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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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I got a rather interesting concept to make him seem more justifiable in his actions. How does that sound now?

Justified metaing is still metaing which is frowned upon. From the design of that extra it looks like your character is able to handle any situation and insert himself into any conversation due to it. I merely wanted an explanation of questionable logic as that in itself is a paradox (in a way). Rarely is info both at the same time. It also could mean controversial topics which is a vague and dangerous zone to explore.

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I vote for a Veto as well. I tried using the Zorua in that manner last time, and it ended up with me being kicked out. I don't want you to have to be kicked out yourself.

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At this point, I don't care about Metaing attempts. To try and play a character with a mental disability when you clearly don't know what the fuck you are on about is downright insulting to everybody with the condition. You don't do it. At all.

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The fuck's going on now ._.

Just leave the damn thing as it is Darvan or just remove that part entirely, problem solved without creating a giant fuss.....

This, man,

Honestly, this has been going back and forth for so long that at this point, it's best to either change it like Dobby says, for exactly the reasons he's citing, or to simply drop the aspect in question from the character entirely...

And frankly, going off what I've seen of the situation, dropping is probably the option that's far less likely to lead to any further potential trouble.

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OK, i'm going to refer to an External Website for my next comment.


(Also, if you want some comic humor that follows from it, you should follow this link after viewing the first one.)


[EDIT]: Aaand I was ninja'd by Strat.

Edited by K_H
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I hate to fuel the fire, but just letting you know Darvan, you should be careful with what you say. This may not be my RP, but that doesn't mean I can't slap some warning points on you if you cross the line, so please be careful with how you progress. This insensitive treatment of serious issues won't fly.

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Darvan, consider this your first warning point for this RP. I'm not in the mood nor am I willing to deal with people trying to find a way to meta. Be glad I'm holding myself to the 3 strike system I implemented or I would've swapped you straight out for Cyaloom.

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...protip: schizophrenia has absolutelyfuckingnothing to do with split personalities or reacting erratically to situations presented to the victim. It's a psychotic disorder, meaning a schizophrenic character would experience hallucinations (usually auditory, sometimes visual, less commonly others), delusions and paranoia, psychosomatic catatonia, general breaks from reality, or if they;re truly unfortunate all of the above.

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Okay. Look. I apologize for that slip-up. Not sure why I said schizophrenic, but I guess it was probably the best word at the time. Honestly, I know how to deal with it, because I've spent good parts of a couple summers having to supervise someone with the condition.

We just slap a negative label on that crud and assume it's all the same, when we oughta know we're treating it as black and white with no gray area whatsoever.

This really isn't the place to be discussing it, but I'll take my point and move on. Again, I apologize.

Edit: I will accept the decline on the grounds of it being Sue-ish definitely (in hindsight)

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Eh I edited before. Remaining as ambiguous yet concise as I can with it.

This whole ambiguous thing has been causing a big mess. I'm not going to be arguing about anything. I just want to know why. Why do you have to be so ambiguous on this? There's just so many questionable and concerning things in your app and you won't even say why you have to act so secretive. Maybe then this circle of event could stop.

You seem to have an understanding of questionable stuff from the way you act so, could you at the very least pass the concerning and questionable stuff through a check with Chim and Dobby so we at least know somebody looked over it carefully.

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*Raises hand* Question. What are the rules of the RP outside the obvious no-meta/sue characters. And the standard "Respect fellow RPer's and Game mod's decision". What can cause warnings (and strikes)? Forgive me if this is obvious somewhere else.

Edited by WildChalice
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*Raises hand* Question. What are the rules of the RP outside the obvious no-meta/sue characters. And the standard "Respect fellow RPer's and Game mod's decision". What can cause warnings (and strikes)? Forgive me if this is obvious somewhere else.

The rules for each RP usually vary between hosts. If Chim hasn't already drafted a set of rules, they are usually found on the cover page in the first few posts. Otherwise usually the pinned threads on this subforum are your best bet.

Strikes and warnings, well let's just say I'm a prime example of what you could possibly do to obtain a strike

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*Raises hand* Question. What are the rules of the RP outside the obvious no-meta/sue characters. And the standard "Respect fellow RPer's and Game mod's decision". What can cause warnings (and strikes)? Forgive me if this is obvious somewhere else.

