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Let the RNG guide my actions: a Random Pokémon Generator run.


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  • I guess I will play Reborn Hardcore after this because... I want some kind of challenge.
  • Finally all my pokémon toke part in at least one gym battle!
  • Also guys, what do you recommend for my awesome Nasty Plot Technician Ambipom, Water Pulse or Hidden Power [ice]?

Hmm...another one is giving the mod a go. I'm not sure if this will change your mind, but I'm going to slowly update into a 2.0 version based on feedback. I might release the changes when I reach Shade, then Noel (he's getting a revamp), and finally Ciel. People have said a couple leaders were too easy so I'm going back to try and fix a couple changes to make the game nicer and more fun (aka a couple nerfs and buffs here and there).

But if you do get into it right away, I do take feedback into consideration. I actually do surveys which do influence me in any changes I do (and it really helped in fixing Florinia...who makes me want to curl up into a ball some days). Don't be afraid to say anything.

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Bravo! Another well done run. I'm looking forward to finishing mine up :)

Thanks, good luck in your too mate!

Congratz on finishing the run, looking forward your hardcore project :)

Thanks, please read to the end of this update for information about my next project!

YES, the shitty butterfree made it!

Based on what you said about the battle against Ciel, now I kinda wish it was a video. Butterfree OP ezpzgame

And now you know how the game works after Radomus~

Nice job, mate

Thanks Vinny, the battle was somewhat like this:

  1. Mega Altaria vs Shiny Butterfree, both with 100% HP left (Ciel used an Hyper Potion and Sudowoodo’s Rock Slide failed, that is why Altaria had all the HP).
  2. Mega Altaria used Hyper Voice and made about ~80% damage to Butterfree, and then my pokémon landed a Sleep Powder.
  3. Butterfree used Quiver Dance, Altaria is asleep.
  4. Butterfree used Bug Buzz (~40% damage), Altaria is asleep.
  5. Butterfree used Bug Buzz (~40% damage), Altaria is asleep.
  6. Butterfree used Bug Buzz, Altaria fainted.
  7. Maximum disrespect for Ciel as she was beaten by a pokémon that never should be used in her gym.

Hmm...another one is giving the mod a go. I'm not sure if this will change your mind, but I'm going to slowly update into a 2.0 version based on feedback. I might release the changes when I reach Shade, then Noel (he's getting a revamp), and finally Ciel. People have said a couple leaders were too easy so I'm going back to try and fix a couple changes to make the game nicer and more fun (aka a couple nerfs and buffs here and there).

But if you do get into it right away, I do take feedback into consideration. I actually do surveys which do influence me in any changes I do (and it really helped in fixing Florinia...who makes me want to curl up into a ball some days). Don't be afraid to say anything.

Thanks for the recommendations Commander, but I’ll let you guys decide my next project at the end of this update, if it’s a Hardcore run or something different is up to you.



Please click here for this run theme.

Joke here is the true theme.

Okay guys, Froslass is up to par with the rest of the team so I decided to do a Hall of Fame or something like that, thank for reading my run and stay with me for the end of this post when I'll talk about my new project.



My starter, a great pokémon that most of the time pulled it's weight without a problem, and while later in the game he saw a lot less of spotlight, he was always one I could trust in getting the job done

On the other hand, if he was outspeed, he was done for.



Because they're the same species, I will talk here of both Wishy Washy and Outlast.

Oh Butterfree and your 97% Acc Sleep Powder, yes, he pulled his weight thought all the warly game up to Kiki, shamefully after that his horrible base stats relegated it mostly to a box status, also it was a pain maintaining it on par with the rest of the team.

At the very least it saved my ass against Ciel, which was a surprise.



He created the best quote from Vinny in "Fuck you Teddiursa".

I'm not going to lie, the event bugged in my save so he was hacked in, but damn it was HORRIBLE until it evolved to Ursaring pre-Corey, but after that he became my 3rd higher attack, and with decent bulk too.

It's now a main team member? No, but he is a great back-up.

Also, after all this time, I still think that Shipowner is not a real word.



When I caught her I though she would only fill one role, "Beat Solaris's Garchomp".

Well, at the end of the day Sudowoodo proved to be more than that even with mediocre stats, and pulled her weight considerably. It's my best pokemon? No, but it's far from the worst.



Oh Lilligant, how great you are.

If I didn't wipe in some battles it was thanks to her, who made some difficilut battles look like jokes. I really liked it desing back when BW where the lastest games, now it's clearly one of my favorites Grass type pokémon.



