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Was that "Are you alright?" directed towards Aliah Cyaloom? If so you won't get a response. Someone needs to physically shake Aliah (as in waking someone from a nightmare) before I can do anything.

EDIT so as not to double post!

K_H, Aliah isn't fully awake and doesn't realize it's Johnny. He's acting on trained instinct and reflex.

Edited by WildChalice
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Those names are too similar how did I not notice that before.

anyways, the co-host has returndededed and will be catching up. Claude will return, I swear

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More conversation is all, from what I've gathered. Not the best thing for a shy character #ShyQTPieProblems

Yeah. Not really the best place for a shy character like Mie. She'd have zero idea as to where to jump in.

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Yeah. Not really the best place for a shy character like Mie. She'd have zero idea as to where to jump in.

Adeline's sitting by the window munching on some fruit and watching it all go down. All Mie would have to do is turn her head to notice her.

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My apologies for not posting but I'm waging war with Tonsillitis at the moment and the antibiotic is kicking my ass. 2nd time this year (which I've never ever had before this year) so the dose is upped to kill it. I'm lucky to be able to stay awake for an hour, my energy is near 0. This is the best I've been feeling in 4 days.

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My apologies for not posting but I'm waging war with Tonsillitis at the moment and the antibiotic is kicking my ass. 2nd time this year (which I've never ever had before this year) so the dose is upped to kill it. I'm lucky to be able to stay awake for an hour, my energy is near 0. This is the best I've been feeling in 4 days.

Get better bud, we won't crucify you for a slight case of AWOL, especially now we know wassup

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I still haven't had the chance to catch up, but apparently it wasn't all that clear what I meant last time in the OOC. So allow me to explain:

But first: Commander, why do you always need to get involved even when it doesn't concern you? Stop rousing things and may I remind you that last time you often created a mess with Henry. So you are in no position to judge what I'm doing with Samantha even though I wasn't planning to draw in any more characters.

Secondly: My main problem were the following sentences:

Plague Knight, on 09 Oct 2015 - 7:05 PM, said:
I'm personally probably just going to ignore whoever this character is cause I kinda have zero interest interacting. Already seems to be one of those annoying for the sake of just being annoying characters. And eh... they are zero fun to interact with cause they are just horribly one dimensional. To be fair... it's been two posts thus far and that's not much to judge... but eh... it looks like that already and I just would rather avoid that as much as possible. Least until I see more.
Even after I said that she wasn't one dimensional and made a joke about using her to annoy people, I get this:
Plague Knight, on 09 Oct 2015 - 7:27 PM, said:
And annoying isn't fun if that's literally all it is there to do, therefore just not going to do anything involving that character. Just how I am. Cause I know it's not going to be any fun for either of us. So, just not going to at all, period really. I already know that any thing from me in regards to that just wouldn't be quality writing because characters like that legit annoy me because they're just almost always...one dimensional, every reaction from them comes down to just being stupidly annoying or doing everything possible to just be obnoxious...and I'm sorry but for me that's no fun to interact against because it's a solid wall of just stupidity and not really a character. Not trying to be a jerk, it's just I don't care for those interactions because they are entirely pointless just as I feel the characters are
And when I say I'm going to come up with something else for Adeline / Emberly, or just going to let them be, I get this:
Plague Knight, on 17 Oct 2015 - 7:06 PM, said:
Yes, HEE! He is very very buuuuuuuuuuuusy!!! Which is why he sent me to fill in. After all, I plague Knight am a pretty accomplished writer myself. One could say I have a very explosive style....
Anyway, HEE!!! I'm just not very interested in that scene. Not going to lie. That's why I haven't really posted.

I link these all together. And if you're reaction looks like a 10 year old who thinks he invented the hot water, I'm going to think you don't take me seriously. And yes, I'm highlighting the points that I remember. I don't give a fuck if there are things in there that are meant to not make you sound like a jerk, but this is the image I now have. So what I really wanted to say is that I have no idea how to keep your interest and how to keep Emberly involved in the story. If that's the case I will narrow your choices down so she does get involved. I don't care if that's a shitty thing to do as a host because all the things I highlighted, is shitty to do as a player because I have had 0 possibility to actually create something.

