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New Mono/Duotype idea


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Perhaps this can be a new way to do a monotype or a duotype of Reborn.

The Growlithe you get from the police station can be traded for 1 of 18 different pokemon (egg). The possibilites are Tentacool, Axew, Drilbur, Vulpix, Rhyhorn, Staryu, Togepi, Sneasel, Shroomish, Azurill, Cottonee, Frillish, Pawniard, Vullaby, Larvesta, Phantump and more

This pokemon is set per save i believe so there is no soft-resetting involved.

So when this egg hatches, you have to use the types of that pokemon to clear the game.

When you get the egg, you can go as far as you like, but remember that once it hatches you have to only use those types (even if you get axew and have to use 5 noibats)

Is this a good or a bad idea?

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It is definitely a cool concept but it might not be practical. You mentioned Axew and the options would be limited for that (you could get a Swablu as well).

However it is a cool idea that I would be interested to see someone do.

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Its a great idea, but what about before you obtain the eggs, are there any clauses that one need to abide by for before the trade occurs, like starter ditching clause etc?

Then again, he may get lucky and have Vulpix + Fire starter, ditching a full team with the Egg is enough.

IMO, the worst part will be training a probably new full team + the Egg up to level 30 (That's Corey's level), even worse if it's 5 Noibat, but good luck!

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Awesome idea, I had briefly considered it until I realized waiting three gyms and then being at a crossroads for a couple days would be too much for me. One though occurs. Since more than half the list is duo types which would you pick for the mono. Up to the player or you have to go with the main type?

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I guess a duo would be a lot easier to obtain at an earlier level. Also I think it'll be fine to use your starter/other Pokemon to grind up your mono/duo pokemon, as long as they don't participate in any trainer battles.

Plus, think of the rewards. 5 Noiverns? RIP Samson.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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