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Two people already took Eevee…welp…

I'll feel weird if I have my character take an Eevee like I originally wanted…

There's no species clause and you could always get one later down the road....

It's just a floating skull and bats for me...

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Umm... Dobby? You've got Sylvia's Details inside the Spoiler for Ignizelka. For future reference, you can just copy-paste Team Member Details from the Character Post i made when signing up. I'll be keeping my Character Post Updated as we go, so there'll no need to be worried about it being behind-the-times in terms of what Johnny has.

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I'll get my post up shortly and have Maya make her pick...

Azery, I'm coming for you...

You coming with guns blazing?

I'll post sometime either tonight or tomorrow morning.

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You coming with guns blazing?

I'll post sometime either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Hmmm... no, not quite like that, I don't think... those who rush recklessly into the fray against a foe they've never faced before are bound to end up dead from their leroy jenkins-style abandon someday. But nevertheless, rest assured, I look forward to our brawl...

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To be clear seeing as tomorrow is, you know, CHRISTMAS, no rush for everything. Enjoy your holidays people lol

Hehehe, good, I was about to freak out and rush myself to act due to all the Christmas Eve/Day activities. I'll still get up my post and 2nd member up soon.

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Fuck that's probably the longest post I've ever made, or at least in quite a long while.

and yet I've made many that are far longer over the course of my career down here...

to be entirely hoenst though, I was kinda expecting you to do something about challenging Maya so that we could get the battle set up...

Oh well though. Afterall, I have Folie out for a reason... the crazy little bastard comes in handy for starting things.

So yeah, we're still coming for you

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Looking back on my choice for a new Partner, I probably should've given Sylvia something to hit Ghost Types with... Oh well, too late for that now.

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Anyways, I'll probably be going with this

Pokemon: Aron ((Lvl.5))

Nickname: Treble

Ability: Rock Head ((Since... I'm not sure Sturdy actually does anything...))

Moves: Metal Claw, Rock Slide, Reversal, Metal Burst. Support: Screech, Automatize.

Need to work up a post, but it's not going to be today most likely. I'm trying to relax and what not XD.

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