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I still have to talk about it with Dobby. It's on my list. (Ragnar is the only one on the reserve list left as I didn't hear anything from that Dratini guy)

If you have the same luck I have, you'll here back from him about 7 months later. Yes, that actually happened to me (or don't remember the exact length...but you get my point).

And oh lordy Luna and Archy in the same room is going to be a nightmare for everybody around them. (I could imagine her calling him Archy...making him even more irritated).

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If you have the same luck I have, you'll here back from him about 7 months later. Yes, that actually happened to me (or don't remember the exact length...but you get my point).

And oh lordy Luna and Archy in the same room is going to be a nightmare for everybody around them. (I could imagine her calling him Archy...making him even more irritated).

in 7 months I'm not accepting him anymore. A shiny Dratini wtf...

Also the first chapter is going up in a few minutes. I'm started just like last year: free movement for students in the first chapter.

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Please don't go too hog wild and leave me in the dust please guuuuys... ((thought th free roam might allow me to jsut pop in when I want.))

I'm sick as all hell right now and probably going to sleep most of the rest of today to try and recover. ((I have a job interview I'd rather not be sick as hell during so I'd liek to recover as quick as I can.)) so, probably won't be able to post at all for today.

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Please don't go too hog wild and leave me in the dust please guuuuys... ((thought th free roam might allow me to jsut pop in when I want.))

I'm sick as all hell right now and probably going to sleep most of the rest of today to try and recover. ((I have a job interview I'd rather not be sick as hell during so I'd liek to recover as quick as I can.)) so, probably won't be able to post at all for today.

Don't worry about it too much. I'm introducing the students NPCs and mine PC later to give others a chance at interaction. Not to mention I'm going to bed early because I have to get up early for work. Good luck with your job interview.

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Please don't go too hog wild and leave me in the dust please guuuuys... ((thought th free roam might allow me to jsut pop in when I want.))

I'm sick as all hell right now and probably going to sleep most of the rest of today to try and recover. ((I have a job interview I'd rather not be sick as hell during so I'd liek to recover as quick as I can.)) so, probably won't be able to post at all for today.

Seriously, don't worry about posting as it's not like we're going to bombard the RP...yet. I mean I joined like a week after it all began and I caught up pretty quickly in the original. Just don't die and good luck on your interview. And more importantly, don't die during your interview. It'll make you look bad.

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Bagel... I hate to be that guy already, but that use of Teleport seems to be a bit... strong I guess. I can understand it if it only affected Vanish, but using it on yourself seems to make things incredibly easy for your character if he were to get in a sticky situation. It's not my choice as to how it's limited, but I just thought I should express my concerns.

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I mean, if you don't use Teleport to teleport out of bad situations, what's the point of it? It follows what Teleport is meant to do 100% so I see no issue. Plus if Vanish still has teleport by the time there's actual trouble then that's just being prepared.

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I mean, if you don't use Teleport to teleport out of bad situations, what's the point of it? It follows what Teleport is meant to do 100% so I see no issue. Plus if Vanish still has teleport by the time there's actual trouble then that's just being prepared.

I don't see the issue here either, honestly. I mean as long as it's not a pop into every type of conversation using it, I don't see a problem at all. And in battle, we kind of decided one can only use it so many times before the Pokemon is exhausted. I remember this conversation even.

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dobby and Commander kinda have a point... it;s not like he's actually abusing it, given that's just what teleport... does.

And even if he has it later on, I'm sure there are copious counter measures Chim and Dobby can concoct to prevent just having it be a constant Dues Ex Machina (*Cough* Shadow Tag! Mean Look! Strange Ass Machinery they make up! Etcetera! *Cough*) That and Commander is completely right about us actually discussing this whole thing in the past about how much energy it would take to accomplish such a feat in the first place...

hmmmm... very strange cough just now though. I'll have to see a doctor about that.

anyway, I just finished making an update for Avalon, so now with that out of the way I should be able to get something up for this soon, hopefully tonight.

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I'm looking back at the old RP chapter and oh my things moved so freaking fast. Like I joined one day after the IC was up and there was about four pages (and we didn't have as many people). I'd also like to say post quality is much better here than in the old Ymora as well.

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I'm looking back at the old RP chapter and oh my things moved so freaking fast. Like I joined one day after the IC was up and there was about four pages (and we didn't have as many people). I'd also like to say post quality is much better here than in the old Ymora as well.

Benefits of experience.

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This is the first RP I've done in a long, long while, so I am looking for all sorts of criticisms on my writing, positive and otherwise. So if you guys have anything you have/want to say about my character or how I write or anything like that, feel free to say it. I'm looking to grow as a person and a writer here so I don't want to overlook my flaws and just say, "oh no, it's not this because this reason." If you say something about how I do things, I will do my best to rectify it. Thanks.

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Sorry missed the convo about teleport. Trust me when I say I don't want to be that guy who abuses certain things to win hopeless battles or get out of hopeless situations. The only time you will see my player teleported I will have Vanish need to prepare before hand. Vanish himself will get tired very quickly also, similarly to running the distances he's teleporting just very fast.

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Sorry missed the convo about teleport. Trust me when I say I don't want to be that guy who abuses certain things to win hopeless battles or get out of hopeless situations. The only time you will see my player teleported I will have Vanish need to prepare before hand. Vanish himself will get tired very quickly also, similarly to running the distances he's teleporting just very fast.

Eh, you can't really be blamed for it... considering it happened many months ago in an entirely different thread and is buried amoungst literally thousands upon thousands of posts...

Damn, the old place was huge...XD

And even besides, the limits you say you'll self-impose are just about the same (give or take) as what we theorized that they would have to be inorder to keep shit legit... so yeah, I don't really see a problem personally.

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Now, who will reach out to the shy silver-haired girl with a hood over her head?

Adeline's probably going to be more interested in getting to an area where she can release Ellie without fear of causing a giant commotion. So unfortunately, it won't be her.

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Now, who will reach out to the shy silver-haired girl with a hood over her head?

If my main man were in there not Ross thank God it'd depend on how much you could tolerate a young man with a bigger thirst for battle than Achilles. If you could, maybe a little something could have been worked out.

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