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Pokémon Reborn Hardcore Playthrough!


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Starting tomorrow, I will start to play and update this run.

I think I may be going insane I tried Freedom Dive, I was already insane, Moving along.... I can't really think of anything else before I start my run... Below is where my team will be updated along with it being updated in the posts.

Current Team

443.gif Gibles Level: 6


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Here we go


Journal Entry of the Reborn Region #1: Today, I said goodbye to my parents and got onto the train with a person named Amethyst. She was very nice on the ride over the ocean, then we hit the Reborn Region. The water suddenly turned a brownish color, which I thought it was weird but I didn't think to ask her about it. A little after we entered nearing the station she asked me to fill out a short survey. When we were pulling into the station, there was a weird sound and Amethyst said that I needed to run... Apparently a little later, I woke up unconscious outside of the train station to see it was completely destroyed. Thankfully Amethyst and I were safe... She was nice enough to help me get up and explain what happened. A voice came from the distance, Amethyst seems a little annoyed and suspicious. It was a girl in a yellow t-shirt and pants. Her name was Julia and she was very talkative. Once Amethyst left to the Grand Hall, this "Gym Leader" gave a short, stupid quiz. "Are you going to challenge the Reborn League?" No, I just came here to see the... beauty.. that the region is... Anyways, I looked around the ruble around me and found a Normal Gem, sweet! I walked down the path and people keep staring at me... I talked to this one nice lady who asked if I was okay, and gave me a Potion! These people are so nice here not. Before entering the Grand Hall, there was a girl name Victoria who I was guessing was going to help me around the Grand Hall. After some booty humping due to her being so slow we made it to the front desk. I talked to Amethyst who said that I should call her "Ame" for now, so I said "okay" and went along with it. She took me up to the start room and said that I could choose from all the starters from every region, or choose something that was new. The new thing that she said was added a few days ago was to be able to go on a certain website and it would let you get a random Pokémon out of all 721! I went ahead choose the random Pokémon website to PRESS MY LUCK *Laughs to self at horrible joke* ... Anyways, after going there and ya know, the horrible joke... I got Gible! Ame said that Gible's don't appear in the Reborn Region at all, so I was very lucky. I felt proud that I choose that now... After she took me back down to the main floor, she took Victoria up to get her Pokémon which she already had chosen apparently. Out of the corner of my eye, I see this weird I want to say girl looking at me very closely; after a few second she walks up to me and says, "Hey, you're cute!" I though, "We that's nice, just came here and already getting hit on." But I actually responded with "Thanks, you are too..." Then after a little speech she challenged me to a battle and I accepted of course! The battle began and she sent out her Nidoran M while I sent out Gibbles, the Gible. It was mainly a Tackle fight but I was close to losing once... The Normal Gem helped me with winning the battle along with my Gible's Rough Skin ability. After that, I got my Gible healed and here came Ame and Victoria. The girl, who said her name was Cain (I thought that Cain was a male name, whatever) said that she and I had fun. Victoria said that "I didn't know that you were like that, Kyler" What, does she think that a freaking 10 year old would do that... Stupid. Anyways, after Cain and Ame left; Victoria challenge me to a battle. She lead off with her level 6 Tepig and I lead with my level 5 Gible... urg... Why does she get a higher leveled Pokémon? Anyways, It once again was a tackle fight and I had to use my Potion that lady gave to me to win the battle. Thank Arceus Gible had rough skin. Once I won, we went back up to Ame and she said that they had found the person who bombed the station. Then she gave us a Pokédex of the Reborn Region and Running Shoes. Victoria gave me some Pokéballs and said good luck! Now, off to explore Reborn City! :D


443.gif Gibles Level: 6

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GG Julia I won guys... not

2nd and final entry on my journey in the Reborn region: Today, is a sad day.. I lost my run and I'm getting sent back to my home... I fell horrible for my Pokémon. The first gymleader wrecked me... Lucas, Signing out.

Current Team: Will be updated later.

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That was so painful to watch. Emolga too OP.

Yeah... #BlameCommander

#pigswag #pigswag Well, good luck on your normal run with the Comfy Torterra! #pigswag #pigswag

Thanks! :D

*insert breaking news music* BREAKING NEWS: A NEW CHALLENGER HAS REACHED THE REBORN REGION, HIS NAME IS KYLER, WILL HE MAKE IT TROUGH THE REBORN REGION? (AKA: I'm chainging this to where I update my new run which is just a classic one. So yeah...

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Wow...that was fast. Of course, it is mathematically nearly impossible to beat hardcore through a nuzlocke. Too many variables are based on chance in the late episodes anyways.

You know what, give me about 20/30 mins and I'll start streaming and I'll try to beat your "challenge" Feel free to join.

EDIT: yay 700th post.

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