The IV's are awesome, and he was the MVP vs Shade. But somehow Pilot Light was not as great as I though it would be.

I'm not saying he was bad, but he was truly average for it's stats and always failed to deliver the kill when needed, probaly because Discharge is not the best STAB, but whatever, a bit dissapointed here.



Probably I got a bit lazy on the IV's here, but don't let the low SpA stat of Peace Loving make you think that he sucks, because he is one of the few that got a boosting move in my team, and after one Nasty Plot he hits like a truck.

Peace Loving, probably before Agate you got close to no use, but after the Circus's tutors you became a boss.



He went from high to low.

Since she evolved before Kiki, Hodr was a boss until I hit the Agate Circus, then she became a bit more mediocre, failing to kill when needed and put pressure on the team.

Even so, she has the movepool and the stats, so I believe she still has a role to fulfill in the team




Before I started this run, I believed Sharpedo had a main role in the team, but no, he is to frail (And not fast enough) to do anything, the dissapointment of the run.



Fool, oh what a great name he has.

Even if your IV suck, and you failed to do your work a lot of times, you're the strange example that the late game is your place, after Agate you finally showed some kind of potential and your usage rise exponentially.

Are you good? No, but at least you worked.



With a nickname as good as Fool, Retarder the Shiny Crobat was awesome even with a -Atk nature.

After a visit to the psychologist, he became better than ever, heck, he even made Samson look like a joke, a true utility 'mon through all the game.



Scoring the highest attack of all my pokémon (A f*cking virtual 428 damn high attack!) he... was just okay.

He one shotted everyone in his path, but his movepool is the worst at the moment, and he is slow as f*ck, still, a great team member.



OMG Rougecroix you beautiful sis I love you!

Even with virtually no Speed EV's she outspeed a lot of opponents, and never failed to 0HKO even without Calm Mind, and no one could take her on one hit either.

She will never leave my main team.



Adaptability and a great movepool as soon as catched made Overshine another great pokémon in this run.

Great bulk and the ability to kill everything on his path, great pokémon overall, and a huge recommendation for everyone playing Reborn.



The bulkiest pokémon in my run, 'nuff said.

To be honest, at first I had no hope on Altaria, he was catched late in the game and after Arceus, I though he would rot in the box... How mistaked I was, while he failed to KO back, Perish Song was an always useful tool to have, and Innocent pulled his weight more than failed me.



When I saw his IV's, I knew that only great things awaited him.

Without a doubt the most broken thing Ame gave us since Gyarados, it never felt like Magentics was out of place, and he rightfully earned a place in the main team.



When a lot of people told me to have faith in Sigilyph, I believed them.

Well... he always felt like the worse Gardevoir, no offenses to Breakfast, but if I want a Flying type I'll go with Crobat, and for Psychic both Metagross and Gardevoir did a better job.



My mistake made her impossible to have showtime in this run, ooops.

Statswise look decent, but her movepool look like a goldmine. Shamefully she will have to wait to EP16 to show her worth.

The illegal box


Here are all the illegal 'mons I catched through this run, Snubull is my Headbutt slave, Ponyta was a pokémon I was obligated to get plotwise, Espurr and Sentret were used to breed that Furret who his my Frisk + Covet slave, Vanillite was got so I could farm one Blue Moon Ice Cream, Combee was caught for the Honey, Clefairy for the sticker, Fennekin was a mistake (Really, I didn't knew that the event in the Water Treatment Center gave it), and Azurill is only there because I was curious what was my Mistery Egg.

Main team for EP16:


  1. Blaziken is a bro and my starter, no reason for him not to be here.
  2. Lilligant is the MVP of the run.
  3. Rougecroix is the best special attacker I have.
  4. Metagross is a pseudo-legendary for some reasons.
  5. Dragalge can tank and dish damage.
  6. For Marowak read Dragalge.


  1. Most Valuable Pokémon: Lilligant, saved my ass a lot of times.
  2. Least Valuable Pokémon: Sharpedo, couldn't take a hit even if his life depends on it.
  3. Surprise of the run: Butterfree, I don't really like his line, but it did his job quite well through the game.
  4. Hardest gym: Serra, she was a pain because I couldn't break her field. I only won when the hax was on my side and all my attacks landed.
  5. Easiest gym: Noel, Luna and Samson, when you can easily 6-0 then there is no challenge.
  6. Most hated puzzle: For the time it consumed, the Aventurine Forest, like hell, those tech glasses took me hours farming Honey.
  7. Funniest part: All those interactions in the Agate Circus, the part with Cain and Aya was gold, and Terra teasing Ciel was too.


