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RainbowGen Hardcore


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After seeing all the wonderful topics about other people's playthroughs, I figured I'd make one for my 3rd reborn run. However, I knew I wanted to do something special and what I have come up with is this.

1. Going to play Reborn Hardcore because it sounds awesome.

2. Team will consist of 1 pokemon from each generation (RainbowGen).

3. At the end of each gym, one pokemon from my team will be released. This way it keeps things fresh.

4. No duplicate catches. The entire line only gets one shot in the game. If it gets released, it's done for.

5. I am putting in custom sprites for my character to give a unique feeling.

That being said, I'm currently creating the sprites for the run. Once those are complete the festivities will begin. Here's the sprites I currently have

VS Portrait:


In Game Walking Sprite


In Game Run Sprite


In Game Surf/Dive Sprite


In Game Bike Sprite


In Game Tauros Sprite


I got the portrait from online searches and recolored it, and got the base model for the sprite from Sprite Creator 3, and edited the base model. Looking forward to starting this =D

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Ooh interesting. Are you planning on keeping a few mon's constant and having like the 5th/6th team slots always cycle or are you planning on releasing the oldest mon after each gym?

ATM I'm thinking I'll use random.org to pick which one I release. Meaning that I could very well lose my ace. Let alone the necessary team changes that occur after each gym anyways, this gimmick should constantly keep me on my toes and looking for new opportunities.

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Oh wow sounds really fun, hopefully you get the opportunities you want.I'm on my first run now and personally don't think I could follow these rules. lol too hardcore for me. Those sprites are cool btw wish I knew how to make some.

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So after many delays due to school, I have finally gotten around to playing Hardcore and have built my team. But first some early game highlights.

As a starter, I chose Cyndaquil. The reason - A lack of good gen 2 pokemon in the front end of the game. My options were the starters, Ledyba, Spinarak, or *shiver* Igglybuff. So rather than hobble myself with a lackluster 2nd gen, I opted to put a starter in. As we all know, Chikorita is not an optimal choice. Totodile is tempting, but the first two gyms would wreck it. Meaning Cyndaquil is the only remaining option. Talk about making the most of a bad situation haha.

Namewise, I went with Penthus, the Greek spirit of sorrow and grief, because lets face it, Reborn Hardcore with any restrictions is going to be all about sorrow and grief. To continue the theme, I have nicknamed all my pokemon something related to sorrow or grief.



Cyndaquil, named Agony, went up against Cain's Nidoran(M), Given how brutal this game is known to be, I was surprised there were no changes here. Although Cyndaquil is known as a pretty lousy attacker, it managed to defeat the Nidoran(M) and introduce Cain to Agony (heh). TBH I got kinda lucky as his Nidoran(M) missed a scratch that would have put me at risk of losing, but lo and behold the power of Agony!


The first major change of the game here. Victoria's Tepig was a whooping 1 level higher than normal, putting her at the same level as the recently leveled Agony. As was no surprise, Tepig managed to crush Agony. Although given Kiki's condition, maybe Victoria is already adapted to Agony. Gee these puns are going to be fun.

After about 3 hours of hunting down pokemon for my team, I finally assembled the beauty you see below.


Gen 1 - Rattata/Torment - That hustle is total torment. Either my opponent is overwhelmed by the little purple rat, or I'm overwhelmed by the horrible timing of those misses. I was going to get a Technician Meowth for STAB Fury Swipes, but it wasn't appearing and I said forget it.

Gen 2 - Cyndaquil/Agony - Read beginning for details.

Gen 3 - Whismur/Vexation - Soundproof should vex Julia, but it also represents my vexation at not having better gen 3 pokemon available before Julia.

Gen 4 - Kriketot/Famine - Locusts are grasshoppers, and crickets are close to them. Well, that and "Famine used Fury Cutter!" just sounds funny.

Gen 5 - Trubbish/Affliction - Afflicts poison. Nothing else to say about that. Blitzle might have been used here, but I'm not waiting around for a thunderstorm or screwing with my clock anymore. Skype was open last time I did it and I'm still waiting to get caught up on it. Plus Norton got confused. It was just obnoxious. But ya,,,,Trubbish Spikes.

Gen 6 - Espurr/Strife - Given where this little guy came from (yes I made sure it was a guy for the Prankster), it was fitting that it would inflict strife upon my foes through confusion.

So as you can see I have plenty of training to do before i even bother Fern or Blackstream Factory or Julia. But when I do, I'll upload the results. Stay tuned.

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Continuing where I left off, I prepared my team through rigorous and highly developed training strategies (read: beating in the faces of all available trainers). Once they all reached level 12 (the point I ran out of trainers at), I proceeded to Blackstream Factory to meet catdog Fern and allow him to experience sorrow and grief first hand. But first, while I was training, I met this charming fellow


Yes, Techie Jonathan, charismatic saint of free experience and evangelist of the Dream World. Well, I thought to myself, surely this lovely man will make a worthy face smashing. And then


Ah....what. Oh that must be a nick-


.....Fuck.....Maybe it's handicapped?


....that's kinda the opposite of a handicap....But...I have a trashbag! Fear the nasal warfare!!


Ame may not be happy with that....

Meanwhile in the wreckage of the Grand Hall....



