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Possibility of New Reborn Online League


New Reborn League  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you challenge a New Reborn League?

    • Definetly
    • I'd at least give it a go
    • Definitely not
    • I would't challenge it but I'd watch battles in it

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I read over most of it and, I guess you could use another set of opinions. Why-not?

First and foremost, I think it needs to be stated: this will be very tough to run, but by no means does that mean it will be impossible or reason for it not to succeed. I've seen a lot of "Oh it won't be as tough as people say" and a lot of "It'll be too tough to manage" but both are really bad mindsets. It'll be tough, I've ran a league before Reborn, I've ran several other long term projects and not everything will be easy, or the "right" move, but it'll all be possible.

A lot of this will actually be the userbase and how willing they are to accept what you're doing as well. On another site, I had no issues running things constantly, consistently and successfully because everyone was down for everything. I don't know what your userbase would be for this task, but hopefully they're a good group of people and not causing you issues.

Keep in mind that a lot is on you too, though. You have to keep lists, threads, chats, basically an entire subforum's worth of work, attention and motivation. You get the idea? Now, like I said, it's all possible. The best foundation is to lay out ahead of time what needs to be done. Find the best way to organize it. I suggest being able to make all of your background lists as concise as possible. As few words, posts, etc as you can in order for it to be simple. I remember back in the day, a large issue was updating things before automation. I'm not insinuating that you need automation; but you need motivation. When you have it, have the people involved develop a routine on what they do each appearance. It can be daunting, but if you know what you do like clockwork, it'll be just like your password to log in. Fast and easy.

Second; mind your leaders. Anonymity isn't necessary but there can be issues without it. I remember back in a league I ran, a co-leader of the site told me not to take in challengers for a bit at my rank (I was the last one to face). Come to find out, they wanted to be the first challenger, the first winner, and were making me take heat for it after I made it public that he was the reason why I wasn't taking challengers. Stupid drama that was pointless, honestly. But it's a real situation, and similar ridiculous things could happen to you. Not that Ame would cause issue but you get the idea.

Anonymity is nice though, because it prevents jealousy and other forms of animosity. Seeing that x person is a leader that y people wanted to be, isn't good. But, if you know that it's me, for example, that's a leader, you could have more flexible time arrangements that end up being in place. Maybe communicate with certain challengers when to arrive. As long as the challenge arrangements are fair to all involved, you can manage better. Ultimately, whatever you decide, make sure it's laid out in full, and in advance.

Third; don't worry so much about the application process for leaders. Make sure you worry about the upcoming performances as leaders. I'm seeing a lot of "We'll have extensive tryouts!" kind of a thing, but honestly in the Reborn league, the "bad" people were doing really well and people had no idea why. It's because they prepped well for the task, not the position! Honestly, what you want is for the person to have a vast understanding of what they're to be doing. If they're great and have not a single clue how to work a fire mono, well, that's going to still be an easy time. The best leader (imo, and at one point of stat foraging, statistically speaking) was of a "weak" mono, and of those who knew who it was, a "weak" battler. Tell me how they managed a win rate that everyone only dreams of then :). Prep!

I don't really remember if I had anything else to say, but yeah. I suppose that's a little insight from my point of view. Hope I'm helping! ^^;

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It's a nice idea, and i would love to see this become a thing. I also wasn't around for the Reborn league back then.

Though seeing as i suck at battling, i probably won't be able to win against anyone. I'll still watch the battles though.

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Yep! I didn't think to make a post here as this thread wan't officially connected to the Corona league.

So there is a league for Reborn coming just not the one that was announced! Look forward to it!

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Just heard that they made an executive decision to end this project because there was already one on the way that's much more developed

I think there might be a bit of confusion here... The league that this thread is talking about has not been cancelled. The Corona league, which was a different League, is the one that has been cancelled, presumably because this league is in the works. That's how I understood the status at least.

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I think there might be a bit of confusion here... The league that this thread is talking about has not been cancelled. The Corona league, which was a different League, is the one that has been cancelled, presumably because this league is in the works. That's how I understood the status at least.

Not exactly. The Corona league came out of this thread however they weren't explicitly linked.

So this thread was a bit more generic and actually ended up being a bit of a push for both the Corona and other league.

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Not going to read through all the posts to see if this was suggested, but a solution to the log is an Excel spreadsheet. Put the league challenges on the left side and the badges at the top, then you can quickly see if a challenger has actually beaten the gym. Google has excel spreadsheets, and you can limit permission to edit them.

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