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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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To be honest I think the battle thread is probably the best way to go for this overall. Given how long it occasionally takes people to respond to a fight if it's carried out in the IC itself, it kinda creates rediculous gaps in between the action and just creates these weird spaces where instead of a flowing scene of combat, we get this wierd ass mixture of fighting in one post, broken up by several posts of other people talking while the other side takes their sweet time responding... which kinda makes it disorienting and kinda difficult to track everything in the end because of such.

So yeah. IC battles definitely didn't work out all that well last time. Best to keep them segregated into the fighting thread, unless the battles are so small and short that they begin and are over in the same post (EX encountering and capturing a wild mon maybe) or maybe for training sessions, which don't take that many post anyway... basically, if only one person is involved in the fight, there's probably no need to send it over there since in the past, it honestly doesn't seem to have been as much of an issue in this regard as an actual 2 player brawl was.

Probably the only time other than that I think it would be a good idea to not use the battle thread and have the action in the Ic instead, is maybe if ROG were to attack or something and the school was under siege like it was from those technonerds back in the old run during the winter cup finals, since well... given the circumstances, it would make perfect sense to allow all the fighting to be held in the IC given it's the main event of that time (Kinda like how we did carry that out by having the group fighting scene in the IC).

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The Battle Thread seems like the best solution to me. Although, Stratos brought up a good point. If the Fighting is the Main Event and all of the PCs are involved in the same Battle, it would be best to have it in the IC Thread.

Edited by K_H
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Well these battles aren't main events but are there because it makes sense. (And I get to see if people go overboard or not.)

So I'd say by the feedback I've received so far it's time to start these battles. That means people are free to pick an opponent in the IC and tell me and Dobby their second Pokémon.

Do it like this so we know once both parties agreed to battle:

Maya vs Claude

Magikarp vs Jigglypuff

Moveset Magikarp:

Moveset Jigglypuff:

(Matt, Samantha and Kay (the blond RoG guy) are free to be challenged. Matt is very likely to win his battle at this point in the story.)

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How exactly will we be doing this? Just... by way of the IC? I just want to be clear on exactly how we're workin' this. Pretty certain I know my second mon already so not worried about that.

Here is a rundown of how we did it last time:

First, The scene to faciliatate the context of the battle would be set up in the IC (EX: Players entering onto the field, maybe saying a few things, then finally sending out their first mon...)

The fight itself however, would instead be cut away and take place in the battle thread. Once it was over, the results from said battle thread and a summary of the battle would be taken and placed in the IC... usually though, we go ahead and do the actual fights before the IC build ups and introductions are actually written.

and that's basically it. pretty simple in the concept.

Just imagine this as the production set for a TV series like Game of Thrones or Walking Dead or... House, even. All the episodes for that season are technically already shot and recorded ahead of time, they're just waiting for their appropriate date to finally be aired.

The battles in the Battle thread which are already written out and concluded, are those episodes. Their appearance and summaries given in the IC are more or less the airing dates.

For example:

Me and Azery have just agreed that we're going to be battling each other, so, what we would do is, some time soon, whenever Azery gets ready, we would go into the Battle Thread, head our posts with the format chim provided above, then begin the actual fighting and carry it out to conclusion. Once we're done, that's it, we just leave all the written out battle posts there for when they're needed later.

Back in the normal IC, time progresses normally and we finally finish up the first day and chim moves everyone onto the second and the picking ceremony. we pick our mons, and afterwards, let's say I naturally have Maya Folie challenge Crescent to a battle, and by extension James as well. The two of us would move our PCs to the battle field.

Then not long after, someone (Either the host or one of those involved in the fight, or maybe both) goes ahead and summarizes the major events of the fight and who won, who lost, tied, etc...

and that's it.

TLDR; You enter the arena and do whatever introductions in the IC itself. For the actual fighting though, you go and hold it all in the Battle thread. Once the time has come for the fight to happen, a host or involved player comes along, summarizes everything, and posts the results in the IC

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So, like a jump cut? Where we do the battle in another thread and in the main thread RP getting to where it ended up happening. Basically, we fill in the context through the IC, but RP out the battle while getting to that point in the Battle Thread? Am I getting that right?

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So, like a jump cut? Where we do the battle in another thread and in the main thread RP getting to where it ended up happening. Basically, we fill in the context through the IC, but RP out the battle while getting to that point in the Battle Thread? Am I getting that right?

Exactly right. Like dobby says, it's a vast improvement over the clutter the original system of fighting caused. The amount of clutter in the ICs we had back then was too damn high.

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anyways, since we happen to already be on the subject... figured I might as well submit what Maya will be choosing on day 2:



Female lv5

@Sheer Force


-Sweet Scent

-Misty Terrain


-Fairy Wind

-Iron Head (Gets it as a starting move in it's natural level up learnset)



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FYI, Mie's accent isn't that heavy (well, it might be, idk, but I wouldn't just assign a characteristic like that), Kage just has excellent hearing and has learned to recognize people by their voices almost exclusively, so he's gotten good at placing accents as a side effect.

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I'm not dead! yay?

Anyways, I agree that we should have a battle thread. As for pokemon for day 2:


Eevee (Athena)

Female lvl.8/whatever level they are

Ability: Anticipation

Attacks: Tackle, Swift, Bite

Supports: Baby-Doll Eyes, Fake Tears

If anyone wants to interact and/or battle with Wolt let me know

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Well since it's time for mon no.2.....time to bring him back I guess.


Duskull (Gaster)

Level: ?(Depends on what they're supposed to be I guess.

Ability: Levitate





Feint Attack

Night Shade


He's back baby. Under a new name and everything...but he's back.

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Ook, before anyone puts up a fuck ton of new mons for me to track down when they are definite, hold your horses and then later PM the definite details of the mon. ability, moves etc. Then I'll add them to your profile.

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Btw the new mons are level 5. They never received training and have no experience being with a trainer. The starters probably have slight experience in certain areas since they've been with the PCs for at least a year.

Edit: I'll probably close up the ongoing actions with Matt and Samantha and leave it at that before moving on. I have an appointment in the hospital in an hour so I'll probably get to it tonight.

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Day 2 will start on the 24th. It's the second part of chapter 1 but shouldn't take too long. Any conversations still going can be mentioned to actually close the ongoing 'bonding' but I'm not going to wait much longer.

So if people can search for a battle in this topic and let me know, I can start those battles already. It would save some time so we can get the plot started in Chapter 2.

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- Egg moves are a bit special. Since Ymora is famous for its breeders, it only makes sense to allow egg moves. However, a Pokémon still needs to grow so every Pokémon can know 2 egg moves at the start if they are stab with max base power 75 and accuracy 100. If the accuracy is 90% or less, the power can be increased to 85. No coverage moves yet, since they will be obtainable through rigorous training. Support moves are allowed.

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