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I already know everyone is going to hate me for what I have in mind... *laughs manically*.

Tell me how many I got right (don't tell me which ones though):

Farfetch'd, Ariados, Gastrodon, Crawdaunt, Bastiodon

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Name: Simon Dow

Age: 15

Program: Trainer

Starting Side: Student

Appearance: height of 5,8


Personality: Simon or Sim as he goes by is curious and eager. He finds ways to make simple things seem exciting and is often seen smiling most of the time. Sim sometimes does things without thinking and gets himself in trouble because of it. His curiosity leads himself into unfavorable situations but he has developed a sense of ingenuity because of it.

Starter: Abra (Vanish) lvl 8

Moves: Teleport ,confusion

Backstory: Sim lived in the Unova region in the sprawling city of Castelia City. In the large city Sim found himself alone most of the time, preferring his own company to that of others. To pass the time he explored the city, finding hidden areas and discovering shortcuts. One day Sim decided he wanted to try explore the sewer systems to find new fast ways to navigate the city. After making preparations Sim starting exploring but soon found the systems were far more complicated than he expected. With no idea where he came from and no idea where to go Sim pressed on to find an exit but found himself face to face with a plethora of poison type pokemon in what seemed to be an area for trash disposal hidden within the undergrounds of Castelia. The only hope Sim had was a stray pokeball he found, in an instant Sim found has new partner Vanish and also found himself outside.

Sim's parents were fully accepting of a partner pokemon and With the help of Vanish Sim had found every secret hidden within his home city. Ready to see new things and experience more adventures with his partner Sim started on his journey to Ymora. Deciding the road to becoming the best trainer probably held plenty of excitement on the way.

I'm a scrub tell me if I did something wrong!

Very standard character but nothing wrong with it. I was thinking that just 'eager' and 'curiosity' might not be enough, but it can lead to a lot of situations where Simon will be forced to show the rest of his personality. And that way you can discover and learn more about your own character.

So the only thing I would like you to change is the Abra. He just happened to find a Pokémon, with a random Abra in it, in the trash disposal when he needed it? Come up with a reason as to why the two are close (or a stubborn Abra that doesn't want to listen is fine as well) and how they met. I want to know how their bond / interaction is at the beginning of the story.

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Tell me how many I got right (don't tell me which ones though):

Farfetch'd, Ariados, Gastrodon, Crawdaunt, Bastiodon

Well, I know you actually were completely wrong for at least one of them...(he's ironically quite fond of the one I'm talking about)

And it seems like the work load has momentarily blown over for me, so I should hopefully have my sheet up by tonight at the latest.

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He's already using Farfetch'd in Stratos's RP. I don't think Hukuna is the type to use the same Pokémon over and over.

Also Azery's character will be added to the PC list.

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Oh jesus christ... Alright, I edited it, but it's still somewhat long...

Well, Chim-chim... Please go check it out. Thanks xc



I've accepted the moniker anyways so is k, just amused that Dobby doesn't pass up the opportunity to call me that ever XD

And you just walked straight into that one.

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Tell me how many I got right (don't tell me which ones though):

Farfetch'd, Ariados, Gastrodon, Crawdaunt, Bastiodon

Not a single one. Farfetch'd I actually like so I can't use that one. ((hell Farfetch'd is my favourite pokemon tied with Houndoom.))

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I just realized this was a thing so I think I'll throw my hat into the ring as well...

Name: Arthur "Artie" Harrow

Age: 15

Hometown: Nimbasa City

Program: Coordinator

Starting side: Student

Appearance: Harrow is stronger than your average coordinator due to his athletic roots, causing him to put on far more muscle than most would expect from a glance. At a whopping 5'3", Artie is smaller than most in height, but mostly ignores it. Arthur tends to wear comfortable pants, a simple, unordained shirt, running shoes, and a light jacket due to the habits of his youth. His coarse, black hair is about an inch long in the front to keep it out of his eyes, while the sides and back maintain a consistent length of about twice that. Harrow's green eyes reflect the lights of the stage remarkably well. Unfortunately, his eyes are consistently covered with contacts to correct his nearsightedness.

Personality: Artie is a modest guy who lights up whenever he's on the stage. He's slow to work his way out of his shell and he has to do so in each distinct group he joins, but, once he's out, there is no way to get him back in. He cares deeply for those close to him and does his best to succeed alongside them, including Pokemon and humans alike. He's passively friendly and talkative, and is the sort of guy who makes fun of himself often, although he's somewhat defensive when challenged. Works hard to win, but won't shut up about how the results went afterwards regardless of who the victor may be.


