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Hazy eyed, burnt out, desiring more

Guest MegaMagikarp

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Guest MegaMagikarp

I had just finished the last part of ep. 15 and after endless hours of gameplay am slowly going into withdrawal. I have spent the last two days just picking up the trades I missed and trying to convince myself there still exists a secret event only I know about. This game has absolutely fantastic dynamics and I cannot get enough of it. Nothing more than just a quick accolade. I found that the gyms were not despicably hard and I had a really good team with a fair amount of subs. I usually find a way to be able to just dominate, although there are still a good many that require me to grind like hell. As title suggests- I am going on about 20 % battery left. Just wanted to give credit where credit is due.

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You could always do a challenge run of reborn (eg. a monotype or something). The game has a lot of replay potential.

You don't have to lose your save to do this. You can just rename your actual save file to something else (you can find your save file in the c drive of your computer) and play the game again without having to lose your current team.

This would add an even bigger challenge and is a lot of fun!

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Yeah, other fan games are great. Rejuvenation is brilliant and Desolation is quite good too (I haven't played any others).

I'd say play my reborn style fan game Regal, but I'd actually recommend waiting until E2 (if you play it at all) as the graphics and mapping in the first release really suck.

So overall play rejuvenation for an experience similar to Reborn and check out other games in the Expose if you feel like it.

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Guest MegaMagikarp

Well, I really love the challenge curve here. It is a solid growth with very solid planning required. Often, the battles are geared towards breaKing the game, which is so enjoyable and a good composite of old and new styles.

I personally enjoy this more than Z/O. whereas Z/O had a more polished game and a great interface, Reborn dominates in exploration. I find that the prior is a safe, easy introduction to new gen dynamics, but Reborn just kills.

The reality is pkmn will always have very rigid limitations and it is the community that drives it.

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After reading the title, I'd suggest you take a break :T

two days later but sshh we assume it still counts

I have to go ahead and suggest Rejuvenation too. After all, if you want more challenge, there's always Intense Mode xD

Or maybe just play something else so you don't burn out the desire of playing Pokémon or something~

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If you want to spend some more time in Reborn you could look into EV training your team:


The department store has the Power items for EV training and the tunnels underneath the city are a great place to train any pokemon that require speed investment because of the Woobat spawn points. The highest floor also sells the berries for resetting EV's so you don't need to re-breed Pokemon. I've been kind of cheating and using the Woobats and just spending extra money to get rid of the excess speed EV's because its just so time efficient but you can also use the EV guide here:


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