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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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Well, like I said, it was a rant and you can just ignore it since... you know, fanboy stuff.

But yeah, I guess I can forgive it pretty easily if you were just using that scene to demonstrate how much of a foil Rosie is to Citrine and Vica-versa...

But Oh my friend you have seen nothing yet...

huehuehuehuehuehue... that position belongs to none other... than Jarradel, the mighty Snorlax munchlax... and oh how Folie will lose his shit when that fateful encounter in the woods comes sometime down the line...

But luckily, Folie has no power over who joins the team...since Maya already has a clear cut idea of the types she'll be using...to be fair though... in his defense, he did spend several years being the only one who had any access to their berry supplies, aside from Maya herself... so when all these newbs come in, and start draining the stash faster than he's ever seen after each battle... well, Folie don't like it. Don't like it at all....what if there are none left for him when he needs them, eh? They were his first, damnit... Gonna have to start his own private cache at this point, hide it under Maya's bed or something

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Onix is a humongous rock wyrm. A pseudo-dragon. If you call that useless what the fuck is this thing;

A blue rock with a really big red nose. Weird typing, good defenses but no offenses at all. Still salveagable So uh, unless we can get 2 mons, I'm definitely waiting on the Bagon and getting myself a Nosepass.

This specific chapter - not counting RoG antics- focuses on refusing students powerhouses because they aren't ready yet. I'm analyzing every interaction a PC had with Pokémon, including the way they fought. Salamence - Garchomp - Tyrantrum - Hydreigon - T-tar are the 5 most dangerous species. This way I can create another way for a PC to grow. And I'm kinda worried everyone wants those Pokémon. But I can't ban all the popular ones.

That being said if I can't find any decent flaws I will hand them out. And if you want one later down the line you have to fill in a form and hand it over to Redwood / Devin. But if I were you I would do it before the second year.

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so yeah, I just went ahead and put Swablu under the "Other" category because, even though they'll probably be a species present at the facility regardless, given what they evolve into... well still gotta account for dem specific technicalities...

Considering that I was going to get one for my next mon 100% and this was back during when I was making my character, because it evolves into a dragon, it's considered a Dragon. Least that's what Chim and Dobbs told me and why Swablu wasn't my second Pokemon XD. That could've changed between then and now buuuuut that's what I was told at the time XD.

Now... to actually get to a reply.

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This specific chapter - not counting RoG antics- focuses on refusing students powerhouses because they aren't ready yet. I'm analyzing every interaction a PC had with Pokémon, including the way they fought. Salamence - Garchomp - Tyrantrum - Hydreigon - T-tar are the 5 most dangerous species. This way I can create another way for a PC to grow. And I'm kinda worried everyone wants those Pokémon. But I can't ban all the popular ones.

That being said if I can't find any decent flaws I will hand them out. And if you want one later down the line you have to fill in a form and hand it over to Redwood / Devin. But if I were you I would do it before the second year.

If anything I'll go with Salamence for mon no.4 or something. Either way, not getting a Dragon/Pseudo this chapter. All I know so far is that I want myself a magnetic red nosed blue rock :P

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Considering that I was going to get one for my next mon 100% and this was back during when I was making my character, because it evolves into a dragon, it's considered a Dragon. Least that's what Chim and Dobbs told me and why Swablu wasn't my second Pokemon XD. That could've changed between then and now buuuuut that's what I was told at the time XD.

Now... to actually get to a reply.

whatever, the post is made, the di is cast, and all of rome burns with a new emperor who plays a lyre as he laughs gleefully at the carnage. Maybe I'll change it, maybe I won't... but even if it's 'officially' considered a dragon... the logic behind putting it in other isn't entirely incorrect given the actual typing of the basic stage...
But yeah the decision to have an Altaria as a major member of the team has been set in stone for a while now, just like it was set in stone that she would dual specialize in Fairy and Normal types (Though to be fair, that one and it's reasons are alluded very briefly to in the backstory). I withheld virtually all detailed or specific information about her parents and her life before their murders the accident for a reason...
so yeah, Swablu it is.
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Meeeeeh.... I still don't like having so many mons in common with folks even though I've been planning to take Swablu since the beginning... bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... But that make me have 2 mons in common with people. I dunno it bugs me XD.

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Meeeeeh.... I still don't like having so many mons in common with folks even though I've been planning to take Swablu since the beginning... bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... But that make me have 2 mons in common with people. I dunno it bugs me XD.

You wouldn't be the only one. Generally, I don't like having a mon as someone else as it generally means one gets forgotten about down the lines. In the original RP, Jory and I actually both had a Togepi...but let's face it, Paradox really outshined Ares with how well it added to Henry's character being such a big baby.

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Meeeeeh.... I still don't like having so many mons in common with folks even though I've been planning to take Swablu since the beginning... bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... But that make me have 2 mons in common with people. I dunno it bugs me XD.