Let me tell you all something about Chim's life: I will narrow it down so it doesn't become a wall of text.

1. My collegue tried to kill himself. Which means that Chim can do extra hours.

2. Chim works 6 out of 7.

3. When Chim burned out, he said he was going to take a break. He never did. Ymora was and still is something he wants to make perfect and enjoyable so he kept working on the errors from last time.

4. Chim planned to come back in November / December after Jory was done with his subplot. Now Jory left without a word and Chim reacted to Dobby in the old OOC about this news. He noticed how much people were still interested, so he moved he very busy schedule up to use the hype and deliver. Even when he had no internet access, he kept working so the deadline he told the players would not be postponed.

5. Some of you came to Chim. Not the other way around. Because Darvan wasn't allowed to take anything from Ymora because he would ruin everything. Chim decided it was best to let the RP forums know he was planning to revive Ymora. So Chim moved his busy schedule around and tried to fix things so the first chapters could run smoothly.

6. 80 - 90% of Chim's free time is absorbed by Ymora.

And if all Chim gets is "I'm not interested" and "I don't ever want to interact with Samantha", Chim doesn't feel very motivated to keep things going. Right now the interest is almost zero.

So what the fuck do you all want? That I give everything on a silver platter? That I tell you what you need to do? Do you actually think I would make one dimensional characters when I've been working my ass off? I don't know if anyone noticed how I run the NPCs.

Redwood -> system + becomes important later

Devin -> how Dragons work and help with the system. *coughDRAGONPLATEWHICHIGAVEAWAYFIRSTPOSTcough*

Tyron -> read his backstory. He's attached to the school like no other teacher. If you all want me to spoiler this as well, go right ahead with the negativity.

Matt -> RoG and keep story going

Samantha -> ??? Do you really want me to spoil this? Do I really need to force people to interact with her even after I said in the OOC that its all an act?

(Oswald doesn't count because he's Dobby's toy)

I fucking placed her there to lure that Spinda out. I don't know if anyone noticed, but I placed Stratos's character in room 002 which is close to the entrance where Samantha was yelling. Why? Because Spinda's personality is perfect to get into Samantha's room and uncover her secret. Now it didn't play out as I planned, which is fine, so I used her to drag Claude and Wolt. Because Wolt would've just left without doing anything.

I also haven't revealed my own PC for two reasons:

* I'm still working on some errors so I keep my influence minimum right now

* I waited until I could see how many female PCs I got. If I had an uneven number, my PC would've been female.

And for those who participated last time: Haven't you noticed how little I've been posting? I saw a certain thread made by Murdoc and I tried applying it to the first chapter. I've also been acting as a storyteller instead of guiding things with NPCs or whatever.

My point is that I haven't been involved and gave everyone freedom. What do I get back? Nothing but negativity and whining because I introduced a character in a way people would dislike her. I DID THIS ON PURPOSE BTW. All the small things I have done so far were never random acts. But if people want to do nothing but complain, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Can I get some time to actually tell this story or not? Or do you want everything on a silver platter?

I'm not going to lie. Right now my interest in continuing and updating is very low. I rather spent the little free time I have left on something that people appreciate or just something that I can do for my own. So if all I'm going to get is whining, tell me right now and I hand everything over to Dobby. If I'm a lousy host, let me know and I'll let Dobby or Darvan take over. If you don't want to bite the bullet and want everything spoiled and on a silver platter, let me know and I'll tell you everything you want. Because from the very start, even before the IC was even up, I had nothing but BS to deal with and my patience at this point is almost none existent.

And do me one last favor. Should I continue this and do I get the time or not? Because I'm going out of my way again and postponing my sleep for this even though I really need it. But this will be the last time I do it if the negativity keeps going.

