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If You Could Be A Gym Leader In The Reborn Region...


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Let's say that you were offered a position as a Gym Leader to fill one of the current Gym Leader's slots in the Reborn Region. What would be your name, what would be your subtitle, what type would you represent, what theme would your gym be based-on, what would your dialogue be and finally, what would your team be (you can choose to include moves or levels, if you wish)? I'll give you all an example.

Falchion Commander Snyder

Flying-Type Gym Leader

My gym would be, when entered, a giant hole with buildings you'd find in a huge city surrounding a giant hole in the middle. To get to me, who'd be in the center, you'd need to walk around in a clockwise shape on ropes across the large gaps between cities, and try not to lose balance due to the high wind currents. Along the way, however, there will be at least 2 trainers on each skyscraper as you progress over them. These trainers will be the Falchion Elite, members of the vigilante group led by me, the gym leader, that protects the city and occasionally other places in the region from threats and criminals, such as Team Meteor. There will be 4 skyscrapers in all, and you travel like this along them: bottom right corner -> top right corner -> top left corner -> bottom right corner -> floating podium, which is where you'll fight me. My character would say,


"Hello, challenger. Welcome to my gym. I am Snyder, member of the Reborn League Gym Leaders and official Leader of the Falchion Elite, a small group that I've conceived that tries to protect this part specifically but still others of the region. Though I may be a bit younger than some Gym Leaders, I am to be taken seriously, as I am a force to be reckoned with, and I've proven so on many occasions. But now, skipping the further pleasantries, I, Snyder, accept your challenge! Battle!"


"Well then... it seems you have proven to me your true strength. You have successfully defeated a member of the Reborn League Gym Leaders, and deserve this: (You have received the Gale Badge from Snyder!). Here, take this as well: (You have received TM43 Sky Attack from Snyder!). Please, <insert name here>, protect the region where I cannot with this skill I've provided you. It's helped me in tough situations, I hope it does the same for you. Anyways, more challengers await me, so I must go now. Goodbye, <insert name here>."

-Pidgeot (ace)

-Fearow (5th highest level)

-Swellow (2nd highest level)

-Staraptor (3rd highest level)

-Unfezant (6th highest level)

-Talonflame (4th highest level)

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There is another topic like this in Pokemon Fanclub, although it's not specifically about Reborn, the concept is kinda the same o_o but wellp. I shall post later when I think bout it more

I think you should change the TM you give out because Sky Attack already exists via Tutor, seems like a waste

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Looking at how Bennett turned out, honestly Serra should focus on her parenting first before anything else~So, Reborn League may fill me in her position

Title: Ice hockey team manager Tim

Ice type gym

Setting: Ice hockey arena/Igloo Hotel

Challengers of the gym might have to win against a defending drones, shooting the puck into the goal, in order to get to the gym trainers


Hi there, i see you manage to get past my drone and gym trainers, you certainly have what it takes to challenge me, lets see if you have the endurance to overcome the extreme hailstorm~


I concede to you, the best that mental strength and stamina equally are unrivaled of~

Team would be hailstorm based team, field effect Ice Hockey Arena by boosting the physical Ice type moves by 50 percent, Ice type pokemons get speed boost by 50 percent in hailstorm, moves like Slam,Double Hit, Tail Slap accuracy will be 100 percent(whatever hit as hockey stick)


Mega Abomasnow(Ace)





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Title: Depressed Kain

Ghost type gym

Setting: A regular house, with an open area for a gym battle.

However, the gym leader is comatose. The person who gives advice at the entrance of the gym explains that

the gym leader has comatose for a while, and would be unable to battle.

My Gengar appears and beckons you. He casts Hypnosis on you and sends you into my subconscious to battle me.

You have to navigate my mind in order to battle me.


So I see Akatsuki (Gengar) has let you in. I don't know why, but he must have thought you were special.

This... I'll allow this to my last fight.


I... haven't experienced such a thrill in such a long time!

Maybe... living isn't so bad after all.

Gengar (ace)






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