I would go and dig up the same exact speech and crap I preached over and over again in the original RP about how people need to get over it if they happen to have a species in common because of how easy it is to differentiate two pokemon of the same line just by doing something like making the 2 different genders, having one be shiny and the other normally colored, or hell, having one be a bit larger than the average member of it's species- which I kinda intend to do with Ariel... to better match up with the connection to her own backstory and how her own mother's altaria was big un...

And then there is the most obvious differences of personality of the mon... and... well sadly as Commander said... how much impact and meaning there is behind the trainer having that pokemon as one of their partners; how much it adds to there character... because to be entirely honest, he's right- I remembered what Paradox was like a hell of a lot better than what Jacob's Togetic was like.

SO I mean yeah... I honestly don't have any issue because I already know how this is supposed to add to Maya as a character and how much it's supposed to actually mean when paired with everything in her backstory and her personality, etc... Altaria isn't just a dragon or some member to be used as type coverage for this character; it's a symbol of her past- the symbol of a legacy and a person she's lost, just as much as Icarus is.

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I would go and dig up the same exact speech and crap I preached over and over again in the original RP about how people need to get over it if they happen to have a species in common because of how easy it is to differentiate two pokemon of the same line just by doing something like making the 2 different genders, having one be shiny and the other normally colored, or hell, having one be a bit larger than the average member of it's species- which I kinda intend to do with Ariel... to better match up with the connection to her own backstory and how her own mother's altaria was big un...

And then there is the most obvious differences of personality of the mon... and... well sadly as Commander said... how much impact and meaning there is behind the trainer having that pokemon as one of their partners; how much it adds to there character... because to be entirely honest, he's right- I remembered what Paradox was like a hell of a lot better than what Jacob's Togetic was like.

SO I mean yeah... I honestly don't have any issue because I already know how this is supposed to add to Maya as a character and how much it's supposed to actually mean when paired with everything in her backstory and her personality, etc... Altaria isn't just a dragon or some member to be used as type coverage for this character; it's a symbol of her past- the symbol of a legacy and a person she's lost, just as much as Icarus is.

I mean... of course I know that. But I don't want to have to do crazy amount of work for every Pokemon I pick up because to a certain extent there's not enough stuff to make all 6 of a team's members all mean something. ((not to mention that sometimes you just pick something cause, "Eh, why not?" not every person has a reason to do something. SOmetimes in life you just need to go on a whim and stuff happens. Not to mention the way I write I discover as I do. I hardly have any idea until later on.)) Look, I don't have an issue with the proposition of having the same mon as another person. On Principle it's not something I care about so I don't need the whole "Don't be a whiny baby speech." because that's not what I'm doing.

My issue is that for me it makes me have to work doubly as hard to make my stuff stand out if I have a mon someone else does. Because I as a person jsut have to put in more work there. I don't exactly have the luxury of infinite time and I've already got a mon that overlaps with another. The more of those I have the more I need to wrok to make sure the stick out. And I was already going to do work for it yes, but I need to work doubly hard if there's an overlap.

Just, that's what makes me hesitant towards it. I could care less that one is using the same mon as me. It's the Time I have and the fact I will flat out just need to do more work on a certain mon when there's an overlap. I've already got an Overlap... do I really want to have another mon that I will have to have an even higher standard of work on? Do I have the time to really flesh it out that much? The thing is... i dunno. That's what got me hesitant more than the overlap itself. That doesn't bug me. I'm just hesitant because I know for me that makes more work on my part. That's what's got me. ((also I feel like a whole musical type of deal might be fun to pursue.)) Basically, I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do personally. So you don't need to worry about my whole issue here. It's solely a thing for me to do. Because I know it makes more work for me so I don't know if I want that.

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I mean... of course I know that. But I don't want to have to do crazy amount of work for every Pokemon I pick up because to a certain extent there's not enough stuff to make all 6 of a team's members all mean something. ((not to mention that sometimes you just pick something cause, "Eh, why not?" not every person has a reason to do something. SOmetimes in life you just need to go on a whim and stuff happens. Not to mention the way I write I discover as I do. I hardly have any idea until later on.)) Look, I don't have an issue with the proposition of having the same mon as another person. On Principle it's not something I care about so I don't need the whole "Don't be a whiny baby speech." because that's not what I'm doing.

My issue is that for me it makes me have to work doubly as hard to make my stuff stand out if I have a mon someone else does. Because I as a person jsut have to put in more work there. I don't exactly have the luxury of infinite time and I've already got a mon that overlaps with another. The more of those I have the more I need to wrok to make sure the stick out. And I was already going to do work for it yes, but I need to work doubly hard if there's an overlap.

Just, that's what makes me hesitant towards it. I could care less that one is using the same mon as me. It's the Time I have and the fact I will flat out just need to do more work on a certain mon when there's an overlap. I've already got an Overlap... do I really want to have another mon that I will have to have an even higher standard of work on? Do I have the time to really flesh it out that much? The thing is... i dunno. That's what got me hesitant more than the overlap itself. That doesn't bug me. I'm just hesitant because I know for me that makes more work on my part. That's what's got me. ((also I feel like a whole musical type of deal might be fun to pursue.)) Basically, I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do personally. So you don't need to worry about my whole issue here. It's solely a thing for me to do. Because I know it makes more work for me so I don't know if I want that.