Ya, who knew trashbags and nasal warfare could be so destructive? Definitely not related to the goddamn Rayquaza sitting outside, nope.

Needless to say that Techie Jonathan remains with a perfect face. Anyways, getting back to Donald Trump Fern.


I knew Fern here would be more difficult that I anticipated (I mean, this is Hardcore), I lead with Famine. What proceeded was about 5 levels worth of fodder that gave me a lv 17 Kricketune. Ya, that was a bit underwhelming. Then again, I guess Fern is known for underwhelming performances no matter what he does. So Famine destroyed all of Fern's crops for the year and left him completely and totally...unphased. And he calls his sister a robot. Riiiiiiight.

Continuing on to Mosswater factory, I grabbed that tasty Ability Capsule and headed inside to look at the wine brewing factory inside....what? I'm being fake told that the water inside is wine-hued, not wine. Well, maybe Mikey Fern would like to verify that for us? No? Ok moving on then.

Penthus and Fern marched bravely inside and confronted all the guards, converting them to Arceusism. Ok not really, but I did get repeatedly demolished because of all those rock and steel types. For once Fern actually proved an irreplaceable asset, but he's still an ass with an et.

Yada yada, boom Aster and Eclipse. Now featuring Magmar and Electebuzz. I'm not really sure why, but this was easier than fighting Magby and Elekid. Fern didn't really do much, but a giant wave of nasal warfare from our pal Affliction may have been that reason. Amazing how fast poison widdles them down. I actually had to call in Torment at the start, so at the end when my side got crushed (4 members fell to the might of thundershock), Torment got a handy boost from lv 12 to lv 16, which made training it to 20 a little easier than expected. But more on that later.

Once Julia, Fern, Rini, and I parted ways, it was off to the training grounds. In this case, I picked the northern Peridot ally. Many minutes of traditional RPG grinding were spent until all members were at least lv 16. And then off to Julia!


After the first try when I figured out she had a Magnimite as her opener, I switched from Affliction (I was planning to get toxic spikes set up early) to Agony (Fire v Steel, pwn). And then I proceed to get cockblocked by that stupid Emolga. 6 times. After which I called quits and went back to training. Sigh....

2 hours and some change later, I had a lv 20 Raticate, Loudred, and Quilava, along with a lv 19 Kriketune and Trubbish. Ok round 8 !


Opened with a Flame Wheel Agony, which did not one shot that Magnimite. It got charge beamed, which triggered Blaze. So when Julia used a Super Potion to heal it up, it went down with a boosted FW. Then the cockblock Emolga came out, so I swapped to Torment. Now, Torment had learned Sucker Punch. What it did not learn was how to aim under the burden of Hustle. After getting Nuzzled and missing about 3 more times, it finally landed a sucker punch, and then Julia healed the stupid flying rat. Ugh. So I tried a Hyper Fang...and was paralyzed. After surviving an Acrobatics, I manged to land Hyper Fang and kill it! WOOT! Then out came Voltorb, to which I responded with Famine. After 2 Fury Cutters, Chichou came out and died to the 3rd. Then Heliolisk arrived and promptly shutdown my run...ugh.

Round 9!!

Things went optimal this time around. Critical hit open against Magnimite, landed sucker punch on emolga first turn, which missed a Nuzzle. Then it died to a Hyper Fang (again , first try) after Julia tried to heal it. Then got out Famine, got back up to Heliolisk, killed Heliolisk after it set up Rain Dance. Out came Electrode, and killed it with a Swarm boosted 5th turn Fury Cutter. Hell of an opening to Hardcore.

The spoils of the battle


Fuck ya! I always wanted a thingmajiggerbadge. And it makes stuff happen? Could this be any better?

Well, ya it could. But it's time to kill off one of our heroes. Who shall be the unfortunate victim to be released? Prepare the candidates!


The victim....


The release...



Why couldn't it have been Vexation >.<

Anyways, I need to add another clause to this run. There will be no duplicate catches. So once the pokemon is released, it's entire line is off-limits for the rest of the game.

Next up the plants in Obsidia and the lovely fight with ZEL. *Weeps*

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Oh yeah, that Techie Johnathan thing is a reference to a mistake Ame and her team made long ago in an E14 public release. I put a Lucky Egg and Exp Share there (which can be accessed if you step right outside his range), but I believe Jamak removed the Lucky Egg. I did that because A) It promotes challenge runs and makes grinding less painful and B ) So that people will freak out when they see it. (I've gotten a couple reports about people thinking it's an error).

But oh yeah, Julia is one of my favorite leaders (both character and fight) ever since the very first time I fought her. Of course I was going to make her a challenge out of bias. I love how different people have different feeling on different fights. I've seen a lot of Fern was really hard for a first fight. I honestly thought he was easy, but I haven't seen anyone yet say Julia was a pushover.

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I was going to upload just between Julia and ZEL, but I realized there wasn't that much, so I went and got the 2nd badge too. Many things to say, but I'll get to that in my post.

