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So…I can't PM Dobby since it seems like his inbox is full…umm…so…uh...

Either just put the mon and it's details here in the OOC or put it in a spoiler whenever you post.

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Either just put the mon and it's details here in the OOC or put it in a spoiler whenever you post.


I was thinking of going with this

Yukiko (Snorunt-Female) Lv. 5

Ability: Ice Body


Ice Shard

Icy Wind




Double Team

Though, is it possible to use Hail instead of Double Team or is Hail too far out in its move set for that?

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Sure if anyone doesn't object. btw, Toshiro is getting a Phanpy.

Pokemon : Phanpy

Name: Panzer

Ability: Sandveil

Moves: Tackle, Rollout, Ice Shard Support: Defense Curl, Charm

edit: can i add play rough to its moveset?

Play Rough is too good for a coverage move at this point. 90 base power...

@Hiss: Please don't go Moody. The only way to let it work is if the player adds each round what's happening to the stats. Very easy to powerplay. And Hail is like 40-50 depending on X/Y or ORAS. So nope, keep that for later. Those are nice moves to use to show some growth.

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@Hiss: Please don't go Moody. The only way to let it work is if the player adds each round what's happening to the stats. Very easy to powerplay. And Hail is like 40-50 depending on X/Y or ORAS. So nope, keep that for later. Those are nice moves to use to show some growth.

Yeah, I wasn't planning to do Moody (though Cursed Body Froslass would be interesting). It was just more of something I was curious about. Ice Body is perfectly fine.

That's what I thought. I saw it at Lv50 when looking at the learn set and I was like "huh…"

So, is the current Snorunt build fine?

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Doesn't Phanphy also get mudslap?

I'll be momentarily purging my inbox with a the help of a particularly destructive magby so people can once again msg me. I'll refrain on adding Hiss and Ragnars mons until you can say for sure you're happy with it.

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Yeah, I wasn't planning to do Moody (though Cursed Body Froslass would be interesting). It was just more of something I was curious about. Ice Body is perfectly fine.

That's what I thought. I saw it at Lv50 when looking at the learn set and I was like "huh…"

So, is the current Snorunt build fine?

It's on the borderline. I was thinking that priority + stab that slows opponent down + stab that can double in power is a little bit too much but Snorunt doesn't get much... Use Headbutt / Bide or Hex to replace one of those moves. Or Rollout. Weather Ball is useless.

I see. it can be obtain later in the story, right? also, i almost forgot, I think Panzer is missing a stab move. can you add bulldoze to its moveset?

Nope. It only gets Bulldoze by TM. Phanpy doesn't learn any Ground type moves unless you count Mud Slap by breeding. So either go with that or wait until it evolves (lvl 25) to go for Bulldoze or Magnitude.

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I don't think Toshiro will approve of the move 'mud slap' as far as his personality goes.

but yeah, i've been thinking about that.like Phanpy's breeding stab moves are either Fissure or Mudslap and nothing more. It's either you choose the most powerful ground move of them all or the weakest ground move of them all.. there's no in between them. And since Fissure is definitely not an option. I guess I'll have wait until Panzer evolves and learn a decent ground move.

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Okay, got my second Pokemon picked.

Izzy (Espurr-Female) Lv: 5

Ability: Own Tempo








-Assist(Egg Move if allowed)

Espurr may not get Stab by egg move or before level 9, but I'll deal without if until we get to that point.

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I was looking at Turbo's Riolu, I had to check it cuz I was thinking,when the fuck did Riolu get prankster??? This one doesn't even need it with all the priority it has but dayum.

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I was looking at Turbo's Riolu, I had to check it cuz I was thinking,when the fuck did Riolu get prankster??? This one doesn't even need it with all the priority it has but dayum.

It get's Prankster as it's hidden ability. If you ever saw one with copycat+roar+entry hazards you'd know how terrifying it is. Thankfully prankster is nowhere near as powerful in an RP setting.

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You can put Confusion on it if you want. So you at least stand a chance against some of the others

Oh, okay then. If you say so, I'll just edit it then. Just didn't want to give it Confusion early.

Izzy (Espurr-Female) Lv: 5

Ability: Own Tempo









There we go, though I'll go without Assist since it was mainly put there to due to lacking Confusion.

