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Best Starter


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Well it depends on your play style. The two most powerful starters and Blaziken and Greninja (both with their Hidden Abilities).

However you can make most things work. Infernape and Torterra are meant to be pretty good and I've used a Delphox well in the early game.

In reborn water starters are the hardest to use in the early game as they have weaknesses against the first two gyms.

So pretty much just choose what works for you (except Meganium- never use it!)

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It all depends on your playstyle.

They're all good in their own respects, so it depends on how you like to play.

For all-around use though, Protean is just an OP ability.

Some people think "Oh, all it does is give you a STAB on all attacks" but, it actually changes your type though, if you can use that effectively, it's FABULOUSSSSSSSSS!

Greninja is in Ubers.

That is all.

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the best (i will agree with mde2001) is torchic and froaki. You must consider, in my opinion, what starters can you find in game events and choose from the rest.

Starters in event: squirtle(mudkip in old ep.), chicorita(bulba in old ep.), tepig, cyndaquil, piplup, totodile, turtwig, chespinn, fenekin and i think oshawott too.

If you want both of the old starters which have been changed, you can just use both ,old and new , eps and go to the same place twice and you can have them both(bulba-chico, mudkip-squirtle)

Edited by Pausaunias
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Well it depends on your play style. The two most powerful starters and Blaziken and Greninja (both with their Hidden Abilities).

However you can make most things work. Infernape and Torterra are meant to be pretty good and I've used a Delphox well in the early game.

In reborn water starters are the hardest to use in the early game as they have weaknesses against the first two gyms.

So pretty much just choose what works for you (except Meganium- never use it!)

I agree. I picked Infernape and a friend of mine picked Torterra. Both of them are very good picks.

Also, Cyndaquil is sweet because of Nature Power shenanigans and Eruption.

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Id probably say that Greninja is a better started in this game. There are a lot of alternative fire type pokemon you can find in the game that can be almost as good as Blaziken whereas there are virtually no water type pokemon, outside of the starters, to pick from at the start

And yeah Protein too

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here we go again. meh i don't know why people don't use the search feature.

God tier starter:


Medium tier:

All the rest of starters not in God tier and trash tier low tier

trash tier low tier:


well that is what i think but all starters are good in it's own way. just choose what you like. no need to worry about how stronk a starter is. if you like chikorita by all means just start with it. Also i would start with the starter which do not have an in-game event.here is a list of starters which do not have an in game event:

Froakie,Torchic,Oshawott,Snivy,Charmander,Bulbasaur(technically available if you have Episode 9),Mudkip(technically available if you have E14),chimchar and treeko. turtwig if you cant solve that crazy slide puzzle

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here we go again. meh i don't know why people don't use the search feature.

God tier starter:


Medium tier:

All the rest of starters not in God tier and trash tier low tier

trash tier low tier:


well that is what i think but all starters are good in it's own way. just choose what you like. no need to worry about how stronk a starter is. if you like chikorita by all means just start with it. Also i would start with the starter which do not have an in-game event.here is a list of starters which do not have an in game event:

Froakie,Torchic,Oshawott,Snivy,Charmander,Bulbasaur(technically available if you have Episode 9),Mudkip(technically available if you have E14),chimchar and treeko. turtwig if you cant solve that crazy slide puzzle

Squirtle replaces Mudkip and Chikorita replaces bulbasaur in E15, so if you want Mudkip and Bulbasaur you will have to dl the episodes before that~Tepig is also available as an event, so it's recommendable that you choose outside event starters to guarantee the variety of the mons you are able to obtain~

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I hear piplup is the worst but water types are kind of at a disadvantage yeah. Froakie is good though

I think one thing to note is how well they function in Reborn's field system. Pokemon that can use fields to their benefit are often good picks and while water might be helpful in later episodes so far we haven't had enough water-beneficial fields for them to really big big picks, in fact if anything we quite a few that work against them which only makes using a water starter that much harder.

Fire types with eruption/flame burst/overheat/lava plume can take advantage of fields really well and make several major battles much easier because of it. This is a big reason Typhlosion is so good in Reborn. I actually argue that Torterra doesn't quite benefit as much from fields which sort of works against him a lot, plus he has that awful ice double weakness. He's still really good but he hits a couple of walls and I wouldn't put him on Typhlosion or Greninja's level.

Infernape is good but Iron fist is a bit meh and he's pretty frail. Also he can't use the fields as well as charizard/Typhlosion can. He's still my favorite fire starter but Typhlosion is definitely the better pick overall.I feel.

Delphox has been really awesome for me so far being my first time using him. Light screen + nice speed and special attack make him great at supporting the team and magician can be pretty nifty.

Venusaur is pretty bulky and can take some serious punishment. Torterra is definitely better offensively because of curse but old Venus is no pushover.

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I picked up Piplup recently from 7th street sidequest and trained him up, he can take a few special hits while dishing out powerful attack, holding the fort on his own, so i wouldnt say piplup is bad, and Piplup line is so far my favourite starter among Sinnoh trio(also favourite trio among region starters) Iron Fist falls flat without egg moves~and yeah, general hatred on Delphox is unwarranted, it can also hold up on its own, looks of a mon is not all of it~ I cant really find any good words for Chikorita and Tepig, sorry you guys Meganium and Emboar have to be sidelined unless GF take mercy on you and get you megas~

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