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For the record, I'm not going to be Poketalking at all. Any of their speech will be described like actual animal cries and meaning will be conveyed through body language. Poketalk is not my thing.

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For the record, I'm not going to be Poketalking at all. Any of their speech will be described like actual animal cries and meaning will be conveyed through body language. Poketalk is not my thing.

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame. ((probably obvi though with how I've been portraying Whisper so far.))

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I just think that repetition of some variant of their name would drag on a lot more. Plus it feels just a little easy. Murmurs, chirps, purring, growls. There's plenty more ways to depict what a pokemon is doing with their vocal cords or, whatever they have.

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Kenny, I'm kind of glad this got put up. While my general belief is still not to have Pokemon talk, but kind of show what they're doing or saying. I would say the old color system is the best way to keep track of it. There are a couple things that you can do to distinguish dialogue and I can use an example I did for my first post.

I used quotes and italics for Henry speaking over the phone as while Citrine could hear it, no other character should've been able to kind of giving a signal not to have their character react to that. Using a different style is an easy indication when something unusual is happening like color for Pokemon, but that tool should be kept to minimum usage. (Tags can also be used to signal when a certain RPer needs to read a post).

I myself will not be using PokeTalk as I feel it is much easier to express the Pokemon's words in their actions as nobody is going to be needing the exact wording for what the Pokemon is doing hardly ever (I also don't believe Pokemon have a universal language...but if we count anime...it's canon I suppose). I'll give an example of where both could work just fine...but are handled differently:

Poke Speak:

The bagon locked eyes onto the cute little Skitty in disbelief how she could be so ignorant of the truth. "Why are you with a human?" The dragon spoke out. "All they ever do is order us to beat the heck out of our kin. I never want to fall into the same trap as my brothers before me." He made sure the foe would not come any closer as he lowered his head ready to fight.

"But...that's not all we do. We get to do funsie kinds of stuff too," responded the Skitty in excitement trying not to jump in the air. "We also get to play dress up, and show off moves in these cool combos and everybody seems to go wild about it. Best part is nobody has to get hurt!"

The bagon was quite shocked at this. All he ever heard were stories about fighting but this Skitty...was she talking about performing. Was there a whole world that Pokemon could do something other than fighting...and people loved it. This world...it seemed quite fun. It seemed better than this place that's for sure. He looked over to the skitty. "Tell your master that I will join you to see these 'funsie' things with my own eyes. If I like what I say, I shall stay." In truth though, the Bagon wanted to join as he always was into showing new tricks to his friends that he learned, but they didn't seem to care. Maybe this would be the path that he always dreamed for.

Non Poke Speak:

Citrine noticed a Bagon that appeared in her path that seemed quite hostile. Her Skitty stood in front looking at it while giving out cries. She was shocked that the two were in a conversations. Weren't dragons violent and never listened to reason. It didn't seem like the Bagon was giving in though as it readied itself to attack. It readied a flamethrower while spinning to create a mystical flame around the Bagon. Citrine's little Skitty seemed to be delighted causing the Bagon to smile a bit. The dragon then approached the human giving her a miserable face that the girl couldn't resist. "You seem alright. I know Henry will kill me, but I can't leave a cute little Pokemon like yourself out here alone. Seems like Rosie won't give me an option either." The Skitty was in ready position to threaten her trainer if she didn't give in to this one demand.

Not saying one or the other is better, but Poke Speak should be carefully and used as little as possible if it is going to be used. I personally am not going to use it, but if you do use it, just don't do strings of dialogue, but give insight that normally couldn't be given so easily.

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Man... and I thought I was the one who wrote redundant stuff all the time lol.

But I am grammatically correct there if she was sitting in a hood while wearing a hood, aren't I? And oh yeah, sometimes I look away and forget what I was doing...causing that problem. I'll try to avoid those hoodceptions.

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Hey I do it all the time. ((Many people notice I'll open a sentence with a certain phrase and then end it with the same one thinking i forgot to say it and ended up putting it at the end then anyway... once again grammatically correct, however very awkward looking XD.))

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Hell, I prefer to just have everything either be noises they make and their body language, with a bit of general narration to help out from time to time if there's something deeper about the situation that isn't as easy to actually convey through those methods alone...((Well, more because it saves me time compared to getting all flowery with descriptions trying to do the same job that way))

If I had my choice, I would NEVER even use pokemon cries in the first place (I just have no fucking clue what sound a spinda would even naturally make though...so no choice). Cause to be honest even that never made any sense to me, and still doesn't. So apparently they all have vocal cords, but are literally only intelligent enough to only ever memorize one single word- their own damn name, and never learn anything else?

Yeah...sounds kinda NO to my ears...as in no logic behind it or that I've ever seen explained.

but tis a necessary evil I guess....

EDIT: And dear lord, I forgot how fast you people can move when you want to XD

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idk what to do, haven't done a good job of actually reading wtf is going on, so feel free to run into Kage

Try to piss him off, even. That'd be fun for one of them.

Oh don't worry, I have something up my sleeve for Kage later on. Just wanted to get roomie stuff out of the way first.

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I have a feeling people are going to pretty much instantly know Drake all the time even if they haven't talked to her... ((since she sorta sticks out like a big orange thumb...)) as she is... pretty hard to miss XD.

Man... I love playing Drake so much XD. She's such a fun character for me since she's so different from my others she's just so unique in that way. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike hnnnnnnnnnnnnng it's fun XD. She's jsut feels so fresh and so good. ((probably cause it forces me out of my comfort zone... is actually pretty damn fun lol.))

It took me until now to realize that Adeline is incredibly short and Drake is incredibly tall, but also, Whisper is very small in contrast to Ellie.

Coincidence? Or Fate? That's the question XD.
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