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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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yeah, I was gonna have Folie finally spot her in my next post... but uh, we had a bit of snow here.

AGAIN. Yesterday... I was not a happy camper. The snow was funny when it cancelled a bunch of classes for a few days, but if it keeps up...

well, there is a certain amount of time that must be spent in class in a given school year in order for you to pass. This required time is aptly named "Seat Time" because, you guessed it- you spend probably the vast majority of it sitting your ass at a desk listening to a lecture.

Now then, this is where things get complicated. This seat time applies to all grades, especially graduating seniors. You want to graduate? Get your ass back to class. But, what happens when Snow day after snow day piles up and prevents that required seat time from being met by the preset date?

They delay the end of the school year, and by extension the graduation date, until that seat time is made up. Which means that while the weather is busy trolling the South with more snow than we've honestly ever seen before in recent memory, seniors like myself grow closer and closer to seeing a delayed grad date.

And I fucking hate the state school system. Infact, I fucking hate all the school systems in this country because of how badly I feel they've been muddled by federal regulation and obsessive test prep that in the end only does a disservice to american youths in the long run because they're only being taught how to memorize something, regurgitate it onto a scan tron that following spring, and then forget it immediately after come summer break, rather than actually understanding and grasping the actual concepts and reasoning behind the material.

So naturally, I do not want to spend another god damn minute more than I need to inside a public school institution. When I graduate in june, I intend for that to be out- I'm done, gone, off to college or a trade school or... fucking anything other than the stupid shit I've seen and put up with for the past say... 12 years or so since I entered into the damn education system.

Now... when snow happens. Snow threatens my plans. It threatens to make me stay longer and endure even more. Hence, fuck the snow.

Anyways, enough on my long, long rant on why I hate common winter phenomen. I'll have a post up sometime later today or this evening.

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I'll be moving Claude's group to lab 1 on friday. Same with Toshiro's group. I don't have much time now. And tomorrow I'm going to Nitro Circus after work so I don't expect much free time to write.

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I got held up a little and wasn't really in the mood after work. Updates are coming tomorrow. If Mayanna's group hasn't chosen a building I'll use Matt to get them going.

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Johny's question is honestly kinda needless though. No one was given an explicit building number to go to except for Toshiro and his group. From my understand of Chim's relevant update post where he describes the grounds in greater detail and states the hunt starts at 1PM, all the others are supposed to pretty much move between building to building after the hunt starts, gathering clues from the researchers stationed there and then moving on for more..

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Johny's question is honestly kinda needless though. No one was given an explicit building number to go to except for Toshiro and his group. From my understand of Chim's relevant update post where he describes the grounds in greater detail and states the hunt starts at 1PM, all the others are supposed to pretty much move between building to building after the hunt starts, gathering clues from the researchers stationed there and then moving on for more..

Exactly. You only have to report to a specific building when I ask for it in an update. If not, you're all free to move around as you please. Mayanna's group will be the last to be called to Redwood.

In the meantime just complete the challenge or knowledge parts. I'd hate to do 'tour' because it's boring to write and there is very little interaction.

And do feel free to explore building 4 as well. Redwood just happens to be there amongst a few other researchers.

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I just want to add something in here that Huk said in the RP. If you're going to use a different color, let it be white (well technically black but you get the idea) or red (aka the color Chim is using). Color coding it is pointless as the header is supposed to indicate that anyways. To be honest, I kind of just copy and paste the header from the previous poster in my group...which doing this system would be inconvenient.

I'll try to get a post in, but I can't promise anything until Wednesday after my test (then I have a lab, but that's not due for a while).

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Well the only reason I haven't tried to follow any uniform color coding so far is because, like you said- Color Coding is kinda pointless given the fact that it's the actual text within the header itself that is supposed to Denote what's what and which scene is going on in the post. I mean, I personally just didn't see that big of an issue so long as the actual header did it's job of describing the participants that the post/section would be centering on... and it's much the same reason why I didn't see such a big issue with shortening the given name of the last one- I figured the header still should've been enough to denote what's going on regardless; the shortened version of the name is actually used far more often than the full version is in the story anyway, so...

I mean, if it helps, I guess I can just copy and paste the group header from Chim's updates or whatever- it really doesn't matter to me. I just don't personally see why a color coding system should even be the least bit significant so long as the text itself is at least bolded to easily stand out among the rest and accurately describes the scene playing out below it....

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I use the colors to let them stand out a bit. My only other option is to set everything white and personally, I find it harder to research the part that I need if I didn't use the colors.

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Because I'm looking for the Green colour... not the text XD. Maybe it's jsut me. If I see the colour of the text at the top I instantly know boom that's the correct post. ((then again it probably bothers only me because that's how I do the headers in Heartless, the characters in a scene are colour coded so I know at a glance who's all in it without having to read the header every time. It's mostly helpful when scrolling back through to catch up so that I can skip everyone else's posts without said coloured header without having to read them all since I know 100% this colour = this particular group of posts therefore I can not ahve to stop every 5 secs to read every singlar header. ((one could point out I could look for the player to find their chacater but uh... sorry I can;t remember the player for like 15 different characters... It's pretty tough lol.))

