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Here comes a new mono


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So here I am again wanting to do the ever so fun mono run in reborn. Fighting mono was incredibly easy when you have, well fighting types unfair amount of advantages. Fire mono is almost complete, hardest fight so far was Charlotte requiring 3 attempts. I didn't want Blaziken to setup and run it since that's no fun. For my next trick I'm curious what people think is a difficult go. I'm not ready for a bug mono yet... I'm thinking Normal mono since there is little in the way of advantages or Rock mono which could be super fun and challenging since the only speedster is Archeops with his kickass ability. (too bad truant was put on him amiright?) So peeps, what should I roll with?

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Water oa rather eh IMO, the first 2 gyms are tough, but manageable. Dr.Connal is gonna completely stop you if you fight him in the Yureyu Building. Also, there's really not that many good Water types, the starters, the crabs on Apophyll Beach, the fossils, Piplup on 7th and mountain Pokemon are the only ones that are really worth using.

Rock is slow and specially frail. There'a only 2 ways it can go. Either you get anihilated by one of any of the many weaknesses or you magic your way past Florinia and get 6 Sturdy Sudowoodo/Bastiodon with Counter/Metal Burst.

Ghost, Ice, Dragon and Rock are rough cause they have very few or no early options, all of those + Bug and Grass have a lot of things that can give you a really rough time, if not completely stop them (barring some strats like the 6 Bastiodon). Everything else isn,t bad.

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I haven't considered water since even though early game leaves you high and dry with pokes like marsh and azumarill as your only viable options. Since karp (god of all fish) got himself axed. Flying, I'm not much of a fan. Ghost ice and dragon are almost impossible without altering the game. Aren't rock types known for their stellar defense?

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I haven't considered water since even though early game leaves you high and dry with pokes like marsh and azumarill as your only viable options. Since karp (god of all fish) got himself axed. Flying, I'm not much of a fan. Ghost ice and dragon are almost impossible without altering the game. Aren't rock types known for their stellar defense?

Monotypes ARE supposed to be an actual challenge, so Gyarados would be too much anyways, IMO.

And they are, but for their physical defense. Their bad Sp.Def and numerous weaknesses aren't doing them any favors.

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I think a Normal-Mono would be a cool experience. Especially because there is a wide variety of Normal-Types~ #pigswag

I agree that a normal mono would be cool.

A normal mono might be in your best interest to do.

A normal mono would be cool



+1 to all of you

Yeah, do that Normal mono. Normal monotypes are the greatest. Not many weaknesses, and can learn a lot of moves to cover. Also, Bidoof is a Normal type. Freaking Bidoof. If that doesn't convince you to take on the Normal monotype, I don't know what will.

I tried normal but got bored of it since normal types are kind of boring to use for some reason IMO. Most of them can't use fields that well except the flying ones and mix type ones.


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There are a lot of great poison types and not too many checks considering most enemies don't have psychic types. Normal seems to be winning this debate but man does rock seem tough to pull off. I think I'll make that decision by the end of today but so far Normal is looking good.

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There are a lot of great poison types and not too many checks considering most enemies don't have psychic types. Normal seems to be winning this debate but man does rock seem tough to pull off. I think I'll make that decision by the end of today but so far Normal is looking good.

Poison is easy. Radomus is almost no challenge since you have Drapion and Skuntank as immunities and a bunch of SE hits, such as Scolipede, Nidoking's Earth Power vs Metagross, etc, etc.

For Terra, you have all the Grass types, Nasty Plot Crobat does work, Nidoking with Ice Beam hit everything bar Quag hard. And Weezing completely bodies her.

For when we fight Titania, that'd be a real challenge if you have no Nidoking/Toxicroak, so that's the only real problem I can see on a Poison run (I'd know, did one).

Edited by Etesian
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I figured it'd be too easy. Rock is hard because a lot of good rock types have 4x weakness but get sturdy. Normal is tough because stab doesn't do well against Steel, rock and ghost. Also both have the challenge of two fighting gyms which isn't fun and late game Amaria would wreck rocks 9 ways to sunday.

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As far as I know you can't even get a rock type until after Julia. Then it's like bonsly of all things until after flobot lol. Yeah dude rock will suck, don't even bother.

Psychic isn't hard really, quite the opposite since it's really good in Reborn, but it is fun.

Normal actually does get you a nice variety at all times, but jeez they're boring and Reborn's TMs are pretty rubbish generally speaking until mid-late game.I should've gotten castform on my normal run but I totally forgot about him. He would've kept my interest somewhat I think.

I might try a bug mono once I'm done with my psychic/ice dual(which has been a blast). Actually nah I'll do flying since I never show charmander any love.

I'd say electric but so many electric types do the same thing, which can make your team seem limited somewhat and utterly walled by Nidoking/queen or strong ground types.. Granted the game does a decent job keeping you supplied with electric types and they utilize fields well. Plus you get Emolga AND Pachi, both who are awesome early-mid game.

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nope water mono does not leave you high and dry early you have Marshtomp with damp and lightning rod Goldeen to stomp Julia and you can get Wingull early now so flobot wont be so hard.

hmm normal mono should be fun as you have a lot to choose from.

well i would go for ground mono since you can choose a few starter( well just 2 but yeah least u have a choice). also you can get a numel early which can be useful against flobot and you can get nidoran which is also awesome against flobot. throw in a onix to make a 4 mon team you should be ok early game and by corey you can get a bunnelby. ground mono seem viable.

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