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Gotta admit, I completely forgot about Swoobat when designing Kiki. Curse you Rejuvenation for teaching kids OP strategies. But usually, it's the other way around with Cal being super easy and Kiki being kind of a challenge. It goes to show you different teams make fights very different. Still think Florinia is the easiest.

I kind of dislike this segment as there's an abundance of exp which makes Pokemon overleveled. Kiki's level cap is supposed to be 42, but with such an abundance of experience, a player is going to pass that, but if I nerf the Shade's episode battles, then you got a whole long segment of easy fights. BTW, Muk only knows water pulse to avoid a certain AI exploit with Muddy Water as that attack is Water/Electric, but the AI thinks it's a water attack.

And good luck against Solaris if you plan on trying to beat him. There's a certain text edit that didn't get made, but I'll tell you when you get there. And yes, the fight is supposedly winnable, but again good luck.

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Update #13

After completely wrecking Kiki (RIP Sweepbat), I recruited it's replacement Congress the Scrafty. Why Congress? Because they're always fighting and set up elaborate ruses (Dragon Dance) to push stupid points across (Dark type) ultimately missing and defeating themselves (High Jump Kick missing). Or look at it in the positive light and see Congress as a curb-stomper. Your choice.

After getting it all prepped, we went off to Azurine Island and met Aster and Eclipse. I lead with Congress and Plight. Congress sets up a DD while Plight goes after Lunatone with Crunch. Plight gets double targeted with Psychic, but survives both. Congress uses Crunch on Solrock while Plight goes after Lunatone with Crunch. Lunatone was healed with a Full Restore however, and Solrock had fainted to Congress. Out comes Rhyperior, which promptly goes down to a Moxie boosted High Jump Kick (HJK). You get the idea. Congress pretty much demolished them, but it goes shaky when Flame Body Magmortar burns Congress. Luckily it had so many boosts by that point that it was almost irrelevant. Managed to get Congress from 39 to 42 in that fight.

Moving on to Taka.


As he's a fan of Flying types, Congress wasn't able to set up and wreck this time, but Plight managed to kill Chatot after tanking a Boomburst and Scourge weakened Gliscor so when Congress came out it was able to get off 2 Dragon Dances (DD) and Crunch it to death. Klefki hassled Misery at the open, but overall Taka went down without too many problems.

Teamed up with Victoria and charged through Pyrous Mountain, getting Congress up to 44 and Woe up to 42 (swapped Scourge for Woe after Taka) in time for the Solaris fight. However, just thought I'd show the first encounter I had in Pyrous Mountain with Vicky. I thought it was funny.


Moving on to Solaris.


This took me a few tries because HJK kept missing. Almost killed him first try, but Air Slash Mandibuzz forced me to cut my DD Congress set up early, and then the HJK missed and killed him, leaving me with nothing good to kill Exadrill with.

Misery vs Scizor -Open with Flamethrower (boosted thanks to Superheated Field), but Scizor has Occa Berry to prevent total wreckage. (My first try this was a critical hit, I was laughing so hard). Anyways, Scizor survives, kills me with Superpower.

Woe vs Scizor - After a pointless Full Restore, immediately dies to Fire Fang. #Rekt

Crime vs Garchomp - This is why I love Crime. He's total utility. Need a priority? Sucker Punch. Need a OP Physical Counter? Sturdy Counter. Need a high powered Rock move? Hard Stone boosted STAB Stone Edge. Need to slow the opponent down? Rock Tomb. Anyways, Garchomp faced the Sturdy Counter, but killed Crime due to Rough Skin. I'll take a kamakazi attack, at least it removed Garchomp. Now, going in blind here, but it was pretty obvious he was going to go with Tyranitar, so I go with Congress.

Congress vs Tyranitar - And I was right. HJK OHKO Boom like that.

Woe vs Gyarados - I've tried Plight here before, but Gyarados' Intimidate prevented an easy KO, so I opted with Woe for Intimidate. Woe survived a weakened Waterfall (thank you again Superheated Field) allowing Woe to survive 2 turns, and giving me time to revive and heal Crime back up.

Crime vs Gyarados - Unfortunately survives too well (was planing for a Sturdy Counter Waterfall), so Counter doesn't OHKO. Full Restore met with Stone Edge, leaves Gyarados with 1 HP - Which he promptly loses to Tyranitar's Sandsteam.

Congress vs Exadrill - Exadrill derps and goes with Swords Dance. One HJK later it's dead.

Congress vs Mandibuzz - Got a Moxie boosted HJK off, but only goes down to 30% left. Thinking another Full Restore was due, I go with DD, only to die to another Air Slash. Grr.

Plight vs Mandibuzz - 3 Air Slashes and flinches later (does this thing think it's Chincinno?) leaves me with 50 HP vs a 50% HP Mandibuzz. I get off a Spark, unfortunately leaving it with 2% HP. This finally forces Solaris to use his last Full Restore. I hit him with another Spark and paralyze it. I go with Charge to boost my next Spark and better survive the next Air Slash. It goes with Snarl because its desperate. Boosted Spark hits next turn.


Solaris, and his never before defeated team....is now defeated. I received my Rupee prize from Commander =D


And he's speechless. Behold my mighty mightiness!! And give me your money punk!



$5000????? Dude, what the fuck? You have so many fucking PULSES. How did you afford.....oh. Um...ok $5000, ya.


No it's not! I beat you! Don't steal my victory you coward!



Here's where the team stands.


Forgot to mention Congress is equipped with Black Belt.

Also, for anyone repremanding my use of a Revive, note that I could have used another Sudowoodo or a Sawk in place of Disorder if I wasn't on a challenge run.

Edited by Dragon116
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Oh yeah, I forgot about Sawk being available that early in the game. I already paid up and I'm kind of glad he's not too impossible to beat. Don't know if Calm Mind Swoobat would work on him as most of his team would tear that thing right up. Excadrill was the problem child for me. Nothing was more frustrating than burning his Garchomp only to have it full restore back to health. Mandibuzz is the only one I never tested out...but it seems like it's doing what it's supposed to.

But the funny thing is that I thought it originally was going to be too easy and have to boost it five levels. I got owned with a regular team. Like completely owned so I lowered it five levels iirc and still got beat pretty badly. Definitely beats a level 80 Mega Garchomp any day (that's what Jamak was going to do...or something like that).