And this is all folks, it was a pleasure writing this for all of you and I will revive this post once EP16 is out (So in 6 month I guess by reading the Development forum), but for now YOU can vote my next project.

  1. A Pokémon Reborn Hardcore Monotype Bug, Bug is my favorite typing, and with a lot of derpmons it will be quite the challenge.
  2. A normal Pokémon Reborn weakness run, so I can only use pokémon that have weakness against the main type of the gym. Clearly one of the hardest things you can do in the game (For example, vs Julia I can only use Pokémon that are weak to Electric, and for Rini pokémon that are weak to Grass. Also for added challenge I can’t cheat with the abilities, so I can’t use a Levitate Bronzong against Terra, or a Heatproof one against Charlotte).
  3. No run in this one, but the current guide is incomplete and outdated, so pull all my time in making a new one. While a lot of us know how to play the game, it will help new people to have a full guide. Also, I can give a strategy view to the gyms so it's easier for those who use it.
  4. Another type of run, you can reccomend me something!
  5. DON'T. DO. ANYTHING. Your stuff is boring.

Doing this took me a while, I'm not going to do this again.

Edited by Redo.
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  1. A Pokémon Reborn Hardcore Monotype Bug, Bug is my favorite typing, and with a lot of derpmons it will be quite the challenge.
  2. A normal Pokémon Reborn weakness run, so I can only use pokémon that have weakness against the main type of the gym. Clearly one of the hardest things you can do in the game (For example, vs Julia I can only use Pokémon that are weak to Electric, and for Rini pokémon that are weak to Grass. Also for added challenge I can’t cheat with the abilities, so I can’t use a Levitate Bronzong against Terra, or a Heatproof one against Charlotte).
  3. No run in this one, but the current guide is incomplete and outdated, so pull all my time in making a new one. While a lot of us know how to play the game, it will help new people to have a full guide. Also, I can give a strategy view to the gyms so it's easier for those who use it.
  4. Another type of run, you can reccomend me something!
  5. DON'T. DO. ANYTHING. Your stuff is boring.

1. I still don't get why people think it's a good idea to jump into a Monotype for a very harder version of Reborn...good luck with Charlotte for a team like that. I suppose that would be the best run option (is doing a normal run too mainstream now?) I swear if you beat that Solaris fight with a bug mono, my pride will sink a few inches.

2. I don't really recommend this as it's similar to my challenge run. Having to grind up a ton of mons really burns you out and when you do it for one episode, you have to spend hours doing it the next...to the point it's not even fun. I got up to Kiki and kind of said there wasn't much of a point considering Hardcore gave me just as much challenge with 1/3rd of the time having to level up.

3. This is kind of interesting. I know Jamak PM'd me about making a guide for Hardcore...but 85% of what normally is viable in Reborn is the same for Hardcore except early evolutions are much, much better in Hardcore for the first few gym leaders (like Ursurang, Swalot, Pelipper, Grumpig, etc). I would kind of want to see a guide more with strong Pokemon recommendations to kind of help new people get a feel for the game. Pelipper I generally believe is the strongest early game Flying type you can get...but different people have different preferences. The only difference between regular and Hardcore is that cheap strategies won't win gym leader battles (but they do help a lot).

Edit: Looks like Chubb is doing one so that's a no go.

4. I know it's not a run, but I'd kind of like to see a Reborn Pokemon of the week or something pop up. (Similar to Serebii's but for in-game Reborn vitality and recommendations instead of competetively).

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  • A Pokémon Reborn Hardcore Monotype Bug, Bug is my favorite typing, and with a lot of derpmons it will be quite the challenge.
  • A normal Pokémon Reborn weakness run, so I can only use pokémon that have weakness against the main type of the gym. Clearly one of the hardest things you can do in the game (For example, vs Julia I can only use Pokémon that are weak to Electric, and for Rini pokémon that are weak to Grass. Also for added challenge I can’t cheat with the abilities, so I can’t use a Levitate Bronzong against Terra, or a Heatproof one against Charlotte).
  • No run in this one, but the current guide is incomplete and outdated, so pull all my time in making a new one. While a lot of us know how to play the game, it will help new people to have a full guide. Also, I can give a strategy view to the gyms so it's easier for those who use it.
  • Another type of run, you can reccomend me something!
  • DON'T. DO. ANYTHING. Your stuff is boring.
Bug Mono Hardcore. I promise you Hardcore Mono run is funny and earns the "Hardcore Title" , Really trust me for that :)

