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  On 10/29/2015 at 12:57 PM, WildChalice said:

Apologies for not posting but my tonsillitis didn't respond to the antibiotics. I'm just about to start a round of steroids for it. I've been arguing with the doctor since monday about my symptoms not getting better but worse. Finally yesterday I got something of an answer. Not sure how the steroids will make me feel though...

Probably not exactly the place for this, but I think you'll be alright. Being on steroids pretty much indefinitely for awhile as a kid ((mostly so my asthma combined with other problems wouldn't complicate and you know... kill me lol.)), they seem pretty terrible at first but they don't really effect one too much ((at least in my experience.)). It's more what you have that will effect you than them. However, will take a bi before they really take off and do start helping. Good luck and hope you feel better.

  On 10/29/2015 at 12:57 PM, WildChalice said:

To Hukuna: I'm sorry for what you're going through at this time and am praying for your family.

and yea, thank ya for that. It's... been a very rough year with my grandmother passing and my father having a heart attack. He then had to have a quintuple ((that means 5)) bypass to get his heart working properly again. However, later his wound from the surgrey in is chest never really healed and got pretty bad. But, what's worse is he stubbed his toe. Really, that's not a joke. His immune system is so weak at the moment that him stubbing his toe caused it to get infected to the point the had to amputate it to prevent the infection from spreading. So, yea while we're getting somewhere finally. ((his chest has finally healed and shut properly.)) we're not quite out of the woods. I don't usually like to make my life stuff known here too often since I want this to be a place people can come and get away from life bt... yea it's really been taking a toll on me of late. ((and same goes for Chim. Perhaps it's why we got a bit uppity at each other lol. Both being really angry at our own states in life perhaps made our insight a bit foggy. Stress can really weigh on the mind of an individual after all.)),

But yea, I don't know ya the greatest Wild, but it means a lot to me for you to say that, especially when you have your own stuff in life to be worrying about. I'm sure we all really do though, but we try to get away from it here. I guess sometimes it just gets to be a bit much and frayed nerves just rupture. It happens lol. But yea, I really do appreciate that.

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Day 45: Still waiting--ooh update!

Also Spiritombs talking to themselves is creepy as fuck, I mean, I love the ghost type bastard(s)but they still creep me out to this day....

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  On 10/29/2015 at 4:25 PM, Azeria said:

Day 45: Still waiting--ooh update!

Also Spiritombs talking to themselves is creepy as fuck, I mean, I love the ghost type bastard(s)but they still creep me out to this day....

It's already been made clear it's not a spiritomb though... talk about stubborn opinion, bro.

Hell, if it was though, the only thing needed to fully creep out the situation would be the old line "WE. ARE. LEGION!!" at the end of it's little speech XD

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Best thing I can come up with so....that and how it refers to itself as "we" nothing else could fit that....unless it's a bunch of ghosts instead of the Rotom and the other thing.

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Can the player characters inside the dorm hear what was written in red writing? If so I could probably base a post off of it. Otherwise I could post something but it probably wouldn't add anything new other than Sim just wandering around.

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  On 10/29/2015 at 6:21 PM, Sir_Bagel said:

Can the player characters inside the dorm hear what was written in red writing? If so I could probably base a post off of it. Otherwise I could post something but it probably wouldn't add anything new other than Sim just wandering around.

  On 10/29/2015 at 4:20 PM, Dobby The Elf said:

The dorms were submerged in ephemeral darkness. It pierced the students like the chill of a cold December morning and addled their thoughts. Whispers, faint and furious, whispered in every students ear.

"We will have another. We will balance the scales."

A moment passes in the darkness. Silence reigns.

That rule is cut short by a shrill wail seemingly from everywhere, infinitely louder than the whisper of before.


There within the golden text lies thine answer.
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And yet somehow, I could still understand you perfectly...

Eh, guess it's only natural I be able to read inbetween the lines at this point... I've certainly been at it long enough to have an excuse not to XD

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  On 10/29/2015 at 4:25 PM, Azeria said:

Day 45: Still waiting--ooh update!

Also Spiritombs talking to themselves is creepy as fuck, I mean, I love the ghost type bastard(s)but they still creep me out to this day....


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Dobby will probably finish the male dorms and I'll see if I can get something up tomorrow evening (my timezone) about the RoG agents.

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  On 10/31/2015 at 7:17 PM, Chimchain said:


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Dobby will probably finish the male dorms and I'll see if I can get something up tomorrow evening (my timezone) about the RoG agents.


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Sorry I've just been so inactive. I'm trying though. If somebody wants to bother or interact with Citrine or just wants to get out of the dorms situation, just RP and I'll go along with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah man, it's not like having to wait just a little longer is gonna kill anyone...and besides, I got max revives and a stern lecturing ready for anyone who it does manage to kill

and @Dobby- I've overhauled Maya's profile a bit, mostly expanding on the personality and redoing the appearance ((I pretty much realized how much I didn't really like the outfit or the hair set up when I was making a visual reference for her, so I went ahead and fixed it. Nothing too big, pretty much just a change in attire and hairstyle))

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  On 11/11/2015 at 4:28 AM, Commander said:

Yeah Chim, take your time. We are all patient people...well most of us anyways. Hope things get a little better on your side.

The last two weeks were supposed to get better. That's when I originally planned for this RP to come back because I would have some sort of a weekly structure when it came to work. But I still have to work 6 days a week for a few months. I can manage that if I don't count all the extra hours I had to do.

And apparently it wasn't all that clear that people can basically do whatever they want in the first chapter. But I think I'm going to move things forward to Redwood's speech, give a bit of free time, and go straight to the second day and hand out Pokémon.

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It's all good, I don't mind at all. Heck I have been fairly inactive myself over the past few weeks due to irl concerns. Anyway, Arthur's update is up. Basically he just passed out on the couch since he is just really done with the day so far. He'll probably wake up when his roommate gets there or something else happens since he's a light sleeper.

Also this is a heads up that my PC decided to stop working last night, so there will be a shortage of colored text headings and italics in my upcoming posts unless someone wants to remind me as to what the specific codes for those are. Just my luck, man. Just my luck.

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I caught up and I decided to put the ghost thing away for now until later.

Also since a lot of people seem to be busy, Dobby and I can handle an extra player. I decided to invite Ragnar (if he still wants) since he's the only one on the back-up list and this way he won't miss anything.

And I'm going to make a really short update that I'm also going to use as a head count. If people don't respond to it I'm considering them busy. If they don't pick up a second Pokémon and don't post by the end of chapter 1 I consider them inactive and their characters will move to the background.

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I'm about to make a post but I'm not really sure about everyone's position right now. I'm going to hang the post with Sim seeing someone at the entrance of the dorm, if no one is actually situated there I'll wait until someone does end up leaving and pick up from there as if me posting that was the same time of that person leaving.

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