Monica the Larvesta (Female)

Ability: Flame Body

Level: 8

-Magnet Rise

-String Shot


-Bug Bite

Backstory: The Harrows had long since been lords of the battlefield with a rigorous training regime for both their Pokemon and themselves. It became a family tradition to equally train one's partner and body and to participate both in the ever-popular Pokemon battles and to apply their physical prowess on the fields of Nimbasa's Big Stadium. But this legacy would come to an end with the coming of age of Arthur, whose eyes did not capture the fiery passion of the field, but rather caught the twinkle of the lights on the stage of Musical Theater. Knowing that beating around the bush would only lose the respect of his family, he told them as soon as he realized his passion lay on a different path. His parents, grateful for him to have told them, decided to send him to Ymora Academy to gain the training that they knew they could not supply.

Extra: There's not much else to add here. Larvesta is already going to be fairly challenging due to it evolving the latest of all basic Pokemon.

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Not a single one. Farfetch'd I actually like so I can't use that one. ((hell Farfetch'd is my favourite pokemon tied with Houndoom.))

I'm surprised (and not surprised). I was guessing a couple themes with the Pokemon I picked, but alas to no avail. I know my first three are pretty obscure Pokemon usually regarded as really, really weak. (I mean Skitty ain't known for being top tier or anything).

Also YES! Another coordinator makes me happy. I also was going to make a joke about all the coordinators being guys...then I realized I'm playing Citrine. Now we just need some A-hole guy and it'd be just like old times.

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Ok so here is Adeline's overhaul. I feel like she's much less suish in this case.

Name: Adeline Deska

Age: 14

Partner: Ellie (Tropius)

Gender: Female

Ability: Solar Power

Nature: Relaxed


Razor Leaf




Leech Seed


Hometown: Fortree City

Program: Breeder

Starting Side: Student

Appearance: A petite girl, sitting merely at 4'11". She's a very thin girl, weighing in at just under 100 lbs. She has long, straight onyx hair that falls to right above her elbow. Her eyes are a crystalline, light blue. She never dresses to flatter herself, often wearing just plain t-shirts and jeans that are maybe a bit too long. She wears sneakers that are a bit too big for her feet and often trips because of it. Her face is a bit rugged and a bit more sharp with a few scars from times she fell out of trees as a kid.

Personality: Adeline is a very exhilarating girl. She's got the high on life attitude and it often becomes a bit insane. She often rambles on in conversations without regards to the other person that's talking to her. Her attitude can often be very overbearing and leads to annoyance among those around her. However, when she gets around Pokémon, she melts to become a kind, gentle individual, a characteristic she learned from Ellie. She may be a hard person to truly talk to, but if you become her friend, she'll be incredibly loyal to you. But get in front of her and her Pokémon, and she'll tear you to shreds.

Backstory :

As a young child, Adeline was a very adventurous girl. She would get up every morning and go for a trek down Route 119, west of Fortree City. She would often see many Pokémon along the way and would stop to greet them. She wasn’t exactly subtle with her movements sometimes, and it wouldn’t be uncommon for her to scare off a few baby Pokémon. She would do this almost every chance she could, as she enjoyed being in the company of Pokémon and discovering new ones on occasion.

As she grew older, Adeline became more courageous and went to Route 119 regardless of the condition. Rain or shine, day or night, she was there. At around 10-years-old, Adeline decided to go down to Route 119 again to see if she could find a few Pokémon out in the heavy storm that was going on. Things were going smoothly for a while. Her path seemed to have no obstacles. It wasn’t until she was crossing a bridge over the river that things begun to spiral downhill. Adeline stepped onto the bridge, only to be greeted by a bolt of lightning landing not too far in front of her. The impact startled the girl and she lost her footing. She plunged into the river immediately. She opened her eyes to see Carvanhas and Sharpedos circling her in interest. While they seemed to have no malicious intent, she didn’t see it that way. She struggled to reach the surface. When she ascended, she was met by the head of a Tropius, intending to help her. Unsure of any other way to escape, she grabbed onto the Tropius’ neck and it hoisted her back onto land. Adeline quickly thanked the Tropius and hurried home.