Also Hukuna I know I singled you out this time but you really created that image. I also saw you do it in Stratos's RP (which I've been neglecting because I'm too busy) and there you even mentioned you were considering to drop out. In my opinion you're attitude as a player comes over as a negative one if things don't go the way you want or if you're confused. No matter how much you try to justify or sugercoat things.

EDIT: I know something went wrong with my quotes but I don't care. I'm way too tired to try and fix that.

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How about we not change my words and say that's what I'm doing? You've assumed I don't care... that is not the case at all and it certainly never was. I may not be the best at my words at times, but I've never said any of those things, you've assumed and never once talked to me about it instead of just yelling at me right away. Why should I bother explaining? You clearly don't care to know what I have to say if you didn't listen to me or give me the chance to explain what I mean. Right away you assume things.

Personally right now, I don't want to interact with that character, I don't see a way I can that won't lead to me doing something that's low quality. I know your character in Samantha is something more than One Dimensional or flat. But, if I'm going to interact with her NOW, I'll treat her like she is. That's not fair to you at all because I know you put effort in there and I don't want the interaction there to be entirely ruined because I don't currently have a grasp of the character. I only know one way she is or can be... that'll effect how I write my reactions... ((because right now... My reactions would pretty much be... "Bleh, I don't want to deal with you." because that's the only way I'd know how to react, and that's probably not what Emberly would do... that's what I would do. Therefore it's not fair to your character that I write that way at all. Because, I'm not writing how Emberly would react. I just don't have any other infomation currently. And I don't mean meta-gamey stuff... I jsut don't know how to react to the character other than that myself... therefore I'll make Emberly act the same way even if she wouldn't cause I'm not in a place I understand her yet. I'm boxing that for later so that I don't entirely ruin whole thing. I'd like to understand a bit more so I understand the character a bit more... rather than write something super dumb that f's up that entire interaction by going a way it never should have.)) it's because I respect your character and that she is more than that that I DO NOT WANT to interact right now because if I do I know it's not going to be right. It's going to not g the way it should because currently it's going to go the way Hukuna deals with people that annoy him irl ((in that I shutdown and don't talk to them, I don't deal with people irl very well cause socially... I'm pretty much a failure.)). I don't really want to f' all that up cause I know I will 100% do so right now when I don't understand her at all other than the things I've seen which irl... I don't deal with very often because I don't handle it all that well. Emberly wouldn't have the same reaction I would... therefore if I do it now, right this interaction... It'll be wrong and unfair to you and everyone else because I wouldn't be playing the character.

But no, I'm a big baby that gets upset when things don't go his way. Sure... you know that's never happened once right? If that was really the case I could do things right now to actually get my way. If I was that petty a person Chim... I could never be where I am.

Also, if you don't know my father's nearly died 3 times in the past few weeks and months. Sorry if Stratos's RP isn't my biggest worry in the world while my family has no money while we pay hospital bills and have no heat and water, have no food and have to keep my father from getting yet another infection so he doesn't die. The only reason I'm even still able to type this is because my mother's church is helping us out and keeping us afloat. I'm sorry if I neglect RPs et by accident when I'm jsut trying to survive, but no... No one really actually gives a shit about what goes on in my life. You've never asked, you've just assumed. Sorry if dropping out of an RP because I don't have the time or the ability to remember it is a problem for you Chim. Sorry that I ever came to this forum and even tried to give a shit. It's clear no one wants me here. I should just disappear like I always do. All I do is cause other people problems and grief just by being there. I'm just as worthless as I thought because not a single person gives me the time of day and just assumes things about me. I don't even get to be a person anymore... just some stupid object everyone gets to dump their blame on. I don't know why I bother trying to keep living, trying to do things when all I get is people not really caring about what I have to say or just deciding the meaning of my words for me. I never get to be human. No one lets me. Anybody else in the world they'd talk to them try to understand... but no. I never ever get that. I'm not worth understanding or even taking 5 seconds to talk to. Because I'm jsut an asshole who wants everything handed to him. Sure... I've never had anything handed to me in my life. I've never had that luxury. Because I've been treated as a freak since the day I was born. ANd anywhere I go I jsut told I am again and again.

