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Let the RNG guide my actions: a Random Pokémon Generator run.


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So yeah guys I actually... lost interest in another monotype run... so this time I will try something different.

With help of this pokemon random generator page, I will randomize 3 full teams, and those 18 pokémon will be the only ones I can use through all the game, why 18 you ask? Because that will give me enough variety to don't feel to weak or having to suffer 3/4 of the game with only 4 pokémon, obviously, if you want to change something (Like less pokémon or something), feel free to say so before I start this.


  • I will randomize 3 different teams, and those 18 pokémon will be the only ones I can use in all the game.
  • The randomize will be with fully evolved pokémon, and no legendaries.
  • I CAN'T randomize again if I don't like the team unless I breaks some of the rules below (The RNG is absolute).
  • If 1 (one) or more pokémon is NOT catcheable as of EP15, I can randomize the whole team again (Or I may choose to have fewer pokémon in exchange of an overpowered one, it's my choice).
  • Only Mystery Egg pokémon are considered as not catcheable (The only exception is Azurill wich can be forced).
  • If 1 (one) or more pokémon is a dupe of a previous team, I can randomize the whole team again.
  • I WILL force one of the teams to have one starter, I deserve at least one decent pokémon.
  • In case a pokémon have multiple evolutions (Ex: Eevee), I must use the one that the randomizer told me, if I get two or more of then in the same or another team (Ex: Having to use Shedinja and Ninjask) I CAN'T activate dupe clause.

So yeah, as you can see, I may end with an starter only run for a long while if the RNG hates me, or a horrible team forever... also, I MUST beat all the trainers, that includes Garchomp and Arceus, so let the RNG guide my actions.

Edited by Redo.
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And the starter will be based Chicorita. I might wish you 'Good luck,' however 'luck' is merely an illusory essentialization of statistics, and is neither inherently good nor bad. And I may or may be the kind of good kid that likes various odd underdog tactics and watching people suffer. So may you suffer, and I'll be by your side helping you. After you've suffered a bit.

Ok, kidding aside, 18 is a very safe number. You'll manage.

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You can have a special rando out of the 18 mystery egg mons and have someone with Rpgm put it in your save file.

IMO, if someone wants to do that, I may consider it, but for now I will play it safe and not consider the only mystery egg as 'catcheables'.

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Guys, my pokémon were chosen!



Not so bad, not good either, a lot of late game pokémon, Beedrill and Floatzel are the only early ones here, but an early Water type is a steal and I take it (Not that I have a choice).



A lot of type dupes! Cryogonal is good... I guess, Toxicroak and Lunatone have good movepool... the only one I love from this one is Weezing, that Corsola and Xatu hurts.



Emboar is my starter? Uggghhh... Leafeon is the best thing here, I would love Nidoqueen, Hariyama and Wobbu... if it not was because I have a lot of their typing

To the ones that didn't open the spoiler, I have to survive with:

  • No catches until Obsidia
  • A mediocre starter
  • No full team until I beat Shelly/before Shade.
  • 4 poison type
  • 3 fighting type
  • 3 water type
  • 4 psychic type

This is going to be fun...

Note to everyone: If you have any idea of how to beat Julia (All her pokémon are probably faster than Pignite, and they spam Sonic Boom, I don't think it can tank more than 3) I will like to know.

Edited by Redo.
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Flame Charge. Spam it enough and you'll end up outspeeding Electrode. Corsola can set you some screens. Xatu is good.

My worry with this team is Chomp.

But you have a very good squad for Flobot with Koffing, Yama and Drowsee.

The problem isn't outspeeding, the problem is the Sonic Boom... it can 4HKO (Or maybe 3HKO) Pignite... and no Super Potions at this point to counter it!

Actually, Chomp and Farceus are fairly easy with this team, thanks to Victoria's easy grinding preGarchomp, and with only 3 Common Candy can have a cool Destiny Bond Weezing, the rest is history.

I need someone to confirm this, but I read that Drowzee was axed from the early game (Why? It is not broken) and now it's availeable in the Citrae'de Arc... or whatever that place is called.

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I was thinking of doing something similar, but without staying withing the normal confines of the game.