First, when we left off we had just lost Torment the Raticate, leaving me without a Gen 1. Given the selection of pokemon and level cap of 25, my only real options were Meowth or Mankey. Seel was also a random chance (which I ended up getting), but it had type disadvantage. In addition, Bellsprout and Nidorino were pretty weak due to only having status moves (Affliction already covering that) and weak grass/poison/normal attacks, and Spearow is pointless when I can get a Fearow in the next section. However, my luck at finding a good Meowth was terrible (let alone even finding a damn Meowth), so I went with Mankey, which I named Distress. Then I went about looking for my favorite fighter, Makuhita. This guy is a tank. Evolves at 24, meaning before the level cap, and it has 144 base hp, 120 base Atk!! Plus with Sheer Force, it's Knock Off and Force Palm become the most destructive forces available for quite awhile. Now on to the actually headliners!


Yes, crazy hippie lady who loves to fight, wanted to fight me. Even with 4 pokemon of good coverage, she was a pushover. Affliction set her up for failure with Toxic Spikes and poisoned Scraggy with Sludge, finally taking it down with aftermath and poison damage. With her only dark type out of the way, it lead to Strife coming out and blowing away the rest of her team with ease with some Psybeams. Except for Ralts. For Ralts, I sent out Agony and Flame Wheeled it to death. I can see Victoria getting more difficult later on.

Moving on through the slums, I got some good experience and acquired Distress and a Makuhita, which I named Punishment. As Makuhita is a gen 3, I dumped Vexation into the PC and warmly welcomed my favorite Ace. Which then needed to get leveled up as a lv 15 vs the Scafty gang is suicide. So I threw him in early, partnering him with Affliction. Avoiding the lv 20 Scraggy that only seems to open with Counter (ya, this took me 3-4 times to get the best set up), I managed to get Punishment up to lv 17 and Affliction up to lv 22. With that done, I moved on to Coral Ward to face the next monster.


*I had a picture of us at Coral Ward but I think I deleted it. Oops.*

First, Commander, although Dewott is supposed to make Cain stronger, it conflicts with the story. Cain is supposed to be using Oshwatt the first time, has an Oshwatt out when he challenges you, and talks about Oshwatt after he loses to you. It just doesn't fit.

But anyways, Cain leads with his Grimer, while I lead with Punishment (I need them free xps). I quickly switched to Strife and 3 HKO that grimer with psybeam. Then out comes Dewott (with Air Slash no less...so much for free xps), so I swapped to Affliction and used Acid Spray then followed through with tons and tons of Sludge. Dewott's Razor Shell is pretty damn strong, but Affliction is a badass trashbag and endures it all, killing him off with Sludge. Returning to the weak poison types, I got Punishment back out there and swapped to Strife for Gastly and Nidorino. If there was a 5th pokemon I don't remember, but at the end Punishment was lv 19 and Strife was 23. After a quick heal at Coral PC, it was time to take down ZEL.

*Crap deleted this picture too >.<*

So ZEL only had that lv 25 PULSE Tangrowth, which seemed to be made of pillows and rock. After 5 tries, I decided Affliction Acid Spray until death would be the best plan, then swapped to Strife for heavy neutral Psybeam damage. But ZEL heals it up with and makes Strife take another 3 turns to kill it.Regardless, ZEL went down and all the people in Obsidia were all "Penthus you're amazing. Let's make babies!" Or they would have if their houses weren't destroyed and loved ones weren't dead. A hero never gets respect I swear. After some rambling, Flobot tells me to come get her badge. So on we go to Onyx Ward.

*Commence Andy Griffith tune to raising and evolving Punishment and training Distress while beating in the faces of Fern's twerps*

And then....


He opens with Ludicolo, so of course I'm obliged to kick his ass with Famine. Which I do in 2 turns because Ludicolo, much like Fern, can't fight or defend. He sends out Grovyle, which gets one shot by a 3rd turn Fury Cutter, and then wisens up and sends out Ferroseed. Great. So out goes Famine and in goes Agony. One Flame Wheel later and a fourth of my HP gone (Rocky Helmet and Iron Barbs? Cruel) Ferroseed is dead. Out comes Roslia, which gets slammed by 2 flame wheels, but already did it's damage by poisoning Agony. Finally we see Servine (with contrary no less), meaning it's Affliction's turn to begin hurling sludge. After 5 or 6 turns of Fern stalling by healing, Servine finally goes down after it tries to Leaf Tornado boost. And like a box of chocolates, Fern leaves a bad taste in my mouth while providing the sweet satisfaction of kicking his ass.

Landmark time - I finally overleveled my Agony and Famine here, and had to use Common Candies. Never had to do that in Reborn before. Very nicely done Hardcore. *golf claps*

*Seriously where did these pictures go*

So Florina pretends she's going to crush me (lol) and opens with a lame ass Cacnea. Affliction sets up 2 Toxic Spikes on it, and Acid Sprays it twice before shoving sludge in its stupid cactus head. Cacnea goes down, and out comes Ferroseed, meaning in goes Agony. Surprising, this Ferroseed doesn't have Rocky Helmet, but it still goes down quick to a Flame Wheel. In comes Breloom, in goes Strife. Two Psyshocks later (forgot to mention, Strife evolved into Meowstic during the face pummeling earlier) down goes Breloom with hardly a scratch on Strife. In comes Tropius, back comes Agony. And after only 1 Sitrus berry Harvest, Agony takes Tropius down in 5 flame wheels (Blaze did help with that). So out comes Grotle to try and stop me, but I laugh and Flame Wheel that too. Except it Sand Tombed me and I died. But with only half it's HP left, I sent out Famine and Fury Cuttered it to death in 3 shots (after it misses a Sand Tomb and gets healed). Finally, the Ace Cradily arrives, with a small level boost to 27 as opposed to the regular game. So in similar fashion I bring out my Ace, Punishment. And boy does he deliver on that. Two Force Palms later, Flobot goes down and admits defeat.

