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The opposite factor - A Dark/Fairy run

The North Pole King

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Yeah, that's it, i'm doing a dark/fairy type run.

Dark type seems very interesting to do, and Fairy type counter some of its weaknesses.

Also, since fairy type was introduced, i only used Gardevoir as a fairy type in the 6th generation, so i wanna "explore" them more.

This run is something like if the light side and the dark side unite forces, right?

~~No, that was horrible, ignore it~~

Current Team:


Status: Going to Obsidia.

Badge Count: 101MS.png

Sidenotes: I didn't trained Puku, cause i want to walk so much with him to make this little puffy guy more happy, then he can evolve into a Jigglypuff and learn Disarming Voice at lvl. 11 :3. I didn't trained Skank too, he doesn't learn any good moves until lvl. 22.

The battle with Julia was easy, i started with Gashier and quickly changed his type to normal with Quick Attack, he sweeped half of Julia's team, then he falled to Voltorb's Aftermath. Emolga and Blitzle were defeated by Ravenna. When she puts her Electrode on the field, i changed to Puku to use Perish Song, the song of death~

I think that Puku's Perish Song is going to be so much useful further ahead. ~~GOD PUKU~~

Julia Defeated

See ya guys tomorrow.

Edited by The North Pole King
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Breaking the monotype in the beginning of the game has been done many times (due to the lack of certain types), so you can get away with that. Additionally, you can also ask to have a starter Pokemon injected into your save file (such as Drilbur).

On behalf of a mono psychic/fairy/dark run, choose whatever will bring you the most enjoyment. Be creative and don't limit yourself.

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First, thought* not thinked. It's not a big deal, but we're always open to improvement right?

Trying to follow the logic of your monorun. It sounds like you're thinking of a Steel/Psychic dual-lock run, which would be pretty sweet. If you only ran Steel, you'd struggle against faster gyms like Kiki and Charlotte, but you'd wreck Flobot, Corey, and Aya. I would opt for an injection of Aron as your starter if you went only steel.

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First, thought* not thinked. It's not a big deal, but we're always open to improvement right?

Trying to follow the logic of your monorun. It sounds like you're thinking of a Steel/Psychic dual-lock run, which would be pretty sweet. If you only ran Steel, you'd struggle against faster gyms like Kiki and Charlotte, but you'd wreck Flobot, Corey, and Aya. I would opt for an injection of Aron as your starter if you went only steel.

Sorry for that, i'm not from a english-speaking country, hehe, thanks for the advice.

Edited by The North Pole King
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I've done a Steel type run, and I managed to do it without breaking any game or monotype rules. I DID train a Bidoof to Level 18 so it would learn Headbutt (although I boxed it immediately after), and then using Defiant Prinplup, Pineco, and Burmy I was able to beat Julia and Florinia barely. I'm sure you can do it if you try hard enough; of the 4 runs i've done Steel was the most fun.

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People always forget about Klink. You can get him before fighting Flobot. You could also do like me and have a team full of them + your starter lol. Good luck though.

I had Klink line in my regular first run, trust me, that thing is a beast once it is allowed to set up with shift gear-gear grind, or for special side, discharge+metal sound~

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You can get Purrloin, Stunky, and Poochyena. Look in both alleys, one has Purrloin, while the other has Stunky. Both have Poochyena.

Igglybuff is the only Fairy before Julia, so the Fairy part is covered.

Please check this thread for more questions on when you can get a Pokemon: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14182&page=1

As for where they are, check the Location Guide in On the Hunt.

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He decided on dark/fairy then? Master of tricks I suppose, since fairies are known to be tricksters in myth and dark types rely on trickery. Good combo.

And OMG that Teddiurse <3 That was such a wonderful art series.

I'm doing steel/ground duo run ATM, it was quite challenging at first -_- but it started to get better post Flobot once I got Diggersby tho. Every gym leader has beaten me at least once with Shelly being the hardest :( man screw Yanmega! I feel like she's going to give you a hard time too, probably way harder than with me.

If you can get pawniard from the Police quest, consider yourself lucky, as Pawniard is pretty legit.

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UPDATE - 09/17/15

Current Team:


Status: Going to Obsidia.

Badge Count: 101MS.png

Sidenotes: I didn't trained Puku, cause i want to walk so much with him to make this little puffy guy more happy, then he can evolve into a Jigglypuff and learn Disarming Voice at lvl. 11 :3. I didn't trained Skank too, he doesn't learn any good moves until lvl. 22.

The battle with Julia was easy, i started with Gashier and quickly changed his type to normal with Quick Attack, he sweeped half of Julia's team, then he falled to Voltorb's Aftermath. Emolga and Blitzle were defeated by Ravenna. When she puts her Electrode on the field, i changed to Puku to use Perish Song, the song of death~

I think that Puku's Perish Song is going to be so much useful further ahead. ~~GOD PUKU~~

Julia Defeated

See ya guys tomorrow.

Edited by The North Pole King
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