My plan was to do random rolls, say 20 times and pick 6 from those 20 that I would try to beat the entire video game with. I'd of course max everything and make them the best I could have them, but its actually quite a fun challenge.

I did a fighting style run like this a few weeks past and I was surprised to learn that I struggled as early as Shelly :(

Anyway, good luck, I'll be reading to hear how this turns out for you.

Thanks for the tip on the randomizer as well, didn't know that existed honestly.

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Hmm guys, I think I need to reroll the randomizer again, mostly because Pignite lacks the ability to beat Julia on his own ... But what do you want me to do? Struggle forever in that battle, reroll everything and start again, or whatever.

Please give me your thought on this matter (If I reroll, I may force at the very least two pokémon preJulia, so this is not impossible).

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Swap Pignite for Marshtomp. That will show Julia!

And destroy all of my team variety? No thanks, that would make the game postJulia repetitive and harder (Also Floatzel, Huntail and Corsola pointless).


Yeah, sorry I'm late, real life it me hard and I haven't touched my computer in a few days.

I rerolled everything, and I got a way better team, with broken starter and everything, and while I love it, I let you guys decide BEFORE I upload the first update, should I reroll for a harder experience or only having 18 pokémon is challenge enough?

The rolls:




  • Blaziken is OP, but I love it and being honest, I never used one in my life since Emerald (I'm going to buy Omega Ruby in november).
  • Butterfree preJulia, probably one of the few earlymons with horrible stats that can pull their weight late game thanks to Quiver Dance.
  • Ursaring, Ambipom, Lilligant, Ampharos and Arcanine are cool earlymons in this game.
  • Few deadweights, only Altaria and Sygilyph are outclassed by other pokémon.

Yeah, expect an update later today, and post your thoughts if this team is very easy or good enough for a challenge.

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...best starter, two speedboosters, the only pseudo in Reborn, two QDancers, Marowak is a super wallbreaker, and MG LO Sigilyph is actually much better than Garde. It won't die in every soft physical breeze. Perfect rolls.

And probably the only earlymon in ALL REBORN that can beat 1v1 that Garchomp without dying in form of Sturdy Sudowoodo with Counter.

Yes, this roll was quite perfect:

  1. Butterfree is one of the best preJulia pokémon considering it's value later in the game.
  2. Ambipom is okay, can dish damage with Technician but lack a good movepool without TM and breeding, mostly box fodder.
  3. Ursaring is great early, later it looses it's usability.
  4. Sharpedo is my only water type, and quite good at that.
  5. Metagross, while fairly late in-game, is a beast and probably will never leave my team.
  6. Arcanine is cool, good movepool, good stats but quite overshadowed by Blaziken
  7. Beartic is okay, not great, but not bad either.
  8. Sigilyph may be broken with Magic Coat and Life Orb, but that is very late in game... even so it's a good rotation pokémon.
  9. Marowak... if it not was of it's hideous movepool he would be an instant team member... but with Thick Club it won't be less than a rotation one.
  10. Gardevoir is awesome, and fairy typing is more awesome.
  11. Sudowoodo is cool, it's movepool is cool, and it beating Garchomp WITHOUT WAISTING THE EARLY FOCUS SASH is a godsend.
  12. Altaria is quite outclassed by Dragalge, not much use IMO.
  13. Crobat is good, not awesome as it's no a super earlymon now, but quite good anyway.
  14. Adaptability Dragalge? I'm okay with this.
  15. Lilligant is probably the hardest hitting Grass type in game, no problems here.
  16. Blaziken: Best starter ever?
  17. Ampharos is an awesome team player, bulky and strong.
  18. Froslass is not bad by any means, but it's pretty late to make an impact.

So yeah... quite OP rolls.

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Dude don't sleep on sigiglyph. That thing kicks players' asses a lot for a reason, he's legitimately pretty solid.

I notice you were ragging on Xatu earlier too, which is weird since he's not all that bad.

I wonder if Blaziken really does live up to the hype though. I haven't used him in a game ever since Emerald where he was pretty disappointing. Bulk up and speed boost are good but not as much if he can't take a hit.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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I did it with grotle without using items so it's not impossible.

HOW?! In my mono Ground I had a level 19 Grotle (Max level by level cap) and a level 19 Wormadam and I had to wait for the hax to work in my favour (Like, 20+ softreset) to win, because if she spammed Sonic Boom I was doomed.