The spoils of the battle


No more common candies for quite awhile!

But before I get to leave, my next assignment is given



And like James Bond before me, I accepted my new tools and went off like a good little boy.

Before we get to the sad part of this update, we have one little joy to share. This Seel:


Crappy Sp.A IVs, but it's shiny, so all is forgiven.

Now, for the candidates...


The Selection....


And the Release



That may hurt me later, but in the present I'm doing fine. I hope. Damn PULSE Tangrowths.

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Following the loss of Agony, I took a look through what Gen 2 pokemon were available. Also realizing the next section would be dominated by Flying (Taka), Grass (Tangrowth), and Poison (Corey), I narrowed my choices down to Sudowoodo and Ursaring. At first I went with Teddiursa, nicknamed Tribulation (going to take a few more battles to get it up to 30 for Ursaring), but Taka stalled me out. Stupid Gligar. After 9 tries, I gave up and swapped to Sudowoodo (only took 2 fights to level Bonsly to 15). Since Sudowoodo, nicknamed Crime (Crime and Punishment lol), levels up so damn fast, it was cake getting it up to 24 for Taka (24 because I got tired of training). Also, since Distress wasn't able to make a dent in Taka, I swapped it out for Onix, which I nicknamed Grievance (because it's a Sturdy Stealth Rocker). So on we go to Taka for the 10-15th tries (that Gligar I swear...)


So I open with Grievance, get the Stealth Rocks in, let it die, swap to Punishment. Punishment Force Palm one-shots Lileep, out comes stupid Gligar. Stupid Gligar gets to fight Affliction. Affliction gets off an Acid Spray while stupid Gligar uses Harden (because it's stupid). Then I fire off 2 sludges, the last of which poisons stupid Gligar, while stupid Gligar kills me with Acrobatics. But then Affliction blows up and knocks stupid Gligar into poison death range, which it happily obliges in (huzzah!!). Then in a surprising move, Taka sent out Chatot. Now, normally it's Tangrowth, but I guess Taka got cocky when he saw no one on the field. So I hauled in Famine and sent Crime in. Crime, being a badass rock type, tanked Chatot's Chatter, and Rock Tomb one-shot it. Now comes Tangrowth, so out comes Famine again. And Famine manages to get off 3 Fury Cutters (Swarm boosted, thx Forrest Field), while Taka uses his super potion to heal Tangrowth, I use Crime to Rock Tomb it down a speed notch, and then Faint Attack it to about 65% HP left. So out comes Punishment, and used Knock Off to knock it off the field (Honestly at this point I forget exactly how it went down, because I was so happy to get this far). Then out comes his final Klefki, which uses itsone turn of life to Thunder Wave Punishment, but Punishment would have none of it, and 2 Force Palms and one super potion later, Klefki went down.

And then I had a lovely chat with 5 year old Heather, who called me a stupid doo-doo head for interfering with her supergirl routine. Ya, as if I care. Hop on you Salamence you pink haired pixie, I have no tolerance of your bullshit.


The Team as it stands


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Blame Jamak on the whole Oshawott thing. He was supposed to change around some scripts and add a bit of dialogue to make it evolve in that section. Unfortunately, Cain needs a Dewott as his overall team is just not that strong. He...also may have completely screwed up hardcore at one point...so yeah, hardcore isn't trying to be consistent (much). There are two other areas that needed to be touched on, but I'm not sure if he did them or not. All I really did was create and test all the battles.

Oh Florinia, you were so broken in the original test run. Seriously, you could not fathom how broken she was. Cacnea used Nature Power-Nature Power turned into Sand Tomb. It doesn't effect Noctowl. Noctowl used Peck, the attack missed (rinse and repeat). I'm surprised you hit all those attacks. Cacnea is pretty good at dodging usually.

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When we left off, I had finally beaten Take and PULSE Tangrowth 2, and was headed towards PT3,

*Picture of ZEL/Taka fight here because I never took one. Oops*

Thanks to the fact this was a double battle, I was able to take significant advantage over stupid Gligar this time. First, I opened with Grievance and Affliction to get my Stealth Rocks and Toxic Spikes set up, thus making the battle even easier. Oddly, both ZEL and Taka focused their attacks on the severly underleveled Grievance, which gave Affliction a free pass to wail on Glaceon next turn. Once Grievance died, I sent out Punishment and pretty much knocked Glaceon, Flareon, and Umbreon out without much hassle. With ZEL out of the way, I could focus my attention on Taka. First, Punishment cleared Lileep with one Force Palm, meanwhile I swapped Affliction out for Strife. When Gligar came out, Punishment used Knock Off while Strife scored us a free turn with Fake Out. Taka, thinking nothing was wrong, attempted to Acrobatics Strife, but got double teamed with another Knock Off and Psyshock, knocking it out before it could do any serious damage. Then out came Tangrowth, but the combination of Punishment and Strife was too much for Tangrowth to bear, and it went down in about 2 turns. Finally, out comes Chatot, at which point I hauled Punishment in and sent out Crime. And just in time too, as Crime tanked a Chatter aimed for Punishment. Strife got hauled in for Affliction the next turn, while Crime OHKO Chatot with Rock Slide. If there was a Klefki (I honestly don't remember, it was over 24 hours ago), it died to Punishment without a problem. With that taken care of, the festivities begin...