So, sorry I have problems in my life that are ruining things... sorry that I exist. I might as well just leave before I hurt more people. Not a place in this world I can go where I'm not the issue. I'm always the issue. Because no one else can have any faults when I'm around. I'm always the trouble of their woes. At least, that's what they tell me.

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But first: Commander, why do you always need to get involved even when it doesn't concern you? Stop rousing things and may I remind you that last time you often created a mess with Henry. So you are in no position to judge what I'm doing with Samantha even though I wasn't planning to draw in any more characters.

First off, thank you for telling me this. I'm going to be quite frank that this is one of the reasons I've kind of been trying to avoid big stuff. I didn't realize the Samantha was a big thing I was initially going to avoid it...but I honestly would have nothing to do other than pretty much fly solo if I left the girls dorm completely. This is one of those situations if you give me something to do, I would gladly leave, but right now...what honestly is there to do? Not a single PC is not in the dorm area.

I'll also explain a bit more about my posting pattern. I left Mie alone so that Hiss had a chance to interact with other PCs given I spent quite a bit of time with her. I've been in a discussion with Exlink, but it hasn't been too deep in order to give Chim a chance to jump in and continue that Samantha interaction. I'm certainly not going to defend things I did with Henry cause at some points I did go too far, but I really am not trying to cause a mess. (I also am a bit aware I jump into conversations where I shouldn't...but I've been doing other things to help keep my mouth shut in that area). But feel free to bite me as much as you want if I'm doing something a little bit overboard.


Now for the overall and more important subject. I would not fucking blame you for walking out here and right now. It would've been a good heads up saying that you weren't going to be updating or posting as often as you did due to Murdoc's post as some of use naturally assumed it was going to be like the old system. I kind feel the need for you to be just a little bit more involved as we've got kind of a bad cycle going on right now. An unmotivated host and some unmotivated players as it seems.

Chim, you're not a bad host, if anything, you're one of the bests hosts here as you did go the extra mile to make things work. The amount of time and dedication you put into this really shows and it's sad to see how this has finally hit rock bottom. I would love to have you lead this project forward, but I am only one person and one single person can only do so much. I suggest the rest of you kind of talk what's going on so that we can fix this big issue here and now so that we don't let this ship sink.

Btw, I'm probably going to have Citrine get out of the school dorms so that at least some of this "jumbled mess" will be removed. So my goal in the next few posts is this:

1. Wrap up the conversation with Wolt and tie up anything around

2. Figure out a way to get Citrine out of there while still in-character (she's not really doing anything for it anyway)

Edit: Err...I think we should all take a breather from that. I'd...rather not start a war right now so...maybe when everyone is read(ish) we can kind of figure out where to go character movement wise to...um...make posts.

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I've felt the need to make a post for a while now but I need some input from some more experienced people here. I'm not really sure what kind of things chim planned on happening in the dorms so to describe what's going on I don't want to make an incorrect assumption. Should I try and post something or wait for more information to be given out?

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Ouch man. Decided to pop in for a peek to see how things were going...and yeeaahhh. I think I'm gonna drop from the reserves if shit's going on with Chim and Huku.

Number 5 on Chim's list tho. Amazing I could find my name in that wall of text.

Look, I was told by a certain someone that we all got our own problems to worry about. If it was such a burden to heft up an important project, I'm curious why it was continued. I have nothing against you guys.

Gotta know when to throw in the towel buds. A couple of you guys on here remember a certain time when that was relevant.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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This is actually about some details in my last post.

I actually have some doubts about the situation at the male dorms. I have posted something anyways, but I'll edit the post if needed. This is because:

  • I don't think Turboaura has stated that Robert was arriving to the dorms right after Murdoc's character, and this would mean that Robert was pretty much "bunnied" here. Now we seemed to have assumed that Robert was already there but, if he was still on his way, everything that happened wouldn't have taken place and either Grimace would have used Hypnosis on Murdoc's character, or Johnny wouldn't have crashed into the other trainer.
  • Also, Lucas is currently holding the door in place, keeping it open. But I don't know if that is actually possible. The first time that the trainers entered the dorms the door closed behind them and was locked after that, so that the students couldn't go out. This means that something is most likely controlling the door (ghosts?), and that Lucas wouldn't be able to keep it in place because of that: the door would probably close and Lucas would just get hit in the side.

