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Any Good MMO games ?


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hi ive been playing pokemon for a while now but im getting sortve tired of it , even though its really good ( especially the fangames like seriously half of them are better then the main stream and originals) anyway any one got some suggestions ?

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MMOs? Well, my search isn't 100 percent complete (99% tho TBH) I've been playing RIFT as my primary MMO lately. Or Dream of Mirror Online for when I feel like just casually derping around

RIFT's class system is my favorite I've encountered in an MMO by far. It allows so much customization it's not even funny and I love it. The gameplay is fairly simple but still engaging. And there's a good variety in the quests imo. Not the constant run back and forth I've come to expect. Generally if you just travel through each area you'll eventually complete the main quests

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I used to play a game called "Spiral knights" it's free on steam.

I played that for years...

It's good imo, doesn't require a good computer and isn't REALLY pay to win.

The only advantage payed players get is in game currency, pretty much everything else can be bought with in game currency.

There's an E-Bay type auction house feature,

I like the pvp quite a lot,

There isn't exactly an immersive, fascinating storyline but it has enough missions and whatnot to keep you busy :D

If you don't find anything else, you might want to look into it.

Another thing was PSO2 but that is quite a nuisance to get and when you do get it, a lot of it isn't in english..

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