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Holy s#@%, you actually did it. I thought I was doing good on my challenge run, but I had to temporarily revert to Normal Mode for this battle! You deserve a cookie, man.

I don't blame you for reverting. 2 Steel types, and Uber aggro Garchomp would be enough to take your Poison team out.

BTW, just got past Cain, took me 10 tries, got up to Aya's house and am working on Fern and then Aya and I'll have update 14 up.

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Holy s#@%, you actually did it. I thought I was doing good on my challenge run, but I had to temporarily revert to Normal Mode for this battle! You deserve a cookie, man.

I don't blame you for reverting. 2 Steel types, and Uber aggro Garchomp would be enough to take your Poison team out.

BTW, just got past Cain, took me 10 tries, got up to Aya's house and am working on Fern and then Aya and I'll have update 14 up.

Yeah, I remember people saying Solaris was so easy in E15 so I pretty much just copy and pasted his team and made a few adjustments. I haven't tested Julia out in that fight...because I couldn't win it so I had to test Florinia. She might be losing that Tropius and getting a Mega Steelix or something because my god does she need it (and I really don't want to nerf the fight). So you two will be my guinea pigs in testing Julia's version of the fight. But yeah, I salute you for figuring out how to beat this fight (also, Sudowoodo is my second favorite Pokemon).

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Update #14

I'm really pissed right now. You'll see why at the end. Anyways once Solaris was down, we moved on to Byxbysion Wasteland. But before we could enter, the assworm Cain decided to welch on his promise to open the damn gate, and force me into yet another stupid battle. Damn him.


This fight took me about 10 tries because of bad rolls. Once again, damn that Nidoking.

Misery vs Venomoth - Flamethrower roasted it in one hit.

Plight vs Samurott - I open with Charge, and get met with Razor Shell. Luckily it wasn't a critical this time. Followed through with a OHKO Spark. No potion battles required.

Disorder vs Nidoking - I survive a Sludge Wave and manage to get it down to about 35% with an Earth Power. But it follows up with an EQ and down goes Disorder.

Woe vs Nidoking - Outspeeds and uses Retaliate, knocking Nidoking out. Yay.

Plight vs Muk - Got off a Spark, but only took it down to 60%, and died to a Sludge Wave or Bomb. Doesn't matter.

Congress vs Muk - Since Muk is now weakened, I was able to get a Dragon Dance off and Crunch it to death.

Congress vs Gengar - Fires a Shadow Ball at me...but MISSES! Yay, on with the killing spree with Congress. Crunch crunch, munch munch, Gengar was delicious.

Congress vs Weezing - With 3 attack boosts under my belt, you would think this would be enough to KO Weezing, but it manages to survive with 5% left and kills me.

Misery vs Weezing - Flamethrower spam until the Choc Ice Cream fight is over.

I hate Cain. I really, really do.

Through the Byxbysion Wasteland to Aya's shack we go.I heal up and prep up for Fern, and made a great call of putting Woe in the starting position.


Fern is pathetic as always.

Woe vs Ferrothorn - Flamethrower OHKO. Next.

Congress vs Krookodile - Intimidate could have gone bad here, but Congress is a badass and HJK OHKO. Moxie clears the reduction.

Congress vs Scizor - To make sure I would wreck the rest of his team, I used a Dragon Dance here. Scizor goes with Wing Attack, which knocks me down to 24 HP. Yikes. But Scizor goes down in one HJK. 2 attack boosts now.

Congress vs M.Sceptile - I was so scared I was going to get outsped, but I got the first blow and took it's head clean off. 3 attack boosts now.

Congress vs Serperior - HJK. 4 boosts.

Congress vs Roserade - At this point I overleveled to 46, and got nervous about this next turn, but Congress followed through and wiped Roserade out with a HJK,

I love Congress. I still hate Fern and Cain.

Healed up, dropped Congress to 45, moved the team around. Off we go.


I already knew Aya's team hadn't changed that much. But they were still annoying.

Woe and Plight vs Tentacool and Nidoqueen - Tentacool strikes first (is it really that fast?) with a Muddy Water, which Woe avoids, but Plight doesn't. Woe hits Tentacool with Crunch while Plight follows up with Spark. Nidoqueen goes with Sludge Wave, but misses both Woe and Plight.

Woe and Plight vs Dragalage and Nidoqueen - Woe gets a Crunch off against Dragalage, while Plight opts for Charge (to survive their bs and get a boosted Spark off next turn). Nidoqueen Earth Powers against Woe, severely weakening it, and Dragalage goes with Sludge Wave, killing Woe and bringing Plight into the red zone.

Disorder and Plight vs Dragalage and Nidoqueen - Plight gets boosted Spark off, killing Dragalage and pretty much Aya's only hope of salvation. Nidoqueen hits both Disorder and Plight with Sludge wave, killing plight. Disorder nails Nidoqueen with an Earth Power, bringing it into the red.

Disorder and Congress vs Drapion and Nidoqueen - Aya heals Nidoqueen back up, while Congress gets a Dragon Dance going. Drapion goes after Congress with a Cross Poison, while Disorder goes after Nidoqueen with another Earth Power, bringing it back down to about 35%. Next turn Congress HJK's Drapion into submission, Nidoqueen goes for Sludge Wave, which puts Disorder out of order.

Crime and Congress vs Gengar and Nidoqueen - Used Congress to go after Nidoqueen, since I figured Crime could handle Gengar with Sucker Punch. It didn't, but Gengar did go down to about 10% left. Congress finishes Nidoqueen off with a HJK. Gengar cuts me some slack and uses Shadow Ball on Crime.

Crime and Congress vs Gengar and M.Venosaur - Aya obligatorily heals Gengar, so I have Congress go after M.Veno with an HJK, which landed Critical....but only took it down to about 15%. M.Veno targets Crime with Power Whip, and kills it.

Misery and Congress vs Gengar and M.Veno - This is it. We're both on our last two pokemon at this point. But I have the advantage. Congress crushes Gengar with Crunch and Misery wipes M.Veno out with a Flamethrower.

Victory is ours! And the spoils of the battle


Small break from common candies. I'm sure that won't last long.


