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So, I've recently started playing a game called Skyforge.

Skyforge is one of the newer releases in the recently popular Action-MMORPG genre, and so far it's pretty cool. Instead explaining the game in details, below is a conversation between me and Arkhidon where I describe what I found as the most exciting features of the game when I first played it.

If you are interested in playing, I'm currently playing in North America, just post your name or send me a PM and we can meet up.

Website: http://sf.my.com/us

PS: Not all videos below contain good opinions or good impressions all the time, but I've added them nonetheless for the sake of being fair.

Gameplay videos:

Conversation with Arkhidon:

[22:28:33] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:How's the combat?
[22:28:34] Kurotsune: I've played through the tutorial + the first map and tried out three different classes.
[22:28:37] Kurotsune: Here's the basic rundown of it.
[22:28:43] Kurotsune: 1 -> Combat is based off of three main things.
[22:28:48] Kurotsune: First is resources.
[22:29:07] Kurotsune: Every class has a resource that is generated by their main attack and spent by using skills
[22:29:16] Kurotsune: It seems each class has their quirks about resource generation and use too
[22:29:47] Kurotsune: I'm playing currently as a Lightbringer (support healer class) and that class generates their resource (light power) automatically, but they generate more when attacking
[22:30:13] Kurotsune: paladins generate their resources after using a combo attack, and it seems their resource (wrath) actually doesn't stop them from using the combo skills, just actually changes them
[22:30:26] Kurotsune: For example, one skill used normally is ust a downward slash, but with wrath, you summon a thunderbolt.
[22:30:36] Kurotsune: To use their cooldowns they still need resources though
[22:30:51] Kurotsune: And lastly Cryomancer, the mage DPS can't function without resources, so they generate it wiht every attack.
[22:31:01] Kurotsune: Second is skill combos
[22:31:11] Kurotsune: basically there are button combinations and button presses that change how a skill function
[22:31:12] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:That's rather detailed.
[22:31:19] Kurotsune: I'm throught.
[22:31:23] Kurotsune: Thorought, even.
[22:31:28] Kurotsune: and you unlock these skills and use them
[22:31:38] Kurotsune: for example, the lightbringer can unlock a different skill for their main attack
[22:31:56] Kurotsune: where instead of throwing light bolts they charge that into a single beam that deals more damage at the cost l
[22:31:59] Kurotsune: light power.
[22:32:06] Kurotsune: meanwhile paladins
[22:32:14] Kurotsune: will change how their right mouse button behaves entirely
[22:32:19] Kurotsune: based on how far into ther combo they are
[22:32:28] Kurotsune: for example if you press RMB, you get a spin AoE charge attack
[22:32:32] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: I'll get back to you whenever..
[22:32:35] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Just keep typing away
[22:32:44] Kurotsune: LMB x1 then RMB x1 and it's a mid-range cone attack
[22:32:55] Kurotsune: LMBx2 and RMB x1 is the lightning bolt attack
[22:32:56] Kurotsune: and so on
[22:32:58] Kurotsune: Third, dodges.
[22:33:07] Kurotsune: The enemies have tells that show when they use a special skill
[22:33:16] Kurotsune: but thats actually through observing how the enemy is behaving
[22:33:21] Kurotsune: instead of just looking at circles on the ground
[22:33:26] Kurotsune: Which is pretty fucking incredible actually
[22:33:40] Kurotsune: because I have how most action based MMOS feel like just a game of step outside the circle
[22:33:51] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Yeahhh
[22:34:03] Kurotsune: So you three dashes and they regenerate over time and you're basically meant to use these as much as you can
[22:34:08] Kurotsune: while still saving them to avoid the heavy attacks
[22:34:22] Kurotsune: I think it adds a cool dynamic of paying attention to the boss
[22:34:30] Kurotsune: because you can tell it's about to do something big
[22:34:32] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: So normal enemies don't have special attacks?
[22:34:35] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Only main bosses?
[22:34:38] Kurotsune: but you won't what it is until you actually use them
[22:34:48] Kurotsune: First, the game seems to differentiate four sizes of enemies
[22:34:55] Kurotsune: This is because of how the game portrays
[22:34:57] Kurotsune: the character
[22:35:01] Kurotsune: you're basically a god in training
[22:35:07] Kurotsune: So you have the normal enemies who are basically mooks
[22:35:17] Kurotsune: you can one shot or two shot like whole groups of them
[22:35:29] Kurotsune: These are cannon fodder so they don't do anything then
[22:35:36] Kurotsune: you have the bigger guys
[22:35:37] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:That's gotta feel good
[22:35:42] Kurotsune: It feels awesome
[22:35:46] Kurotsune: so special enemies who are a bit more resilient
[22:35:49] Kurotsune: and have their own quirks
[22:35:54] Kurotsune: in the first area you have an assassin
[22:36:01] Kurotsune: whose skill is basically a gap closer
[22:36:09] Kurotsune: so you start attacking and he'll try to leap at you
[22:36:18] Kurotsune: and then the bigger guys who are the normal bosses
[22:36:28] Kurotsune: who have like two or three they'll using during the fight
[22:36:34] Kurotsune: from what I could of the two bosses I've fought so far
[22:36:50] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Any mini-bosses?
[22:36:53] Kurotsune: and then you the elite bosses which are the strongest fought but I'm assuming they're going to follow that pattern of complexity
