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Traffic Violations


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This might be a Wasteland thing IDK but it's starting here

K, so, I'm sure there are a few of you who saw my status a while back about nearly getting hit by people going the wrong way down a one way street. Well I've seen several interesting traffic violations sense then, so I made a thread to talk about them. And also to let other people talk about ones they encounter

Firstly, the obvious one, recently I saw a policeman turn on his lights and sirens just to make a left turn at a red light. Now he could have had legitimate reasoning for this, but knowing the police force where I live, it's much more likely he was just cheating

Another interesting one involving emergency vehicles. There was an ambulance coming down the street towards a busy intersection. And somewhat shockingly, just about everyone stopped and waited for it to pass through. However, there was one person who decided to use the ambulance's siren stopping everyone as a way to run the red light (which was on the street perpendicular to the one the ambulance was coming down I might add) Stupidity at its finest

Those are the more interesting ones, I'll most definitely be popping in here as I see more

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funny thing is, whenever my sister drives my family to x place, my mom always maggs my sister about "driving defensively" and some other bs (as in telling her like a million times, not that its bad, its annoying to hear) old people try to inforce on their children. so recently, my sister was driving home the family after some fancy party (she was sober, if you were wondering) and she got pulled over for running a red light XD and to this day my mom always gives my sister, this 'i tole you so' look whenever she sees her

yep :P

Edited by Sinikuro013
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funny thing is, whenever my sister drives my family to x place, my mom always maggs my sister about "driving defensively" and some other bs old people try to inforce on their children. so recently, my sister was driving home the family after some fancy party (she was sober, if you were wondering) and she got pulled over for running a red light XD and to this day my mom always gives my sister, this 'i tole you so' look whenever she sees her

yep :P

For the record, driving defensively is actually a hugely important thing that everyone should learn to do and not BS in the slightest

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I usually just find people not using the orange "turning lights" (I hope you understand), parking in weird ways and occupying too much space (usually that is done by people with expensive, big cars) and, in another city near here, bikes everywhere. Pedestrians are endangered.

But, I use the bike every day myself and I am not this careful either...

Edited by Cyaloom
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Well seems like I'm not the only one with a butthole cop in my town. This happened about a week ago actually, I was leaving the McDonalds near my house, and I saw a cop BARREL through a red light with absolutely no fucks given. His lights were on and siren blaring, but he maybe reached 150 yards (130 meters) past the light, and he immediately turned his lights and siren off like everything was kawaii.

Fuck you cop.

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I usually just find people not using the orange "turning lights" (I hope you understand), parking in weird ways and occupying too much space (usually that is done by people with expensive, big cars) and, in another city near here, bikes everywhere. Pedestrians are endangered.

But, I use the bike every day myself and I am not this careful either...

I actually just had someone turn without using their turn signals :P

Also, Darvan, it is possible he was on a call that required him to come in quietly and only turned on his lights to make it through the light (also possible in my scenario) Especially considering he was speeding. Even the cops around here still follow the speed limit when they don't have somewhere to be

In general the police around here tend to just run lights without a second thought... And then pull people over for jaywalking :P

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Literally almost everyone in Orlando drives like an as- I mean well...

Though being thrown into this city nearly a week after learning how to drive was pretty great in teaching me how to drive in the real world.

Correction- everyone in FLORIDA drives like an ass. Drive 10 mph over the limit even when the light ahead is red, tailgate everybody because why not. Wtf are turn signals? Sorry not sorry for cutting in front of you but you weren't speeding by 20 mph over the limit like me.

But hey, it might be because any freeway that might get you anywhere in a decent amount of time is a toll freeway. Which charges way too much. Because Florida, with all the income it has flowing in, can't pay for roads with tax money.

I give Florida two flipped birds out of two. Also, all the medians are concrete islands so you have to pull a bitch (colloquial for u-turn) at the next light if the place you want to go to is on the other side of the road.

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