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Ymora Academy Reboot [Interest Check / Discussion]


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So it's been a few months since I did anything Ymora related...

For those that were around during the Ymora Academy RP: due to personal problems going on I had to step back. Not to mention other stuff that just piled up and eventually we got to the point where Ymora somewhat died. We lost some players and a co-host, but Dobby and I are thinking about reviving this RP since the story is still left untold. And I don't want to let it end like this

Now I have been planning to revive this for a few weeks. However some people still showed some interest so I figured why the hell not open this topic now and make it a discussion topic as well so the older players can share their opinion and the new ones are free to ask questions and whatnot.

Now I personally favor a reboot. I'll just make a list.

- Some gaps in the storyline opened up last time and I realized it too late. We already hit chapter 4, but I can perfectly deal with some of the gaps now if we (Dobby and I) can implement some small changes since the beginning.

- I can keep most of the story.

- Small changes -storywise- starting chapter 2. So no Hills or whatever, that's going to be replaced.

- New NPCs while others will be scrapped.

- We lost players like Jory and DarkLight who were really active and very much involved in the story.

- Fresh start is always nice because it would be really hard to get everything back on track since Jory was in charge of chapter 4 and implemented his own idea to buy time. Neither I nor Dobby fully know what he was planning to do.

The only downside is the current PCs. A lot of you put in some serious effort in their characters *coughStratoscough* so it would be a waste to let them die.

So this is where all of you come in. We want to know what your opinion.

1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

So that's about it. We'll leave this topic for a few days to discuss some things and after that Dobby and I are going to decide what to do. The earliest we can get something up is in 3 - 4 weeks depending on how much we can use from last time.

~Chim out~

(I've always wanted to do this)

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, Chimchain said:

~Chim out~

(I've always wanted to do this)

But... but that's my line!

Anyway, silliness aside, with this I will be locking the Original Thread it has a place to be discussed here therefore it will be locked unless I have a reason to otherwise Unlock it. Hopefully you understand why I'm doing that if not shoot me a PM I'll explain it. Anyway, as you were. I don't have much to provide in this conversation as I was not a part of Ymora so what I say wouldn't have much value. Therefore I'm just going to bow out and leave it to those who this actually concerns. Good luck.

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Note: Jory did inform me of the plot outline for his own Arc of the story. I simply didn't step in because he seemed to have it under control and my stepping in could have been worse, for evidence of a host with a vague connection to characters failures please see my attempt at Re-hosting the YGO RP. Unfortunately time slipped away and, well, the sub-sequent notice of death which, ironically enough, brought new life to the project.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, Chimchain said:

So this is where all of you come in. We want to know what your opinion.

1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

1. I'm interested as to what you had in mind with a different story. My answer is more dependent on that.

2. Keeping PCs should be up the players individually. If I had the chance, I'd love to re-enter with a new character.

3. Separate threads sound nice.

4. Some kick ass story :]

5. 5. No not really ccccccc:

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:10 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

But... but that's my line!

Anyway, silliness aside, with this I will be locking the Original Thread it has a place to be discussed here therefore it will be locked unless I have a reason to otherwise Unlock it. Hopefully you understand why I'm doing that if not shoot me a PM I'll explain it. Anyway, as you were. I don't have much to provide in this conversation as I was not a part of Ymora so what I say wouldn't have much value. Therefore I'm just going to bow out and leave it to those who this actually concerns. Good luck.

That's why I wanted to say it xD

Anyway, I get why you have to lock the old OOC. The thought crossed my mind we were necro-posting but I didn't want to jump the gun and open an interest check if no one was interested. But seeing mulltiple people reacting triggered an earlier reaction.

  On 9/18/2015 at 7:17 PM, Dongby said:

Note: Jory did inform me of the plot outline for his own Arc of the story. I simply didn't step in because he seemed to have it under control and my stepping in could have been worse, for evidence of a host with a vague connection to characters failures please see my attempt at Re-hosting the YGO RP. Unfortunately time slipped away and, well, the sub-sequent notice of death which, ironically enough, brought new life to the project.

Oh really? Well I have no idea since I had no time to keep up. I didn't even had the chance to read his posts back then.