Oh trust me, I know you weren't whining or anything, but chances are that there will be more overlaps in the future and if the last time is any gauge, there will be someone who whines about it so I figure might as well just dig up that old speech to have it at the ready when they annoy me with it...It's alot easier to just have the exact gist of the past argument in this thread already than to have to pack a day bag and go traipsing through the ruins to find the old OOC and copy and paste it and haul it back later... that was more for the folks who I know will whine eventually.

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Team Move/Level Update (In my Character sheet as well):

Pokemon: Sneasle (Male lvl.12)
Nickname: Inigo
Ability: Keen eye
Attacks: Scratch, Ice Shard, Pursuit,
Support Moves: Leer, Taunt

Pokemon: Eevee (Female lvl.10)
Nickname: Athena
Ability: Anticipation
Attacks: Tackle, Swift, Bite, Quick Attack
Supports: Baby-Doll Eyes, Sand Attack

Also, Wolt will most likely be getting a Charmander or a Shinx

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Here's the one thing I learned if you want to be unique or don't want to have your choice taken: don't pick a pseudo, eeveelution, or a dragon in general because almost everybody is going to pick that as well as the super popular options. Btw Huk, did you even consider Mantine or Lileep? Both of those have similar roles to Swablu and Mantine is pretty similar to Altaria and really underrated.

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If I'd go with anything it'd most likely be the Mantine ((since I really need the flying immunity to Ground XD.)), but it's a quite possible choice for sure. Never really heavily considered it cause I think I had a different Water type in mind. ((I had planned out pretty much my entire team already at one point... which was probably a bad idea in hindsight since yeeeeeea...)) Dunno, it might be something to consider.

Cradily I actually did a bit, but there was another Grass Type I wanted instead. It fit better imo... ((I've already been planning on having a FWG core for sure since it's just hands down one of the best cores and I kinda want Emberly to show that she is in fact, pretty serious a trainer. Kind why I want to finish it off with FSD or Fairy, Steel, and Dragon since that also has a similar flow and is one of my more favourite types of team to build myself.)) I could probably go with one of the more lesser used Dragons, perhaps going for Noivern or Kingdra. Something that can deal with Ground. ((since I'll need to cover that weakness.))

I will say I was planning on using as few OU mons as possible ((not including megas, since I didn't really plan on using one.)) so that's probably good. Probably lol. Uuuuuuugh there's just so many options...

Basically we are now seeing that I'm just as in-decisive as Drake is... XD

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Lileep can be really fun to use.

And for those that don't want species clause:

Kay's team (more or less): Torterra, Liepard, Garbodor, Braviary, Kangaskhan, Jellicent or Swirlix. He will most likely only get 6 and obtain them at a very low level to be on par with the PCs.

Samantha's team: Infernape, Darmanitan, Charizard. Potential: Typhlosion, Rotom-Heat, Magmortar. Not 100% sure yet because she doesn't have a 'theme' like Kay.

Matt... Well I don't care. As long as it's fast and hits hard he will use it. (Hence why I haven't revealed his second pick)

Of course I can still change some things around.

And if I get enough replies in the IC I can devide everyone in groups and move on towards the breeding facility.

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I think I'll give Matt a Sawk as a second mon...

And I just divided the groups for the excursion so I can move forward. Update will probably be tomorrow because I have to work really early. I doubt I can finish this update before I go to bed.

Group 1: Jonathan, Emberly, Mayanna, Mie and Matt (aka Dragon Tamers)

Group 2: Toshiro, James, Citrine, Wolt and Kay (Not so Dragon Tamers)

Group 3: Claude, Kage, Robert, Lucas and Samantha (Idon'tevenknowbecausenoneofthemmadeachoicesoIputthemtogether)

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Apologies for now seeing the update until today, things got hectic the day before and I saw a lack of activity every try before hand. I'll get a reply up ASAP.

As for Dragons, if I do get one I'll likely get a Noibat, since Jetstream was ironically my best set Pokemon character. If someone else wants Noibat though, I'm sure I can get something else if even getting a Dragon.

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Yeah...sorry. I've been trying to do an interaction with someone, but something just keeps coming up. Literally, I had a rough day yesterday as I woke up noticed I passed out on the desk and realized I had 10 minutes to get to work. I should be available Thursday, but hopefully everything will calm down after that. Seriously, some things pop up that I want to pull my hair for.

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To answer your question in the IC: max 10 Pokémon during the 3 years. I only limited the first year to 6. After the third (aka the one you'll get now), I'm not doing any planned catches. You can decide for yourself what you want and when you want. At the start of the second year there's one more you get from the Academy.

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Keep in mind, I'm going to be having issues... and might have to go into hiatus for awhile... my laptop cord is dead and doesn't work period. so... it might be awhile until I can get back... I', sorry abotu this, but there's not much I can do.

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