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EDIT: Reversal is illegal, egg moves have to be stab

Okay, I don't remember that being the case at all, but alright. THe other issue... is that Aron literally gets nothing else I could put there that isn't too powerful or redundant as all hell.

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Anyways, I'll probably be going with this

Pokemon: Aron ((Lvl.5))

Nickname: Treble

Ability: Rock Head ((Since... I'm not sure Sturdy actually does anything...))

Moves: Metal Claw, Rock Slide, Reversal, Metal Burst. Support: Screech, Automatize.

Need to work up a post, but it's not going to be today most likely. I'm trying to relax and what not XD.

The only problem I have with this is that it might be a bit early for rock slide. Rock Tomb comes in earlier and essentially does the same thing.

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- Egg moves are a bit special. Since Ymora is famous for its breeders, it only makes sense to allow egg moves. However, a Pokémon still needs to grow so every Pokémon can know 2 egg moves at the start if they are stab with max base power 75 and accuracy 100. If the accuracy is 90% or less, the power can be increased to 85. No coverage moves yet, since they will be obtainable through rigorous training. Support moves are allowed.

We didn't really check the partner movesets too thoroughly along these rules in hindsight but I don't want to fix every clerical error so let's just apply it to the partners.

Note: This rule is a bitch for me right now because I can't give Jessica the Buneary anything for this Aron except Teeter dance. Teeter dance

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The only problem I have with this is that it might be a bit early for rock slide. Rock Tomb comes in earlier and essentially does the same thing.

Oh that I can change that, I didn't know it got it when I was writing it up and thought it got Rock Throw which felt like ti's be sorta crappy considering it's bad acc and weaker than both. But Rock Tomb is fine ((and it can have alternate uses probably since the speed lowering thing can be interpreted into pinning etc..))

Note: This rule is a bitch for me right now because I can't give Jessica the Buneary anything for this Aron except Teeter dance. Teeter dance

< Suddenly knows why you got so upset over that XD. I mean I can delay Treble until later if you think I should. Thing is... I'm not really sure what other mon I want to get as Drake's second if I do...

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We didn't really check the partner movesets too thoroughly along these rules in hindsight but I don't want to fix every clerical error so let's just apply it to the partners.

Note: This rule is a bitch for me right now because I can't give Jessica the Buneary anything for this Aron except Teeter dance. Teeter dance

I had originally thought that egg moves that weren't stab but had lower power were alright, which is why I gave Duskull Feint Attack which it does not get outside of breeding. I was about to say that you could just bring out the plethora of fighting egg moves that the Buneary line got.

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No delaying Huk. This is happening.

It's just gonna be a hell of a long fight.

And yeah, if I could Buneary would be throwing that Aron around like... I haven't got a clever simile here. Like something.

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Don't shot put poor Treble! :(

But in all seriousness... what would I even replace Reversal with? Like... I've got pretty much zero options that make any sense. Since no egg moves of Aron's are STAB other than Head Smash ((which definitely isn't okay XD.)) and Iron Head... which is over 75 and is just better than Metal Claw. I guess Headbutt? ((I didn't actually notice it got that at... like... level 7... wow what the hell that's early for 70 base even if it's not STAB XD>)) Guess I found my answer while asking the question... but... yea that's a thing.

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Yeah we didn't really bother too much with the starters when it came to the moveset. I just checked Aron and according to Serebii he really gets a mix between crappy and OP moveset early on. If I go strict by the rules Rock Tomb (Rock Slide is too strong right now), Metal Burst and Metal Claw are illegal.

Btw you don't have to fill all moves or you can just go with something like tackle or even Stomp in this case. So go with something like this:

- Metal Claw

- Rock Tomb

- Tackle / Stomp

- Headbutt

I see Metal Burst is level 49-50 for Aron and that's the earliest. I'd say keep that for when it evolves into a Lairon or after some harsh training or something.

Edit: Buneary gets splash. Use it Dobby. Splash that Aron into oblivion.

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The problem is... Metal Burst if the only "attack" it gets that isn't filled entirely by the role of pretty much most of it's other attacks in battle. Like Stomp/Tackle and Headbutt... all might as well be the same move in an RP. They all do exactly the same thing really. Stomp is the only one with slight room to make into being utility but even then it has it's own issues.

