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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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Huh, google docs... well alright, this outta be an interesting experiment.

Just got finished editing Maya's section to match the current profile on page 8... damn there were a lot of updates needed to it...everything from how I worded and formatted the appearance to how the personality traits were described and how I edited the backstory to be a bit less wordy...

any way, Folie learned Hypnosis and Faint Attack.

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Crescent learnt Hex, Gaster learnt Icy Wind, Shadow Sneak and Foresight. The reason it got Icy Wind in particular was that all of the other moves Duskull learnt at that level were pretty similar to what it currently had and I didn't want to give it WoW just yet(or at all perhaps)..and Pursuit is kinda redundant even if it's fitting, so I went with Icy wind..as it already has Ominous Wind so it wouldn't be TOO hard for it to pick up Icy Wind.

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I am sooo tempted to have Ignizelka give Folie a "hoist by his own petard", so-to-speak, by having her use the same move that he used on the onlookers right now, except aimed at him instead...

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I am sooo tempted to have Ignizelka give Folie a "hoist by his own petard", so-to-speak, by having her use the same move that he used on the onlookers right now, except aimed at him instead...

He didn't actually fire any hypnotic suggestion at any of them, mind you. The glow was more or less just a bit of intimidation and a means to display that he learned the move at all... it's also a pretty obvious reference.

Kinda like how you might cringe at the end of an undertale genocide route whenever you see Sans flashing that glowing eye at you...

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He didn't actually fire any hypnotic suggestion at any of them, mind you. The glow was more or less just a bit of intimidation and a means to display that he learned the move at all.

still, though... he did use it nonetheless.

*Co-and it would be extremely funny if she one-upped him-ugh*

I have no clue how that cough was so long, but it was. that's weird, but oh well.

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still, though... he did use it nonetheless.

*Co-and it would be extremely funny if she one-upped him-ugh*

I have no clue how that cough was so long, but it was. that's weird, but oh well.

It was too long.

Nooo...no. I do not believe it would be anywhere near as funny as you think it would be.

It would be more like... doing something just for the sake of having a character do something or mess with someone, and no other reason or explanation behind the character performing the action but for the sake of messing with someone or doing something.

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So, I've updated Lucas' team on the Google document, but I think I'll have to wait until Tuesday to post in the IC thread.

Togepi basically learns only status moves, but I have already two supporting moves... and Gastly is in a similar situation.

Edited by Cyaloom
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I really can't think of anything to add onto Snorunt's move set since it's pretty good at this stage.

Vulpix's though…would it be too OP for her to have Will-o-wisp and Confuse Ray at this point. She already has Will-o-Wisp at the moment.

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Eh...Confuse Ray AND W-wisp together might be a bit much at this point... even though in the old run, C-ray became pretty useless on it's intended purpose of actually confusing enemies because well... we all treated it as a sight based move that was as simple to avoid as closing your eyes before it got you ((Basically, it was a distraction that could buy you a moment or two since it forced the opponent to decide to either try to attack or avoid it by closing their eyes... but yeah, other than that, it was hard to confuse with it))

But W-wisp and C-ray TOGETHER... yeah... that's a different story... you can hide C-ray within W-wisp flames and potentially get both a burn and confuse at the same time... really nasty combination...

but that's just my opinion...

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The same thing goes for Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray in close combination. Parafusion or Burnfusion are rather bad on their own, but they're even worse if a move that has a chance to cause Flinching gets thrown into the mix.

but then again, that's just my opinion.

Edited by K_H
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Yea mine are updated but... only by level. I've pretty much ahve what I want that's not stupid OP right now movewise.

I'll... try and make a post soemtime... not sure what I should actually do but I guess I'll figure it out?

The main reason I ended that way was to let the students mention what type of Pokémon they want if it's not a dragon. So far I only know Ragnar is going for Shinx so I know I need a wild Shinx somewhere. I was hoping to see some interaction where people would ask each other since no one, except Ragnar, reacted to it in the OOC.

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The main reason I ended that way was to let the students mention what type of Pokémon they want if it's not a dragon. So far I only know Ragnar is going for Shinx so I know I need a wild Shinx somewhere. I was hoping to see some interaction where people would ask each other since no one, except Ragnar, reacted to it in the OOC.