I loved the ending post, LILIGANT SO OP <3 I loved her since BW too, i took the game from a friend who didn't want it anymore, and i swept the whole Elite 4 + N + His dad with her <3

GRATS BRO , Amazing run <3

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1. I still don't get why people think it's a good idea to jump into a Monotype for a very harder version of Reborn...good luck with Charlotte for a team like that. I suppose that would be the best run option (is doing a normal run too mainstream now?) I swear if you beat that Solaris fight with a bug mono, my pride will sink a few inches.

2. I don't really recommend this as it's similar to my challenge run. Having to grind up a ton of mons really burns you out and when you do it for one episode, you have to spend hours doing it the next...to the point it's not even fun. I got up to Kiki and kind of said there wasn't much of a point considering Hardcore gave me just as much challenge with 1/3rd of the time having to level up.

3. This is kind of interesting. I know Jamak PM'd me about making a guide for Hardcore...but 85% of what normally is viable in Reborn is the same for Hardcore except early evolutions are much, much better in Hardcore for the first few gym leaders (like Ursurang, Swalot, Pelipper, Grumpig, etc). I would kind of want to see a guide more with strong Pokemon recommendations to kind of help new people get a feel for the game. Pelipper I generally believe is the strongest early game Flying type you can get...but different people have different preferences. The only difference between regular and Hardcore is that cheap strategies won't win gym leader battles (but they do help a lot).

Edit: Looks like Chubb is doing one so that's a no go.

4. I know it's not a run, but I'd kind of like to see a Reborn Pokemon of the week or something pop up. (Similar to Serebii's but for in-game Reborn vitality and recommendations instead of competetively).


Yes, actually the weakness run would become a grinding fest, probably not so bad thanks to the trainers in the Grand Hall, but still bad.

Also, while Solaris is hard, it's not THAT difficult, considering my pokémon up to that point are:

Spinarak, Combee, Pineco, Caterpie, Ledyba, Wurmple, Burmy, Kricketot, Surskit, Venonat, Beedrill, Scatterbug, Sewaddle, Paras, Larvesta, Shuckle.

This include 5 Sticky Web users, and a lot of Set Up Sweepers (Swords Dance or Quiver Dance), obviously he will make a huge dent to my team, but if I can set up thanks to EV grinding, Sticky Web and sleep moves the chance is there.

The POTW idea is cool, if people want it, I can easily work on it (And probably would take less time to do than a full run).

Bug Mono Hardcore. I promise you Hardcore Mono run is funny and earns the "Hardcore Title" , Really trust me for that :)

I loved the ending post, LILIGANT SO OP <3 I loved her since BW too, i took the game from a friend who didn't want it anymore, and i swept the whole Elite 4 + N + His dad with her <3

GRATS BRO , Amazing run <3

Thanks, Lilligant was a true sis, and pulled the team more than expected.

I pick 4. Hardcore Reborn with just those 18 mons again.

This is another option, but I have to ideas for it:

  1. Let the RNG decide again, but this time I'll abuse so I don't have deathweights like Sigilyph, Sharpedo or Beartic.
  2. That TCU idea but in Hardcore, you choose 18 things (Obviously I'll filter some so my team is not Unown and Combee male), but still a hard one.

So guys, a Hardcore run (18 pokes or Mono Bug), or a POTW thing.

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18 pokes, and a partridge in a pear tree.

>Googles Patridge

>It's a bird

>A bird in a tree

>Probably a deep phrase about you should be where you belong

>But because it doesn't make sence in Spanish, I don't understand

Ok guys, for now it's a 18 pokémon run on hardcore, now will it be in TCU fashion or in Random Pokémon Generator.

In b4 you guys make me go 1v6 for a long time with Chikorita.

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Actually it's the main line of the Christmas song "12 days of christmas". I reference it because this run is like a Christmas present, which is what the partridge in a pear tree is. Along with the maids a milking and lords a dancing.

Okay, but you can't expect me to know all christmas song in ENGLISH when I don't even speak the language... Hell, I don't even know them in my own language...

Also, do people still sing that? Like, Christmas is all about alcohol, good food, family and tons of gift.

