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"That sword you have there isn't anything more than a giant chunk of metal. If you really think that is going to beat me, you're not better than that boy swinging a stick." -Typhoon. (Why I love this character so much).

Right now, I feel you have a set way of using Spinda after going through all the possibilities when in reality there is no perfect moveset for any Pokemon. I could argue the same exact thing you're doing for Rosie except I don't because she'll always have uses and kind of has importance to Citrine (though we haven't really ventured too much into her character). I'm well aware Rosie will probably be in the weaker half of all the Pokemon if not the bottom, but that just means you have to get a little creative to evenly match (also because Citrine really ain't into winning or battling as you'll probably realize in my next battle post). I just advise not to worry too much about it and do what you can with that Spinda and not force yourself into any specific moveset just yet. You might surprise yourself.

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"That sword you have there isn't anything more than a giant chunk of metal. If you really think that is going to beat me, you're not better than that boy swinging a stick." -Typhoon. (Why I love this character so much).

Right now, I feel you have a set way of using Spinda after going through all the possibilities when in reality there is no perfect moveset for any Pokemon. I could argue the same exact thing you're doing for Rosie except I don't because she'll always have uses and kind of has importance to Citrine (though we haven't really ventured too much into her character). I'm well aware Rosie will probably be in the weaker half of all the Pokemon if not the bottom, but that just means you have to get a little creative to evenly match (also because Citrine really ain't into winning or battling as you'll probably realize in my next battle post). I just advise not to worry too much about it and do what you can with that Spinda and not force yourself into any specific moveset just yet. You might surprise yourself.

yeah. yeah, I already know the whole argument about it's not the weapon, just how you use it...

And I'm not trying to find the "perfect" set- I know damn well that the very concept is an impossibility and fallacy in and of itself. And I'm no stranger to getting clever with shit, trust me... I think I more than proved it in the old days.

But therein lies my very point though- to me, it would be a lot better to go with an even split of move categories instead of focusing mainly on attacks, since a Spinda's movepool has a crap ton more versatility on the supportive side than it does for offense- that and the fact that it honestly makes more sense for the character in question to be set up that way.

I know exactly what I'm doing with this request I'm making to alter one of the moves, rest assured... just like I knew exactly what I was doing when I made Titania's starting set. I'm not one to go tossing or adding moves without seriously weighing the consequences of such actions- and right now, as far as I can see from how much I have weighed it all at this point... going with a split set over a standard one is what I think to be the best course of action in the long run of development for this particular team member.

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I mean I'm probably going to go a 3-3 split with Rosie as she has a support movepool of a freaking god. Simple Beam, Helping Hand, Heal Bell, Cosmic Power, Batton Pass, and Copycat just to name a few. Just don't really like it when people something is going to be too weak. Problematic is a bit different which is why I kind of avoided Ninetales this go around (but I would've done Flash Fire if I did go with Zuko). Anyways, I got bigger problems to worry about such as thinking of lines for Citrine...without melting half my brain.

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Yea there's just mons that kinda need to go Support, because they are support mons lol. It's just how things will go. I don't think you should worry about it and it's usually pretty clear when a mon is more or less something that's going to need to go more Support based just because that what it is good at. Like I was planning on using a Florges for a bit((I'm not now, cause well it didn't fit the theme I want for Emberly's team now, though it might I still got a few members up in the air XD.)), thing is that thing's Offensive Movepool is... Moonblast, and pretty much that and Hidden Power((and Grass Moves I think?))... so it wouldn't work quite so well under the 4 attack 2 support thing. Point is, some mons just aren't made to be attackers. I think the 4 attacks 2 support moves does need a tad bit of leeway at times ((I definitely get it being a bit more of a thing since Sweepers could take like Double Dance and still get all of their coverage moves and that would be insane so I get why it's a limit, but we do need to just keep in mind at times, some mons just need more lol.)) Just need to figure our mons out, some are going to be super hard puzzles to crack especially not seeing them in action. There's a lot of exploring in this RP and learning through experiencing, which is it's greatest strength imo, we learn as the trainers we are playing are learning. That's a triumph in my eyes, because we feel that much more immersed in the experience. We're learning just like them lol. Why changing the rules etc a bit from the main games etc and a lot of what Chim has done brilliant. Like, invoking that feeling of growing along with our characters is super awesome and something a lot of Hosts struggle to do. So kudos on that Chim, you've done really great there lol.))