Time to rescue the orphans again! And get an Ability Capsule!

*BIng Bing Dingitty Bong*

You know when you hear that sound it's time for today's Stay or Go with Penthus!

Let's present today's candidates


The Selection...


The Release...


No!!! Dammit.


And now you know why I'm upset. Damn RNG. Well, off to the Railnet. A little progression will open a lot more replacement options.

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Update #15

With Aya defeated, the protagonist Penthus rushes to the aid of Cain, to rescue the poor orphans.

Ok not really. Actually I decided to do a little team restructuring with the loss of Congress so fresh. Damn RNG.

Studied and looked through my options for a G5 replacement, and the best one I found was Emboar. He's a tanky little bastard, and has nice coverage with Heat Crash, Heavy Slam (egg move, ty Tepig event), and Hammer Arm. But of course that would leave me with 4 fire members, and this is not a monorun. This is a Rainbow run. With complete bias I opted to drop Misery and try out what G6 had to offer. After a long (seriously this took me 20 minutes to decide) soul search between Barbacle and Malamar, our new team was built.

Presenting Trial the Emboar and Wreckage the Barbacle!

Binicle was really, really tough to find actually. All I found on Apophyll Beach were Krabby, and the training grounds were plagued with Geodude and Shuckle. I ended up getting one in the training grounds, but almost didn't because I found a shiny geodude (which, btw, had a totally different position compared to regular). But it self-destructed first turn and that never happened. Also ended up breeding that Binacle (had very bad IVs and Modest nature). Then trained them both up, and I present you the ransacking of Yuyeru Building.


Ya I opted to fight Siggy here. I went with Sirius in my 2nd run, and I wanted to do Siggy again this one.

Wreckage and Nidoking vs Luxray and Raichu - Needed the xp, so immediately switched Wreckage out for Disorder. Well timed too, as my side ignored both Discharges, meaning Siggy attacked himself. Haw-haw. Nidoking Shadow Balled Luxray.

Disorder and Nidoking vs Luxray and Raichu - Luxray and Raichu both attacked Nidoking, but Nidoking goes with Sludge Wave, hitting everyone for meh damage. I go with EQ and completely clear the field. Penthus 3 - World 0

Disorder and Gengar vs Electivire and Lanturn - Swapped Disorder out to Trial so Disorder didn't get swamped by Lanturn, and I would lose no one important (Trial was lv 28 at this time). Just in time too as Lanturn went with Hydro Pump and KO'ed Trial. Electivire moved before that though, and went after Gengar with Thunderbolt, but didn't hurt it too much. Gengar used Thunderbolt on Electivire and triggered it's Motor Drive, Damn do I hate Cain.

Crime and Gengar vs Electivire and Lanturn - Crime sets up the scene with Sucker Punch on Lanturn. Eletivire goes after Crime with Thunderbolt, doing moderate damage. Gengar goes after Lanturn (thank you!!!) with Shadow Ball, killing Lanturn before it can touch Crime. Phew.

Crime and Gengar vs Electivire and Eeltross - Crime goes after Electivire with Sucker Punch, while Electivire retaliates with another Thunderbolt. Gengar Shadow Balls Electivire, KOing it, and Eeltross KOs Crime with Thunderbolt.

Disorder and Gengar vs Rotom-Mow and Eeltross - Things are getting sketchy now, but we're doing alright. Gengar goes after Eeltross with a Thunderbolt. Mowtom kills Disorder with a Leaf Storm, and restores itself with a White Herb. Eeltross kills Gengar with a Thunderbolt.

Woe and Venomoth vs Mowtom and Eeltross - Almost there. Woe critically wounds Mowtom with a Fire Fang. Venomoth kills Eeltross with Psychic. Mowtom attacks with Discharge, doing decent damage to Woe and Venomoth. Next turn it's dead and Siggy is defeated.

Shuttled the orphans through the railnet, met Laura, defeated the evils of Chrysolia Forrest, and got myself an Exp. Share for training. I never found that Exp. Share anywhere in the area Techie Jonathan is looking. I plan to go back with an Itemfinder.

Anyways, did more training, got Wreckage up to 46 and Trial up to 36. Decided to go through the trainers at Serra's gym and get XP. Then the Jr. Leader challenged me, and all hell broke loose.


Wreckage vs Larvesta - Larvesta struck first with a Bug Bite, while Wreckage got off a Shell Smash. Wiped the floor with it next turn with Razor Shell.

Wreckage vs Heracross - Got a razor shell off, but Heracross survived and killed me with Close Combat.

Woe vs Heracross - While Bennett was healing, I was Flamethrowering, hoping for a reflected bounce. Instead I wasted his potions and critical hit him.

Plight vs Scyther - Scyther tries to set up with Swords Dance, but Plight will have none of it and paralyzes him with a Spark. It's dead next turn from another.

Plight vs Butterfree - I mean, I know Butterfree is pretty decent, but why not something less nooby like a Shedninja or a Wormadam? Regardless, I go with Spark, it goes with Giga Drain, I kill it with Spark. Meh.

Plight vs Vivillon - Died to Vivillion's boosted Signal Beam.

Disorder vs Vivillon - Even boosted Signal Beam was only able to drop Disorder to 55%, to which I went with Lava Plume, which came close to killing it, but Disorder took another Signal Beam and roasted Vivillon.

Disorder vs Venomoth - Died to Psychic.

Woe vs Venomoth - Got hit with Psychic, but survived, and reflected a Flamethrower for massive roasting power.

Not a fan of Bennett.

Well, I healed up, realized I was still too weak, and skipped computer to Sunday to get some easy double battles xp with Trial holding Exp. Share. Took awhile, but damn Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are phenomenal.

With everyone all leveled and evolved, it's on to Serra Nevada


Disorder vs M.Abomasnow - I got tired of the hax after my third try, so I just opened with EQ, almost killed M.Abamasnow from shatter damage.

Wreckage vs M.Abomasnow - While Serra heals up, Wreckage opens shop with a Shell Smash. Kills M.Abomasnow with Cross Chop next turn.

Wreckage vs Mamoswine - Wreckage wrecks with Razor Shell.

