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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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  On 2/4/2016 at 6:33 PM, Chimchain said:

To answer your question in the IC: max 10 Pokémon during the 3 years. I only limited the first year to 6. After the third (aka the one you'll get now), I'm not doing any planned catches. You can decide for yourself what you want and when you want. At the start of the second year there's one more you get from the Academy.

Thank you for answering :)

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Since Hukuna is forced to take a hiatus due to some technical problems, Mayanna will be in charge of the third group. I'll make the changes after work but just roll with that for now.

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I have a feeling with the way you worded that Drake was supposed to lead the group huh lol? Just strikes me as such. Do keep in mind though guys... It will be awhile until I can properly reply in thread etc. So, I do apologize ahead of time if I slow you guys down. I should have a cord coming, so it's at least not an indefinite period of time anymore. I'll hopefully be back in due time. Luckily, Drake is flighty as hell so it's easy to say she was late etc lol.

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  On 2/7/2016 at 7:02 PM, Hiss13 said:

So wait…I'm a bit lost…since Mayanna's Pokes are leading two people here should I wait until Strat's next update to post or what…?

Just go ahead and make your post.Folie and Titania would've left to go find more people after leading someone to the table. So just consider them both as being out in the crowd again looking for people right now.

And I only intend to post again after Mie arrives and we are down to only 1 person left to find (which will set up the way for Hakuna to have Emberly arrive late while the rest of the group is conversing or something, once he is eventually able to start participating again)

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I believe that we should have our characters use "somemon" when referring to a Pokemon and "someone" when referring to a trainer if they don't want or need to say the name of the Pokemon or Trainer.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 2:25 AM, K_H said:

I believe that we should have our characters use "somemon" when referring to a Pokemon and "someone" when referring to a trainer if they don't want or need to say the name of the Pokemon or Trainer.

In my honest opinion, "Somemon" is just merely an excuse to be a lazy writer. It's very easy to tell who you are referring to when using the term "someone" correctly. Let me make a very simple example:

"Oh wow! Another disobedient cat. Looks like someone is out of the job." Citrine poked her little Skitty, curled up into a ball, who didn't even budge. The Skitty figured if this trainer got bored enough, she'd eventually just go away.

Jarring, yes, but it gets the point across. Clearly Citrine is implying Henry lost his job as the misbehaving person. You are correct to roll your eyes when I said Henry. Everything in that sentence points to Rosie. Heck you had to be really foolish to think "someone" even referred to a person. Now I'm going to break this down so that everyone who didn't understand will understand:

Our first clue is to recognize who the speaker is. Sometimes you can use tags such as he said, she said, but it's better to avoid them at all costs. While the sentence following the piece of dialogue doesn't flow to well, it is probably implied that Citrine is speaking given that Skitties don't talk. Now that we determined the speaker, it's pretty easy to follow who this someone is. Likely it's going to be a cat given she's saying something is out of a job. The Skitty also seems to be ignoring her trainer which fits what Citrine is talking about quite well. There's also no other actors in this segment so you can easily deduce she must be talking about the Skitty.

tl;dr version: If you feel the need to make up words, then perhaps you should look at your sentence structure and add more details/make it flow better to let the readers understand.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 2:25 AM, K_H said:

I believe that we should have our characters use "somemon" when referring to a Pokemon and "someone" when referring to a trainer if they don't want or need to say the name of the Pokemon or Trainer.

Why? Like, legitimately right now, why? Why is this needed? The current way everyone is doing it is just fine, hasn't caused a single problem here or during the old run.

And honestly, there are so many other descriptors aside from 'Someone' that can be used in it's place to keep it varied that making up an entirely new word is really pointless. just as Commander has already more or less explained in detail above.

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Now that Commander has pointed it out, All of Toshiro's teammates has a cat-like member in their team.(Absol/Sneasel/Skitty/Purrloin)

And eventually, Toshiro is getting a Shinx later on(a Lion... which is like a leader-esque type of the cat family). Is this some strange coincidence or was it all planned out in assembling us from the very start?

Edited by Ragnar
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  On 2/8/2016 at 11:59 AM, Ragnar said:

Now that Commander has pointed it out, All of Toshiro's teammates has a cat-like member in their team.(Absol/Sneasel/Skitty/Purrloin)

And eventually, Toshiro is getting a Shinx later on(a Lion... which is like a leader-esque type of the cat family). Is this some strange coincidence or was it all planned out in assembling us from the very start?



Thunder Cats, HOOOOOOO!!!!!!

but naw, probably just a weird coincidence since the groups were assembled based upon the type of mon people chose to answer (or didn't answer, as in the case of the last group.)

Seriously though, name that Shinx Liono

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  On 2/8/2016 at 11:59 AM, Ragnar said:

Now that Commander has pointed it out, All of Toshiro's teammates has a cat-like member in their team.(Absol/Sneasel/Skitty/Purrloin)

And eventually, Toshiro is getting a Shinx later on(a Lion... which is like a leader-esque type of the cat family). Is this some strange coincidence or was it all planned out in assembling us from the very start?

