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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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But why are you so keen on hiding the fact he doesn't really care about anything he does in life? It's not some super secret thing that must be kept secret and well hidden so that nobody can figure it out. Why_Not just flat out tell us instead of beating around the bush? It's not like someone won't find out in the first week anyways. It would've saved us all this trouble since it seems you planned this out well instead of making people highly concerned.

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Let's just drop the subject. After all the character is accepted poking at it isn't too productive anymore. I think I understand where Darv's coming from as I got what he meant other than the random part ((it was just a bit... wrong of a wording that part didn't sit best. Now that's it's changed I get it though.))

Anyway, I think it's best we just cut this off here as it's not really productive anymore. Remember, while there's a point to nit-picking and trying to help people do the best with their characters etc... there's a point where it's a bit too much and it feels like others are trying to control their writing to some degree. I know this isn't what you guys are doing or trying to do, but when everybody gangs up on ya((once again... I know that's not what you're trying to do, but at a glance and to that which it's happenin' to it can feel that way.)), it can feel like it. So, I'd rather we drop it. Darv's character has been accepted as the host of this RP decided it was fit for purpose. Thus, it is that, fit for purpose. Might sound a bit hypocritical of me since I probably started the mess ((I do thusly apologize.)). So, let's move forward and stop fixating on it. It's clearly quite frustrating to Darv at this point and I don't want him to feel like he's not welcome, or that we highly doubt his skills etc... but it really can feel like that if it keeps piling up. So, I ask this of you guys. Let's not get too nitpicky please. It's constructive sometimes, but other times it gets to the point where it's usefulness ceases and it becomes annoying. Hopefully this is all I gotta say lol. There's a lot of voices here and a lot that want Ymora to be the best of the best. After all it was... and probably is the biggest RP in this forum. However, it can cause one to get a bit... overzealous at times.

So, let's move on and discuss other things if there is things to be discussed. Okay?

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Awesome thanks. *Heads off to work on it*

Is it possible to have both a Student and an RoG character?

That's known as "Being on RoG's side".

That being said, people are able to swap between them, IIRC.

What Kenny said. You can be a young RoG agent who has a mission in the Academy. Later down the line you can have regret or whatever and switch sides. Or you can join them when they offer you cookies.

Or you just stay on the same side.

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Name: Lucas Evans

Age: 14 (Birthday is December 13th)

Hometown: Eterna City

Program: Trainer

Starting side: Student

Appearance: 5'8'' tall and well built (he used to ride regularly a bike), with short black hair and brown eyes. Normally wears comfortable clothes (like jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt, depending on the season), but also owns some shirts for more important occasions. When it's cold he uses a dark blue jacket, a hat and a scarf for Arkhidon

Personality: Lucas is a curious and playful person, especially as a child. Being somewhat impulsive, he used to take rushed decisions and end up in rather bad situations; but his personal growth, (and a certain encounter with a Pokemon) made him more reasonable and careful in his choices. He may not look very respectful to other peers at first, but that's not the case with the Academy's teachers: he, in fact, tries to know his limits and his position, then treat other people 'accordingly'.



Grimace - Gastly, male, lv.8

Ability: Levitate

Clear Smog (egg move)



Mean Look


Raised in Eterna City in a medium wealth family, Lucas had a rather normal childhood. He had one older brother, who started his own journey when Lucas was very young, and wasn't seen around there very often. During this time, he loved riding the bike (a very common transportation method in his hometown, as the bike shop is located there), playing with his friends, and of course watching Pokemon battles: he wasn't old enough to go on his own journey, but he would have loved to. Because of this, he was able to watch a battle in which partecipated a student from Ymora Academy versus his older brother: the battle, which was pretty much one-sided, impressed Lucas a lot, and this influenced one of his future choices.

This changed during one day in September, when he was about ten years old: his friends suggested to visit the Eterna woods - more specifically, to explore the Old Chateau. That was an abandoned building that most people (even adults) were scared of, due to many urban legends surrounding it, but that couldn't be true, according to his friends. Ghosts couldn't exist!

Once everyone was inside and after some exploring, the group was divided and Lucas found himself alone, wandering around in the upper floor and in its various rooms. In one of them there was a notepad on the floor, that he tried to read, and that seemed to have some information about a new Pokemon, probably Rotom, a previously really rare Pokemon that trainers started to use more often when he was about five, and that could transform into different appliance-like forms.

