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A waaay belated self introduction


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Hi guys, after snooping around and weirded people out by showing up abruptly in everywhere for nearly two months, i thought i should formally introduce myself as i apparently missed out/skipped on Grand Hall and oversight during my first time here~Ummm, where to start?

For starters, i am Tim from Malaysia, a part of SouthEast Asia(as you know many pokemons are inspired from flora and fauna from our region, Vileplume, Drowzee, Munna, Victreebel and Dewgong each represents real life Rafflesia, Tapir, pitcher plant and Dugong) and i am trilingual(not that i have a choice, my mother tongue is Mandarin, the rest i speak are English, Malay and a little bit of Cantonese dialect), oh and also i am a guy~I major in health science related major in my school so anyone who has any interests in current trending physical or mental health issues, we can discuss over it, i may not have all the answer, but i will try as hard to find out for you~My interests also range from astronomy, life science and other culture and linguistics~I also love to read, may it be non fiction or fiction~A guilty pleasure or rather peculiar thing about me is i like doujinshi(GL/BL alike), not the explicit kind of course~

So, about pokemon, i got into it since gen three and have loved it ever since, my first ever favourites are Pidgeot(i know, archetype generic bird, but look at its crest, captivating, imagine my joy when it got mega evolution), Spheal and Dewgong~

Lastly, i want to express my gratitude to Ame, moderators and the crews for such wonderful fangame and maintenance of this site, also for Rejuv, thank you to Jan and co~

Peace out~

P.S. Happy Mid-Autumn/Mooncake festival to all the Chinese out there(Today happens to be)

Edited by TimTim
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I haven't went to an intro thread in ages, so my post will be very different.


Greetings, fellow Southeast Asian. c:
I hail from a close country, the Pearl of the Orient, the Philippines.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the haven that is Reborn.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Still, you can't touch my cake. Only the cookies~

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Oh thought it was a bit weird that you didn't have an introduction
I think you know this already but.
Welcome to Hell Reborn please try to enjoy your stay and please don't even try to בריחה or I'll have to לְבַתֵק you repeatedly with a large קִלשׁוֹן and leave your שפיות חזרה הביתה cause it won't do you no good.
Goodbye B) ולהישאר בטוח.

Oh and I live in the country that has a very unimaginative flag and Is currently suffering from forest fires.

oh and the symbols are in hebrew according to google translate

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