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About a Bidoof

Ojama Yellow

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I just couldn't think of a better title. Anyway, I'm making this topic for three different reasons.

First one is my Reborn anniversary. I've been here for about two years now. For the sharp people who notice that I only joined the forum the 19th of February in 2014, yes, I actually was on the server for almost half a year before joining the forum.

I don't even remember clearly how it all started. I had problems at home, problems with school, problems with being social. Of course, my troubles still were nothing compared to what some other people here experience, but still. And what is the first thing an unstable, immature 16-year old does when he has nothing else to do? Whatever it is, it's not searching Google Play to find a Pokemon Online game. That way, I found Pokemon Online. I originally only joined for shits and giggles. It would be a temporary thing, I thought. I'm only doing this until I get bored of it, I thought.

I entered the Reborn server instead of PO main, PO's Lounge and all those other servers. Again, I don't remember why. At first, I was still thinking that I would be gone soon enough. But then I started making friends. Me. Making friends. The thing I thought I was fully incapable of. I started something goofy called the Cookieclan not much longer with a friend. Unlike the name suggests, you couldn't really call it a clan. The only things that Cookieclan members did, was put [COOKIE] in front of their name and take over the entire main chat.

Months passed. Cookieclan died out, with my co-creator leaving Reborn. Other members left. I still kept the clantag in front of my name for a lot longer than I should have. I also became more mature, in a way. That doesn't mean I actually became mature; I'm still not mature, mind you. Around this time, I also began to notice that my immature way of talking and overall being was pissing some people off. I tried working on it, but shit didn't work out, and now I sometimes (try to) act like an actual 18-year old, and sometimes revert to my 6-year old form.

All that happened after that, was just making new friends, battling, being online, and actually staying. Looking back now, I can't believe I've been here for two full years. On the other side, I can't believe it has only been two years. Reborn played a major role in my life. Without all of you, I would have never been the person I am right now. I'd like to thank all of you for that...but of course, I need to thank a few people in particular. I'm gonna put this in chronological order, because that also makes it easier for me.

- Wendel: Not including you in this list would be one of the biggest sins I could commit. You were the first friend I ever made here. In a way, also the most important. If you and Shiney wouldn't have been there, chances were I wouldn't be here anymore either. Even though our conversations just...died out the past few months, you still have a special place in my heart. Reborn would have never been the same for me without you, bro.

- Shiney: You'll never read this, I know that. However, I can't go around not mentioning you. I don't even remember how exactly we met. You were the one to create the Cookieclan, to be completely honest. You were also, next to Wendel, one of the people I instantly liked and befriended when I came online. The people who read this will probably not know her, since she never made a forum account or anything. Like me at the time, I was only there for the community.

- Reevs: We don't talk much anymore, do we? Still, I just can't leave you out of this list. You joined Reborn...two days after me? Three? Whatever, that isn't important. Much like Wendel and Shiney, you were the third and last person in my early period in Reborn whom I really could call a friend. Thanks, Reevs.

- Wobbs: Yeah, I'm going to call you Wobbs forever now. I think I befriended you around the time Cookieclan started dying. And by god, you've been one of the best friends I ever had, if not the best. Whenever I had/have trouble with something, I can just come to you and talk to you about it. And you're still putting up with me. Wobbs, you're one of the greatest people I have ever met. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

- Mik: I befriended you and Wobbs around the same time, I think. Oh my god, Mik. You've always been there for me. You've always put up with my shit. I really, really appreciate it. Just like Wobbs, you're one of the most awesome people I have ever met. And if there was one person I enjoy talking to? It's still you.

- Dash: Also from somewhere around that time. Jesus, Dashie. I'm not going to lie, that time you ragequit from Reborn made me pretty angry and sad. But at least you're back, and it's like you've never been gone. You've been doing great work for Reborn, plus you've been a great friend to me. And if I need someone to battle wails or kerns with...

- Kyo: I can only imagine how appealing the mute command looks when I'm spouting nonsense all over main chat. The first time I talked to you... That must have been a long time ago as well. Anyway, I always liked, respected and everything else'd you. You've been a great friend for me. Thank you.

- Vinny: You just can't stay out of this list, can you? We may not talk as frequently, but I've taken a liking to you. I dunno when or how. I don't think I've ever seen you in a bad mood, so that might have something to do with it as well. Whenever you don't warn, me, you're an awesome guy.

- Azery: You may or may not be surprised to be in this list. I don't know. I remember when you first came on Reborn, with all those spelling errors and stuff. And honestly, I recognized myself in you right there. If I need to find someone to goof around with? You're almost always on on the server. If I need Hackmons Cup really quickly? You're there. Thanks, mate.

- Zeph: Oh my god, I don't even know where to start. It's only been about nine months since we really started talking, and we only really talked the first three months or so. I'm not a person to quickly take a liking to someone, but you were the exception. I know you're also being very busy with school and stuff currently, so good luck to you as well. Thanks for being you.

- Flux: I'm going to be honest, I wasn't sure of putting you in here as well. Then I remember WTC, and my doubts vanished. I think I first met you on the RP forums. You looked like... I don't know, a stern, serious person, a lot more mature than me. I guess I only really started to know you once you started WTC. Around that time, I felt like smacking my face for not talking to you earlier.

- Shia: Oh my god. I don't think there's anyone I talked to as much as you in private, Shia. Despite me knowing you only for less than three months. I want you to know that you've been a really great friend to me. Whenever I want to talk to someone, anyone, you're always there. Thank you, Shia.

- Shing: Last but not least. This list wouldn't be complete without you. I succesfully got you addicted to Hackmons Cup, and nowadays, you should the person I play it with the most. I've grown to really like you, mate. Thanks for putting up with the insane loads of Hackmons Cup bullshit I throw at you.