Dude don't sleep on sigiglyph. That thing kicks players' asses a lot for a reason, he's legitimately pretty solid.

I notice you were ragging on Xatu earlier too, which is weird since he's not all that bad.

I wonder if Blaziken really does live up to the hype though. I haven't used him in a game ever since Emerald where he was pretty disappointing. Bulk up and speed boost are good but not as much if he can't take a hit.

IMO, if I look at Sigilyph in a competitive way, it's very good, but in game it just... fail to show much. Air Slash and Psychic sound cool but are not something my teams need to be awesome, and for Stored Power (Which is it best weapon) I need to breed it. I can't see it not being outshined by Gardevoir and Metagross.

Xatu is not bad either, but Magic Bounce is not that OP InGame and... has Sigilyph, it comes too late to make an impact.

About Blaziken I expect aweome things about it, it has the best mixed attack stats of all starter, it speed is patched by Spped Boost and Bulk Up is a good boost move.



Extrange title? Let my explain it in a moment!

  1. Plot, you know this at this point and I won't be telling it at least not now, blablabla explosions and went to get the starter.
  2. I was softreseting to get a good Torchic when I found an actually good one which was SHINY, obvious choice.
  3. Here's what made me give you a late update, I wanted a Caterpie with good IV's because it base stats won't let it survive the late game, but guess how many it toke me to finally settle with one (Which to be honest, could be better)... After recording it I killed 18 Caterpies because of low level or critical hits, 2 of them eated all my balls an a surprising amount of 112 (ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE) were catched, and more of a hundred where jut HORRIBLE! This may be the biggest pain in the ass in all my life playing pokémon.
  4. After this, well, evolved Caterpie up to Butterfree.
  5. Beat Fern quite easily, I was a bit scared because Butterfree didn't knew Gust yet and it was raining... Torchic solo'ed it with Peck and evolved at the end of the match.
  6. The factory was a joke, I think Butterfree only fainted once thanks to a STAB Rock Tomb.
  7. Julia! I was a bit scared but the butterfly surprised me destroying both Voltorbs, the Helioptile and the Emolga by it's own, Combusken toke care of the rest.

Also, I decided to randomize the name of my pokémon, here they are:







Outlast ♂ Lv19





-Poison Powder

-Sleep Powder


Hellenistic ♂ Lv20


Speed Boost

-Double Kick

-Flame Charge



What to expect in the next update:

  • 2 more catches (Teddiursa and Bonsly).
  • A very hard battle vs Tangrowth (Even with type advantage, I don't feel like it's going to be easy).
  • Florinia.
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  1. ​NGL, I had problems with the Teddiursa event, Vinny couldn't fix them so he hacked me a Teddiursa in, with good IV's and everything... I'm okay with that.
  2. Veronica was easy, Outlast easily destroyed her team.
  3. The slums where more trollish that I though, Combusken failed to 0HKO the Scrafty and made me worry until MVP Butterfree saved me again.
  4. "Cain never is a problem, probably the weakest trainer in Reborn" Redo 2015.
  5. Catched a Bonsly before Tangrowth, finally the RNG gods loved me because the first one I catched was awesome. Evolved it into Sudowoodo.
  6. Tangrowth died to Outlast... like most of the game a this point.
  7. Fern couldn't handle Hellenistic, easy sweep again.
  8. Horrible play by my part made Florinia harder than I tought, I fodder Combusken early and Butterfree did most of the job, but Cradily easily knocked it out and it was Sudowoodo vs it, luckily my plant and it's Low Kick proved victorious.








Outlast ♂ Lv25





-Poison Powder

-Sleep Powder


Hellenistic ♂ Lv24


Speed Boost

-Double Kick

-Flame Charge




Ingrowing ♀ Lv24



-Rock Tomb

-Feint Attack

-Low Kick



Shipowner ♂ Lv24


Honey Gather


-Feint Attack

-Fury Swipes

-Sweet Scent

What to expect in the next update:

  • 3 new catches (Petilil, Mareep and Aipom)
  • An even harder Tangrowth battle.
  • Corey



  • Is Shipowner a word? I actually though it was 'Ship owner' with a space in the middle...
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It doesn't sound like a word tbh, What about shipwright?