Wreckage vs Glaceon - I figured this would be an easy sweep, but Snow Cloak and whatever evasive bullshit it had made me miss my Cross Chop. Took serious damage from a Frost Breath. That turn hail ended, and Cross Chop hit, killing Glaceon.

Wreckage vs Cloyster - I figured I was safe, but this prick survived my Cross Chop, killing me with Icicle Spear. Sob.

Plight vs Cloyster - Went with Spark, hoping for a kill, but Serra healed it first, so I only knocked it down to half health. Went with Charge next turn while Serra healed again, and next Spark knocked it down to 20%. As I was faster, another Spark killed it.

Trial vs Vanilluxe - This is its time to shine. While Vanilluxe tries to Frost Breath me, Emboar hammers out the hurt with Heat Crash, triggering Vanilluxe's Weak Armor. I take another Frost Breath and crush it next turn with Heat Crash.

Trial vs Froslass - Froslass goes mass offensive with Shadow Ball, taking out a huge chuck of my life. Then, Trial misses his Heat Crash. Froslass goes with Frost Breath though, and gives me just a little leeway to Heat Crash it into submission.

Serra is harsh in Reborn, but Hardcore did a great job of putting her at damn tough levels.

The spoils of the battle



I'm really hating this part of the run, but it's the only way this thing keeps fresh. Someones about to go. Here's our candidates.


The Selection...


The Release...



At least it's not another G5. Lost 2 fantastic Aces prior, this one is average.

Shame I'm losing her, but I guess it's time for someone to return. Hopefully it's able to do something against Noel.

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Update #16

Following my victory, we rush outside and see the Pokemart has teleported away. We also see Bennett fall into the clutches of El. Poor Serra.

Anywho, I decided to go back and get another Breloom. I have named it PestilenceJr, It's got an Adamant Nature, 20+ most IVs, and is fully EV trained.

Did a few bouts with the Grand Hall trainers, got PestilenceJr up to scratch. Then we proceeded to bring Anna her medicine. Am I a heartless bastard? No, I am Penthus, bringer and comrade of Suffering and Grievance.

*A moment of silence for Hemlock, my Poison comrade, who apparently died on a ship in another continent without explanation*

Once Anna feels better, she decides it's time me and Noel duke it out. But first a brief interruption from your local Dragonite.

*Insert screams of Meteors getting wasted by Dragonite*

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, I'm tasked with defending the orphans and an E4 member. Da fuq? Yup.

Cue the destruction of the orderlies.


Bitch, please. This is your third trial. I come at your like a wrecking ball. Just ask Charlotte. Next up is Sirius


Actually an tough fight, but I managed. Opened with Arcanine against Chandlure. Wrecked it with a Crunch. Swapped Wreckage in while Sirius was healing, which demolished Chandlure next turn with Razor Shell. I don't remember this fight. I think I'm going to go back to shorter updates. Pretty sure there was a M.Manectric that pissed me off, as well as a Seviper and other garbage. I believe Crime saved by ass big time with Sucker Punch. Crime for MVP!!

Somehow Sigmund defeated the E4 member Laura (seriously, how), and manages to escape with the children through a window or something. Even though it's built into a mountain. Saphira and I decide to go charge the Meteor's base, to which I happily follow.

Got through quite a bit of it, and found the children, but couldn't save them. Anna did inform me that Saphira is the Hollow Lady, which I was unaware of before.


Ouch. :feelsgn:

Moving on, we meet Simon, who just lost Tara. Boohoo. Next time don't try to justify other peoples misery with your own salvation, you worm.

Further up we meet Siggy, ZEL, Sirius, and PULSE Abra...which promptly shoves us under the Meteor base in into the lair of....


This thing. Which Mega evolves. Pfff.

Go Crime! Use Counter! It's a OHKO! Gargantuan Mega Steelix has fainted! How many exclamation points are legal in a battle?!?!



Moving on to PULSE Abra


This one was a lot trickier without Hyper Beam saving my ass. But I managed with MVP Crime's double Sucker Punch, and Focus Sashed PestilenceJr's double Mach Punch. I don't get how else you're supposed to beat this fight. Are you expecting the player to carry multiple Sturdy pokemon for this?

With PULSE Abra defeated, Lin arrives, showcasing her intimidation and jogging foggy memories awake.


Princess gets annihilated. Everyone weeps. Anna goes bonkers. Noel goes back to fight me.


Noel had a fun team. Not a good team. I think Snorlax needs a place here over Lickilicky. Or go full evil with Blssey. Mega Lopunny over Mega Audino. Mega Khanaskhan is probably too powerful, especially with Flinchinno already on the team.

PestilenceJr vs Flinchinno - Technician and Black Belt and STAB and SE Mach Punch. Good riddance. Biggest threat terminated in one hit.

Plight vs Staraptor - Plight tanked a Brave Bird, retaliated with a Spark. This lead into a Spark - Ultra Potion fight, during which I paralyzed Staraptor. Got 2 Sparks of in succession for a KO.

PestilenceJr vs Lickilicky - See Flinchinno, but imagine Force Palm. Both your mind and Lickilicky's are blown.

Wreckage vs Porygon-Z - Died to critical hit Psychic. I wonder if it could have taken a non-crit Psychic?

Plight vs Poygon-Z - Died to Tri-Attack. Speedy little bastard.

Crime vs Porygon-Z - Tanked a Tri-Attack, but got paralyzed. Still hit Rock Tomb. Next turn survived Psychic with 3 HP, and was paralyzed. Went with Sucker Punch, then died to Psychic. 0-3 Porygon-Z overwhelming.

PestilenceJr vs Porygon-Z - Mach Punch KO. Steak broken, momentum resuscitated.

PestilenceJr vs M.Audino - Force Palm crits, knocks it down to half health. Die to Dazzling Gleam. Totally forgot it's a part Fairy. Damn.

Trial vs M.Audino - Tanked a Dazzling Gleam, killed it with Heavy Slam. That's how we do it.

Woe vs Clefable - Field boosted Flamethrower did decent damage. As did Clefable's Hidden Power. Lost quite a bit of that initial hurt from Field+Leftovers heal. Did another Flamethrower. Got lucky when it only did Moonblast. 25 HP left. Another Flamethrower still doesn't kill it, Woe dies to another HP.