Ooo crack in candyland. No wonder it's so addictive. You may notice it was a sunny day. That made the loss of Agony after Flobot even more painful, as I knew a flaming forest under sunlight would have made Taka 1 soooo much easier.

At this point, I swapped out Crime for Tribulation and got it some easy xp against the deluded officers in Corey's gym. The I headed outside to finish up training it to 30 so it could evolve into a Quick Feet Ursaring. And with that done it was off to Corey.


Except no, no it wasn't. He kicked my ass because that damn Quilfish did too much damage to my team early on. After many, many team changes (at one point I had Pachirisu), my final team is what you see near the end of this post. The Zebstrika was actually a fluke as it was raining today in my game (sun -> high winds -> thunderstorm, weather must be from Hawaii). So that's how we began our 9 or 10th attempt against Corey.


I opened with Grievance against his Quilfish, as I knew Stealth Rocks were essentail to guaranteeing 2HKO against the rest of his team. Grievance just barely managed to get them off before dying to the freshly obtained poison. Out comes MVP Desolation the Zebstrika, landing a Critical Hit Spark on Quilfish, taking out the biggest threat to the run. Although Desolation got poisoned, it was basically fresh and ready to fight Crobat later on. Corey sends out Swalot, and I respond with Strife. Strife goes in hard with Psyshock, beating Swalot down to red before Black Sludge and Corey attempted to heal it (Commander, thank you for not giving him Ultra Poitons). One more Psyshock and it was down for the count. Then comes Nidoqueen (which was abysmally weak IMO, I mean Icy Wind? Really?). But no sooner do I land a Psyshock than I go down to Venoshock and poison damage. Well, with so little life left (I knocked it down to about 35%) I went in with Punishment and Knocked Off it's head. What better to kill Punishment than with a Skuntank, to which I said "Oh no you didn't" and stuck with Punishment. Granted i don't have any SE moves, but a STAB Sheer Force Force Palm is still a damn strong move, hammering Skuntank down to about 30% left. However, it severly hit me with a Flamethrower, leaving me scared that this Skuntank would kill me before it went down. Luckily, it followed up with a Night Slash, leaving me with 20 HP and a hand-wrapped opportunity to kill Skuntank, which I gladly took at the expense of Aftermath (woulda died from poison anyways). Which leaves me with Desolation, Tribulation, and Plight against Scolipede and Crobat. I knew at this point I could easily cinch it. So when Scolipede came out I went with Tribulation. Although at this point Quick Feet didn't help, I managed to land a critical hit Slash, which set Scolipede up for disaster the next turn. It attempted to Venoshock me, but I survived and gave it a scar to remember. So out comes Crobat, and I know Tribulation, with 6 HP left after the poison last turn, has no reason to be called in, so I attempted a slash and was outsped with an Air Slash. But now it's 2 electrics vs 1 flying, so out comes Plight. Plight manages to almost kill Crobat (10% HP left) but Crobat lived. At this time another Venoshock is going to kill Plight, but amazingly Crobat used Nasty Plot, leaving itself open to the final jolt of electricity that earns me the right to raspberry Corey!

The spoilers of the fight



Now, I was curious what I would see, given the dramatically different team, but I was dissapointed when I saw this


Jamak really needs to fix this. It's worse than the Dewott-Oshwatt issue. FFS 3 of the pokemon pictured aren't even on his team, and Nidorina is a Nidoqueen!

Now everyone knows the story so i'll just show this pic of Corey base jumping.


What a badass.


Of course Fern doesn't agree. Sigh. He's just too pansy to go base jumping himself. I'd be glad to assist....


No, I think you're a pansy. Base jumping is great fun. You would be great at it. Please let me show you how!

Instead a bomb went off and conveniently Fern escaped before I could convince him to give it a shot. Well, maybe next time.

Time for the most tragic part of this run, the release. Prepare the candidates!


The Selection...


The Release....



What are we waiting for? On to the destruction of a fragile purple haired boot licker!

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Update #6

Managed to get to Lapis, in an attempt to catch the culprit. Spoiler alter, it was Team Meteor. After a quick chase through the vast cavern under North Obsidia, I got an opportunity to team up with the V and go after Aster and Eclipse. V was pretty pathetic, which was not good for my underleveled team. After 3 tries, we managed to get it to work, but Plight got overleveled in the process. I was surprised how much bulk Magmar and Electabuzz had. Then we go back to Shelly, and she's still in shock. Victoria has the horrible idea to see Dr. Butt and I have no choice but to comply. Upon arrival I was introduced the the cast of characters that would populate Act 2-3 of Reborn and was challenged to a battle with Doctor John.