Feline Squad, UNITE!

No really this is a really funny coincidence, and I love it XD

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Oi, Kenny, this goes for all RPs you're in: you seriously need to try and get a little more content in your posts. One/two-liners are not good unless you're mid-conversation, and even then you can talk about how your character is feeling about the situation and such.

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  On 2/10/2016 at 4:47 AM, Adamance Ascendant said:

Oi, Kenny, this goes for all RPs you're in: you seriously need to try and get a little more content in your posts. One/two-liners are not good unless you're mid-conversation, and even then you can talk about how your character is feeling about the situation and such.

Going to have to say that this is kind of untrue. One/two-liners should only be used if an RP is very fast moving and you want to extend the conversation. There are two things you can do to basically every single line of dialogue: tone and movement. Tone is basically how they are saying the lines. Is it yelling? Sarcasm? Mumbo-jumbo? Sometimes if you have the right word choice this can be easily implied especially once you've gotten to know the character well enough.

Movement is far more important. Rarely does a person every just merely stand still while speaking. Sometimes we do hand moments, but others we're focused on something else. Dialogue can sometimes give us insight on that, but it almost always stands a little foggy. I'll kind of give an example of how it works:

"It's...not like that. I just um...don't ever really think about it," said Lilly.

Clearly something is going on, but there's really not too much that can be said. It looks like she's nervous, but perhaps we need more info. Let's try that again:

"It's...not like that. I just um...don't ever really think about it." Lilly had a hard time speaking to her long time friend on this matter as she focused her attention on a nearby tree while rubbing her fingers on the heart shaped locked on her neck.

This generally what I stick to, but you can at least tell what the character is doing. This is what could be considered bare-minimum when writing a single line of dialogue as you can picture what the character is doing. There's so much more you can do to this though as you'll see here (I'm bored of third person so I'll do first person...totally not because I have an easier time writing it):

"It's...not like that. I just um...don't ever really think about it." Lilly was such a terrible liar. She couldn't even bring herself to look straight into my eyes as those emerald beauties focused their attention on that old oak tree nearby. I couldn't blame her though. Any time the word 'family' was mentioned, she'd rub that golden heart around her neck. It was a gift from her mother...or perhaps a memento.

"Lilly, have you ever even met your family?" I avoided asking this question for a long time, but I had to know. It would explain why she always asked about my family.

...and I got a little carried away there. The point is that you want to have the other player have a general picture what is going on with you character before jumping to their post. RPing is a little weird so the more details the better which is why I generally include a bit about what the Pokemon are doing so if they don't want to directly talk to my character they can mention one of the mons. It's also pretty easy to respond and comment if you know what the character is doing and give thoughts similar to how Lilly was looking away from the narrator's eyes.

tl;dr Insight and actions are more important then length, but more details are easier to react to.

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For a moment I thought Murdoc was talking to me xD

Anyway update is coming -hopefully- tomorrow with a more detailed layout. I tried to do it today but lately some things came up. Planning holidays should not be this hard...

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I should probably mention that I've been kind of struggling to find motivation for this one, though. I don't really feel like dropping out quite yet, but I just have no real idea of what to do with Kage. I don't really have much of a plan for him this time around.

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You mentioned it before and I can see where you're coming from. Last time it was all about Kage and Ryan and there was much more interaction and activity without it being host controlled. To be honest I don't know what I should be doing to get that part back. If it's even possible to create something like that considering a lot of people are busy with real life or their own projects.

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Murdoc let me just apologise profusely, in the mess of the last few weeks I missed your post and thought I was waiting on you to move on. This big ol' delay was my fault and seriously apologise.

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Okay.... so... got my laptop back on line... how's we going to do this folks lol?

After all, you guys in my group, I feel like we shuld at least a talk out how I'm going to pop myself back in without it being too weird. it's pretty easy for me to just say Drake airheaded it up and lost track of time and is late. ((she's done it before lol.)) but I'm am curious as to what y'all think.

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Damn, just when things were starting to get interesting in that little scene...

Well, depending on how Chim has Matt answer- either press on with the topic of conversation or drop the subject, maybe we could work out something about drake being led to the group by Folie immediately afterwards... or something. perhaps break up an awkward silence that follows, etc... or just outright interrupt the entire conversation with her arrival.

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Not much time has passed yet since the groups started to form. Drake could've easily been far away from Maya at that time.

And I'll update today after work. If Drake interrupts, Matt won't answer. If she isn't there yet he'll keep it vague so either way you won't get much out of him right now.

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Wouldn't normally Double Post, but just letting you know Strat that whenever you want you can leeeeead Drake to the group. I honestly didn't really feel like she should just find you guys super easy since... well she doesn't really know any of the people in the group lol. Bit hard to find folks you don't know randomly in a crowd of people lol. So, when ever that little Panda of yours happens to bump into her, well we'll get this show on the rooooooad.

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