Well, I'll wait for Hardcore 1.8 before starting my next run, but please help me to decide what the hell I'll do with it... Guys, why not a NFE challenge or a PU/FU challenge by the current smogon tiers... when your best pokémon is Electabuzz or Fraxure you're in a bad spot.

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So you're waiting on 1.8. Is this what you're talking about? Anyways, I think you'll have more fun with the PU/FU, but I personally use Pokemon that are in lower tiers and a lot of them are surprisingly useful aka Creepy Bird, Lord Yum-Yum, and Shaggy.

Commander away.

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So you're waiting on 1.8. Is this what you're talking about? Anyways, I think you'll have more fun with the PU/FU, but I personally use Pokemon that are in lower tiers and a lot of them are surprisingly useful aka Creepy Bird, Lord Yum-Yum, and Shaggy.

Commander away.

Hey, is that the updated version up to Shade? Thanks!

And while yes, a few low tier pokémon are way too good, the lowest tier may not be good enough in the late part of the game, most of them lack the base stats to do so (Like Butterfree in this run, yeah, he was very useful, but in the postAgate he was just not fast enough sometimes, lacked the raw power he needed without Quiver Dance and died from a lot of things).

So yeah, this are the only things I'm interested in doing right now:

  • POTW, we make a poll on what pokémon you want to be covered, and I do a full review of it, with when it's availeable, movepool, it's usefulness against the important battles and other options.
  • Hardcore mono Bug, a lot of derpy options, all the fun of it.
  • Hardcore flippin' NOT FULLY EVOLVED (NFE), I don't know if this is even possible, I have to ask Commander about this, but it's going to be a lot of fun and death.
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  • Hardcore flippin' NOT FULLY EVOLVED (NFE), I don't know if this is even possible, I have to ask Commander about this, but it's going to be a lot of fun and death.

Hardcore is not a game designed to get your butt kicked a thousand times over. If you want that, go play Rejuvenation's Intense mode. Hardcore is the point that rewards skills and punishes people who charge into a battle expecting an easy win. No leader is at the point you have to rely on cheap strategies to win it, but any restriction you put on yourself will make the game hell at some points. Even on a casual playthrough, you will white out a few times. I actually lost to every leader so far and I even know everything about them.

I suppose it would be possible to complete an NFE run, but you'd be grinding 12-15 Pokemon up rotations with about 4 cycling through each episode compared to a normal run of Hardcore where you could easily run a rotation team of 8 (I run 10 no problem and I'm up to Kiki). Trust me, even a normal playthrough is quite fun. I'm on my second run and some fights still give me quite the surprise like the Pulse Muk. I'd go for a monotype honestly if I were you though as then you can start getting a good team together early on.

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Hardcore is not a game designed to get your butt kicked a thousand times over. If you want that, go play Rejuvenation's Intense mode. Hardcore is the point that rewards skills and punishes people who charge into a battle expecting an easy win. No leader is at the point you have to rely on cheap strategies to win it, but any restriction you put on yourself will make the game hell at some points. Even on a casual playthrough, you will white out a few times. I actually lost to every leader so far and I even know everything about them.

I suppose it would be possible to complete an NFE run, but you'd be grinding 12-15 Pokemon up rotations with about 4 cycling through each episode compared to a normal run of Hardcore where you could easily run a rotation team of 8 (I run 10 no problem and I'm up to Kiki). Trust me, even a normal playthrough is quite fun. I'm on my second run and some fights still give me quite the surprise like the Pulse Muk. I'd go for a monotype honestly if I were you though as then you can start getting a good team together early on.

Rotation is not a problem when you can easily maintain 18 with some shitty 'mons like Butterfree, and I got 'em all to Lv75!

Still the NFE challenge got that problem of not cutting through the mid-late of the game anymore (Except a few expections. like Rhydon or Electabuzz, that are awesome), add the problem that GameFreak love to throw Lv1 move to all fully evolved pokémon that the NFE would love to have and call it a day.

Yup, perfect challenge, tons of fun, now is the link you gave me the updated version up to Shade? If so I'll start this in a moment.

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  • 7 years later...

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Edited by Priyanshu
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  • 2 months later...

The Random Pokemon Generator offered by Pokemotor is designed to provide users with an effortless way to generate random Pokémon from any generation, including the newest additions.

The generator operates based on a vast database of Pokémon species, moves, abilities, and other essential traits. By utilizing advanced algorithms, the tool creates unique combinations of these attributes to generate a random Pokémon tailored to your preferences.

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