  On 9/18/2015 at 7:22 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:

1. I'm interested as to what you had in mind with a different story. My answer is more dependent on that.

2. Keeping PCs should be up the players individually. If I had the chance, I'd love to re-enter with a new character.

3. Separate threads sound nice.

4. Some kick ass story :]

5. 5. No not really ccccccc:

Well the main reason for question one is to see if I can still use the plot with RoG. I haven't spoiled anything about their true goals. But if people don't want to see them, I have to come up with something else.

And if RoG stays they are playable from the beginning. Switching sides is allowed as everyone starts at the same place.

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1. To be honest, I'd be far more invested in seeing a reboot rather than something entirely new. It just seems like... completely scraping all traces to the original story would be far more of a waste than an improvement, given all the effort everyone of us spent. So I'd be down with the Reboot Option.


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3. Yeah... yeah, they indeed became a problem. I'm in favor of a separate thread for it all from to get go this time to help keep it better organized.

4. Kick ass story, creativity, a few darker sections here and there so that everything isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Basically, the standard Stratos Package of expectations ;)

I'm sure that either way though, I won't be dissapointed with this.

5. Eh... not really. If you've already got a list of things you intend to fix and whatnot, I don't really see what I could say to add to it that you probably haven't already, so... nope.

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I'll humor you by answering the set of questions.

1. Reboot from square one would be the best route to go in my opinion at least. Subtract all that's occured up to now, and maybe just rewind it. Keep the ideas and systems you have in store because there is no point in scrapping if you wanna redo this.

2. Never played under the old guard. I guess new.

3. A seperate thread is all up to you, I personally think it's kinda a waste of effort really.

4. Honestly don't know, and honestly don't care, just as long as we all have fun.

5. Dangit. I ask about your opinion on the inspired thing I was gonna do, and now I feel like there will be some good ole competition up in here, since le thread was created after I PMed asking about it (and yes I understand the brooding in weeks prior). I wanted to help recreate what y'all lost, only under a different flag. Either way, I tip my cap in good luck to you Chim, because I'm ready to assist in whatever it is sought by the old guard.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, Chimchain said:

So this is where all of you come in. We want to know what your opinion.

1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?..

I should really make my own opinion public about it.

1: A reboot is best in my opinion, although I'd prefer for the current events to be as a minor part of history. Nothing titanic has happened so far really that can't have been handled, one way or another. A Reboot sequel as it were, simply moving forward to the future and dismissing the first attempt to the past.

2: Leading on from my last point, if we reboot from a point in the future then who knows, maybe we can see our PCs once more whilst building a new cast of characters? Who knows? I really just don't want to gie up Claude and Doux, sue me

3: I'm in favour of the method Jory implemented with the seperate threads, provided people kept up with it better. Life, life, shit and life gets in the way at times but there were a lot of pauses and halts on the part of posters. In turn, Chim and I can churn out the large updates as and when they are completed, as was the original intention.

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I'll offer this up since I'm working on Rebooting Graterras original. I'm going to definitely be keeping the mainplot and reworking a few of the parts that were already seen by the players to change them up for any returning players or to just juggle it up in general and not do the exact same things.

While I think things like the first encounter having the Players characters be murdered horribly by the big bad was a suuuuuper impactful moment and really geared them to want to find this guy and defeat him. They had a grudge to settle right away, and something that probably legitimately mad them a bit mad lol. This guy rolled up and just flicked his finger and made short work of them. I don't think doing this exact same thing is good for an opening and would probably make a new one even if the plot was the same. I don't think it would quite have the same impact as before, I don't think it would quite resonate the same way... and yet it probably could as it was a very powerful way to set-up a villain.

Basically, what I'm saying is it's definitely possible to keep the plot ideas you had etc... but implement the ones already seen differently to switch them up. I think that's a good way to go with it. I think old Players should definitely be allowed to rehash their character if they so choose, and have them reset for their use etc... This is what I'm personally probably going to do with Graterras for any that return. ((though... at this point a lot of the OG cast for Graterras is kinda gone... that makes me pretty sad in some ways.))

((When Graterras does come back... I'mma be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper strict probably as a result. I'd want to see some damn quality characters and people I thin had the drive etc to want to play.))