I kinda forgot what happened here. But I remember doing this in one go, but that Wiscash almost ruined me. Overall an enjoyable fight though.

Returning to Shelly once more, she pulls herself together and gets back to the gym leading. But before I can do anything, Victoria has an attack of conscience (even knowing the process is necessary). But so be it.


Opened with Punishment vs Scraggy. It used Dragon Dance, I Force Palmed. Super potion didn't help scraggy as Punishment's next force palm still killed it. Gallade up next, so I respond with Desolation. Thanks to Desolation's outrageous speed, itgot off a Thunder Wave first, giving me guaranteed security if Desolation went down. Which it did, but it got off 2 Sparks first. Then out comes Scourge, my Fearow, and 2 Arial Aces and a Super Potion later, down goes Gallade. Next up is Poliwrath (a great option on her team for uniqueness), so I switch for Plight. Plight gets a Spark off first, with paralysis and Poliwrath can't move that turn. I get off another Spark, down goes Poliwrath with no scratches on Plight. Next up is Hariyama, so I get Scourge back out. But Hariyama is seriously bulky, and Scourge only managed to knock it down to 15%, which triggers the sitrus berry. Scourge is killed by Hariyama, so I get Plight back out. One Spark wasn't enough to finish it off, so Plight took damage before finishing it off next turn. Finally out comes Emboar, so I'm obliged to try out Crime. Thank's to Crime's new Counter move, and in combination with Sturdy, Emboar goes down in 1 hit and wins me the fight about about 8 tries. Victoria is harsh.

Now that brutality is out of the way, I moved on to Shelly's room of doom and agony, otherwise known as a library. I was pleasantly surprised to see the junior trainers got upgrades in their roster as well. One techie even used a super potion (still kicked his ass). Managed to get Scourge 2 easy levels, giving it a shot during the Shelly fight. This time it only took me two tries to beat Shelly, the first try was ruined when I got critted and lost my main killers. Anyways, opening scene.


Masquerian and Illusmise vs Misery and Desolation. A lv 33 Litleo may seem stupid, but Desolation was running T-Waves to ruin their speed, so Litleo got some easy Ember damage in. Meanwhile Desolation's Spark attacks drained Shelly's potion supply, giving me a smoother ride through the rest of the fight. Masquerian got called back and replaced with Armaldo, but a T Wave and Endeavor later left him in shambles - easy fodder for Desolation. Meanwhile Litleo was managing alternating attacks on Illusmise to keep it busy. So the turn Armaldo went down, Illusmise was almost a gonner. Masquerian returns to the field, but Desolation Sparks and Litleo Embers and clears them both before further damage was sustained. Then out comes Vespiquen and Heather, so let Litleo and Desolation be fodder, giving me a fresh Crime and Plight (Punishment would be funny here, but a fighting vs 2 flyings is a terrible idea). Since Plight was the main target due to it's threat, it was quite easy to weaken Heather with Spark from Plight and crush Vespiquen and Heather in one go with Rock Slide. Ya, Crime is not popular but it's got a great niche. With 5 down, only Bugsy was left. But I've been caught off guard before, so I call Crime in and send out Punishment, using Plight's turn to put Crime back to full health, reactivating Sturdy. Plight only takes mild damage, so a quick Knock Off - Spark combo drops Bugsy to 30%. At this point it could knock either one of my people out, but it opts to use Tail Glow. I wonder if Fern has been training it? Well, it was easy to kill it after that and gave me the win!

The spoils of the fight:


A small but appreciable level raise


And a new way to manipulate the environment - Take that EPA!


And my next assignment is given.


Sigh. Giving me more pointless work. Fine, I'll do it. Why can't you just use the call box in the front door? I don't get it.

And it's time again to find out Stay or Go!

Here's our candidates for tonight


The Selection...


The Release...



You may think this would be terrible. But I got a little surprise earlier.


So let's see how well this goes. We're off to see Ame, the wonderful Ame of Reborn.

Edited by Dragon116
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Looks like Punishment


( •_•)>⌐■-■


Received his Punishment

I gotta admit Shelly doesn't look threatening, but she can be (freaking Illumise with Confuse Ray hax). The longer you let her team live, the more dangerous she becomes. I wouldn't say she's easy, but she's also not super hard. I think Florinia earned the medal of weakest overall gym leader. Her old, old team was pathetically easy.

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Update #8

@Commander - Technically Penthus was Punished, but we'll let that slide because that awesome ASCII art :P

Also, Shelly just got unlucky. Rock Slide in a double battle while she has 2 4x rock weakness pokemon out. Then I had 2 electric types in addition for her Energy ball Masquerian. I'm sure she'd be harder if I didn't set up that well.

Anyways, this update leads us to training up Pestilence, the Breloom, to lv 30 and then kicking both Fern and Cain's butts (although that damn Nidoking...)


I like this kid. Helped train Pestilence up.


