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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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The most brutal thing I did was show Tacos's character his own death. xD

Btw Exlink, I got a question for you: how strong is Wolt's father exactly? Because there was some confusion about this last time as well, but showing no interest in becoming Champion is a pretty big deal. In this RP there are no 10 year olds to stop evil organizations, instead the champions (+ E4 members and gym leaders did that.) They really are OP characters at full power and everyone wants to be like them. (Well most young kids. Works the same as admiring an athlete when you're 10). So just walking away from the spot would earn Wolt's dad a lot of attention, not to mention the power he holds...

Well, he won the Sinnoh league tournament but he didn't go onto fighting the elite 4 or the Champion. So he never actually fought them and decided to just leave the tournament there. Looking back it seems I forgot to mention that, and I'll edit it soon.. x3 But he's not as strong as an Elite 4 by any means, he was just strong enough to win the Sinnoh League Tournement.


Azery beat me to the punch but it's basically what he said x3

Also I added in that specfications to my app.

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Oh god... I can already predict I won't be able to keep up with you people o-o

Still gonna apply tho, lol. Currently drawing Shiro up (he's staying a boy) for the application and then I'll get to working on it. Dunno when exactly I'll post it, tho. We'll see how long it takes me...

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

Our stories are meant to be read buddy, feel free. I know of several individuals who simply read the RPs, it's cool.

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

No one, not even the creator of any RP should be able to keep you from looking at a Roleplay. If it was meant to be private, it would be private. You have every right to look at everything available to you on these forums.

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

Feel free to look at any and all of the currently ongoing or dead RPs to get a feel for how we RP here, CM. I personally recommend reading the RPs by the name of "Battlegrounds", "Sins of Avalon", both "Under the Hill"s, "Surge Story", and "Chronicles of Mithra".

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

Yea, they are meant to be read so that those that aren't palying can read along and still enjoy the story. If you don't feel comfortable with diving in it's no big issue and I do really really understand that. But na, it definitely wouldn't be weird. I want the RPs I write and the awesome characters the players make to be seen by people. So reading along is totally cool.

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Hello, this might sound strange, but I have a small request of sorts. Would anyone mind if I observed this Role Play from a distance, so that I might better my own style and writing? As you can probably tell, I'm very new to the Reborn forums, and as such, I know that a green horn like me can be concerning when it comes to Role Plays. While I have spent a few years on some iPod app that had Role Plays on it, I'm getting the general feeling that Role Plays here have something I like to call quality, which is all but gone from the application I used to play on. So pretty much what I'm saying is, would anyone feel uncomfortable if I kind of "creeped" on this once it started, just so I can get an idea of how it works here? I know that I probably watch in silence, but I feel like getting permission would be the better thing to do.

Thank you for you time,

-Combat Medic

Hell yeah man! like Dobs and Taco and Hukuna already said; no one can stop you from reading things here. Heck, there really wouldnt be much of a point for anyone even working together to craft stories here if we were going to act like nazis and not let anyone read em, kinda defeats the entire purpose. Go right ahead, and read some other ones too if ya want.

And welcome to the subforums, by the way. Hope you enjoy your time here, whether you eventually feel comfortable to join an RP or two, or you just stick to reading

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Feel free to look at any and all of the currently ongoing or dead RPs to get a feel for how we RP here, CM. I personally recommend reading the RPs by the name of "Battlegrounds", "Sins of Avalon", both "Under the Hill"s, "Surge Story", and "Chronicles of Mithra".

*gestures furiously at OSAF*

aaanyway, working on Kage 2.0 soon.

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I'm currently working on my new Character, he'll be up in the near future.

also, @Combat Medic: I forgot to mention the RP named "As Gods Sleep", which is where I made my debut.

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Thanks everyone, I'll be sure to take a look about to get some "experience" here. I can already see that this community is much less venomous than my previous one. I'll see all of you around hopefully, and once again, thanks.

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*gestures furiously at OSAF*

aaanyway, working on Kage 2.0 soon.

I mean I could've done that for all the Graterras stuff as well, and Clash is still going on as well so there's that/ ((Speaking of which.... I need to continue there any off subject.))

But yea, Medic, we're happy to have ya man in any capacity. Reading along is just fine by us and we really enjoy when people enjoy our works. After all, it's what we work for, not only an enjoyable experience for us, but one for our readers and people on the outside should they so choose to read it.

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Now how on God's green Earth did I miss a new prospect wanting to observe? Hell to the yesh Combat Medic. That's how I got my start here, and likely a couple others too. IMO, you've chosen a good RP to try and follow, because apparently the old one just needed some of the dust scraped off and rebooted.

Shiet Medic, if you get involved, you could eventually become another ole salt like the majority of us over here, because we are a very creative breed over here. You could even make your own ideas into fruition over here.

Don't worry, you guys will see soon enough. Heheh.

*coughs* Hukuna...

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Name: Shiro Advent

Age: 14 (December 21st)

Program: Breeder

Starting side: Student

Appearance: 147 cm tall, weighing 43 kg. A big messy explosion of brown hair on his head falling all over his face and big, brown, innocent eyes. Usually found wearing an oversized sweater (always of a different color; god knows how many sweaters the kid has) over a collared shirt tied with a white ribbon. Somewhat androgynous in appearance and carries a tattered, rusty pocketwatch with himself wherever he goes.