Actually, by checking with Vinny it's an actual word... but yeah, it doesn't sound right.

The more you know.



  1. Changed the time of my computer to catch a Petilil... I'm going to be honest here, it was a pain to grind it.
  2. Jasper Ward... if I remember correctly the battle vs Taka was filled by a lot of mistakes from my part, but MVP Butterfree saved my ass killing both Tangrowth and Chatot, type weakness my ass.
  3. Also Mareep was added to the team, it looks like a solid team member from now on.
  4. The next battle... gosh, that was hard mostly because Flaffy and Petilil where underleveled, again MVP Outlast showed me why he deserves a spot on the team.
  5. Also I saved all the police officers so yeah emo and hateful Corey.
  6. Aipom was added to my team before the gym battle... I'm going to turn it to a special set so it don't clash with Ursaring.
  7. Should I write that most of my pokémon evolved at this time?
  8. vs Corey... I started the battle with a lot of mistakes that cost me Ampharos and Combusken, but a lucky Silver Wind boost made Butterfree destroy 4 of Corey's pokémon, only it's Crobat survived but it was quickly dispatched by Sudowoodo.










Hellenistic ♂ Lv30


Speed Boost

-Double Kick

-Flame Charge




Shipowner ♂ Lv30




-Feint Attack


-Sweet Scent


Pilot Light ♂ Lv30



-Charge Beam

-Electro Ball

-Take Down

-Thunder Wave


Ingrowing ♀ Lv30



-Rock Slide

-Feint Attack

-Low Kick



Outlast ♂ Lv30 @ TwistedSpoon



-Silver Wind



-Sleep Powder


Peace Loving ♀ Lv30


Run Away







Attractivity ♀ Lv28 @ Rose Incense

What to expect in the next update:

  • Only 1 new catch (Growlithe).
  • Probably no hard battle whatsoever.
  • Shelly.



  • So good fitting names, Attractivity for a Lilligant sounds right and an Ampharos with Light in it's name is awesome.
  • Got quite lucky with the IV's for once.
  • Also, Aipom names is gold.
  • Before you ask, Petilil won't be trained until I get a Sun Stone (Just after Shelly), so I don't miss Quiver Dance.
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Two updates in one day? Who are you? What did you do to Redo.?



  1. Thank you Ame for that beautiful Close Combat Growlithe, I promise you I will put it to good use.
  2. I joined Team Aqua because Wynaut because Carvanha.
  3. Blablabla Shelly traumatized for life blablabla let's go to the Grand Staircase!
  4. Eclipse & Aster... seriously guys, you can try to do better.
  5. Same goes for you Veronica, you are WAAAY to easy.
  6. Also, I edited my PC time again just to get strong winds and activate the little kid and the Drifbloom side quest, that means...
  7. 3 stickers and early game EV boosting items, if the game let me be OP this early, I'll abuse it.
  8. And finally Aipom decided to evolve, it's not that bad anymore!
  9. Finally, Shelly... okay, with 4 type advantages and 2 overall good pokémon I tough this would be a walk in the park, heck, I even destroyed her field turn one... What I didn't know is that I'm a moron and I let her score a few easykills on my side, at the end it was closer than what I would have liked in a 1v1 between Ambipom and Volbeat, luckily my monkey proved victorious.






    Hodr ♀ Lv34


    Flash Fire


    -Close Combat

    -Flame Burst



    Ingrowing ♀ Lv34



    -Rock Slide

    -Feint Attack

    -Low Kick



    Outlast ♂ Lv34 @ TwistedSpoon



    -Silver Wind



    -Sleep Powder


    Hellenistic ♂ Lv34


    Speed Boost

    -Double Kick

    -Flame Charge


    -Bulk Up


    Pilot Light ♂ Lv34



    -Charge Beam

    -Electro Ball

    -Take Down

    -Thunder Wave


    Peace Loving ♀ Lv34



    -Double Hit






    Attractivity ♀ Lv28 @ Rose Incense


    Shipowner ♂ Lv34

    What to expect in the next update:

    • 2 new catches (Carvanha & Cubchoo).
    • Shade.



    • All the time I will loose in mining for the Fire & Sun Stones...
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