Now, I'mma hush since this is about Graterras I was only using it as a convenient example to get my point across. I'd personally reboot but keep my notes the things I didn't use after all they were never seen so they would still be super interesting and fun to see. New Character will also be fun since the Characters color the world around them and change things differently. Graterras would've easily been different without Sigurd, that rowdy rambunctious man made me change so many plans for the better, he even showed me one of the biggest tragic flaws a character I wrote had that I never saw before lol. ((He literally called out Orpheus on his bull and holy heel that moment was great. Without SIgurd it might have never happened.))

So, even if you keep the plot the same the characters within it might just change it and make it so much more interesting in a different way. SO many possibilities that just can't be seen right now. So, I don't think you can really go wrong Chim because just starting this thing up again... you are going to get something awesome.

I remember once telling you I knew you'd be a great host lol. I know you care a lot about Ymora and I knew that right when you first were talking to me about it. It took great form and as it is very clear was an rp that resonated with people. SO many here call this their favourite RP for a reason. You set up a great RP and are a great host. I think no matter what you end up doing that you;ll make another great RP, another that really resonates with those playing it. I want to see that again. I want to see such a success RP once more from you. Because you're a wonderful host. Seriously, good luck with this thing Chim.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, Chimchain said:

So this is where all of you come in. We want to know what your opinion.

1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

1. Yes, I want to see a Reboot. It was really fun so I don't mind redoing it.

2. I'd say accept them but then they start from scratch. As for Slade, I've noticed lots of holes in his back story so I'll need to fix it but other than that I'll might just create a new character entirely

3. Have a separate thread, it seemed to work last time.

4. I want to see a plot line that is keeps me in suspense and/or some touching scenes

5. No not really

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1) I'd be excited to see a reboot.

2) I'd personally say let them in just from scratch. If you choose otherwise, however... Well, I'l just choose a different character. Still, I realized how I went wrong before with bad holes in my writing and plan to keep them fixed.

3) Separate thread works fine

4) Anything that captures the spirit I loved in this RP

5) Not personally.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, Chimchain said:

So this is where all of you come in. We want to know what your opinion.

1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

1. Reboot(ish) is probably better considering the situation. I do suggest consider making minor changes and alterations to the story (which I'm sure you will) but most of the original frame still seem it could work.

2. Definitely allow for old PCs to come back as long as the people playing them promise to clear their history books. For example, Henry warming up to people wouldn't have happened and he'd be bitter to everybody nor the cane scenario would have occurred. Truthfully though, I'm not sure whether I'll do Henry or Citrine this time around. (If someone does a character like Henry, I'll play Citrine as I don't want to overshadow them like I did for Alvin).

3. I suppose that since the others agreed, I'll go for a battle thread as well. Though I'm not quite sure how the can't post in main IC will work since I kind of forgot if that was followed or not.

4. Ships. Lots and lots of ships. I honestly can't tell you what to expect. So many unexpected things happened last time and there probably will be some in this one. I'm predicting you'll put some twists on a couple old events that'll probably surprise even the more committed RPers to this.

5. Let me tell you something right now: I probably haven't put as much commitment into any RP as I have for Ymora. I worked twelve hour shifts and when I got home, I forced myself to make a good post as Henry because I wanted to and how fun this RP has been. While I don't have as much time (due to that Revolution Project) I would cut time from that to RP in this. That's saying something. You were a good host and made this idea fantastic. That's probably why half of us are ready to join back.

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1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

Totally up to you. I'd be willing to participate either way.

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

I'd like to bring back my old PC.

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

Eh... I like the idea, but at the same time, the order of events can get really messy when someone's both running an interaction and a battle. IMO they should be kept to the same thread, though perhaps some way to condense them would be good.

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

Hoping for the same kind of excitement and camaraderie we got from the last run, this time with no Author Existence Failure.

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

Too tired to suggest atm.

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  On 9/19/2015 at 5:56 AM, Hilda said:

Is it possible to join in if I wasn't here last time?

Seconded. Ymora was kinda the RP that made me interested in RPing though it was too late to join by the time I was active in the forums~

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  On 9/19/2015 at 5:56 AM, Hilda said:

Is it possible to join in if I wasn't here last time?

I don't even need Chim on here to answer this question. YES! YES! AND YES! Ymora will be taking in new players which is half the reason why the reboot is happening. You don't even need to really know about any of the old characters either since this would be starting from square one again. No experience necessary.

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1. Do you want a to see a reboot or not? If not; do you want to see a complete different story? (Aka no more RoG)

Prefer a Reboot if anything tbh, a new story would be very interesting aswell though.

