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Animation Coronation


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If you think I'm gonna stop using this rhyming topic title format for animation things, well, honey you've got a big storm comin'.

And so do these guys with all the work to be done! I unfortunately do not have the time or, oddly, the stamina, to type as elaborate of as a post as Kuro has or I normally might, but rest assured it is not for lack of appreciation on my party. In any case, I want to publicly welcome the few individuals working on animations to the development side of things!

The first one who will be helping out is Bazaro-- not like he wasn't already, since he pretty much made half of the Mega shinies and god knows how many of the original shiny project. Actually, in addition to animations, he's going to continue to help me out with graphics in the game more directly for a while.

Next up is Koyo. Not to be confused with Kyoyo, Koyo is a promising artist I first met on tumblr some number of weeks ago as she was looking for development info on her own project. Like I said in the first topic, I was hoping to get some other fan-game developers in the mix, and lo and behold here we are.

Third is Smeargletail, another veteran of the shiny spriting project who quite like Bazaro has been helping out on the side, meticulously quality checking graphic files and fixing problems in them that I didn't even know existed. I have high hopes that he'll show the same care in animations too

And finally, everyone's favorite Dedenne (which might not be saying that much, but... he's cool, okay?), Mde2001 who's spared no expense in helping people all around the forum and has taken quite a load off of our shoulders by helping users with their save files and other problems around the community.

I've already said thank you to them several times over, but I'll say it once more, because it's very possible that they'll be more valuable than even I expected in the coming weeks. I'm honoured that you all are willing to lay down the time and effort to help out this project. Thank you, so much, an the same to everyone who applied!

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Okay, we were told to introduce ourselves here so here I go.

I think most of you have probably come across me at some point but if not, I'm mde2001. I joined Reborn a while ago and am unhealthily obsessed with these forums. While here I spend a fair bit of time in the bug reporting forums (but I've been branching out recently) and playing in the arcade.

I am also the developer of (the kinda average fan game) Pokemon Regal and previously the (completely terrible) fan-game pokemon industrial. But don't worry- I'm not going to mess up this project (I'm not making the graphics guys so it shouldn't be a problem).

So, intro completed.

P.S Mumpelfink is now officially awesome for saying that dedenne is good.

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Introductions? Fiiiiiiiine...

I'm Bazaro, for those of you who don't know me from the server or aforementioned Mega Sprites. I've been with Reborn a few years now, and when I tried out making some of the first Reborn Shinies, turns out people liked what I did, so I kept at it.

Much like... pretty much everyone on Reborn, I'm helping co-create yet another fan-game. Arceus knows we need more...

I'd hoped to learn as much about animations as I could while still helping out Reborn.

I guess it's also worth mentioning I won't be around for much longer... As of October 28th 2015, I'm doing traveling (of sorts) and won't be back until March. I'll do as much as I can until then, so... enjoy?

Fin \o/

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Hey guys! I'm Koyo.

Most of you probably don't recognize me because I don't spend much time on the forums, I tend to lurk mostly.
I'm also working on my own pokemon fangame and I'm more than glad to lend a hand with animation stuff!

Other than that im pretty much just a huge nerd who draws a lot! c:

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Kinda late here my name is smeargletail mostly fore arbitrary reason of liking dogs and art

Ive never made a fangame only failed attempts at rpg maker to try to make an amazing pokemon game but that didnt work out well

which lead me to reborn seeing the hard work Ame has done without fail me really eager to do all I could no matter how small

so Im glad to be accepted as part of the animation team and hope not to dissapoint anyone here

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I thought animations were spriting in a way. Eh, I don't question it.

Kinda. We arrange some graphics and then animate them in the editor but don't have to make our own graphics which is the thing that I completely suck at.

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