@Dobby: Yeah it was a surprise to see it myself too. Don't worry, my plan isn't Status moves when it comes to Riolu, more so chose it for both personality reasons and the resulting Justified whenever Kiai gets' to the level required for friendship.

Edited by TurboAura
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It's on the borderline. I was thinking that priority + stab that slows opponent down + stab that can double in power is a little bit too much but Snorunt doesn't get much... Use Headbutt / Bide or Hex to replace one of those moves. Or Rollout. Weather Ball is useless.

Hex is a viable option? I thought Egg Moves were supposed to be same-type and under a certain Base Power Limit (which I can't remember off the top of my head). If so, then I'll replace…Avalanche with Hex.

Yukiko (Snorunt-Female) Lv. 5

Ability: Ice Body


Ice Shard

Icy Wind




Double Team

Is this good now?

Edited by Hiss13
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Probably not my strongsuit, but whenever I choose moves to use especially for new Pokemon, I rarely, if at all, had something for a final moveset. Weaker, or less used, moves actually have a lot of interesting uses such as Mud Sport (never expected that to be both a defensive and offensive maneuver). So I try to suggest using stuff you won't keep for a long time...otherwise battles might start getting more and more boring for you. After all, stronger moves can be added later.

And turbo, I'd add Barrier or Yawn to your Pokemon as that'll help with its frailty and it's not that OP at this point (Barrier maybe, but certainly not Yawn).

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Turbo, would you be interested in having Izzy and Sylvia face off against each other?

Sounds fine with me.

And turbo, I'd add Barrier or Yawn to your Pokemon as that'll help with its frailty and it's not that OP at this point (Barrier maybe, but certainly not Yawn).

@Commander: Hmm, nice suggestions... I should have really put my post more as a 'what I think' with how much feedback I'm getting back. lol

Final set

Izzy (Espurr-Female) Lv. 5

Ability: Own Tempo








-Yawn(One of the suggestions)

Sorry about this being the third draft Dobby, just others suggestions. > ~ <

Edit: Other than that, she needs approved before I make my post, right?

Edited by TurboAura
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Alright sorry about that low quality post. I just am really crunched right now, but in a couple days, I'll be very slow so there won't be such a rush to get a post done. Anyways, here's Techie's data for Dobby to approve or disprove. Since he learns zero egg moves, I think this should be a fair moveset (unless you want me to run discharge)

Techie (Rotom)

Lv 5

Ability: Levitate




-Thunder Wave

-Confuse Ray

Yeah, yeah, I know the whole you should've picked a mon with better moves, but I prefer an interesting character than winning battles. And it's Citrine. Not like she's a super competetive battler anyways.

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Probably not my strongsuit, but whenever I choose moves to use especially for new Pokemon, I rarely, if at all, had something for a final moveset. Weaker, or less used, moves actually have a lot of interesting uses such as Mud Sport (never expected that to be both a defensive and offensive maneuver). So I try to suggest using stuff you won't keep for a long time...otherwise battles might start getting more and more boring for you. After all, stronger moves can be added later.

And turbo, I'd add Barrier or Yawn to your Pokemon as that'll help with its frailty and it's not that OP at this point (Barrier maybe, but certainly not Yawn).

This is what I had in mind when I wrote those rules last year. And Techie's moveset is fine.

Hex is a viable option? I thought Egg Moves were supposed to be same-type and under a certain Base Power Limit (which I can't remember off the top of my head). If so, then I'll replace…Avalanche with Hex.

Yukiko (Snorunt-Female) Lv. 5

Ability: Ice Body


Ice Shard

Icy Wind




Double Team

Is this good now?

Normally it isn't but I've been allowing stronger moves on other Pokémon. The difference is that this time around I know most RPers already and I know they won't go overboard. So yes, your moveset is fine. The only thing I'm worried about, as well as with the Aron, is how you're going to show some growth if the moveset is already this useful.

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Uh Commander, I think you should make a choice between confuse ray or Twave. One or the other. I see you've limited your offensive options but an agile rotom that can reliably inflict parafusion on a foe worries me. You've got charge and trick to work with in that starting moveset to so please change one of the two.

EDIT: I'm sure with Trick in an RP format you can use it's method for a different effect. Momentary distractions can be useful

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