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@Stratos, you can do that, I'm doing and did more of that with Doux. Whimsicott is so much better with a supportive moveset. probably likewise with Spinda..

However no changes now. Any changes to starters movesets now have to be earned and displayed somehow IC. So, no changes for now.

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@Stratos, you can do that, I'm doing and did more of that with Doux. Whimsicott is so much better with a supportive moveset. probably likewise with Spinda..

However no changes now. Any changes to starters movesets now have to be earned and displayed somehow IC. So, no changes for now.

Alright, fine, fair enough... I honestly just wanted to know whether or not it was actually allowed if the pokemon in question didn't start out with a more supportive format for the moveset and had a standard one instead.

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Like Whimsicott, not much offense for Spinda. There are other similar mons.

For reference I think Whimsi's only late viable attacks are a grass type move like Giga drain or solar beam, hurricane and moonblast. Psychic and shadowball too actually if I wanted to throw TMs on it, which I might now that I've seen that (Poison types are much less scary wit access to psychc) but for a lot of time, Doux just doesn't get those moves. So Whimsi has to run a lot of support.

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Tbh, I kind of expected to do that trick a little bit later, but that was kind of intentional more to alert Rosie than to be unfair or extreme. Henry did say that she was the one who gave him the ideas on how to battle after all in the previous RP.

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hmmm... well...look at that...

I have a sneaking feeling that this little ticklefest going on right now, It's going to have a very...shocking outcome.

(Also note to self: have maya stay as far away as possible from Techie at all times... or at least have Folie nearby...)

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Busy days... Anyway, Ragnar, I'll try to get a post up before going to bed. After that I'm going to let you start the battle in the battle topic and give you first move. After that battle and all the current ones are done I'm going to move forward. I'll give a day or two for people to interact and start chapter 2 after that.

This means I'm not going to wait on Bagel, Cyaloom, Author or Tacos. At this point they don't miss anything serious so they can catch up later if they want.

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Yea no problem man, on both fronts. I get it sometimes one just gets stalled in the writing department. If you wanna talk out any details ahead of time hmu with a PM and we'll discuss some stuff. If you'd rather we jsut wing it I'm ine with that too, really it's up to you dude. So, when ever you good just start 'er up.

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Before anyone calls me out on Techie dodging the attack, how the heck would a tiny brown fox be able to tickle a fast, tiny ghost who was quite a bit off the ground with an electric field surrounding him? Also, sorry about that delay. I had some visitors for the past few days causing me to not be on here.

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Before anyone calls me out on Techie dodging the attack, how the heck would a tiny brown fox be able to tickle a fast, tiny ghost who was quite a bit off the ground with an electric field surrounding him? Also, sorry about that delay. I had some visitors for the past few days causing me to not be on here.


but I see your point

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I couldn't find an updated movelist anywhere else, I trawled through five pages until I saw your original post. I remembered you changed metal burst but not the others

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Nah, didn't realise it was in the IC.

It's just nice to have a separate little post to sum up the mon so that I don't have to keep changing details about the moves or abilities or what not

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Did I not add it to my Character sheet? I might've forgot... then again I probably shouldn't do that since it's a bit unfair since I can edit others posts and other people can;t do that XD.

Lols, What are you talking about? XD

It's not at all unfair unless you actually go and abuse your power to do that... and if even if in some crazy, parallel dimension where shit is upside down and you weren't the excellent and upstanding mod that you are and you did do that, there would be far more pressing concerns about such a situation than the mere fairness of it...

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Na I meant add the information directly to the one on the OP so that Dobbs didn't like have to take it from my sign-up one and then update the OP list etc... since I can technically just do it so that he doesn't have to, but I probably shouldn't do it that way. ((hell I'm not even sure if he's going to be updating those over time Anyway.))

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Na I meant add the information directly to the one on the OP so that Dobbs didn't like have to take it from my sign-up one and then update the OP list etc... since I can technically just do it so that he doesn't have to, but I probably shouldn't do it that way. ((hell I'm not even sure if he's going to be updating those over time Anyway.))

I am being so pedantic about these moveset information things because I am updating this and I'm doing my damndest to make sure that whole profile thing is up to date. It isn't the tidiest, what with everyone's inability to keep to a single format but it's as accurate as I can get it thus far

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