Of course, there was also the "infamous" room with the painting, the last room that Lucas entered. Seeing a pair of eyes glowing in the dark room, and on top of an old painting, obviously scared Lucas, but not enough to make him leave the room immediately. So, once he tried to get closer to the painting and examine it, something seemed to come out of it, flying towards the guy. Lucas was still trying to realize what was going on, but knew that whatever would have happened to him could have been avoided, without taking rushed decisions.

It was a Gastly.

One of those very common Ghost-type Pokemon, who like to prank people and sometimes take their energy. The Gastly looked unusually serious, as he didn't get the expected result out of his attempt to prank an unknown visitor, and probably began to like Lucas (as a person). The boy, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. He wasn't an actual trainer yet, and he couldn't keep a Pokemon with him, so catching that Gastly was out of discussion. After some time spent hesitating (which was unusual for him) he decided to leave the room, then try to find his friends and get out of there. But, the Gastly took the initiative and followed Lucas out of the room. The Pokemon wanted to be Lucas' friend and hoped that the boy would realize that too.

Once Lucas was out of the Old Chateau, he found one of his friends out there, who told him that the rest of the group left the building immediately, saying that they had seen an actual ghost, and that not even him would have come back there for a long time. Only Lucas returned inside the Old Chateau, because he really considered that Gastly his friend. He also nicknamed him Grimace, because the Gastly would do something like that fairly often and because of his playful personality.

That was also the time that the Sinnoh Region introduced the LT system, effectively making Lucas wait six more years before being able to begin his own Pokemon journey. During the first three years, Lucas tried to improve some of his knowledge on Pokemon battles at home and see in action as many Pokemon as he could, then remembered that day of about seven years before, when the Ymora Academy student easily defeated his older brother.

This is the main reason Lucas decided to come to the Ymora Academy. He could have been a great trainer, even better than his brother (who had won the Sinnoh league tournament some years before, and at the moment was still training, hoping to defeat the Elite 4 and Champion. This is just to give an idea about his prowess as a trainer, also because otherwise Lucas' brother wouldn't be relevant at all).

Extra: now I have both a male and a female protagonist that could fit in a main series Pokemon game. See where I am going? Also, like in the Yugioh RP, I'm not making anything that really stands out appearance-wise, or for his personality. Also, random last name.

Edited by Cyaloom
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I'll take a look at your character in a minute.

I'm closing the sign-ups Monday. Dobby and I were thinking we can handle 15 people and we got 15 decent characters that met the requirements. Now last time there were also people dropping out so everyone who wants to sign-up, can do so until Monday but will be placed on a 'reserve' list.

Ragnar is the exception since I gave him more time. But he, if he still wants to apply, will be placed on the reserve list as well. (If he gets accepted)

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Well damn....we only started this like, 3 days ago and there's over 220 replies already ._.

Did you expect any less? This is Ymora after all. At least we've kept everything on topic so far. I've kind of haven't been thinking of anything really outside of team choices. For some reason, most of the Pokemon I want to use are normal types...except one.

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Did you expect any less? This is Ymora after all. At least we've kept everything on topic so far. I've kind of haven't been thinking of anything really outside of team choices. For some reason, most of the Pokemon I want to use are normal types...except one.

Get a Lickitung. I can already see hilarious situations with a character like Citrine.

Also Redwood, Devin and Tyron have been added to the NPC overview. Redwood and Devin are still the same while Tyron had a change in team members. Archibald Fisher will soon join them if I can finish his appearance.

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Get a Lickitung. I can already see hilarious situations with a character like Citrine.

Tbh, I kind of want to now. I just moved Pokemon around from the reserve list (I don't know if that will still be a thing, but it helps in deciding) and it seems a Semi Mono normal would work for Luna. No Staraptor either. Not really sure what the second Pokemon will be, but I do know what the third Pokemon will be. Only problem with having Lickitung that early is that it has the crappiest starting movepool ever (but still a godly movepool). Seriously, Lick...that's it. That's all it can have to start to attack.

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I have no idea what kind of theme I would use for Mie's theme anyway. XD

Eh, you'll figure it out. I'm just a giant try hard that has a brain that just ruuuuuuns with things hence why I've got a game plan. Mind you it's not written down anywhere it's just a nebulous form of potential.

Kinda like the entire existence of Graterras. That stuff is entirely all in my head, I'm not joking.

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