Courtesy of me :3 ^^

Personality: Shiro is a timid, shy individual. He can get extremely awkward in social situations and is usually seen alone unless somebody else approaches him. While it does bother him that he is lonely, he just lacks the strenght and initiative to speak up for himself or look for friends. When he gets to meet someone, though, his true good hearted nature can shine through.

Unusually kind for a noble-born hermit (most likely a trait he picked up from his cousin and uncle), especially towards Pokemon. He is also a very good housewife, able to cook, clean and manage the household (traits he picked up during his countless hours of solitude at home), so ladies, fight over this one, he's a real catch.


Shunnosuke - Ralts (f); lvl 8

-nature: Adamant

-ability: Telepathy (Does not allow her to convey her thoughts to others. Instead, it manifests as the power to discern good from bad intent, as well as keep track of her master's (Shiro's) mental state, as a sort of boost to her inerited ability to sense emotions of others, and devise the best strategy to protect him, since she is his guardian knight, after all. In that way, she is linked to her master via a telepathic link, however faint or one-way it is.)



-Shadow Sneak





Backstory: Shiro was born in a rich, noble-blooded family in Goldenrod, their bloodline dating back to the time of the 47 kingdoms. His parents, even though they willfully had a child, were caught in an unfortunate situation with the multinational company they were currently leading (the head died in an accident and his daughter was still too young to inherit the company) and so Shiro was raised by his nannies and home schooled as his parents wanted him to properly learn what it meant to be noble. This included studying political sciences and many other subjects the commoner schools paid little heed to. Shiro, naturally shy and introverted already, was sheltered from the world, only rarely coming into contact with other kids his age. The only one he did hang out with, and who got him into liking Pokemon, was his older cousin, Anna, but she also eventually drifted from him when she turned 18 and had inherited the company. This did mean that his parents had more free time now (as they only led the Johto branch now), but it was far to late to fix the mistakes of the past already.

Throughout the years, certain events shaped Shiro further. He figured that he was different than all the other kids, but wanted to change it by acting nice to everyone. He learned how to cook and do all the housework (he managed to fill the empty, lonesome hours cleaning), but the other children were never accepting of him, no matter what. And so, Shiro turned to Pokemon, most of which were hired Pokemon helping the maids (and Shiro) take care of the household. They were at least happy when he groomed them and mad them food, and they all loved him, not only the maid Pokemon but even the ones he met at the park. He got a Buneary sent by his cousin and had kept it for a while, but his parents sent it back after it kept making a mess of the penthouse. Afterwards, he befriended one of the helping Ralts after saving her and the two became inseparable friends. They used to play that Shiro was the king and she was his knight, as she always gladly played the role. She even took it upon herself to repay Shiro and become his knight even in real life. And Shiro was happy that way. Even his parents felt happy for him, as they were constantly muttering something about him beneath their voices when they thought he wasn't listening. They looked worried about him, though. Anyways, when he was turning 13, he got a letter sent to him by Anna, from whom he hadn't heard in a long time. The letter wrote about how she heard from his parents how much he liked Pokemon and that she thought it would be a good idea for him to attend the recently opened Academy in Ymora. Shiro was immediately overjoyed by this and ran over to ask permission from his parents.

At the age of 14, he was old enough to go to the Academy. He had applied for the Breeder program and saw that his application got accepted. Even though he was scared to go back into public and among people and his heart was wighing heavy with doubts, he firmly decided to keep at it and go to the Academy regardless of what awaited him, because he felt it was his one and only chance. For what, he didn't know, but he felt it in his soul. Besides, Shunn was with him as well and she wasn't going to let anything happen to him. A-and whatever happened, he wasn't gonna go running back home! He was gonna be strong and become a Breeder so he could take care of Pokemon!

Extra: Uhm... Like I said, Shiro can sometimes act motherly and he will try to persuade you to eat his healthy cooking, so prepare yourselves ^^:

Edited by Bfroger6
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Guess I'll just avoid that line then lol. If I was going to use it I'd use it much later when I didn't have to worry about it's kiiiiiinda bleh starting movepool. ((though I guess I've not been thinking with Portals enough and it just looks bad to me lol.))

But... I kinda don't want to triple up on it then that might get a bit... crowded feeling ((then again I guess the two separate evos are pretty different. That and the Gardevoir I'd use eventually would be totally not the typical one since I'd probably take it [i actually know I would] in a really different direction.)) SO maybe I'll think about it still.

Probably just going to pass though.

My goal is actually other than Growlithe into Arcanine, to use lines I don't actually really like all that much. Might sound weird but I think I might get a new appreciation for them if I use them. The Ratls line is one I actually personally kinda hate so i was thinking aobut using it for that reason. ((weird I know.))

EDIT... nvm I found a muuuuch better fit for what I wanted. So yea cutting that. ANother line I'm not the biggest fan of though, but kinda want to give a chance for sure.

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Phew. I'm glad I decided not to pursue a Ralts this time.

On another note, I noticed there's another PC from Castelia...

Just saw that now, I guess Castelia is just the go to big city area in the regions. Luckily our characters take the area in fully different views for the most part and they aren't terribly similar other than the area of prior residence.

Also find the amount of ralts funny, that just means I will have t be more creative whenever it comes to the more psychic oriented thing I'm going for. Creativity is never a bad thing however.

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I suddenly thought of a good second starter for Adeline and I know exactly how I want the selection to play out too. Sure, I've already used this pokemon, or more specifically, its evolution before in an RP, but I don't feel as if I did the character or the pokemon justice. In fact I was prouder of the character that I made that was destined to die in that chapter anyway.

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