Trial vs Clefable - Tanked a HP, crushed it with Heavy Slam. The ground shook at the might of Trial.

The spoils of the battle



And with the Standard badge, it's time for a Standard departure from this team. Who will it be? Let's present the candidates.


The Selection...


The Release...



I don't understand why the RNG hates Gen 5 pokemon so much.

Well, guess I need another replacement. With Radomus up soon, and Fern even sooner, let's see what I can find.

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This one was a lot trickier without Hyper Beam saving my ass. But I managed with MVP Crime's double Sucker Punch, and Focus Sashed PestilenceJr's double Mach Punch. I don't get how else you're supposed to beat this fight. Are you expecting the player to carry multiple Sturdy pokemon for this?

(points to sturdy Magnemite with T-wave) Trust me, I beat it with a normal team, but you have to know what you're doing or it'll devour you. If it is too powerful or I get enough complaints, I'll lower it 5-10 levels, but the moveset isn't changing. I could probably name quite a few ways to do this and if a certain someone didn't remove the lucky egg at the start, it wouldn't be so tedious (seriously, I can't even play Hardcore without it anymore).

As for Noel, I originally though he was kind of tough, but I get what everyone is saying. I thought he'd be too strong because I've seen a huge number of complaints about Noel in his Pre-nerf days (he might also become a doubles fight...in E16 though). I'm probably going to do a log of a test run I'm doing for adjustments and when I reach Noel, I'll do a poll about the Mega and Lickilicy's replacement.

What I won't do ever is Snorlax. I believe El is going to have one when we face him (in a very early release, there was a special cameo fight against El where you could fight his Snorlax as a bonus). Generally when there are multiple leaders of a type, I try to avoid dupes to make them a bit more unique. I thought Lickilicky would hold his ground with all of those boosted moves, but I suppose not.

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Update #17

Going to try and not have a gigantic loss of time between battles, so that I can remember what happened. What better place to start than Route 1, the bane of all speed runs?

Anyways, after gaining the Standard badge and losing poor Trial, I went out and got another tanky badass. One that is perfect for Radomous. Presenting...Mishap the Escalliver. With a non existant speed, it should dominate poor Radomous' Trick Room. Usually I just go in and wreck with double battle treachery (Emolga Discharge + Sandslash Earthquake, or Magneton Discharge + Krookodile Moxie Crunch). Might as well try this trickery out and enjoy the free laughs.

Well, I got his butt trained up in HP and Attack, decided to go noob hunting. Except then I saw this.


This twerp is standing there the whole time, waiting for me. Not only is he a confirmed stalker, but a confirmed no-lifer, in addition to his laurels of worst rival ever and superiority complex. Damn I'd love to hand him over to Siggy.


Got quite a surprise when I saw Haxorous here. With no Ice users, I knew this would be a tricky battle.

Wreckage vs Haxorous - Haxorous gets first hit with Iron Tail, but Wreckage survives and sets up a Shell Smash. Next turn I follow through with a Cross Chop...but fail to kill Hax. I die to a Dragon Claw.

Mishap vs Haxorous - My team is far too weak to take a hit from this thing, so I just start spamming Iron Head, while Fern tries to keep it alive. Once out of Berry Ice Creams, Haxorous tries to set up a Dragon Dance, proving Fern's pure genius, given he only had that turn left to live. Iron Head KOs it.

Woe vs Roserade - Roserade gets the jump on me with Hidden Power, but only manages 30 damage. Obliterated with a Fire Fang.

PestilenceJr vs Krookodile - Pestilence is unbelievably faster than Krookodile, and rubs it in with a OHKO Force Palm.

Woe vs Scizor - One Flamethrower ends it. Was surprised there was no Occa Berry here too, but I guess Fern's too stupid to think that far.

Woe vs M.Sceptile - Got scared here because it hit me really hard with a Focus Blast. But field-boosted Fire Fang does its work well, and wipes it out in one hit.

Woe vs Ferrothorn - Laughed when Fern said I was a thorn in his side, after he sent this out. Well played. But Flamethrower #rekt

Going to try and just blow through Route 1. To hell with the goodies.

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#Update #18

In this adventure we see our hero Penthus get pwned by a signpost.


Apparently I never updated the Tauros sprite correctly. Oops. I'll get that fixed.

Oh ya, there's also a fight with Cain and the thorough takedown of a Darceus by a plant with fists.

Totally ignored the forrest and goodies, and just focused on getting to Radomus. Upon arrival I met Luna for the first time, and then was challenged to a battle by Cain.


This went pretty well.

Wreckage vs Muk - Muk is apparently really weak against Wreckage, so I got to set up two Shell Smashes...and got poisoned in the process. GF streak. Well, i got time to do some....wreckage. Muk goes down to Razor Shell.

Wreckage vs Nidoking - Goes down to Razor Shell.

Wreckage vs Samurott - Tried to kill it with Night Slash because Cross Chop was too risky. Samurott didn't die, but I did from poison. It chose to use Dig though.

PestilenceJr vs Samurott - I was too fast for it, so my first turn got wasted, but I got hit with a weak, but critical, Dig. Stupid Samurott. EAT SEED BOMBS BITCH!

Mishap vs M.Gengar - I thought I could survive better with Mishap...but I forgot I'm not that powerful against it. Here's a pic of Chibi Gengar


Woe vs Chibi M.Gengar - Wasted it with a Crunch after tanking a Shadow Ball.

PestlenceJr vs Absol - Force Palm crushed it.

Crime vs Garvantula - Tanked a Electric Gem boosted Discharge, and the buried it in a Rock Tomb.

Cain gets "bent over", to which I quote Radomus


Anyways, lo and behold El had a Fern moment and decided to abduct Gardevoir.


I definitely agree. No respect yo.

Cain follows suit and questions why Radomus is not concerned about a Psychic type that is ca[able of Teleporting, laying waste with Psychic, or just being a general nuisance with Calm Mind tranquility.Luna requests we go after her, so we all agree to go save El find Gardevoir.

Fast forward.



This guy is so Hax. I also wonder why there are 4 of us and I'm the only one who fights this monstrosity.

W/E, lets go.