Of course, if I were to list all the people I like/respect, I'd still be at it for two hours. Because pretty much every single person here on Reborn has one trait or characteristic I respect them for. Even if I don't like them.

What's the second reason? Well, it's gonna be a lot less fun to talk about, at least for me.

Graduate school has started for me. I've been getting a lot more chores lately, and I've been trying to be more social in real life as well. You may already know where this is going. Yes, I'm going to be less active. People on the server might have seen it already, but it's going to get even worse. Currently, I'm already happy when I'm able to come on the server one day a week, and I fear that's not going to get better.

This isn't a topic where I'm saying I will be leaving, because fuck no, you guys will still have to put up with me. However, I'd like to say/announce that I'll be a lot less active, especially on the server. I wish there was a way around this, but nope. Life be lifing.

The third thing I'd like to do is apologize to the people of the RP forum, something I should have done a long time ago, especially to Wobbs, Chimchain and Jory.

You three gave me the chance to jump in on Ymora Academy, and I just proceeded to...disappear from the RP forum. Without a trace. Without leaving a message. I don't even remember why I re-joined the RP forum. Looking back at it now, I really should have let something know. I think I was afraid. Afraid and ashamed to face you guys again after all of that. I've never even apologized to Wobbs about that. I don't know if this fixes anything, but this apology goes out to all the RP forum members that I just...left. To all the RPs I just disappeared out of. I'm really sorry, everyone.

Of course, this topic can't just end with this message. So I'd like to say to everyone on Reborn: thank you for everything. I'll see all of you later. Oh, and one last thing.

ForeverBidoof_9526909a3f837adbff2f21d515 -> me right now

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Congratulations on your anniversary!!!

I never really got to know you as you started to be around less as I started to be around more but from what I have seen you seem like a really nice guy. Hope that you can still be around as much as you can!

Edited by mde2001
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  • Veterans

So that's why you haven't been around as much....damn. Regardless, you're awesome man, a great person and a highly amusing one. You got me hooked on hackmons and never have I had as much fun playing matches XD.....though I do rage quit from time to time.....like yesterday XD. Anyways eez sad you won't be around as much but that doesn't matter. Keep safe and keep bidoofing man!

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2 things, least important to most.

First, the RP thing. There is no fault on your part in regards to the RP. I asked you to come on, hoping you could get back into the RPing that you used to do but unfortunately I asked you to come in at a tumultuous time in Ymoras life span. Even with Jorys blessed attempt to continue it, Ymora was dying. When Jory stopped posting, it died. If fault lies with anyone on that, it's me for not trying to continue what Jory did. Still, the reboot is happening and you're welcome to shoot us an app anytime, though it sounds like your schedule won't allow it. Options still open though, due to unashamed bias on part of the co host.

Second, I hardly put up with you man. When you come to me wanting to say something, it's important and I NEVER mind helping out with something important. Especially when it is with quite literally my first friend on Reborn. Not kidding about that, I remember being confused when someone with an Ash faic avatar popped in my friend box. I do still remember that avatar. So, formally speaking, you are my first registered friend here.

So, with that said, go live your life. But don't be a stranger mate. And bloody ping me when you're around.

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Happy freaking 1 year reborn anniversary Bidoofy.

I have to thank you for the hackmon cup a lot. I haven't had so much fun in showdown after getting tiresome for teambuilding.

That i want to thank you alot, same with the battles.

And man, you are my favourite person to play against really in hackmon.

We had our bullshit hax moments, but that's what hackmon is for even when you took my points in the showdown ladder XD.

And i hope we can have these matches more in the future. Seriously, you are one of the people that i love to be with.

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Based god Bidoof hungry for- Wait shit, wrong game.

Happy Reborn-versary! And pls, we must play moar Wail-Kerns battles.

I'm also busy in life, whihc happens to hit you when you least want it to, sometimes I have 30+ hour weeks, sometimes I barely have hours. I know dat feel, so no worries.

Just drop on by whenever possible!

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First one is my Reborn anniversary. I've been here for about two years now. For the sharp people who notice that I only joined the forum the 19th of February in 2014, yes, I actually was on the server for almost half a year before joining the forum.

That doesn't count. Permission to kick a Bidoof's ass - Granted

I had problems at home, problems with school, problems with being social. Of course, my troubles still were nothing compared to what some other people here experience, but still.

Hello there, Vinny

The only things that Cookieclan members did, was put [COOKIE] in front of their name and take over the entire main chat.

And even though I never went to the server in PO, I still remember that tag.

and now I sometimes (try to) act like an actual 18-year old, and sometimes revert to my 6-year old form.

...you're 18?

Anyway, looks like real life came knocking, hmm? Don't sweat it mate, that's just how life is. Take care of your life first, so you can have more spare time in the future to be here. It's sad to hear you're leaving, bu--

This isn't a topic where I'm saying I will be leaving, because fuck no, you guys will still have to put up with me.

Son of a...

Well, happy anniversary I guess~

Don't drink too much because I won't take care of your drunk ass.

tl;dr - Bibs/Fruit thing/Based God Bidoof you're a super awesome guy and if we don't talk much, is because I don't know what words are (If my warning wasn't enough to prove that). But you've left your mark here, so please, feel free to kick me anytime you see me online on Skype <3

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Oi, happy anniversary Bibs! I agree that we may not have been the closest of people around here, and I could never really pinpoint when we started talking, but I'm glad we did! I've been a bit quiet and withdrawn from Reborn in general lately, which I regret (Though it's a bit unavoidable atm), but I'll be sticking around for a while more because of the great people like you. Make sure you stick around!

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