[22:37:01] Kurotsune: Basically the midway bosses are what I'd mini-bosses
[22:37:10] Kurotsune: like the guys with two-three skills
[22:37:18] Kurotsune: because they're hard but not enough that you can't solo them
[22:37:25] Kurotsune: like they a bit harder but you can manage it
[22:37:42] Kurotsune: meanwhile I'm assuming elite are bosses are way more hardcore and probably take a bigger effort to bring down.
[22:37:53] Kurotsune: That's basically in very simple terms how combat works
[22:37:58] Kurotsune: there's a lot of things that I haven't seen yet
[22:38:02] Kurotsune: and stuff like finishers
[22:38:05] Kurotsune: where if an enemy is low on hp
[22:38:10] Kurotsune: you can effectively OHKO them
[22:38:16] Kurotsune: regardless what enemy it is
[22:38:18] Kurotsune: but it has a long cooldown
[22:38:27] Kurotsune: so you have to pick the targets carefully
[22:38:40] Kurotsune: That's combat.
[22:38:43] Kurotsune: So storyline real quick.
[22:38:47] Kurotsune: Your character is an Immortal.
[22:38:58] Kurotsune: Immortals are humans who for whatever reason died and were reborn
[22:39:05] Kurotsune: and they're basically human beings with the potential to become gods
[22:39:16] Kurotsune: So your quest is basically to adventure while helping people to gain followers which you faith
[22:39:28] Kurotsune: this is translated through a reward that gives shards every time you complete an objective
[22:39:35] Kurotsune: which allows you to unlock your new skills
[22:39:39] Kurotsune: That's the gist of it.
[22:39:44] Kurotsune: Map exploration.
[22:39:52] Kurotsune: I've seen one map, but what I've seen, I'v really liked.
[22:39:56] Kurotsune: First, maps work more like missions.
[22:40:06] Kurotsune: You have your main quest hub where you pick a mission go to and you're transported to that map
[22:40:18] Kurotsune: Maps are linear but because they're linear they focused and driven
[22:40:27] Kurotsune: and you end up having to explore the entire map to finish the mission
[22:40:43] Kurotsune: so your focus ends up being doing everything there is to do
[22:40:56] Kurotsune: all of which is to given to you seamlessly as you traverse the map towards the main objective
[22:41:15] Kurotsune: there's no npcs to talk to, rather you just progress and basically hit F everytime you complete an objective and get your rewards
[22:41:36] Kurotsune: Which just lets you explore seamlessly without having to backtrack for example because that quest a weapon you want to use as a reward
[22:41:46] Kurotsune: Lastly
[22:42:00] Kurotsune: Not lastly yet actually
[22:42:01] Kurotsune: Story wise
[22:42:03] Kurotsune: all npcs are voiced
[22:42:12] Kurotsune: your character isn't, which is a shame, but understandable.
[22:42:19] Kurotsune: But all npcs are voiced and the story so far seems really interesting
[22:42:34] Kurotsune: It doesn't seem to follow cliche in which this game admits that your character is meant to be a badass
[22:42:40] Kurotsune: since you're basically to become a god
[22:42:58] Kurotsune: So classes
[22:43:02] Kurotsune: There are 13 classes in the game
[22:43:15] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Must be impressive to have that much to say about it
[22:43:21] Kurotsune: You start with three unlocked
[22:43:29] Kurotsune: Paladin, Cryomancer and Lightbringer
[22:43:37] Kurotsune: and then you have other classes to unlock as you progress
[22:43:47] Kurotsune: You can chance your classes everytime you're out of combat just like FFXIV
[22:43:56] Kurotsune: And each class is leveled individually.
[22:44:12] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:Oh, I thought you started with Gunner as well
[22:44:19] Kurotsune: You started with Gunner?
[22:44:38] +TFArkhidon - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ:I've heard you can
[22:44:38] Kurotsune: Well anyway.
[22:44:38] Kurotsune: THe one thing I don't know yet
[22:45:01] Kurotsune: Is how advanced the advanced classes are
[22:45:08] Kurotsune: For example, you start the cryomancer
[22:45:20] Kurotsune: the idea is that as you level the cryomancer you'll eventually in a like a few hours of gameplay
[22:45:32] Kurotsune: unlock for example the necromancer who's an intermediate class
[22:45:45] Kurotsune: the wiki mentions that to unlock for example an advanced class you'd need "weeks of development"
[22:45:53] Kurotsune: so what I don't know yet if it works like a prestige system
[22:46:00] Kurotsune: where the advanced classes are just flat out better than the other ones
[22:46:21] Kurotsune: in which that sucks because that means you don't have 13 classes, you have 5 classes because those are the 5 advanced and thus the 5 viable in end game
[22:46:53] Kurotsune: The classes even to have different stances that change how they behave
[22:47:15] Kurotsune: So far in the start of the game I see elements from TERA, Neverwinter, GW2, FFXIV, and it's like they took all the good things from theses and put it in this one
[22:47:26] Kurotsune: So so far it looks pretty cool and I'm actually excited to play more
[22:47:36] Kurotsune: I think I'm going to post this conversation in the forums as an intro to this game
[22:47:39] Kurotsune: If anyone else wants to join

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Aaah, gosh! ♥ I love the game! Play it almost daily (Or at least log in to boss around my adepts, ehe! )
Sadly... I play on the European server... ;u; Though I've been trying to get two of my friends to play with me and if they start doing so, I'll make a new character for the American server! ♥

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Ahh... found out my friends played a bit (without me) and didn't like it. c,: Guess I'm free to make the character now! xD

I'll do it tomorrow, though. Bed time for now!

Oh... though... how should I get into contact with you guys?

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