Crime vs Darceus - Survived a Focus Blast thanks to Sturdy, and let off a field-boosted Rock Tomb, dropping Arceus to an abusable speed tier. I get off a Sucker Punch, and die to another Force Palm.

Woe vs Darceus - Gets off a Retaliate to start with, and then tanks a Judgement thanks to its remarkable Fire typing. I follow through with a Flamethorower, setting it up for strike 3 before I die to another Judgement.

PestilenceJr vs Darceus - Thanks to the abusable speed tier, I get my Force Palm going first, and remove the remaining 50-55% of Darceus' health left. Plant with fists wins again!

Up next is Radomus' torture facility.

Also, to note, I got the Itemfinder on my way down to the Grand Gates, and on my way to the Coral Ward I dropped by the Grand Hall to see where the Exp.Share was. I was met with this


The other side only had a Green Shard in the statue. So apparently the official release saw the removal of both Lucky Egg and Exp. Share. I would suggest putting them back so the early game grind doesn't suck so hard. Thanks :)

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Update #19

Once we stopped Adrienn from killing himself (although he may with the work of rebuilding Reborn), I walked with Cain and GG and Radomus back to Vanhanen Castle. Didn't do much here, so let's skip to the fight.


Not at all easy. This is the first time I struggled with Radomus, but Mishap was a fantastic choice. I just wish he used Trick Room like he was supposed to. What a jerk.

Wreckage and Woe vs Gallade and Renuculus - Since trick room wasn't up until the following turn, I opted to go with my fastest to take advantage of his slower team. Wreckage Night Slashes Renuculus and did about 33% damage, Woe Fire Fangs Gallade doing about 55%. Woe gets hit by Gallade Close Combat, Wreckage gets annihilated by Renuculus Focus Blast. That Rock typing is a blessing and a curse.

Mishap and Woe vs Gallade and Renuculus - Woe finishes Gallade off with Fire Fang, Renuculus finishes Woe with Psychic, Mishap sets up a Swords Dance. Still no Trick Room.

Mishap and PestilenceJr vs Malamar and Renuculus - PestilenceJr Force Palms Malamar. Malamar hits PestilenceJr with Superpower. Renuculus hits Mishap with a petty Psychic (yay field Rock typing being useless), Mishap starts its killstreak with Renuculus and X-Scissor.

Mishap and Crime vs Malamar and Slowking - Malamar goes after Crime with Superpower, but Crime survives thanks to Sturdy. Slowking goes after Mishap with Psychic (agani, barely doing damage). Mishap crushes Slowking with X-Scissor, Crime Counter kills Malamar. Clean field.

Mishap and Crime vs G.Gardevoir and Metagross - Basically Mishap is the only pokemon left that has any hope here. Crime gets it's final attack, Sucker Punch, off on Metagross. G.Gardevoir goes all "waka waka" and mega evolves, and kills Crime with Psychic. Metagross misses its Meteor Mash.Mega G goes down to Mishap's X-Scissor.

Mishap and Plight vs Metagross - Plight goes first with Crunch, but it's not enough to take Metagross out. Metagross counters with Meteor Mash on Plight, KOing it. Mishap, with about 20% of its HP left, KOs Metagross with another X-Scissor.

The spoils of the battle



An uneeded level boost atm, since I kicked his ass with lv 53-55s

But with our eight badge comes our tenth release (Corey and Kiki count, but they welched).

Here are the candidates.


The Selection...


The Release...



Seriously????? 5 out of 10 have been Gen 5. Desolation, Mayhem, Congress, Trial and now Mishap. FFS.

Time to go save Luna.

BTW, to my avid readers, we are nearing the Agate Circus cutoff point. If you have any pokemon you think I should include (or want to see) in future updates, be sure to post. I know i want to give Drought Ninetails a shot.

Edited by Dragon116
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TBH, I'm not sure what I did to his team, but I know it wasn't much. IIRC, Gallade is now Assault Vested and I think his team has coverage moves (thankfully, he uses his inaccurate moves unlike some people cough*Ciel*cough). Not much changed for Radomus outside a huge level buff. That's how good his team is. Very underrated and Ame did a good job. Radomus doesn't do trick room because he doesn't need to. If you run fast mons though, I have seen him do it (which saves you on Gardevoir).

But yeah GG terrifies me. Radomus team is strong and if you don't plan your moves in advanced, it will devour your team. The first time I beat it was under Trick Room which was a godsend seeing it destroyed. But yeah, that was the one and only time I used Escalvier.

And man, the RNG really doesn't like you having nice things. I see you praise a new comrade...and then they get axed. I do recommend picking up a big number of Pokemon (even if you aren't going to use them) as there are some very, very hard fights up there. Seriously, don't even consider going there without having a good selection of backups because some of those fights are at the peak of difficulty (like Samson).

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Update #20


Ok, I'm calm enough. I'm sure you can guess why I just had a breakdown there. *More muffled screams*

Alright, so after I almost got annihilated by Radomus, Luna ends up captured by El and taken to an area far, far away. El also tries to capture Cain and I, but Cain actually does something useful and saves me. This is the first time in all my runs that I actually needed Cain, since for once my pokemon actually were messed up. In my previous runs, my team was sparkling perfect. This time I had a severly crippled Mishap (who hadn't been released quite yet). Cain sacrifices his butt in the name of my freedom (probably the first time he did anything with his butt that wasn't sexual). I escape the Eddie Van Halen castle, and find Radomus in a corner, seemingly minding his own business. He gives me a lead and a staircase out of his prison. I flee back to Reborn City, where poor Mr. Mishap is given a farewell.

Once back in Reborn, I beeline to 7th street and get all the goodies (Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Captured Pokemon, Lucky Egg), and then pop down into the Sub Seven Sanctum (how did they get a place here?). A quick maze and Arceus puzzle later, and we are met with


Am I the only one that notices one of these cultists just doesn't belong here? One of these cultists is not like the others? One of these cultists seems to have a mustache?

W/E, we free Luna, Bennett gets verbally smacked down by GG, and then Luna gives me a nifty trinket and the opening to my 9th gym badge. But first I need to get my new Gen 5 recruit...and I head back inside and nab me a Litwick. With all that good stuff done, on to Iolia Valley.

But then I see Bennett is stalking me.