And then we find this tool. At first I opened with Misery against him, but found out he was opening with Ludicolo (thought it would be Ferrothorn). So one team swap later and we open with Scourge against Ludicolo. It took a couple of tries, but eventually Ludicolo went with Ice Beam instead of Rain Dance and I got Aerial Ace off before dying. So out comes Plight and I get rid of that Ludicolo with a Spark. Out comes Sceptile, so I bring out Misery (which is why I did not want rain). Misery goes at it with Fire Fangs, and several turns later (damn ice cream), Misery stands the victor. Then out comes Serperior and I stick with Misery, hitting it with an Endeavor before finishing it off with Fire Fang (it tried to Leaf Storm like a genius). Out comes Roserade, which forces me to switch out to Crime. Crime uses it's Sturdy to Rock Tomb it and drop its speed, giving Misery the opportunity to kill it with Flamethrower once Crime dies. Then of course Ferrothorn is just obliterated, and Fern sulks off into a bus to fight Aya.

Moving on to Beryl.


That damn Nidoking kept wrecking me. Eventually we got a great start with a paralysis Spark against Samurott, which made it a no-damage takedown with Cain wasting both Super Potions on it. Out comes Nidoking, so I swap to Crime. Crime gets off a boosted Rock Tomb and a Sucker Punch before going down, With no really good options, I send out Misery. Misery gets off a critical Flamethrower and Nidoking goes down. Out comes Venomoth (I honestly don't get why) and it goes down to another Flamethrower after it fires a Signal Beam. Out comes Muk, but my 2x Moxie boosted Misery is just warming up, and gets a Fire Fang flinch out of it. Another Fire Fang later Misery goes down to Sludge Bomb, but Muk is down to 20% so Desolation comes out and finishes it off. Out comes Haunter, and I manage to get a Spark off before going down to a Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb. Ouch. But Plight comes out and kills it with a Bite, leaving me with questions about team changes. Which will very likely happen as Shade is coming up and I don't think Scourge is going to survive against boosted electric attacks.

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Update #9

Once we got past Cain, it was off to chase Heather into Shelly's room (why does everyone get to barge in there? That seems dangerous for a 12 year old). Heather throws a fit and storms off...right into the hands of Dr. Butt. Heather is whisked away to the penitentiary mental health orphanage, and we decide to break in. Anna lets us in, and we take down the 3 guardian goons. My new recruits Woe, the growlithe, and Disorder, the numel, got the opportunity to shine, but most of the work was done by the veterans Misery, Plight, and Desolation. Moving on to the upper floors, Disorder managed to get some more easy xp and more dumb goons fell. Yada, yada, fast-forward to Dr. Butt getting burned by Charlotte. We depart with Heather, make our way to the railnet, and Anna forces me to go fight Shade. After a few more level grinds, we evolve Woe into Arcanine with Crunch (yippie!), and Disorder leveled up to 38 (it already evolved into Camerupt in the orphanage). So a quick glimpse at the fate of people I don't even recognize at this point (except having played this twice before, I do) sans Corey. And start!


The first attempt went really well until I got up to Aegislash and realized all my fire pokemon were dead and all I had left were a weakened Desolation and fresh Crime (sounds like a new movie). At which point I opted to restart, and took another 5 tries until Corey opened with a weak Thunderbolt, which gave Arcanine the opportunity to Crunch, leading to a Crunch-Ultra Potion fight, that was broken with a swap to Trevant, which took a huge Crunch, but attempted to heal with a Sitrus berry. Arcanine's speed finished it off with a Flamethrower, and out comes Dusknoir. Pressure was making me sweat because i was afraid of losing all my Crunch PP, but I managed to put Dusknoir down to 20% left before fainting to Shadow Punch (or Ball, idr). I send out Misery to Flamethrower it (as Dusknoir seemed to be the old normal-type check), getting the Moxie boosts going. Back comes Corey, which falls to a Flamethrower after a decent Thunderbolt. 2 Moxies up, out comes Aegislash. Flamethrower only knocks it down to 40% (shield form is really bulky), and Aegislash retaliates with Iron Head, dropping me to about 25%, to which i finish it off with another Flamethrower. Out comes Mega Banette, which KO's Misery with Shadow Claw. Not really knowing what else to put out (At this point I have Disorder, Desolation, Crime, and Plight left), I send out Crime to get some easy damage going. Open up with Rock Slide after a Shadow Claw, and almost wiped it out with a Sucker Punch, but it held in with 3% HP and killed me with another Shadow Claw. Out comes Desolation and wipes it out with Spark. All that's left is Shade's Chandlure, so I keep Desolation out. I get outsped and killed by a Shadow Ball, so I send out Plight...which similarly gets wrecked. Out comes Disorder. With incredible luck Chandlure used Energy Ball, knocking me down to 30 HP and giving me the chance to use Amnesia. A Shadow Ball - Berry Ice Cream fight goes for about 3 turns before Chandlure uses Energy ball again, breaking the momentum and giving Disorder a full opening to Earth Power it to death in one hit. With only 14 HP left, I am declared victorious!

The spoils



With that done, I get to witness Shade's miraculous TV of Fate...showing this


No Anna!!


You assworm! Couldn't you have used Sludge Wave or something not as destructive?? Now we need strength...grrrrrr.

With 4 badges under my control, it's time to send one of our friends off for a permanent vacation. Let's present the candidate!


The Selection...


The Release...



Guess I should go check on the assworm Cain...

