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The following is a message brought to you by Ame as a result of my typing her diction.

"Ok so listen up kids!

This is going to be the most professional post ever because I'm half asleep and can't type.
And also dan's a jerk.

First up, we're changing the way we're handling showdown rooms but not yet!!!

So whereas currently the implementation of the current showdown room makes a permanent room that lasts forever but more often than not ends up with dead rooms hanging out in the abyss for all eternity, we are moving to a cheaper renting system so we can keep track of which rooms need to be deleted or not. So, if you're an owner of a room or ex-owner of and ex-room, PM an admin such as myself or Dan or Ikaru and we will make sure that we're not complete jerks and take your rooms away and your wives and property and whatever else is protected by the fourth amendment. The upcoming showdown room item is going to be priced at 200 R$ per month, so do the thing and if you don't then that's on you and we're going to assume that you and your room are dead forever.

Also murdoc is a mod for mc now goodbye

I am a professional announcer."

Magic is in the heart of the believer so by talking about it you too can believe in the heart! .... my head's all hurty.
~ ame 2015

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Frankly, before this gets swept under the rug.

You the costumer, should have arguing power here. If you already purchased a room before this post was made, you purchased it with only one stipulation.

- That the room be used.

Meaning, so long as the room was used, you are NOT obligated to pay these folks any more rupees than you already have paid them for your room. This change in policy was communicated in a manner that was forceful and even though I am part of the team that brought it to you, I encourage you previous room owners to fight it. The object of the rent-a-room policy is so that they can clean the room list efficiently. It's merely spring cleaning.

You're going to get offered two options (which Ame failed to provide in the original post, conveniently.) in that you can get a full refund or a free year of purge protection.

I urge you to take neither and fight for a grandfather clause. You only have one condition to fill in your contract. That your room be used.

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