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What is your "Oh god, no!" moment?


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I remember back in the day I was playing a PS2 gem called Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits. There's this one scene where one of the main characters randomly sprouts demon wings and scares everyone in the hometown. Afterwards, you have to play as this guy. I was really young at the time and this thoroughly freaked me out. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

If you want to talk about some more recent games, some of the deaths from the Zero Escape games can really get to you. Those games really know how to write characters well and it makes it all the more sad and thought provoking if they die.

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I can name a few:

Xenosaga II Proto Omega, the game basically has you crawling to save points if you don't stock spam, but Proto Omega is a league of its own. E.S. fights aren't too bad, but when you get out of them, run the hell away from enemies. I nearly got a game over because a group of four enemies were comboing and knocking my characters over like no tomorrow. I was pretty much running like a scared little girl near the end of that long dungeon.

I suppose another one would be Xenoblade Chronicles. You're in a battle with a group of 8 enemies then you hear this song:

The last one would be Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations Case 4's ending. Seriously, that one was a bit unexpected, but they foreshadowed it so well.

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1. When doing a Sonic underwater level and you start to hear this:

2. Those moments in Fire Emblem when one of your favorite troops are at low HP and there are a swarm of enemies approaching.

3. Any Dark Souls boss ever, ESPECIALLY when you have a ton of souls on you. Those fights are stressful.

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1. Super Mario - Series:

Ice-Levels, Underwater-Levels, Lava-Levels, Swamp-Levels, Auto-scroller-Levels

actually all levels except World 1 are just plain annoying with their sudden mechanic change... "oh let make everything artificially harder by changing the characters behavior (Ice and underwater) or make everything you touch kill you instantly (Swamp and Lava)"

ESPACIALLY in Multiplayer mode, where you can't just rush through the level if your partner can't keep up with you or they screw you over with a miss-timed jump

(We need a VERSUS Mario Game with split screen - a race to the finish, where it actually makes sense to screw each other over... now THAT would be fun instead of frustrating)

OH and Boo Spooky-Mansions... FLUFF THOSE!

2. Fire Emblem Awakening

When you think your fragile unit is save, and then the enemy (reinforcements) pull out Rally Movement...

3. Hearthstone

Patron Warriors ... FLUFF THOSE!

Oh no I'm like one turn away from death, because I only have 1 HP left... oh well better TOPDECK my Patron, Warsong Commander, Froathing Berserker, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Combo!

SCREW YOU! Play something original!

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Whenever a Rajang shows up during a hunt in Monster Hunter. Especially when you're busy fighting another Rajang.

Being stunned when the monster is about to hit you with a really powerful attack.

Any time a game makes you watch an unskippable tutorial that explains shit you're already well aware of. Looking at you, Game Freak.

That entire pointless "sidequest" in X and Y where you have to get the pokéflute from some rich bastard and find his stupid Furfrou.

Mach bike puzzles.

Whenever there's a Gandhi AI player in a Civilization game.

"Oh, you're almost dead and haven't saved in a while? Too bad, surprise boss fight!"

Edited by aquawaffle
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-Finding a Monster House in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

-Doing the Pit of One Hundred Trials in the Paper Mario series

-Escort Missions

-Any time you have to run away from a huge, un-killable enemy

-Playing a horror game and having a small, cute animal getting introduced

-Playing Pikmin 2 and having the Waterwraith show up

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when your playing a megaman game and your all out of sub tanks and you just got to sigma...... or you just used your last pokeball on a VERY up set arcues......or mewtwo........or rayquaza

Edited by NiroSakuraba
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Wait, I forgot to mention my biggest "Oh Dear Lord No" moment. Chopping your hand off in the Walking Dead game. Seriously, that part gives me chills just thinking about it. It's even worse when you know that it's coming. It's like watching a horror movie, and you want to yell "No you idiot, don't go in there. That's where murder happens." at the screen.

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