Oh God, please don't be like Cain. I can only take one gay admirer at a time.

And then later in the corner of a dark alley cave


Err....ya....sure....please don't stalk me.


AHHHHH. Bird Jesus Almighty Helix!! Luna HELP ME!! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN HIS CAGES *weeps*


Oh...you really did just want Luna *cleans up face* well then why don't we just -


So you can stalk her to? Aw hell no! Balls out, bitch. And that zipper better stay up.


After our meeting in Serra's gym, I already had an idea of what to expect. And it went fairly well.

Crime vs Volcania - Took 2 tries, but OHKO it with a Stone Edge after surviving a boosted Signal Beam.

Woe vs M.Heracross - Got caught off guard with the mega evolution, but it fired off a paltry Pin Missile, and then I forced him to waste 2 Moomoo Milks healing it while I wailed on it with Flamethrower.

Woe vs Yanmega - Tanked a Bug Buzz, and wiped it out with a Flamethrower.

Woe vs Scizor - Incinerated it with Flamethrower.

Woe vs Venomoth - Almost got it with a Flamethrower, but it survived and killed me with boosted Signal Beam. Drats.

Crime vs Venomoth - While Bennett wastes his last Moomoo milk on Venomoth, I rip it to shreds with Stone Edge.

Crime vs Butterfree - Seriously? This thing is still here? Ugh. I nail it with a Sucker Punch for about 20% damage, and it wipes me out with Giga Drain.

Wreckage vs Butterfree - I was hoping for some luck, but my Razor Shell only managed to drop it to 45%. Got slightly lucky and tanked a boosted Signal Beam. I fired off another Razor Shell, but died to Giga Drain, putting it back up to 30%.

PestilenceJr vs Butterfree - I knew this was a bad matchup, but I tried to smack it with a Force Palm anyways. It didn't work much, only dropping it to 15%. I die to a boosted Signal Beam.

Isolation vs Butterfree - At this point, I hadn't actually named my new Litwick anything, but it's name is Isolation. It also had evolved into a Lampent, but was still Lv 44. Here's the result.


4 HP between victory and defeat. That is way too close for comfort. With that done, I heal up and head back to Reborn for some grinding. Also evolved Isolation to Chandlure and renamed it while there. Also picked up a bunch of pokemon for later when I did the Squirtle, Mr. Bigglesworth, and Helix Cult quests. I feel slightly better about my chances going forward.


PestilenceJr vs Carter - Massive wreckage with Force Palm.

Woe vs HumptyDumpty - Was anticipating Malamar here, but I like the switch to Spiritomb. Although without Fairy moves, this just got a lot harder. I get two Flamethrowers off before dying to two Dark Pulses.

Isolation vs HumptyDumpty - This is it's moment to shine. I nail it hard with a boosted Shadow Ball after Luna Hyper Potions it. We get into a Shadow Ball - Hyper Potion war, and then HD dies. Yay.

PestilenceJr vs BandiSnach - It mega evolves. I mega take its head off. #PlantWithFists

Wreckage vs MarchHare - I get off a Razor Shell for very pathetic damage before falling to a boosted Shadow Ball. Weak.

Isolation vs MarchHare - Round 2. Batter up. MarchHare down to another boosted Shadow Ball.

Crime vs JubJubBird - I had a feeling this would be Mandibuzz before I even saw it. I also had no idea birds could resist rocks so well. I manage 1 Stone Edge and a Sucker Punch before falling to two Foul Plays. This bird is fowl. Huehue.

Isolation vs JubJubBird - Though I might die here, so I nailed it with a Flame Burst, but failed to kill it. I die to a Dark Pulse.

PestilenceJr vs JubJubBird - Basically down to my last pokemon, but I nail it with Force Palm and clear it off the field. Phew.

PestilenceJr vs CheshireCat - Damn Umbreon is really tanky. I hit it with a Force Palm and drop it to 20%,,,,and get lucky with a paralyze! It fails to move the same turn, giving me the opening to Force Palm it once again for the win.

YIIIIIKES. Never knew Luna could be that devastating. Didn't help that I only had 5 pokemon thanks to the need for Rock Smash Kricketune. There needs to be a PC in Luna's office.

The spoils of the battle.


And hey, before we get locked out of the entire rest of the game, why not release one of our cherished teammates? Our contestants tonight.


The Selection...


The Release...



Why does this keep happening???????????????????????????

I HATE RNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Muffled screams*

I'm just going to sit over here....

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Considering what's coming up, I'm just going to say ouch! I mean Chandelure would've been useful to Samson and Charlotte, but they wouldn't be surefire. Also, I think the RNG has an issue with 5. I said this before and I will say it again, make sure you are prepared for the Point of No Return as there are some very, very hard battles past this point. Samson is easily the strongest of the circus trio and I might nerf his levels (or make a level cap of 67) due to this little exp issue.

As for Luna, I actually watched a video of a league battle and those were nicknames for the Pokemon she used pre Gen VI iirc (season 2). I decided to base her more on a defensive strategy as it seemed to work for her better...which is odd since the AI prefers hyper offensive usually. As for Mega T-tar, I didn't have much choice as Mega Sableye kind screwed over Sableye as a Pokemon due to the loss of Prankster. I'm not sure what Hardy will have, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

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Mega Sableye is cancer with those recover magic bounces and calm mind, that would be just unfair x)

Anyway yep, RNG doesn't like you i guess...I hope you will be able to beat Samson D:

But sorry for asking because i looked for all episodes at once , but did you get Ralts yet? You can turn him into a Gallade, making it the gen 4 spot and having a good weapon agaisnt Samson D:

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@Commander - I think I'll spend some time today looking for some good type trumpers. I know I want to pickup a Hawlucha post PONR. Luna was still hyper Offensive thanks to that field, but since her pokemon were slated towards the tanky side (i'm assuming they're all perfect EV/IV and Nature) it did the work of defense without using abilities.

@Hiroki - Not to mention its extreme defenses. TBH I didn't expect Chandlure to do much against Samson because his team is typically fast, and carries Dark moves. I also did grab Ralts during my training run, same time I did the Squirtle and whatnot quests.

