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Hi (What's Cooking Good Looking)?


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Hi All,

I'm MellowSlinky. I've been lurking on the forums for the past month or so as I've been playing reborn and decided I wanted to try getting more involved in the forums.

Things you might want to know about me:

1. I haven't played a nintendo pokemon game since original gold. Some friends got me to try OU on Showdown which kind of got me back into things (although I'm still quite awful at battling). As a result I pretty much have bulbapedia and smogon open 24/7 when I'm playing :P

2. I'm killing time until E16 comes out by leveling a Pick-Up squad and trying my hand at breeding for moves and IV training some UU/OU offensive threats. I might try IV breeding at some point although I still don't quite understand it all lol

3. Outside of video games my hobbies revolve around performance (acting, singing, and dancing). I absolutely adore musical theatre and am always down to talk about shows with people. My current obsession is Fun Home which is an absolutely incredible show if you like more dramatic musical theatre:

So yeah, hi again and hope to see you around :)


Edited by MellowSlinky
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(Hear that everyone, I'm good looking, take that)

Welcome to the forums, sir/madame/esteemed other.

Please, enjoy yourself here.

No really, please do.

If you don't, I'll have to throw a ghoul at you.

(They're all dead, don't worry)

You see,

If you don't enjoy yourself..



Get what I mean?

So just do it.

I implore you.

It's fun.

And easy.

And Fabulous.

Anyhow, see you around :D

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Welcome to Reborn!

So, I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't touch okay?

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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Well met Slinky.

Welcome to Reborn!

And another lurker turned member. Hmm, I'd like to see how many members we'd have right now if all the lurkers decided to turn into members. But oh well.

If your friends suggested the Showdown thing to you, then I'll hope you have visited the Reborn Showdown server. It's the place where the cool kids hang out. And where losers like me hang out too, sometimes.

Anyway, let me just hit you with this staff and WOLOLO \o/ you to blue

Do enjoy your permaneneternal stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

what do I DO

is it too late to suggest the atok

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