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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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And nobody has signed up for Coordinator...considering coordinators stole the show at one point, I'll make sure Dobby ain't going to be the only coordinator. While I said I'd play as Citrine (and I still hold true to that statement), I'll pick Henry if we don't have enough Coordinators because Coordinators was too interesting of a concept to let die. But I'm hoping at least one other person signs up for it to make it a trio. (Seriously, it was such a good part of the RP that it deserves its spot in this one).

It's actually the whole coordinator thing that is making me so indecisive. I'll probably be debating on this whole thing until about a couple days before the RP starts. Actually...let me see if I can poke around with both their backstories to make the coordinators...eh screw it, Citrine the Coordinator it is (I'm going to erase Henry's data now).

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And done.

@Commander: I thought about having Kage hang out with the coordinators a lot and almost doing the closest thing possible to a dual enrollment, but that idea was scrapped in the first one for a few reasons, one of which should be immediately obvious.

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Soooooooooo, think I have my entire team planned already... is that bad? XD. ((member-wise, not really full move-sets quite yet.))

(Evil laughs) I mean I have ideas for a few of my members for Citrine's team (yeah, there'll be another returning character, but he's awesome and you'll understand when you see him), but I'm pretty sure it'll change before the end. I think we all went for like 8 team changes because of how everybody wanted so-and-so and we wanted to avoid dupes.

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Hm...gotta question just one more thing and I think I can finally lay my hat down on a character. I gotta question syntax in the extent of the programs when Chim says "all three are playable". Does that mean we have a choice of one from the three, or can that we "play all three"? And no I won't choose all three, I'm curious.

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It's choice of 1/3....well technically 1/4 with RoG but that's seperate.

Hm...gotta question just one more thing and I think I can finally lay my hat down on a character. I gotta question syntax in the extent of the programs when Chim says "all three are playable". Does that mean we have a choice of one from the three, or can that we "play all three"? And no I won't choose all three, I'm curious.

All 3 share similar qualities, but Coordinators aren't focused on being super strong or perfect movesets (which is why they are interesting to come up with tactics for contests). I mean it's okay for a character for to have interests in two programs...but don't expect them to excel in both. In a way, Henry was dual studying battliing and coordinating, while battling was stronger in him (team designs were doubles focused)...he was a bit lackluster on the coordinator side...because he didn't know too much about it.

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Btw it seems that Murdoc edited in Kages information and I already got the clarification I wanted from ExLink. If you see no problems with them, they are in as well.

That means I still need to take a look at Tacos, Bagel, K_H, Azery. If I overlooked anyone, let me know! It's a pain in the ass going back to check reserved posts.

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My app hasn't been finished yet, but it'll be up some time after 4:00 PM EST.

I'm editing my First post to make it.

Yeah I missed the WIP. I scrolled through and saw a picture so I assumed (without reading) you finished your character.

Guyses, psst, my app is on page 4

Thanks ^^;

Woops xD I had a tab open on your character. I was reading through it when I posted and forgot to mention you... Figures.

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Props to Huk and Exlink for minimal spoiler usage.

Fuck copy and pasting spoiler sections mang

Sorry about that. I know it's annoying because I had to copy and paste all that stuff over earlier. The only reason I do it is to keep the size down (and it's easier to update the Pokemon tab).

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Issues with your character. She seems very suish in the angsty sense of the term. She starts happy and fulfilled, popular and happy. Then her dad becomes a dick and forces her to do something she really doesn't like, which to most people would be a position of honour (also impossible seeing as the kimono girls are sisters iirc). Then she becomes moody and distant, pushing her friends away even though she really just wants friends, becoming meek and timid after being pretty out-going, judging by the popularity. You see what I'm saying? It makes no real sense and is just a little ridiculous.

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Issues with your character. She seems very suish in the angsty sense of the term. She starts happy and fulfilled, popular and happy. Then her dad becomes a dick and forces her to do something she really doesn't like, which to most people would be a position of honour (also impossible seeing as the kimono girls are sisters iirc). Then she becomes moody and distant, pushing her friends away even though she really just wants friends, becoming meek and timid after being pretty out-going, judging by the popularity. You see what I'm saying? It makes no real sense and is just a little ridiculous.

Alright. I'm tempted to rewrite her character in general. I'll put in something new within a day or two. Like the only thing I'll keep the same is maybe the name.

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@Azery; Your character is all about luck, but how do you want to play that out? Aside from that James seems to be very normal (like Robert). Also, since Absol doesn't evolve, change Razor Wind. It's going to be OP early on considering it's a non-stab move with 80 BP.

@Bfroger: Your backstory doesn't leave much room to grow. We basically know everything about him already and there's no room to expand. Will-O-Wisp is pretty powerful early on. It would be nice to see that Shun wants to learn it because he wants to be able to protect Shiro even better or something.

And the last thing: A 13 year old wielding the power of a Mega Absol is waaaay too much. A part of this RP is based on the idea that it's ridiculous that young kids can go on an adventure with powerful creatures. It's fine for Anna to be a prodigy, but where the hell did she get the megastone on such an early age? Mega stones aren't discovered that long ago and only very powerful adults have Pokémon that reach the level were they can mega evolve. You basically placed Anna at E4 level when she's only 13.

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