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What is your "Oh god, no!" moment?


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Azure Dreams: Getting your only wind crystal stolen and not getting one again.

Final Fantasy V: Beating the game + bonus content including some disgustingly hard optional bosses only to find out I missed a single treasure stash and I can't get the achievement for 100% treasure now.

Pokémon: "It hurt itself in its confusion!"

Ys I: Thinking that playing the game for the first time and starting it on nightmare difficulty was a good idea...

Path of Exile: Finding a promising guide to setup a character and finally notice the core spell is totally useless.

Metroid Fusion: Every SA-X encounter.

World of Warcraft: 1% wipes

Any game with rare random events: Resetting the game too quickly after having found what you were looking for.

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For me it's basically when I played Dark Souls for the first time. A whole lot of "oh god no" in just about everywhere you go. But there are quite a few that made me shout it out loud in more than one occasion.

Such as this:


And this:


And let's not forget this:


Wait that part actually didn't happened, but it might as well have!

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For me it's when your doing a high rank quest in Monster Hunter 4U/3U and you're fighting any large monster then you turn around and see a god damn Deviljho appear out of nowhere it makes me jump everytime though I do like the epic music that plays.

Edited by The5ilverback
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Any of the Game Grump's super mario maker levels

For me it's when your doing a high rank quest in Monster Hunter 4U/3U and you're fighting any large monster then you turn around and see a god damn Deviljho appear out of nowhere it makes me jump everytime though I do like the epic music that plays.


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Actually, in Emerald, the game doesn't ask you what pokemon was in the news report, it asks you what colour it was. Latios = Blue, Latias = Red.

You must be remembering it wrong.

Either way. I imagine that would be frustrating.

Oh yeah... I remember correctly, the report said something was flying through the sky and when I was five I thought that meant Groundon or Kyogre because the old graphics of Emerald made it look like they flew at one point and I liked Kyogre more. Then I saw Latios and learned about my stupid mistake. So yeah, less of an "oh god no!" moment and more of an "I am the stupidest freaking human alive" moment.

Edited by Okami
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Oh god, I remember that.

I also tried to sneak several times to no avail. F***ing deathclaws, man.

Still can't decide if they're worse than Cazadores or not~

defiantly not worse than dethclaws

cazadores can be easily handled by using vats and aiming disabling their wings

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Got a new one! this one comes from playing dark souls but can be applied to just about any game action especially with melee combat.

When you swing your weapon of choice and your opponent swings theirs and you notice a clear 3 seconds before it happens that your opponent will make contact first again a few seconds of OH GOD NO followed by either a panicked frenzy to get away or a the same soul crushing defeat.

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