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Can't beat El?


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Okay so, I'm at the point where -

I found El after he stole Gardevoir, and my team is all max level, but I can't make a /dent/ in his bootleg Arceus, does anyone know what to do? Is it meant to be unwinnable? Am I meant to side with El instead of Radomus? I seriously don't know what to do, he sweeps like half my team, then the few that don't get OHKO'd barely do any damage. What do?


I ended up siding with El so I could just deal with getting beat and move on. Oh well.

Thank you for your responses! Hopefully they can help others that get stuck on this fight

Edited by ScuzBrains
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Paralyze hax, sleep hax, confuse hax, poison stall, boost hax, pretty much any of those. Or learn to bring a gimmik in your team. Prankster Murkrow w/ Perish Song is a popular choice. Another good one is sturdy > endeavor > priority finisher. Might have to spam Endeavor a few times until they're out of full restores tho.

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Paralyze hax, sleep hax, confuse hax, poison stall, boost hax, pretty much any of those. Or learn to bring a gimmik in your team. Prankster Murkrow w/ Perish Song is a popular choice. Another good one is sturdy > endeavor > priority finisher. Might have to spam Endeavor a few times until they're out of full restores tho.

I'd rather not change up my team or hack anything in, I'm just not sure how to beat this behemoth, Though, my Nidoking has Poison Point, so I can probably try and abuse F12, that's what I did with Pangoro anyways


okay, so, he's not getting poisoned, or burned from whatever i try, and all my pokemon, who are as high as the cap, get taken out in either one or two hits, so I have no idea what to do.

Edited by ScuzBrains
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spoilers are


I don't know if you can catch something that learns perish song but Perish song is the best for single pokémon bosses (Like pulse machines)

You can catch a misdreavous in the wasteland, if you know where to look, I think mismagius learns perish song.

(You will need to use it before dying though, so you need to use something like tailwind, trick room or paralyze prior to perisher switcch in if you're slower than he is and can't tank a hit)

EDIT: just in case you didn't notice by now, you are supposed to beat him to progress is the story

Edited by Juuzou
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try to use Sturdy pokemon with Thunder Wave like Magnemite/Nosepass, then end it with powerful Fighting Pokemon with high atk Fighting move like HJK/Sky Uppercut/Submission

I don't have anyone with sturdy, unfortunately. My Scrafty does have high-jump kick, but he keeps getting KO'd before he can attack ono

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Here is how I beat it in my recent playthrough. Find a a grass pokemon with Leech Seed. It will use Judgment and hope that the crystals will change it to either grass or water type so you can survive. After you seed it let it KO your grass type. Send in any normal type, It will try to use Focus Blast or Judgment. Switch to any ghost type pokemon which will be immune to any of the attack it will try to throw you. Now it will try to use Shadow Ball so change back to your normal type which will be immune. Repeat a lot of times the same steps while it looses its hp from Leech Seed. I t will take a lot of time but it's by far the most funny way to prove that the AI is shit and will never defeat a human :P

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spoilers are


I don't know if you can catch something that learns perish song but Perish song is the best for single pokémon bosses (Like pulse machines)

You can catch a misdreavous in the wasteland, if you know where to look, I think mismagius learns perish song.

(You will need to use it before dying though, so you need to use something like tailwind, trick room or paralyze prior to perisher switcch in if you're slower than he is and can't tank a hit)

EDIT: just in case you didn't notice by now, you are supposed to beat him to progress is the story

Thank you for telling me how to hide spoilers! As for catching a new Pokemon just to beat him, I'd rather not do that, I'm saved right i from of him, so I don't want to go find something, raise it up, then use it just for this battle..

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If you found the focus sash, emolga or pachirisu can paralyze or a sturdy magnemite with thunder wave. This can be beaten without gimmicks. I had a machamp with special defense evs (not as crazy as it sounds) it could have easily tanked three hits. Dynamic punch with no guard and arceus was dead in two hits. There's plenty of ways if you're creative.

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How opposed are you to siding with El over Radomus (it makes pretty much no impact on anything). If you side with El you still battle Arceus but you are allowed to lose.

Honestly, I think I can live with that, if it has no impact I'm less weary about it, I'll probably still feel kinda bad, but man, I really cant beat that bootleg alpha pokemon

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I'd rather not change up my team or hack anything in, I'm just not sure how to beat this behemoth, Though, my Nidoking has Poison Point, so I can probably try and abuse F12, that's what I did with Pangoro anyways


okay, so, he's not getting poisoned, or burned from whatever i try, and all my pokemon, who are as high as the cap, get taken out in either one or two hits, so I have no idea what to do.

If you're not willing to make changes in order to adapt to oncoming obstacles, then you're going to have a lot more trouble than you should.

That's like saying "I've been using hiking boots to get up this hill, but I'd rather not switch over to climbing gear in order to scale this cliff face that I've encountered along the way." Sure, you can try to get to the top of the cliff with only your hiking boots, but you're going to have an excessive amount of unnecessary difficulty.

So yeah, you COULD keep using your preexisting team against this Arceus and hope for a different result, but it would be more sensible for you to identify an effective alternative and use that.

Be sure to keep in mind that there are battles later on in the game which you can't skip! Adaptation will be crucial in the future.

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