All Rocks moves are almost exactly the same as well... other than like Head Smash. It just has like 0 versatile attacks. Like they all boil down to "I hit somebody" or "I chuck a shit load of rocks at somebody." Metal Burst is the only thing I have access to that breaks that mold and isn't super broken... so without it... I sorta just have two moves that might as well be one move and that slot might as well be empty. I know it's learned at a pretty late level, but... I mean It's really one of the only options I have that isn't just "Hit something with my head in maybe a slightly different fashion." ((and to that I know stomp could be argued... but... it's super similar to metal claw, just less slashing and more of a downward motion)) Like... I kinda have to have it for this mon to even have something interesting it can do. Since with those moves it's literally just Hit something with my Body very hard, or throw rocks, which is going to get veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery fcking stale to write and read for people. It's basically just going to alternate between those two things. At least with Metal Burst I can actually break the Monotony cycle.

I dunno that's why I'm hesitant to just axe Metal Burst... cause like... I don't want two moves that literally just do the same thing almost entirely in the moveset. And with how Aron's body is, Headbutt and Tackle = the same thing, Metal Claw and Stomp might as well be the same thing, and all the rock moves are pretty much the same.

I mean if you think it's too good, I'll axe it, but I'm really hesitant to do so since so many of Aron's moves that I can actually reasonably use right now... parallel each other so much it's hard to really make them stand out and really matter. Basically... from a writing standpoint... they are redundant and I want Aron to not be basically... "The Mon that does 2 things a lot." later on I'll definitely be able to branch out a lot more I guess, but right now I kinda feel like I need it for the variety. Just like... straight up for the variety. Because nothing it even learns until then helps that problem. Until I can get Tutor moves... etc... I kinda need Metal Burst strictly off the fact I need more variety in moves.

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I see... If that's the case what I usually do / did in the first run was allow more support moves. Doux is an example.

Aron gets Mud Slap (doesn't do anything similar to the other moves), SR (can be used in an interesting way like Murdoc once did) and in this case Substitute should be fine. If you really need Metal Burst tone down the power for now. Because at this point, in raw power, your Aron would annihiliate everyone else except Matt.

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actually you can find pokemon for the trainer card by typing the first letter. it then cycles through mons with the letter you press. I ~was~ trying to type Jessica, so the image randomly became jellicent

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Oh ok. I've never messed around with the trainer card so I didn't know that.

I guess that makes Kay's fifth Pokémon. Now I only need to decide between Clefable and Aromatisse as a sixth, and possible last, member.

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Ragnar, do you want to let Toshiro battle Kay? He's getting a Prankster Purrloin so expect some shenanigans when facing him.

Sure if anyone doesn't object. btw, Toshiro is getting a Phanpy.

Pokemon : Phanpy

Name: Panzer

Ability: Sandveil

Moves: Tackle, Rollout, Ice Shard Support: Defense Curl, Charm

edit: can i add play rough to its moveset?

Edited by Ragnar
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God damn, what is this? Metal Burst this early? Hell, I was planning it for Titania's final move set, but I was intent on holding off till at least the point where we start hitting level 30-40 for the level caps...

Eh, whatevs, I guess if one were to just tone down the retaliation force to only 1x the amount of damage taken rather than the full 1.5x... but yeah, otherwise it's just gonna freaking wreck everyone- it damn near wrecked Nemo during Lana and Mareek's battle back during the original run (Well, to be honest, it wasn't nearly, it did wreck his shit. Only thing that got him up again was a pep talk...and some DETERMINATION)... probably could've wrecked Erce too if things had gone differently.

just for the record though, I'd like to point out that in no way are Rock Tomb and Rock Slide the same. Maybe going off the depiction and animations in the games they are, but in the anime... well, they're made clearly different in that medium. Hell, Pual had his magmorator use Rock Tomb in order to form barriers of stone jutting out of the ground in order to protect against water attacks during one battle, iirc... but yeah, Rock slide more or less does it's name sake and just opens up this strange as portal in the sky and rains boulders down... point is, the moves each have far more uses than people often give them credit for... just have to think about outside the box sometimes... wait... I've given this speech before, haven't I? Yeah...I did, ages ago back in the original... go figure, eh?

anyways... damn, you people were more active than I thought, given it's Christmas day and everything... guess I'll get up my next post and have this challenge be issued...

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Wait, it's 1.5 reflected? Hmmm... no wonder people thought it was a bit op. I thought it jsut reflected damage back 1 for 1.

I'll save it for later than and just put Mud Slap then. It's a bit more util, but yea XD. I should read better.

Yup. You take damage, then you mulitply it by 1.5 times before sending it right back to the foe. Kinda like a very nasty return-to-sender idea/ Retaliation, just like with Mirror coat and Counter.

What sets it apart from those two though, is that unlike them, Metal Burst never specifies which category the damaging move has to fall into... which means, it can function from both special and physically inflicted damage dealt... hence why it's only 1.5x amping, otherwise it would completely replace both Counter and Mirror Coat as it's pretty much an omni version of them aside from the numbers.

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