This is why pretty much every time I try to write Drake in orange in a header etc... cause it makes it organized and easier to follow certain arcs that you need for info rather having to read 100% of the thread. WIth as disjointed as everything can be I think it's really helpful to have it be at least slightly done as such/ (then again I'm probably the only person who opens about 5 tabs to view previous posts so that I know everything that previously happened in regards to the current thing that happening.

Like the text honestly matter less to me XD. If it was constantly that green colour I could easily find it WHILE just scrolling the page and not having to stop to read anything. Might sound a bit selfish, but I find that it would be helpful for groups to keep the colour of the header constant, that way it's easier to look back on in the coming days etc... and that it's easier to find more relevant info 100% right away. Maybe i sound selfish or nitpicky, but It will be immensely helpful.

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It's been a week and no one in Claude's group tried to make a decision. Really? If people can't make the effort to answer a simple question I'm really starting to doubt that reviving this project was a good idea.

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Sorry for the delay.

I've been waiting for others to reply, but a week has passed (as you stated), so I just posted a quick reply from my phone right now.

I'm sorry but that's not an acceptable excuse. Go read this: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17659 because this is exactly the problem we're facing now. I'm just wondering why it wasn't stickied.

You, and your character, both have the right to start an interaction or make a decision instead of waiting on others. If no one makes the first step, we will never move forward.

So, yeah, not going to lie but I was pretty pissed yesterday. First no one makes the first move and suddenly Dobby left after pulling a Snap. (Snap Crackle Pop used to be a co-host for those that don't know her. She vanished in thin air about a year ago). When we first started this 'second run' I expected less activity and a few people to drop out. What I didn't expect was my co-host dropping everything RP related and no one willing to make a small decision. This RP has around 12 planned chapters. Chapters 1 - 2 and 5 are supposed to be really short. Go figure that things are already starting to drag out.

This is how I more or less planned things:

Chapter 1: Intro

Chapter 2: Show what the region is about and fuck everything up

Chapter 3: Bad guys alert

Chapter 4: Everything to hell

Chapter 5: Liking wounds and some character development

Chapter 6: Fuck you all (year 2)

Chapter 7: Gathering information

Chapter 8: Chim is a god. Live or die.

Chapter 9: Year 3: things calm down

Chapter 10: I lied in Chapter 9

Chapter 11: Chim is a god part 2

Chapter 12: You all graduate. At least those that survive.

Now I can't / am not willing to do 12 chapters anymore. I can squeeze 3-4-5 easily together without making it a bad story. I only have to force RoG to fastforward their schedule. I can do the same with 6-7 and 9-10. I can tell this story in 8-9 chapters if I reveal things a bit earlier. All it requires is some work on my part. Now I have only one problem.

Is it worth the effort?

People that are dropping left and right or not posting at all is really taking away the fun for me. As a host I can do whatever I want, but if there is no response / co-operation from my players I'm not going to get very far.

So I want all of you to make a decision. Are you willing to put some effort into this or not? If you lost interest, that's fine, no hard feelings. Same if you don't have the time to make a post. Ideally I would say you can make a post every third day or something like that so we can create a pace to get going.

I'm going to do one last count and will leave this open for a few days. I will poke around if people don't answer the question. You can either PM me or say it in here. Based on those decision I will let this idea die or go for it until the end. But please, be honest. That's all I ask.

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I'm in this shit till the end. I've felt that way since day one of the old run until the final day. And I've felt the exact same ever since day one of this run too. I think my answer here goes without saying.

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I try to keep an RP alive for as long as possible unless the Story finishes first. So you know that I'll be in this until the end.

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I've been around since the original run and while i only got half decent at this near the end, I personally enjoy this a lot and will see it to the end.

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I'm sorry but that's not an acceptable excuse. Go read this: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17659 because this is exactly the problem we're facing now. I'm just wondering why it wasn't stickied.

You, and your character, both have the right to start an interaction or make a decision instead of waiting on others. If no one makes the first step, we will never move forward.

All I can say is that you are right. That is a problem I really need to fix. It also might be the very reason why Dobby left.

I'll need to admit that I find my character fairly bland, and my posts aren't really the most interesting to read.

But even then, I'll be staying.

First of all, it's understandable that after what happened you thought about letting the Roleplay die. However, it's easy to see that you've put a lot of effort into it already - you even restarted it a second time. It would be just disrespectful to leave right now and let it all go to waste.

Furthermore, this could help me to solve the problems I've mentioned above. Yes, I'm relatively new to Roleplaying (compared to some of the other players), but that is not an excuse, it's just a reason to keep going.

In another topic, Hukuna told me I've improved a lot :]

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I'm here. I've not really been the most proactive here either I'll admit. ((didn't help I had to sit on my laurels for like... a week and a half and wasn't able to do anything.)) but yea. Anyway, I'm sticking around. I'm going to at leeeeast try. I'm just a bit green to Ymora so excuse my hesitance at times lol. Even veterans can get cold feet and be a bit nervous at times in a new environment lol.

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