Right now I'm deciding between a Dragon or going for a Nosepass and postponing said Dragon....

Anyways, I'll just leave James there for a bit, I guess.

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Yeah well I figured out something else to get some type of confirmation. Because obviously Redwood is going to refuse handing over specific Dragons (and Larvitars) to everyone.

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Onix... called absolutely worthless.


I'm sorry, excuse me, but...


This... evolves into this...


And this... has 2 immunities, 8 resistances, and the second strongest god damn defense of any non legendary, non mega pokemon, right behind it's old pal Shuckle...


"Spinarak...That one could be salvageable from this almost worthless duo. The second one...had to be a joke...Of course she WOULD pick something like an Onix...It really seemed she was only going to waste potential slots on some super worthless Pokemon like that..."

My Ass... alright, fine, admittedly, Onix can be pretty shitty, but you know what? It makes up for it; it's redeemable...

this is almost exactly like a Magikarp/Feebas situation... you just gotta persevere, tough out the early stages to get to the good part.

Worthless... why I'd never...

Anyways, that ends this particular fanboy rant

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I'm just saying though, everything has it's uses... well, most everything... just felt that outright calling the thing worthless was a bit overly harsh, especially given that it even said that Spinarak could be salvageable- obviously implied by the fact that it had an evolution that could at least potentially make up for it's basic stage if used correctly... just felt it abit unfair that that type of logic be present, and yet onix's own redeemable evo be completely ignored.

but eh, like you said... it's a fan boy rant, ignore it if you want, it doesn't really matter. I just felt the evaluation was a bit one sided and unfair... it's just my two cents on the matter.

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Onix... called absolutely worthless.


I'm sorry, excuse me, but...


This... evolves into this...


And this... has the second strongest god damn defense of any non legendary, non mega pokemon, right behind it's old pal Shuckle...


"Spinarak...That one could be salvageable from this almost worthless duo. The second one...had to be a joke...Of course she WOULD pick something like an Onix...It really seemed she was only going to waste potential slots on some super worthless Pokemon like that..."

My Ass... alright, fine, admittedly, Onix can be pretty shitty, but you know what? It makes up for it; it's redeemable...

this is almost exactly like a Magikarp/Feebas situation... you just gotta persevere, tough out the early stages to get to the good part.

Worthless... why I'd never...

Anyways, that ends this particular fanboy rant

Onix is a humongous rock wyrm. A pseudo-dragon. If you call that useless what the fuck is this thing;


A blue rock with a really big red nose. Weird typing, good defenses but no offenses at all. Still salveagable So uh, unless we can get 2 mons, I'm definitely waiting on the Bagon and getting myself a Nosepass.

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Y'all doing rock types for days.

Jessica the Buneary needs a fighting type move ASAP

as of yet I have no clue who to go for either. I want Colere but at the same time, new mons.

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so yeah, I just went ahead and put Swablu under the "Other" category because, even though they'll probably be a species present at the facility regardless, given what they evolve into... well still gotta account for dem specific technicalities...

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You're fanboy ranting over what Commander's character said. Just remember that. :P

Let's be honest here: Rosie has been criticizing and being very skeptical about Citrine from day one...even down to her choices. Yes, I'm even sure Rosie knows that Onix can be good...but what about with a trainer who just doesn't really seem to care and just picks really random options. I suppose I could've worded it as something like "She cares more about having her fun than to take this seriously" or along the lines of that. The bigger point is that instead of picking something known for their strength such as Lucario or like a rare fossil like Aerodactyl, she decides to pick a run-of-the-mill spider and a common sight rock snake neither of which really stick out...hence why Rosie might consider them worthless. Because let's face it: how many people would actually admit Stunfisk is a good mon instead of giving it judgement it's crappy right away?

But yeah, that was to kind of show how different Citrine and Rosie really are. Even their team choices differ and they almost have zero common ground. It's very, very different considering how most trainers start out with a strong bond and even are buddies with their first Pokemon, but Rosie is in an unusual situation. But anyways, take little of what is said in the ICs to heart as I've said before, "I kill brain cells every time I write a character like Citrine."

Also, it seems Follie might be our new berry glutton

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