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How do YOU deal with procrastination?


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I'm sure you've heard of this but ACTUALLY LISTENING TO IT as opposed to just making fun of it,

it might be helpful.

I don't know.


that'll be one heart scale.

Like what pushes you to do your hw and stuff

I do it and then get things done last minute

But really I just try to spread workload over the time I'm given rather than trying to just scramble it all in one go.

How do you have the effort to make a schedule or follow your schedule and all ?

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I usually just go with it. If I don't feel like doing something, I don't feel like doing it. If it gets really bad, I ask myself "How will I ever get to enjoy the destination if I don't even prepare for the journey?"

Granted I don't have actual responsibilities, so I'm probably not the best person to take advice from on this.

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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*Reformed procrastinator here*

Say I have a paper due next week. I would go at it piece by piece once a day and the night before I should have at least 40% left to work on. That way I don't stress myself the night before pulling an all-nighter. Just get in the habit of starting things the second you get them. AND STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET

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I deal with procrastinating by not doing my homework until the morning before it is due. I work fast under pressure. I had a whole essay due that I finished all in one morning because I work extremely quickly and surprisingly well under pressure and under a time limit. There's just something about the adrenaline rush that makes it so that I can never really be late, no matter how hard I procrastinate.

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Back in the day when I really cared, it took forever to get something like a paper done because things had to be worded just precisely and stuff. I would still procrastinate mostly, but that's cuz it took so much time to get it right, line by slow line. But then the last minute thing really helps you to focus and be decisive for the sake of time. Now that I care significantly less, a lot of things have gone downhill. So really, even if you procrastinate, don't lose the motivation to at least do it to your top standard.

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I procrastinated my ass off all of last school year. How I managed to do it and not fail, was that I worked my ass off at the last minute on most of the major assignments worth actual points towards my final grade and ignored shit like homework.

So yeah. My strategy is the striking cobra. Wait till the last minute... then spring into action like a crazy man.

I've literally stayed up all night on the day directly before an assignment was due- meaning that I would finish that bad boy in the early morning around 4 or 5 am, and it would be due in a certain class later on that day. And know what? I've worked my ass of em and know I have when I end up getting an A on it despite having only had a few frenzied hours to compose the thing. Perhaps I just work better under stress. ((Not kidding, I once made an entire god damn speech about Procrastination for AP English because it was that night and I couldn't think of a damn topic. I gave it in class later that morning, and guess what? fucking A. Both from the instructor and my Peer Reviews of it.))

So yeah... there's my way. Don't try it though. Cause I've decided to drop it for the senior year. Because shit gets very real in your head when that clock is ticking away and you know you only have so much time to do this left. A bit too real


I'm not responsible if you decide to copy my style of Procrastination.

You have been warned.

Do your work, or feel the hurt. That is the bottom line here. Even I knew that in the end, and I never challenged this ancient system. Procrastinating is one thing, but when it's gets bad enough to the point where you're a failure out of sheer laziness, it crossed the line into whole new territory.

You can put it off till later, but you'd better do everything in your power to make damn sure it's completed and in the hands of your professor or boss when they ask for it.

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This is always a constant struggle. Mostly you have to find a place you can associate with work and only work. When you go to this place then it must only be to work. Otherwise you will be more likely to get into a habit of goofing off there. That's what I have found.

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The title says it all rlly :/

Im having a hard time stopping myself from procrastinating ):

Im wandering how you guys deal with it, and how you over came it

*Points down two or three topics* I've got a topic on here showing how I'm currently attempting to deal with it owo

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