Right now workng on grabbing that Beldum (did you know it's only a maximum of 3% chance to catch?), and then I will probably breed another Ralts so I can have Gardevoir and Gallade (G3 and G4 woo) for the fights post PONR. Not really sure what I'll replace Chandlure with atm. I'll figure it out today. Hopefully I'll have an update for you all today.

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Update #21

Well, I wanted an update, but this is as much as I got. Basically spent all day doing a last sweep of interesting pokemon, and training my new recruit. Meet Rue the Renuculus.


Yup, I went and got the Yueryu Key and also nabbed Rotom. I was considering getting Magnezone, but I ran in in Run 2 and it was mediocre. Sturdy T-Wave was its biggest advantage, which was usually followed up with Gardevoir's Destiny Bond for those obnoxious bosses. Beyond that it lacked the offensive power to drive home the damage it needed to justify its slow speed. With fighting, fire, ground, and flying gyms left, it only has advantage in flying, and even then it got pounded by EQ. Levitate Rotom should spell hell for Ciel though hahaha. Byxbyzion signs are trippy tho.


Grabbed a few data chips in 7th street for later too, one of which I'm planning to use to get a Rotom form. We'll see what I need when I get there. This is my farewell to Reborn City. From here on out it's one man and his suicide squad vs the terrors of T3RR4 and her crew.


It's been fun. But it's now time to cross the point of no return. Also, I fixed the Tauros sprite issue :)

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Update #21

Well, I wanted an update, but this is as much as I got. Basically spent all day doing a last sweep of interesting pokemon, and training my new recruit. Meet Rue the Renuculus.


Yup, I went and got the Yueryu Key and also nabbed Rotom. I was considering getting Magnezone, but I ran in in Run 2 and it was mediocre. Sturdy T-Wave was its biggest advantage, which was usually followed up with Gardevoir's Destiny Bond for those obnoxious bosses. Beyond that it lacked the offensive power to drive home the damage it needed to justify its slow speed. With fighting, fire, ground, and flying gyms left, it only has advantage in flying, and even then it got pounded by EQ. Levitate Rotom should spell hell for Ciel though hahaha. Byxbyzion signs are trippy tho.


Grabbed a few data chips in 7th street for later too, one of which I'm planning to use to get a Rotom form. We'll see what I need when I get there. This is my farewell to Reborn City. From here on out it's one man and his suicide squad vs the terrors of T3RR4 and her crew.


It's been fun. But it's now time to cross the point of no return. Also, I fixed the Tauros sprite issue :)

I sorta foresaw you are going to get Reuniclus as it is hard hitter on special side second to Isolation~

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Update #22

We begin this update with Cain having his Nidoking blow down a door. This guy is so hax.

All is forgiven as we get to meet the glorious T3RR4.

Cain gets Pwn'd



You're worse. You're not even funny.

T3RRA plays Price is Right



Well at least I still have mah wheels. *Rings bell on bicycle.

T3RR4 tries baseball




More like...rawr.

Cain learns fear



But Cain is stubborn and doesn't give up. Curse that assworm.

We get graciously escorted to Agate Circus, where T3RR4 informs us she will go hit the showers, and cha-chas real smooth. The ringmaster confirms the showers were indeed met with the rawr powerawr of Terawrawrawr. Luckily we found Aya resting comfortably in the Big Top Tent, so Cain relieved and I can finally ditch him again.

Crustle puzzle fully solved in about 15 minutes, and then we get to the Chateau de Gym Leaders where we get the battle pass for Samson. Then, GG pops on the TV and gives us all a dire warning.



So Team Meteor somehow managed to set up 3 PULSEs without anyone seeing anything. Bravo. Mr. Mime, Clawitzer, and The Lullaby will be dealt with post haste!...or not since they're not even reachable atm. Curses!!

Back to the circus were we have more time with my BFF.

T3RRA Checks Ciel





And then T3RR4 tells psychics what's up...literally


I got a fever, and the only cure is more T3RRA.

Now it's time to beat the crap out of strongman Samson.


Rue vs Hariyama - I set up Trick Room while Hariyama goes with Heavy Slam. It hurts, but not as much as my Psychic next turn. OHKO. Begin the sweep!

Rue vs Miensho - OHKO Psychic.

Rue vs M.Lucario - I didn't expect the mega evolution to make that big of a difference. Apparently it did as it survived my Psychic and killed me. Drats.

PestilenceJr vs M.Lucario - Samson tries to heal, but PestilenceJr wrecks it with a Nice! Force Palm. Trick Room expires as Blaziken arrives.

PestilenceJr vs Blaziken - But PestilenceJr is much faster, and wrecks it with another Nice! Force Palm. #PlantWithFistsOnBigTopArenaOP

Crime vs Hawlucha - I'm sure you can guess how this went. Hawlucha goes with HJK, I survive with Stury and Counter retaliate for a OHKO.

PestilenceJr vs Conkledurr - I figured this was a cinch. I go with Force Palm...hit an OK!...and Conkledurr survives and OHKOs me with Ice Punch. SOB.

Woe vs Conkledurr - Intimidate gives me some reprieve I hope. I go with Retaliate as Samson heals Conkledurr up, and I barely make a scratch. I go with Fire Fang and only drop it to about 60% before I die.

Wreckage vs Conkledurr - I was hoping I could end it, but I missed Razor Shell, and died to Brick Break.

Crime vs Conkledurr - Only thing I can do here is Sucker Punch, and I drop it into the yellow before dying.

Plight vs Conkledurr - Things aren't looking good, but Plight has the power to do this. I go with Wild Charge and nail it. Conkledurr goes down!

The spoils of the battle



Once the battle ends, we round up and get just a little more Queen o' B00ty time.

T3RR4 checks Ciel








If only Ciel could show a red face.

Meet Timmy




Alas, it's time to release another of our dear, dear comrades. Who will it be? Let's see who we have!


The Selection...


The Release...



Time to get to Charlotte's gym. I think I have enough selection here to manage. If not, Thick Fat Mamoswine may be making an appearance.

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...I thought you'd have a harder time on Samson, but then again Trick Room helps. One shotting Hariyama probably save you a lot of grief because if you can, it'll pretty much OHKO the attacker. Good job winning that battle and good luck on Charlotte. For some reason, I've always had trouble with her (and now Florinia).

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