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Update #10

Went to see the hubabaloo in the railnet, found Victoria. She pointed me to Coral Ward, where we met Cain...who then surfed on a Muk because screw the rules, he has purple hair and fishnets. As I turn to go, Amaria jumps me and tells me about how this factory is making wine or something. So we bust in there all Rambo-style and then I get captured. Found a breed-to in the cage, then busted out. Almost got my ass kicked, but managed to open the door without losing. Got my pokemon healed up, and a quick sweep later we're at the end room.

Holy fuck, ZEL is a nightmare. Took me 15 tries between all the misses, criticals, water pulse confusions. But we managed at the end, and here's how it went down.


Opening Scene.

Crime Vs Glaceon - Spam a bunch of Rock Tombs, burn up both ZEL's ultra potions, force a swap to Espeon which gets nailed with a Rock Tomb.

Crime Vs Espeon - Sucka Punch motha fuckaaaaaa. That's what we call a No-Touch takedown. Out comes PULSE Muk, countered with Plight.

Plight Vs P.Muk - Plight gets a Charge off while P.Muk goes with Water Pulse, confusing me. By the might of RNGJesus, it doesn't hurt itself and one shots P.Muk. Out returns Glaceon, so let's give Crime another go.

Crime Vs Glaceon - Sucka Punch motha fuckaaaaa. Heh, living up to his name. Out comes Jolteon, so I counter with Disorder.

Disorder Vs Jolteon - Only manage to get one Earth Power up before falling to 2 Hyper Voices. Ouch.

Misery Vs Jolteon - Outsped and wrecked with a Thunderbolt. Grr.

Crime Vs Jolteon - Sucka Punch mo-you know what, this is too brutal. NEXT!

Mayhem the Swoobat vs Flareon - After one Calm Mind and an Air Slash, Mayhem falls to a critical Flamethrower (HAXXXX!!!!).

Scourge vs Flareon - Scourge gets off an Aerial Ace, but falls to Flamethrower. Sigh.

Crime vs Flareon - *SKIP*

Crime vs Umbreon - Finally at the end. After 2 Rock Tombs, I'm down to 11 hp while Umbreon is down if I get a Rock SLide off. It's too risky so I super potion and kick it to the curb next turn with Rock Slide.

After barely seizing victory, I watch the events unfold and receive my next mission.


I hope it's a yacht. I would like a yacht. And a surfing Muk.

Here's the team as it stands.


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Update #11

Well, turns out it wasn't a yacht, but it did give story progression so I guess that's ok. After a brief annihilation of all the visitors to AA (Apophyll Academy, gosh!, I went through to the top of the mountain to see my creator Arceus Cal. Here's what happened.


Scourge vs Infernape - Opened here with Scourge to give some purpose to Scourge, and it managed to do some damage before being annihilated by Close Combat. Out comes Mayhem, and crushes it with a Psychic. Next up Mega Charizard X.

Crime vs M.Char. Not much to say here, it was a matter of spamming Rock Tomb and making Cal waste his Ultra Potions. Once he was out, a Rock Slide finished it off. And as Crime is a Rock type, the genius goes with Blaziken. Heh.

Mayhem v Blaziken. I thought this would be easy, but Blaziken survived my Psychic and hit me hard with something. Mayhem narrowly wins with another Psychic. Next up Magmortar.

Disorder vs Magmortar. Opened with Yawn, which was met with a failed Blast Burn. Knowing my time may be limited, I opt for Amnesia, which is met with Flamethrower. Magmortar falls asleep, so I finish it off with Earth Power. Next up is Delphox, so I opt to keep Disorder in.

Disorder vs Delphox. Disorder dies to Psyshock opening turn.

Crime vs Delphox. I get off one Sucker Punch, but die to Mystical Fire. This Delphox is OP yo.

Mayhem vs Delphox. Mayhem gets a Calm Mind off just in time to tank a Mystical Fire. One Air Slash later and Mayhem wins. Next up is Typlosion.

Misery vs Typhlosion. Knowing Typlosion is really speedy, I opted to go with Misery to absorb any Eruptions, but turns out Typlosion was not carrying anything deadly. Two Echoed Voices later and Typlosion is out.

A good fight if I do say so myself.

Back to AA we go, where we see Kiki get Victoria riled up, and then offer to hold an official gym match so my team can obtain Strength. But before I do, Victoria wants to harass me (I think she wants my hat).


This...was a very, very pathetic match. Basically Mayhem got 2 Calm Minds off on Scrafty, and proceeded to wreck everything in 1 hit with either Air Slash or Psychic. I was shocked.

Moving on to Kiki....


Let me paint you a picture of what happened.




Scrafty and Focus Sash Toxicroak were the only hassles for me. Once they were gone, a Simple Calm Mind KO'd Hitmonlee and Lucario, but then I overleveled, attacked a non-existant target, and died. Put in Crime, Sturdy-Countered for the win. Gimmicks are great.

After the match, even Kiki knew I was amazballs.


Ya, Calm Mind is badass.

Well, with those 3 pushovers gone (Cal was the most difficult), we're off to go find Cain. But first...

The Candidates


The Selection...


The Release...



That was the shortest reign of badassery I've every witnessed. And I lost it just before Aya. Dammit.

Edited by Dragon116
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