Did you read this topic? http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10285

Basically everything is covered in there. But the strikes / warnings I give are a bit different based on the severity.

- Strikes: Metagaming is the biggest one. Everything that you do to gain an advantage (and isn't like your character). Also disrupting other people's events and conversation, interfering and / or finishing before they had a chance ... Consider this to be things you can do wrong in the IC and is really annoying and disrespectful for others. Another way to get strikes is by BSing around with a character that already got accepted for example. There are a lot of situations in the OOC that can get you in trouble as well. Usually it's a very light version of disrespect towards someone's live. For example if you keep complaining that Player A is again holding things up for the second time in 4 days. For all you know Player A has a busy schedule at that time so it's disrespectful and I'll give you a strike.

However if you disrespect me / Dobby or a Player in a very offensive way, you're out immediately. This includes everything you can hurt someone with. Last time we had someone who outright hated gay people and made very nasty comments about them. I'm 100% straight, but not everyone involved in this RP is. Any hate comments on sexuality and you're done. Same thing for religion etc. This is a RP where people are supposed to have fun. Ruin it for others and you're out.

This also counts outside this RP. I don't need someone who spread arounds the hatred. If I see any prove that a player disrespects someone or is very offensive, I don't care if it happened in the OOC or via PM. All that person gets is a PM from me to inform them and I will make announcement in the OOC stating that a certain person has been removed. I'm not even going into discussion or tell everyone the reason why. (Chances are everyone in here already knows though)

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Basically everything is covered in there. But the strikes / warnings I give are a bit different based on the severity.

- Strikes: Metagaming is the biggest one. Everything that you do to gain an advantage (and isn't like your character). Also disrupting other people's events and conversation, interfering and / or finishing before they had a chance ... Consider this to be things you can do wrong in the IC and is really annoying and disrespectful for others. Another way to get strikes is by BSing around with a character that already got accepted for example. There are a lot of situations in the OOC that can get you in trouble as well. Usually it's a very light version of disrespect towards someone's live. For example if you keep complaining that Player A is again holding things up for the second time in 4 days. For all you know Player A has a busy schedule at that time so it's disrespectful and I'll give you a strike.

However if you disrespect me / Dobby or a Player in a very offensive way, you're out immediately. This includes everything you can hurt someone with. Last time we had someone who outright hated gay people and made very nasty comments about them. I'm 100% straight, but not everyone involved in this RP is. Any hate comments on sexuality and you're done. Same thing for religion etc. This is a RP where people are supposed to have fun. Ruin it for others and you're out.

This also counts outside this RP. I don't need someone who spread arounds the hatred. If I see any prove that a player disrespects someone or is very offensive, I don't care if it happened in the OOC or via PM. All that person gets is a PM from me to inform them and I will make announcement in the OOC stating that a certain person has been removed. I'm not even going into discussion or tell everyone the reason why. (Chances are everyone in here already knows though)

I did read the topic several times during my time here. I apologize for not be more specific. I meant mainly for this RP. And (utterly failed to specify) about your (Chimchain) and Dobby's 'personal' rules. Thank you for explaining. Looking forward to seeing how the game progresses.

Edited by WildChalice
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I did read the topic several times during my time here. I apologize for not be more specific. I meant mainly for this RP. And (utterly failed to specify) about your (Chimchain) and Dobby's 'personal' rules. Thank you for explaining. Looking forward to seeing how the game progresses.

I'm going to give you the nutshell version of Ymora's rules. Don't intentionally piss people off and we're all good. Trust me, you'll know if your in danger of getting kicked off or are breaking a rule. Admittedly, I've probably broken all of those rules Chim listed in the points thing early on in the old Ymora, but I turned out okay...somewhat. But don't worry too much about this. We really are nice people and want to keep this place running nice and smooth.

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I'm going to give you the nutshell version of Ymora's rules. Don't intentionally piss people off and we're all good. Trust me, you'll know if your in danger of getting kicked off or are breaking a rule. Admittedly, I've probably broken all of those rules Chim listed in the points thing early on in the old Ymora, but I turned out okay...somewhat. But don't worry too much about this. We really are nice people and want to keep this place running nice and smooth.

You're still a pain in the ass though.

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