While the "door" is something minor (I pointed that out just to be sure that what I am doing is something plausible), the first point is slightly more important to me; if the other people that are involved could actually clear out my doubts, I'd be very grateful.

On another topic I shouldn't be talking about:

About what is going on in this specific topic and that I've interrupted with this: I am certainly not the right person to get involved with this, or to give any kind of advice to people that are definitely more experienced than myself. But why is there so much negativity over a free time activity (Real life things, of course, come first) that is meant to be an enjoyable hobby...?

Please, give the proper weight to my words.

Edited by Cyaloom
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Minor gripe but Robert is being a bit melodramatic imo.

True... I'll fix that.

Edited: Re-done. Also, while I admit the first writing was a bit straight forward, I can't really have Robert be too afraid since he's only been told the general idea instead of witnessing it.

Edited by TurboAura
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Sorry about being inactive especially after that post I made a bit ago. A certain little thorn decided to pop up to stir a little trouble and make my life hell yesterday and today hasn't been going to swell. I'll try to get the ball rolling tomorrow as I'm not really feeling it today. It's also a good reason why I might seem so inactive or grouchy on here for the past month or why my post quality is lacking. It shouldn't be a problem anymore though...I really hope so.

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Ouch man. Decided to pop in for a peek to see how things were going...and yeeaahhh. I think I'm gonna drop from the reserves if shit's going on with Chim and Huku.

Number 5 on Chim's list tho. Amazing I could find my name in that wall of text.

Look, I was told by a certain someone that we all got our own problems to worry about. If it was such a burden to heft up an important project, I'm curious why it was continued. I have nothing against you guys.

Gotta know when to throw in the towel buds. A couple of you guys on here remember a certain time when that was relevant.

Noted. So please remove yourself from this OOC. Because I will ask everyone involved with this RP to not react to your posts. That also means I'm not going to react to any 'character' you try to submit in the future. I really misjudged you, but your human Lucario character from last time made it clear you never intended to take this seriously.

Also I will not throw in the towel. I'm way too stubborn and selfish to do that along with some other various reasons. So thank you for throwing in yours because one of the problems on my list was to keep my word as a host to you.

Now to everyone else still involved:

1) I'm clearing things out with Hukuna in private. I just snapped at him because of his position and influence he has. So my apologies to everyone for going on a rampage.

2) Like I already said, one of my collegues tried a suicide attempt not long ago. Normally this wouldn't have any influence on my life, but unfortunately the busy period started where I work and we don't have enough staff anymore. I already worked 6 out of 7 days since August / September, but I did less hours each day. (Instead of 8 I did 6 etc). Right now I'm doing at least 8 and usually 9-10. When I come home I don't have much energy and lately I've been falling asleep if I dare to sit down. So everything I usually do during the week gets postponed to Sunday so there are no days where I can sit down and follow things up. So currently I'm running behind and I'll try to catch up, but for now I'm going to leave things to Dobby. He has no idea what to do with the Male Dorms but I'll give him all the details so he can do the update. I hope I can catch up by the time people are supposed to gather for Redwood's speech. (For those who are new that's what I'm using to explain how the school system works and when you get new Pokémon etc. Also information for the second chapter will be released.)

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Apologies for not posting but my tonsillitis didn't respond to the antibiotics. I'm just about to start a round of steroids for it. I've been arguing with the doctor since monday about my symptoms not getting better but worse. Finally yesterday I got something of an answer. Not sure how the steroids will make me feel though...

To Chim: I'm glad you're not throwing in the towel. I'm so sorry that your colleague tried to kill themselves. Hopefully this RP will be a release for the stress in life right now.

To Hukuna: I'm sorry for what you're going through at this time and am praying for your family.

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