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Okay, I wasn't sure if it was cool or not. I'll write it up soonish? It might take a bit since I've got other things I gotta work on today ((*grumbles.*)) but yea I'll get to it. Then bash my head into a wall for awhile and then... post it. Anyway... Not sure It'll be today but soon. Hopefully.

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Finally, the wait before I could slake my blood lust was beginning to straight up kill me...

Anyways, yeah, I'll give you the first move, so Azery, it's up to you to make our header post in the BT...

And just encase you forgot the proper heading:

Maya vs James

Mawile vs Duskull

Moveset Mawile:

-Fairy Wind -Iron Head -Bite -Astonish

-Misty Terrain -Sweet Scent

Moveset Duskull:

-Feint Attack -Night Shade -Ominous Wind

-Haze -Disable

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Finally, the wait before I could slake my blood lust was beginning to straight up kill me...

Anyways, yeah, I'll give you the first move, so Azery, it's up to you to make our header post in the BT...

And just encase you forgot the proper heading:

Maya vs James

Mawile vs Duskull

Moveset Mawile:

-Fairy Wind -Iron Head -Bite -Astonish

-Misty Terrain -Sweet Scent

Moveset Duskull:

-Feint Attack -Night Shade -Astonish

-Haze -Disable

Uh, I changed Shade's Astonish to Ominous Wind a while back and it's documented in the registry kept by Dobby on page one, so I'll change that.

Aside from that, may the carnage Battle begin.

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Uh, I changed Shade's Astonish to Ominous Wind a while back and it's documented in the registry kept by Dobby on page one, so I'll change that.

Aside from that, may the carnage Battle begin.

yeah, I recalled seeing the change in your IC post and corrected it already

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How's this:

Sasaki (Aron) Lv. 5

Ability: Heavy Metal


-Mud Slap

-Metal Claw



-Stealth Rock

Good to go. You can try and find an opponent.

(If people don't pick one I'm going to pair random people up.)

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I think I'll just have Gaster faint after the Iron head. It isn't the bulkiest thing with such a low HP stat anyways. Losing here would do more good too, I guess.

Fool, see, told you I was coming for you!

eh, alright then, up to you...

it was an interesting little fight though, I gotta say... perhaps someday when they've both reached their full development in terms of moveset and training...

though of course, there's also still that one between Folie and Crescent to be had... the furry little bastard isn't one to forget a challenge.


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Fool, see, told you I was coming for you!

eh, alright then, up to you...

it was an interesting little fight though, I gotta say... perhaps someday when they've both reached their full development in terms of moveset and training...

though of course, there's also still that one between Folie and Crescent to be had... the furry little bastard isn't one to forget a challenge.


Even if it might be a bit too quick(We did get through it in a single day after all)they're both pretty weak at this point so I didn't expect it to be a long fight where shit gets put on fire....

That fight will be had at some point though....one day.

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Even if it might be a bit too quick(We did get through it in a single day after all)they're both pretty weak at this point so I didn't expect it to be a long fight where shit gets put on fire....

That fight will be had at some point though....one day.

Eh well, it honestly lasted about the same length as the (single) battles from day 2 of the original run did, IIRC, most of the rounds involving the two new partners up against each other didn't really last that long... it was really the brawls between the originals that padded out the overall combat time and post numbers.

plus, a good 10 post for a fight isn't that short... it's a bit decent, I would say.

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Aaaaaand there it is. Game set and match.

I Guess I'll go ahead and make our recap and summary post for the battle in the IC now, using the same formating Dobbs and Chim did for the Winter Cup in the original...

or I might do it after I go get something to eat, whichever one comes first.


On second thought, I'll go ahead and do it when I get back- food comes first bro; I'm fucking starving.


Tis done!

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Hey, Chim? I was walking to work and I suddenly thought of this really cute idea for Snorunt. Mind if I replaced Bite with Rollout?

Go ahead. And go challenge someone while you're at it.

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Err...just replace Confuse Ray with Charge as Charge, Trick, and Confuse Ray are equally problematic when you think about it. It's gonna be hell hitting this tiny thing no matter what its moveset is.

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I've been going some things again lately, and I know this is probably a bit late to go asking this at this point, but...

would it be alright if I reconfigured Folie's moveset from the standard 4 offense 2 support to a split 3-3 ratio? I was thinking of either replacing Rapid Spin or Icy Wind with something like either Psych Up or Encore... ((Since both Dizzy Punch and Fake Out have already been directly mentioned and used by Folie thus far, so, can't really remove those without creating a continuity issue... but no such mention or even foreshadowing of his knowing Icy Wind or R-spin has been made yet...))

The reason I ask only now being that, well... I've gone through all the strategies I can think of, and I've done the analysis...I've been doing it over and over and over again for a while now, trying to find some angle, some silver lining, and... well, screw it, there is none. I mean, I've worked with some pretty fucking sparse stuff before, thought I could handle the challenge, but... there's really no Diamond in the rough here waiting to be found.

the fact of the matter that I've come to give up and accept is that... this thing just won't work if I'm gonna try to use it in the same ways I was accustomed to using any of Mareek's team members back in the original; so trying to develop it along that type of pathway throughout the course of this is honestly just going to be a huge waste of time cause it's doomed to fail that way- it's got shabby stats and a rather shabby and quite redundant offensive movepool to match, and the only real way He'll be able to have any real standing once we even get past the early stages of things is if I try to salvage what I can now and set him down a different dev course- I gotta stick to what strengths it has... which definitely don't lie in the offensive side of things.

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