It took about a month for Adeline to begin returning to Route 119. She very cautiously entered the Route and began making her way down the path. She didn’t remember it clearly, and she ended up going off the path into the forest. She eventually ran into a Tropius. After staring at each other for a minute, Adeline realized that this was the same Tropius who had saved her a month ago. She ran up to the Tropius with a beaming smile and hugged the Tropius. The Tropius looked down at her and nuzzled her with her head before shaking her leg, making Adeline release her grip. The Tropius began moving towards an opening in the forest. Adeline followed cautiously behind her. The Tropius sat down in the middle of the clearing, and it was not long until Linoones and Kecleons began hurrying out of the forest to greet the Tropius. It wasn’t long before some of them began climbing on top of the Tropius to eat some of the fruit dangling from her neck. The Tropius smiled as they took her fruit and sated their hunger. Adeline observed the Tropius and admired her maternal qualities. Deciding she wanted to give it a try, Adeline hurried over to the Tropius. The other pokemon moved away to allow the girl to get close to the Tropius. She timidly pointed towards the last piece of fruit hanging from Tropius’ neck. Tropius nodded. Adeline carefully took the fruit and turned to one of the Linoone’s who hadn’t gotten any food. She gently held out the fruit to the Linoone. The Linoone slowly inched forwards before lunging to grasp the fruit in its mouth. Adeline smiled, overjoyed that the pokemon trusted her enough to take the fruit. Adeline noticed the sky was getting dark, and she decided she should hurry home. She returned to this area every day for the next four years.

Adeline very much wanted to attend Ymora Academy. She constantly begged her parents to allow her to go, but they constantly told her that she couldn’t attend since she didn’t have a Pokémon. And every time, Adeline rolled her eyes and left the room in a bad mood. It wasn’t until one day when her parents said it, that a thought ran through her head. She told her parents that she was off to get a pokemon. Her parents were surprised, but decided to let her go off anyway. She grabbed a pokéball from her cabinet and hurried off to Route 119. She entered the clearing to see Tropius in her usual spot. She ran towards Tropius excitedly. After a brief pause, she spoke to the Tropius in rapid succession, without a single pause between words. “Um would you like to like come on an adventure with me and be my partner pokemon along the way? I know you’ll have to leave your friends here but I would love for you to be my-“ The Tropius interrupted Adeline’s speech and nudged the pokéball out of Adeline’s hand. The ball fell to the ground, and after giving Adeline a grin, she nudged the button of the pokéball with her nose. After being absorbed intot he ball, Adeline trembled as she picked up the pokéball. “I’ll call you Ellie.” After a brief moment, she remember that she needed to get back home. Seeing that she had caught a pokémon, her parents accepted her requests to go to Ymora Academy and signed her up to go.

Extra: Adeline has minor hydrophobia after the events of her childhood. She also has an aversion to water types, as she directly links them with her dangerous, stormy adventure. She's not afraid of water in every form, but water in large spots like lakes, rivers, and even streams can cause her to tense up immediately. Her obnoxious attitude will immediately shut down upon sight and she'll begin shaking violently. In these moments, she'll often call upon Ellie to comfort her.

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Can I just say that Leech Seed AND Synthesis might be a bit too much for the beginning? Certainly not as bad as giving it Dragon Dance but close.

Ellie's not really meant to have an offensive playstyle. She's more or less there to be a tanky annoyance with her healing but low damage. Can't let the girl be glass without even being a cannon. Plus she's not as battle oriented, considering Adeline's going to be a breeder. These support moves are more for outside of battle, actually.

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I'd allow Leech seed for being an Egg move but I dislike Synthesis. Tropius learns that at level 50 as of ORAS in its normal move set and further considering Tropiuses already considerable bulk as a single evo mon, I can't justify it. It's already bulky enough as is without giving it a recovery move.

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I'd allow Leech seed for being an Egg move but I dislike Synthesis. Tropius learns that at level 50 as of ORAS in its normal move set and further considering Tropiuses already considerable bulk as a single evo mon, I can't justify it. It's already bulky enough as is without giving it a recovery move.

Ok, I'll change it then. I didn't even noticed it learned it by level up, as I was paying more attention to the egg moves.

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Seeing as synthesis is a key part of a defensive tropiuses moveset, really can't justify it for a starter. It's the same as giving a coverage move to an offensive mon, you know?

Ok. I don't know, I'm tired and my judgement's a bit clouded right now. Anything else?

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Seeing as synthesis is a key part of a defensive tropiuses moveset, really can't justify it for a starter. It's the same as giving a coverage move to an offensive mon, you know?

For some reason, I see Tropius being a combination of both offensive and defensive. But tbh, I think recovery moves are more annoying than fun. Maybe if you use them once in a battle it's good, but after that, it's just straight up annoying. Since this isn't competitive battling, it's not like one move will knock the Pokemon back into the same zone, but more like 5 or 6 attacks on average...yeah...that's why I don't have recovery moves on my Pokemon.

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