have Energy Ball bred onto them. Emboar, Pansage, Delphox and Darmanitan (#itssomething) can have Grass Knot bred onto them or taught via TM if you wanna wait all the way till Route 3/4.

Discharge is an awesome move its just overheat destroys its decent Spatk so volt switch can pull him back while doing decent damage. But yeah I figured that wasn't going to happen so I'll run a different set.

Which is exactly why I agree 100% on Simon's set. Use Charge Beam, fire off a +1 Overheat, use Charge Beam to get back to neutral, repeat.

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Thats not a bad idea. I also bought a bunch of white herbs so when I get heat rotom and spam overheat it can return to normal if I don't want to switch or cant. I might need to get energy ball onto Chandelure if its HP isn't grass. I've run into 3 fire types with HP Fly which is useless since the only thing that fire and flying don't kill in common is fighting which I have no problem with.

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Thats not a bad idea. I also bought a bunch of white herbs so when I get heat rotom and spam overheat it can return to normal if I don't want to switch or cant. I might need to get energy ball onto Chandelure if its HP isn't grass. I've run into 3 fire types with HP Fly which is useless since the only thing that fire and flying don't kill in common is fighting which I have no problem with.

Hey, could be worse. While breeding for a Ninetales with Energy Ball and Hidden Power Rock, I got lucky and got a shiny one with HP WATER. That powerful 30 BP in Drought.

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