2. What do you think we should do with the current PCs? I would accept them back but should they also start from scratch?

Though I really liked what I did with James towards the end, I'd most likely revise his character quite a bit.....starting from scratch however would be the best scenario.

3. Last time the battles were a problem. Should we do the separate thread for non plot related battles like we did last time?

Idea was good on paper, not so good when used though if improved it'd be all right I guess...

4. What do you expect / want to see from this reboot.

Explosions, Explosions errywhere

5. Anything else you want to let us know. Problems you foresee / suggestions / ...

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  On 9/18/2015 at 7:29 PM, Chimchain said:

Well the main reason for question one is to see if I can still use the plot with RoG. I haven't spoiled anything about their true goals. But if people don't want to see them, I have to come up with something else.

And if RoG stays they are playable from the beginning. Switching sides is allowed as everyone starts at the same place.

I feel like RoG was cool in concept, there were just some execution issues with it at times. I'm fine with keeping it or dropping it. Whatever you'd prefer most.

So excited to get back to this. I've already got my new character mapped out in my head and I think this is a good one.

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  On 9/19/2015 at 5:56 AM, Hilda said:

Is it possible to join in if I wasn't here last time?

  On 9/19/2015 at 5:58 AM, Hiss13 said:

Seconded. Ymora was kinda the RP that made me interested in RPing though it was too late to join by the time I was active in the forums~

Seeing as there was a substantial drop in PCs over the RPs lifetime, new character submissions are definitely being taken in. The RP thrived a lot due to the large variety between a lot of the PCs and NPCs alike so the more is literally the merrier right now.

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Oh, okay then. Bear with me, I might literally be terrible at this sort of thing.

1. Yes, I would like to see Ymora be rebooted.

2. I feel like re-using previous PCs should be encouraged if the posters have an arc they feel they want to continue or a new one at the ready.

3. Whatever the majority feels is acceptable.

4. I hope to enjoy being a little creative and get my feet wet with all of this.

5. Do I wait for a character submission thread or something? How do I start?

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  On 9/19/2015 at 1:18 PM, Hilda said:

5. Do I wait for a character submission thread or something? How do I start?

After the appropriate preparations, Chim or I will put up a sign up thread where you can create and submit a character to play as in the RP along a sheet we put up. Name, age, personality, backstory etc. All the basics. Then there will be an Out of Character (OOC) thread where people generally talk about the RP on the whole, this thread is typically combined with the sign up. Then the players are picked and you wait until we put up an IC (In character) thread where the real story takes place. Rules and regulations will be detailed in the OOCs first post.

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  On 9/19/2015 at 5:27 AM, Commander said:

4. Ships. Lots and lots of ships.

A.k.a the reason Hukuna wants nothing to do with this because just the way it was last time... No thank you. Pretty sure that's way people still know not to 'ship' any characters with any of mine since I dislike it that much. Like almost certain Ymora is the reason people know that since i refused to join the original on that grounds alone lol.

Maybe I'll think about it this time... since it doesn't quite bother me as much as it used to, but really... if it gets to that level like it did... I'm dropping in a heartbeat.

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  On 9/19/2015 at 2:31 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

A.k.a the reason Hukuna wants nothing to do with this because just the way it was last time... No thank you. Pretty sure that's way people still know not to 'ship' any characters with any of mine since I dislike it that much. Like almost certain Ymora is the reason people know that since i refused to join the original on that grounds alone lol.

Maybe I'll think about it this time... since it doesn't quite bother me as much as it used to, but really... if it gets to that level like it did... I'm dropping in a heartbeat.

Lmao I never expected that to happen. To a decree it was entertaining and it certainly adds something to the RP if it isn't overkill. Like what Murdoc and Tacos did last time.

  On 9/19/2015 at 1:18 PM, Hilda said:

Oh, okay then. Bear with me, I might literally be terrible at this sort of thing.

You mean RPing in general? I don't think that's a problem since last time we had a lot of people starting out. Sure, beginning was a little rough but there are enough experienced people around to help you.

I'd say that's enough interest shown. I'm going to rewrite some stuff and take Hukuna's advice. So the sign-ups should go up in a few days.

And for those that are new / want to use a new character: RoG (the antagonist team) is playable from the start. You might want to consider that.

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